The Health Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation: Evidence From Human Studies

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The health effects of vitamin D

supplementation: evidence from
human studies
Roger Bouillon 1 ✉, Despoina Manousaki2, Cliff Rosen 3
, Katerina Trajanoska4,
Fernando Rivadeneira 5 and J. Brent Richards6,7
Abstract | Vitamin D supplementation can prevent and cure nutritional rickets in infants and
children. Preclinical and observational data suggest that the vitamin D endocrine system has a
wide spectrum of skeletal and extra-skeletal activities. There is consensus that severe vitamin D
deficiency (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) concentration <30 nmol/l) should be corrected,
whereas most guidelines recommend serum 25OHD concentrations of >50 nmol/l for optimal
bone health in older adults. However, the causal link between vitamin D and many extra-skeletal
outcomes remains unclear. The VITAL, ViDA and D2d randomized clinical trials (combined
number of participants >30,000) indicated that vitamin D supplementation of vitamin D-replete
adults (baseline serum 25OHD >50 nmol/l) does not prevent cancer, cardiovascular events, falls
or progression to type 2 diabetes mellitus. Post hoc analysis has suggested some extra-skeletal
benefits for individuals with vitamin D deficiency. Over 60 Mendelian randomization studies,
designed to minimize bias from confounding, have evaluated the consequences of lifelong
genetically lowered serum 25OHD concentrations on various outcomes and most studies have
found null effects. Four Mendelian randomization studies found an increased risk of multiple
sclerosis in individuals with genetically lowered serum 25OHD concentrations. In conclusion,
supplementation of vitamin D-replete individuals does not provide demonstrable health benefits.
This conclusion does not contradict older guidelines that severe vitamin D deficiency should be
prevented or corrected.

There is consensus that daily intake of 400 IU of vita- active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D
min D can prevent nutritional rickets in infants and or 1,25(OH)2D3) are widely expressed, including in
children1. However, the skeletal effects of vitamin D tissues that are not involved in calcium or phosphate
deficiency in adults and older adults (aged >65 years), transport (Fig. 1). In addition, ~3% of the human and
and the potential extra-skeletal effects of vitamin D are mouse genomes are under the direct or indirect con-
more controversial. Some people consider that vita- trol of 1,25(OH)2D3 (refs8,9). Finally, many diseases and
min D supplementation is futile2. By contrast, others illnesses in humans are associated with a poor vitamin
have suggested that the vitamin D intake requirement D status, as measured by low serum levels of 25OHD.
is much higher than currently achieved by the gen- Therefore, one of the major clinical questions in the field
eral population and that people should aim to achieve is whether poor vitamin D status plays a causal role in
25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD, the major marker of the diseases and conditions associated with low 25OHD
vitamin D status) concentrations similar to those found levels, such as cancer, impaired muscle strength and falls,
in certain tribes in equatorial Africa with a sun exposure and immune, metabolic or cardiovascular diseases.
lifestyle that might be similar to that of early humans3–7. Furthermore, if the link is causal, the threshold serum
The potential extra-skeletal effects of the vitamin D level of 25OHD below which the risk of these diseases is
endocrine system (which refers to vitamin D in its active increased must be identified8.
✉e-mail: Roger.Bouillon@ form, its precursors and metabolites, and vitamin D Up to about a decade ago, there was tremendous receptor) are based on several arguments. For exam- uncertainty about vitamin D supplementation for ple, the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and CYP27B1 the maintenance of adequate health levels. Large,
s41574-021-00593-z (the enzyme primarily responsible for producing the randomized placebo-controlled trials with clinically

