Improvise Solar Panel With The Use of Tinted Glasses and Aluminum Foil

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Nowadays consuming rate of electricity has increase which lead it to

increase value of electricity and by the use of solar panels it helps the

community to conserve the electricity, and solar panels are currently in

demand into the public markets however it’s too pricey.

The main purpose of the study is to make a sustainable and a new type of

solar panel that can help the earth from getting more waste of glasses and

foils which these waste add pollution to our ecosystem and this solar panel

can conserve the energy and minimizing the use of fossil fuels that is used

to make electricity and the main vision of this research is to help people to

lessen pay a high electricity bill and we all know that finding job nowadays

is pretty hard which mean it’s hard to earn money but this solar panel is

eco-friendly and a helpful instrument that can power up small appliances.

This effectiveness of this solar panel as an alternative energy source

will depend in different factor like the consistency of the resources,

design, and its durability however it can work efficiently in hot season
but it can also work in cold and rainy season but not that consistent due

to availability of sunlight.

The background study of this research sets the effectiveness of the

improvise solar panel especially in the province whereas limited

electricity is being used, by exploring their potential and limitations of

this study, this solar panel can give big attribute to the expanding

knowledge of renewable energy.

Steps on making improvise Solar Panel with the use of Tinted Glasses and

Aluminum Foil.

1.Prepare all materials; Tinted Glasses, Aluminum Foil, Aluminum Tape,

Adhesive Glue, Wire, Lithium Polymer Ion Battery, and Automatic Solar

Panel Battery Charger.

2.Cut out Aluminum Foil in square form, and for its solar cell


3.Paste the solar cell through the use of adhesive glue.

4.Use the aluminum tape to connect the solar cells.

5.Attach the wire with aluminum tape on the two bottom side of the solar


6.Then by the use of soldering iron, solder the wire to its respective area in

the SP battery charger.

7.Then expose it to sunny area then try it after few minutes.

When the solar panel is done I test it first without the battery and the SP

battery charger, first I tried it to a 1.5V flashlight then it works then with the

help of the adults we put the SP battery charger and the battery and tried it

to Voltage meter and to multi tester and fewards after we test it to a 3V

lightbulb then it worked.

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