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Annexure -R1

Weekly SIP Progress Report (BBA Program)
1.Name of the Intern 2.University ID No.
G. Charan Teja 2000560339
4.SIP Location 5.SIP Company
Bengaluru Traders Cockpit
6.Company Guide: 7.University Guide
Shiv Dr. Giri Murgan
8.Project Title ; Business Development Intern.

9.Weekly 10.Commencing 11.No. of working days 12.No. of days present 13. No. of Leaves
date of the Weekly
Report No. Report
1 This Week Till date This Week Till This Week Till date
27-May-2023 date
5 2-Jun- 5 02- Jun 0 2-Jun
2023 - 2023
Report on - the- Job Training (OJT)

14.Achievements/Progress During the Week

Learned about Traders Cockpit .

15.Plan for the Next Week From: 3-June-2023 To:9-June-2023

16. Exceptions, if any (such as time over run, unanticipated problems, etc.

Date: 02 - Jun- 2023 Signature

of the Student
Evaluation by University Guide & Company Guide

17. Criteria for evaluation: Assessed by

UG for 10 M
per Week
a) student discipline, b) regularity, c) punctuality, d) commitment, e) willingness to work hard, f) attitude &
behavior etc.

(Signature of University Guide)

18.Criteria for the evaluation: Assessed by

CG for 20 M
a) progress achieved during the Weekly report on SIP, b) work engagement, c) ability to solve problems, d) per Week
knowledge application, e) professional behavior, f) team work, g) new ideas generated for the company, h)
appreciations received etc.

(Signature of Company Guide) 20

19.Feedback, if any, to the student Total Marks for
the Week
(University Guide shall forward to the Director, Industrial Practice School)
(10+20=30 M)

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