96 | February 2022 | volume 18


Key points In this Review, we summarize the results of recent

(2017–2020) RCTs as well as Mendelian randomization
• Vitamin D and calcium supplementation can cure nutritional rickets and can modestly studies, while not reviewing observational studies, which
decrease the risk of major fractures in older adults with poor vitamin D status or have been well-documented previously9. We have cho-
calcium intake.
sen these two study designs because they are both types
• Large supplementation trials recruiting vitamin D-replete adults (serum 25OHD of causal inference studies and can help provide insights
concentration >50 nmol/l) have demonstrated no effects on the incidence of cancer, into the role of vitamin D in the aetiology of common
cardiovascular events or type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and no benefits in terms
diseases. The reviewed studies do not provide evidence
of bone density and the risk of falls.
that vitamin D supplementation prevents negative health
• Post-hoc analysis of large supplementation trials has suggested that supplementation
outcomes in vitamin D-replete adults. However, all these
of individuals with vitamin D deficiency modestly delays age-related bone loss and
progression to T2DM, and improves lung function.
studies reveal new suggestions for potential effects of vita-
min D supplementation. Note that throughout the text
• A meta-analysis suggested that vitamin D supplementation results in a modest
decrease in cancer mortality.
vitamin D refers to vitamin D3 unless otherwise specified.
• Over 60 Mendelian randomization studies have examined causal links between
genetically lower vitamin D levels and health outcomes; most studies generated null
RCTs: 2017–2020
effects except four studies that demonstrated an increased risk of multiple sclerosis. Many small-scale RCTs have been published over the
• In conclusion, supplementation of vitamin D-replete individuals does not generate
past few years. In addition, several large studies have
overall health benefits; however, correction of severe vitamin D deficiency remains generated a wealth of new data (Table 1; Supplementary
essential. Box 1). The new major RCTs deal with more than 35,000
study participants who have a generally better health
profile than participants in older studies. These stud-
important outcomes and/or surrogates had yet to be ies used higher dosages than previous studies and the
performed and only a few meta-analyses of random­ volunteers were mostly vitamin D-replete at baseline.
ized controlled trials (RCTs) were available. On the These differences might explain why these large RCTs
other hand, many observational studies had been con- generated mostly null results in the intention-to-treat
ducted that were confounded by multiple variables. The (ITT) analysis.
Institute of Medicine (IOM) guidelines were developed The largest trial to date is the VITAL study15 that
to provide an answer based on the best available evi- recruited more than 25,000 adults from 44 centres in
dence at that time10. The IOM Committee established the USA and evaluated daily doses (2,000 IU) of vita-
minimal dosing to maintain adequate serum levels min D for a mean duration of 5.3 years. The Vitamin D
of 25OHD in young and older individuals and estab- Assessment Study (ViDA study)16 evaluated the effects of
lished the tolerable upper limits of supplementation. monthly high-dose vitamin D supplementation in more
The Committee also examined the totality of evidence than 5,000 adults in New Zealand followed for a mean
relating vitamin D supplementation to numerous out- duration of 3.3 years. The primary aim of the D2d study
comes, and concluded that large randomized trials were of 2,423 US participants was to evaluate the effects of a
needed to establish efficacy and safety. Other societies, daily dose of vitamin D (4,000 IU per day) for a mean
such as the Endocrine Society11, and governmental duration of 2.5 years on the conversion of prediabetes to
organizations also generated a variety of guidelines12. type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)17. The DO-HEALTH
The minimal serum level of 25OHD that was considered study evaluated the effects of vitamin D (2,000 IU per
to provide vitamin D sufficiency varied from 30 nmol/l day) in 2,157 older adults in Europe for a duration of
(UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition13), to 3 years18. The Calgary study was not really a megatrial,
50 nmol/l (IOM and many other governmental guide- as it included only 311 Canadian adults and explored the
lines)12,14, 75 nmol/l (Endocrine Society and some other effects on bone structure and quality and the safety of
societies)11 and even >100 nmol/l (refs12,14). Of note, daily high-dose vitamin D (4,000 and 10,000 IU versus
serum levels of >100 nmol/l are found in people living 400 IU) for 3 years18–20.
in Africa under conditions of sun exposure supposed to
be similar to that of early humans. Mendelian randomization studies
Mendelian randomization is an established genetic
epidemiological method, which can be used to test
Author addresses whether genetically decreased 25OHD levels are
Clinical and Experimental Endocrinology, Department of Chronic Diseases and associated with increased risk of disease. To do this,
Metabolism, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. Mendelian randomization uses single nucleotide poly­
Research Center of the Sainte-Justine University Hospital, University of Montreal, morphisms (SNPs) that are associated with 25OHD
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. levels in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) as
Maine Medical Center Research Institute, Scarborough, ME, USA. instruments to infer 25OHD levels. Depending on their
Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, number, these SNPs can explain from 2% to 10% of the
variance in 25OHD levels. This approach offers an alter-
Translational Skeletal Genomics, Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC
University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands. native analytical technique able to reduce bias from con-
Centre for Clinical Epidemiology, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Jewish founding and reverse causation present in observational
General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. studies and re-estimates observations in a framework
Departments of Medicine, Human Genetics, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill enabling causal inference (Supplementary Box 2). The
University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. very large number of Mendelian randomization studies

NaTure RevIewS | ENDOCRINOlOGy volume 18 | February 2022 | 97


Calcium and bone

homeostasis Immune system
• Intestine • Innate (prevention Hormone secretion The metabolic Brain
• Osteoblasts and of infections) • FGF23 syndrome and • Development
osteocytes • Adaptive (auto- • PTH Mortality and energy • Motor function
• Osteoclasts immune diseases) • Insulin longevity homeostasis • Behaviour

Vitamin D and
vitamin D receptor

Cancer Skin Cardiovascular events Muscle Reproduction Lung

• Cell proliferation • Alopecia • Vascular wall • Strength and
• Cancer growth • Barrier function • Renin–angiotensin falls
e.g. leukaemia • Psoriasis system • Development
and colon cancer • Cardiac muscle

Fig. 1 | The many plausible target tissues and effects of the vitamin D endocrine system. The potential skeletal and
extra-skeletal target tissues and effects of the vitamin D endocrine system (vitamin D and vitamin D receptor) as based on
preclinical and observational studies, Mendelian randomization studies and randomized controlled trials (RCTs). In vitro
studies have identified many molecular and genetic targets of vitamin D action. Animal models have confirmed a variety
of skeletal and extra-skeletal actions. Human observational data are largely in line with preclinical data. However,
Mendelian randomization studies and RCTs have not confirmed such a widespread action profile in vitamin D-replete
adults. Therefore, the health consequences of poor vitamin D status remain controversial. The strength of the relationship
between the vitamin D endocrine system and health effects are indicated by the arrow thickness. FGF23, fibroblast growth
factor 23; PTH, parathyroid hormone.

of vitamin D have also generated mostly null results; dealing with eight23 and seven24 RCTs in people with
however, they have been handicapped by the low power prediabetes. These meta-analyses concluded that vita-
to predict decreased serum 25OHD concentrations. min D supplementation decreased the risk to progress
to T2DM by about 10%, especially when using doses
Effects of vitamin D on health outcomes above 1,000 IU per day and in participants without obe-
T2DM sity. Participant-level meta-analysis of these trials might
Many observational studies suggest a link between low provide a better estimate of risk reduction and identify
vitamin D status and T2DM9. populations of patients with prediabetes who are likely
to benefit the most from vitamin D supplementation.
Evidence from RCTs. In the large D2d RCT of patients
with prediabetes (Table 1), vitamin D supplementation Evidence from Mendelian randomization. Since 2015,
only showed a non-significant trend to slow down the seven large Mendelian randomization studies have inves-
progression of prediabetes into T2DM. The study design tigated the causal effect of genetically altered 25OHD lev-
intentionally included people with a high risk of progres- els on risk of T2DM and related traits (Supplementary
sion to T2DM, who received vitamin D (4,000 IU per Box 3). These Mendelian randomization studies included
day). In the ITT analysis, the hazard ratio for the devel- very large numbers of participants and mostly recruited
opment of T2DM in the group receiving vitamin D was white individuals and Chinese individuals. One study25
0.88 (95% CI 0.75–1.04; P = 0.12) compared with the pla- generated conflicting results, as part of the study using
cebo group. In a post hoc analysis, however, a significant only two SNPs concluded that high predicted serum
effect was observed in individuals with a baseline BMI levels of 25OHD protected against T2DM (OR 0.86 of
below 30 mg/m2, severe vitamin D deficiency at base- T2DM for a 25 nmol/l higher 25OHD concentration
line, perfect adherence to treatment during the study than that seen in the general population). However, in
or serum 25OHD above 100 nmol/l throughout the a slightly larger group of the same study that included
study21 (Tables 2,3). Analysis of the combined data from two additional SNPs, the odds ratio became insignificant
the D2d trial and two other trials specifically designed (Supplementary Box 3). All the other Mendelian random-
and conducted to investigate the effectiveness of vita- ization studies, including more than 500,000 volunteers,
min D supplementation in preventing T2DM showed did not find a significant odds ratio for the relationship
that vitamin D supplementation (when compared with between predicted 25OHD and risk of T2DM.
placebo) reduced the risk of developing T2DM from
23% to 13% (a 10% reduction) in persons with predia- Vitamin D and T2DM — summary. Although obser-
betes not selected for vitamin D deficiency22. This find- vational data have consistently confirmed lower serum
ing is in line with two meta analyses published in 2020 25OHD concentrations in patients with T2DM or

98 | February 2022 | volume 18


Table 1 | Overview of the large vitamin D supplementation clinical trials 2017–2020

Study Country Number of Age Ethnicitya Serum 25OHD (ng/ml) Duration of Intervention Primary
patients (years, (% white follow-up (vitamin D outcome(s)
Baseline Finalb
mean ± SD) ethnicity) (years) vs placebo)
VITALc USA 25,874 67 ± 7 71 30.8 ± 10 42 ± 10 5.3 2,000 IU per day Cancer and
ViDA New 5,110 66 ± 8 83 26.5 ± 9d 54 ± 16 3.3 One dose of 200,000 Cardiovascular
Zealand IU and 100,000 IU events and
per month mortality
D2d USA 2,423 60 ± 10 67 28.0 ± 10.2 54 ± 15 2.5 4,000 IU per day T2DM
DO-HEALTH Europe 2,157 74.9 ± 4.4 NM 22.4 ± 8.4 37.6 ± 11.3 3 2,000 IU per day e
Six health
Calgary Canada 373 62 ± 4 94 31 ± 8 80 ± 16g 3 400, 4,000 or 10,000 BMD
IU per day
BMD, bone mineral density; NM, not mentioned; SD, standard deviation; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus. aThe US studies included different American racial and/or
ethnic groups including Black people and Hispanic people. The ViDA study included Asian people and a small number of indigenous Māori individuals. bFinal serum
concentration of 25OHD in the vitamin D-treated groups only. cThe VITAL trial is in fact a two-by-two factorial design study evaluating the potential benefits of
vitamin D and marine n-3 fatty acids (1 g per day). dDe-seasonalized mean values. eA 2×2×2 factorial design evaluating vitamin D, n-3 fatty acids and exercise.
Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, physical and cognitive performance, non-vertebral fractures and infections. gHighest value in the 10,000 IU per day group
at 18 months.

the metabolic syndrome9, most Mendelian random­ Cancer mortality, as evaluated in a Cochrane system-
ization studies have not supported these conclu- atic review29, was modestly decreased by vitamin D sup-
sions. Importantly, the large D2d RCT only showed a plementation in four RCTs (44,492 participants), with a
non-significant trend to slow down the progression of relative risk (RR) for cancer mortality of 0.88 (95% CI
prediabetes into T2DM. In a small subgroup of individ- 0.78–0.98) in individuals receiving a mean daily dose of
uals with overweight (rather than obesity) and predia- 1,146 IU (compared with no supplementation) during a
betes, supplementation provided some modest benefit, mean follow-up of 6.3 years. Cancer mortality was also
albeit lower than lifestyle modifications or metformin26. evaluated in several large RCTs (Supplementary Box 4).
Furthermore, analysis of the combined results of the In the ITT analysis of the VITAL trial, a non-significant
D2d trial and two other trials showed that vitamin D trend of reduction in total cancer mortality (HR 0.83,
supplementation reduced the risk of developing T2DM 95% CI 0.67–1.02) was observed in the vitamin D sup-
in people with prediabetes not selected for vitamin D plementation group. When excluding cancer deaths
deficiency22. Additional studies or more in-depth analy­ during the first year, or the first and second year after
sis of the existing studies are needed to validate these randomization, a significant reduction in cancer mor-
findings. In summary, the evidence from large-scale tality was observed in the vitamin D supplementation
Mendelian randomization studies and RCTs are group compared with no supplementation (HR 0.75,
convergent and do not support the use of vitamin D 95% CI 0.59–0.96). In a Kaplan–Meier plot, the cumu-
supplementation for the prevention of T2DM. lative increased risk of cancer mortality was visible from
year 4 of follow-up onwards28. In the ViDA trial, how-
Cancer ever, the number of cancer deaths was not influenced
Strong preclinical data exist that link vitamin D with cell by vitamin D supplementation (HR 0.97), even after
cycle control and cancer. Furthermore, many observa- exclusion of cancer deaths registered in the first year
tional studies have associated poor vitamin D status with after randomization (HR 0.95)16. This discrepancy might
increased risk of cancer or poor prognosis27. be related to the short duration of follow-up. The ViDA
trial lasted <4 years, whereas the effect of vitamin D
Evidence from RCTs. The largest RCT (VITAL) did not supplementation in the VITAL study was only signifi-
find an effect of daily vitamin D supplementation on cant 4 years after randomization. An updated summary
invasive cancer incidence (HR 0.96, 95% CI 0.88–1.06) from the VITAL study28 confirmed a small but signifi-
in US adults during a 5.3-year follow-up15. Further sub- cant effect on cancer death in vitamin D-supplemented
analysis (not statistically corrected for multiple compar- individuals (HR 0.87, 95% CI 0.79–0.96; P = 0.005). As
isons) revealed a significant reduction in cancer risk in the final serum concentration of 25OHD in the VITAL
individuals with a normal BMI (<25 kg/m2) and a trend trial (~110 nmol/l) and the ViDA trial (~125 nmol/l or
for decreased cancer risk in African Americans. Baseline 50 ng/ml) were in the high normal range it is unlikely
serum 25OHD concentrations did not influence cancer that higher doses would be more effective.
incidence or mortality but the number of participants
with vitamin D deficiency at baseline (<50 nmol/l) was Evidence from Mendelian randomization. The Ovarian
low (~10% of the total cohort)28. In the ViDA trial in Cancer Association Consortium (10,065 patients with
New Zealand adults, monthly vitamin D supplementa- ovarian cancer, 21,654 control individuals)30 found a
tion did not modify cancer incidence (overall or specific 27% increase in the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer per
types of cancer, excluding non-melanoma skin cancers) 20 nmol/l decrease in genetically determined 25OHD
with an overall hazard ratio of 1.01 (95% CI 0.81–1.25)16. serum concentration (OR 1.27, 95% CI 1.06–1.51).

NaTure RevIewS | ENDOCRINOlOGy volume 18 | February 2022 | 99


However, the results were not corroborated by another supplementation might have some minor benefits in
Mendelian randomization study31 which also showed no individuals with a normal BMI, but this finding was not
evidence of an association between 25OHD and risk of corrected for multiple end point analysis15. In addition,
colorectal, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer or several independent trials have suggested, in post hoc
neuroblastoma. Similar findings were reported in a sep- analysis, potential benefits of vitamin D supplementa-
arate study32 in relation to total incident cancer and can- tion on cancer mortality, especially when the follow-up is
cer subtypes such as breast, colorectal and lung cancer in longer than 4 years28 (Supplementary Box 4). Therefore,
23,294 women. A null effect of genetically determined a link between vitamin D status and cancer incidence
25OHD on colorectal carcinoma was confirmed in or mortality cannot be excluded, but will be very dif-
men and women after including two additional SNPs33. ficult to verify. Small changes in vitamin D status are
Similarly, a large-scale two-sample Mendelian random- unlikely to affect cancer incidence based on several
ization study (122,977 patients with breast cancer and Mendelian randomization studies.
79,148 patients with prostate cancer) did not show any
effects of genetically predicted 25OHD concentrations Cardiovascular events
on these cancers (Supplementary Box 5). Evidence from Major cardiovascular events. The results of any observa-
Mendelian randomization also refutes a link between tional studies in humans are in line with preclinical data
25OHD concentrations with risk of oesophageal and have demonstrated a consistent association between
adenocarcinoma34, melanoma and non-melanoma skin low vitamin D status and increased risk of cardiovas-
cancer35 (Supplementary Box 5). cular diseases, hypertension and cardiovascular events,
including ischaemic cardiac events, cardiomyopathy,
Vitamin D and cancer — summary. No effects of vita- congestive heart failure, stroke and even cardiovascular
min D supplementation on cancer risk were observed mortality. In a meta-analysis of nearly 850,000 individ-
in the large VITAL and ViDA trials. In line with prior uals, low serum 25OHD concentrations were associated
studies and Mendelian randomization results, it thus with an increased risk of cardiovascular events (RR 1.43,
seems clear that vitamin D supplementation in vitamin comparing individuals with the lowest vitamin D status
D-replete adults does not change cancer risk. However, with individuals with a better vitamin D status)36.
a subanalysis of the VITAL trial showed that vitamin D Two large RCTs (VITAL and ViDA) were designed
to include cardiovascular events as one of their primary
end points15,37. During the 5.3 years of follow-up in the
Table 2 | Potential extra-skeletal benefits of vitamin D supplementation VITAL trial, the hazard ratio for the expanded compos-
in individuals with vitamin D deficiency at baseline
ite end point of major cardiovascular events including
Authors Outcome Overall results Results in vitamin coronary revascularization was 0.97 (95% CI 0.85–1.12)
and ref. D-deficient in the vitamin D supplementation group, compared with
placebo. A similar hazard ratio was found for cardiovas-
Sluyter Brachial blood pressure NS NS cular death (HR 1.11, 95% CI 0.88–1.40), or death from
et al.44 any cause. Exclusion of cardiovascular events or deaths
Central blood pressure: NS −7.5 mm (P = 0.03)
systolic during the first 2 years of follow-up did not change the
Central blood pressure: NS NS overall results. Similarly, in the ViDA study, the pri-
diastolic mary outcome of major cardiovascular events was not
Six other parameters NS P = 0.03–0.003 influenced by monthly vitamin D supplementation over
3.3 years37. The adjusted hazard ratio for a combination
Sluyter All participants: lung function +16 ml (NS) +39 ml (NS)
et al.86 (FEV1)
of major cardiovascular events in the vitamin D supple-
mentation group was 1.02 (95% CI 0.87–1.20) compared
Substudy (n = 442, follow-up +40 ml (NS) +109 ml (P = 0.08) with placebo, and such null findings also applied for a
1.1 years): participants with
asthma or COPD large list of secondary end points (myocardial infarction,
heart failure, stroke and hypertension, among others),
Substudy (n = 442, follow-up +57 ml (P = 0.03) +112 ml (P = 0.04)
or cardiovascular deaths. Findings were not dependent
1.1 years): participants who
had ever-smoked on the baseline serum 25OHD concentration or previ-
ous cardiovascular status. When the results of these two
Substudy (n = 442, follow-up +160 ml (P = 0.004) NA
1.1 years): participants who major trials (including together more than 30,000 par-
had ever-smoked with asthma ticipants) were combined with those of previous studies
or COPD evaluating the potential effects of vitamin D supple-
Wu et al.a Pain impact score NS NS mentation, a similar general conclusion of no effect of
(ref.124) vitamin D supplementation was reached. An analysis
Prescription of opioids NS NS
of 21 RCTs including more than 80,000 participants
Prescription of NSAIDs NS RR 0.87 (P = 0.01) showed that major cardiovascular events were not influ-
Pittas Progression of prediabetes NS HR 0.38 (95% CI enced by vitamin D supplementation38. The hazard ratios
et al.b into T2DM: post hoc analysis 0.18–0.80) for myocardial infarction, stroke or cardiovascular death
(ref.17) (n = 103) were all close to 1 and the 95% confidence intervals
Findings are from post hoc analysis or subgroup analysis of the large clinical trials. COPD, chronic included the null. The results are uniformly concordant
obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; NA, not applicable; NS,
not significant; RR, relative risk; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus. aSerum 25OHD <50 nmol/l. despite variation in target groups, baseline vitamin D
Serum 25OHD <30 nmol/l. status and vitamin dosage or regimens. Furthermore,

100 | February 2022 | volume 18


Table 3 | Potential extra-skeletal benefits of vitamin D supplementation on T2DM or cancer incidence

Authors and ref. Subgroup of original study Number of patients Odds ratio 95% confidence
population interval
Progression of prediabetes to T2DM
Pittas et al.17 Group with perfect adherence NM 0.84 0.71–1.00
Baseline BMI <30 kg/m2 187 0.71 0.53–0.95
Dawson-Hughes et al. 21
Serum level of 25OHD throughout 319 0.48 0.29–0.80
the study of 40–50 ng/ml
Serum level of 25OHD throughout 430 0.29 0.17–0.50
the study of >50 ng/ml
Cancer incidence
Manson et al.15 Baseline BMI <25 kg/m2 584 0.76 0.63–0.90
Findings are from post hoc analysis or subgroup analysis of the large clinical trials shown in Table 1. 25OHD, 25-hydroxyvitamin D;
NM, not mentioned.

vitamin D supplementation of largely vitamin D-replete The DO-HEALTH trial in European older adults did not
participants did not significantly reduce first or recur- find any effect of vitamin D supplementation on systolic
rent hospitalization rates for heart failure compared with or diastolic blood pressure18.
no supplementation in the VITAL Heart Failure study The evidence from Mendelian randomization stud-
(HR 0.93, 95% CI 0.78–1.11; non-significant). ies on the effects of predicted serum 25OHD levels on
To date, six Mendelian randomization studies have hypertension, systolic and diastolic blood pressure is
investigated the effect of genetically altered 25OHD consistent across five large studies, and overall does not
levels on cardiovascular events and related outcomes support any of these outcomes (Supplementary Box 6).
(Supplementary Box 6). These studies evaluated the Specifically, a study in 146,581 European individuals45,
effects of genetically altered 25OHD concentrations using two SNPs in the two vitamin D synthesis genes
(based on two to six SNPs) in more than a million showed a marginal decrease in diastolic blood pressure
European and Chinese adults and found no significant of 0.29 mmHg per 10% increase in 25OHD level. There
effects on any cardiovascular event or mortality39–42. was no significant effect on systolic blood pressure, and
A 2020 study43, using a substantially larger number of the Mendelian randomization odds ratio for hyperten-
SNPs (242 SNPs associated with 25OHD levels adjusted sion was 0.92 per 10% increase in 25OHD level (95% CI
for BMI, and 232 SNPs associated to 25OHD levels with- 0.87–0.97). A 2019 study, using six 25OHD-related
out adjustment for BMI), showed a non-significant odds SNPs46, failed to show any evidence of a causal associa-
ratio for coronary artery disease in people with geneti- tion between 25OHD levels and systolic blood pressure,
cally lowered 25OHD levels of 0.98 (95% CI −0.06–0.02) diastolic blood pressure or hypertension. Finally, using
compared with those with normal or high 25OHD level up to 252 SNPs as instruments for estimating levels of
in a sample of 417,580 white British individuals from 25OHD, the most recent Mendelian randomization
the UK Biobank. study in this field published in 2020 (ref.43) showed a
marginal effect of 25OHD levels on risk of hypertension
Hypertension. Observational data also link hypertension (Mendelian randomization OR 0.97 per unit increase
with low vitamin D status but this apparent association in rank-based inverse normal-transformed 25OHD
could have been due to many other confounding factors level, 95% CI 0.94–1.0) in 417,580 White British indi-
(for example, related to lifestyle). Causal inference stud- viduals from UK Biobank. After adjusting for BMI, this
ies, such as RCTs and Mendelian randomization studies, association became non-significant. In non-European
should provide insights that reduce the risk of confound- populations, Mendelian randomization results thus far
ing. The data on blood pressure effects of vitamin D sup- are consistent with those in Europeans. Specifically,
plementation in the VITAL trial (VITAL Hypertension) a Mendelian randomization study47 on 2,591 Korean
are not yet available (NCT01653678; as of October adults failed to show any causal effect of 25OHD lev-
2021). The ViDA trial, however, studied extensively the els on systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure
effects of vitamin D supplementation in a subgroup of or risk of hypertension. A Mendelian randomization
participants using a state of the art invasive technology study48 in 10,655 Chinese individuals showed equally
(suprasystolic oscillometry)44. After a mean follow-up a null effect of 25OHD on systolic and diastolic blood
of 1.1 years, vitamin D supplementation generated pressure.
null effects. In participants with vitamin D deficiency
at baseline (<50 nmol/l), brachial systolic and diastolic Vitamin D and cardiovascular disease — summary.
blood pressure decreased by 3 mmHg to 5 mmHg (not In summary, convergent evidence from Mendelian
statistically significant); however, aortic systolic blood randomization studies and RCTs demonstrates that
pressure (−7.5 mmHg, P = 0.03) and other parameters vitamin D supplementation does not decrease the risk
(augmentation index, pulse wave velocity, peak reservoir of cardiovascular disease. The link between vitamin D
pressure and backward pressure amplitude) improved status and a variety of cardiovascular events or risk fac-
on correction of baseline vitamin D deficiency 44. tors was tested previously in mostly small-scale studies.

NaTure RevIewS | ENDOCRINOlOGy volume 18 | February 2022 | 101


The 2017–2020 megatrials (Table 1) and Mendelian was 0.94 compared with that in vitamin D-replete
random­ization studies clearly confirm the lack of ben- parti­cipants (95% CI 0.58–1.52). This conclusion was
efit of vitamin D supplementation in vitamin D-replete confirmed in the DO-HEALTH trial18.
adults. This conclusion most likely also applies to people A well-validated risk factor for fracture, such as BMD,
with vitamin D deficiency as based on subgroup analyses might provide more information on the possible effects
of the VITAL and ViDA trials. Unfortunately, both stud- of vitamin D supplementation. In a subgroup of par-
ies recruited very few participants with severe vitamin ticipants in the ViDA trial (n = 452)57, the loss of BMD
D deficiency. A dedicated detailed analysis of the ViDA during follow-up was about 0.5% lower in the vitamin D
trial suggested some modest benefits on central (but not group compared with the control group. This difference
peripheral) blood pressure, but the implications of this was statistically significant for the femoral neck and total
observations are limited in view of the small scale of hip but not for the lumbar spine or total body BMD.
this ViDA substudy44. However, in the small (n = 30) group of participants with
a baseline serum 25OHD concentration of <30 nmol/l,
Musculoskeletal effects and falls BMD of the lumbar spine increased significantly by 3.1%
Vitamin D and bone health. Severe vitamin D defi- compared with that in controls. These data indicate that
ciency is the leading cause of nutritional rickets1. The correction of severe vitamin D deficiency might improve
importance of more modest vitamin D deficiency than bone density, but not when given to vitamin D-replete
seen in nutritional rickets for the skeleton of adults people. A smaller RCT in Scottish adults confirmed that
and older adults is disputed. Supplementation with vitamin D supplementation (daily dose of 1,000 IU)
vitamin D only is unlikely to be able to reduce frac- increased BMD in individuals with a baseline serum
ture risk in older adults;2,49 however, a combination of 25OHD concentration of <30 nmol/l but not in people
calcium and vitamin D supplementation can modestly with a better vitamin D status at baseline58. These results
reduce hip and non-vertebral fracture incidence in this are also in line with a RCT in US adults randomized to
population2,50,51. This conclusion is in line with a 2019 receive placebo, 800 IU of vitamin D or high-dose vita-
overview and meta-analysis on vitamin D and calcium min D (50,000 IU per day for 2 weeks followed by 50,000
supplementation and fractures52, which concluded IU per 2 weeks for 1 year), which concluded that neither
from observational data (39,0141 participants) that a low-dose nor high-dose vitamin D improved bone den-
25 nmol/l increase in the serum 25OHD concentration sity in participants with a mean baseline serum 25OHD
reduces the risk of any fracture or hip fracture by 7% and of 50 nmol/l (ref.59). The same conclusion was drawn
20%, respectively (both statistically significant). A similar from a RCT of vitamin D supplementation in Black
conclusion was reached in another meta-analysis53. American women, as increasing baseline serum 25OHD
Several large RCTs have generated new results concentrations of 55 nmol/l to concentrations above
regarding the effects of vitamin D supplementation on 75 nmol/l by vitamin D supplementation did not change
the adult skeleton. The VITAL Bone Health study is an the rate of bone loss during 3 years of follow-up60.
ancillary study of the VITAL trial, including a subco- Similarly, Finnish children below the age of 2 years who
hort of 771 participants (men aged ≥50 years and women received 1,200 IU of vitamin D per day for ~2 years
aged ≥55 years; not taking bone active medications) eval- did not have better bone density (measured by periph-
uated at baseline and after 2 years (89% retention), and eral quantitative CT (pQCT)) compared with chil-
aims to evaluate the effects of vitamin D on bone struc- dren receiving the standard dose of 400 IU per day61.
ture and architecture. Supplemental vitamin D (com- This finding is not totally unexpected, as the baseline
pared with placebo) had no effect on 2-year changes in serum 25OHD concentration was higher (80 nmol/l)
areal bone mineral density (BMD) at the spine, femoral than expected in this study due to the introduction of
neck, total hip or whole body, or on measures of bone vitamin D supplementation of food in Finland.
structure. This conclusion remained valid in a subgroup The Calgary study was designed to evaluate the effect
analysis, including individuals with the lowest vitamin of long-term high-dose vitamin D on bone mass and
D status (as measured by total 25OHD) at baseline. quality. A daily dose of 400 IU, 4,000 IU or 10,000 IU of
New technology allows the direct measurement of free vitamin D for 3 years in Canadian adults did not increase
(non-protein-bound) 25OHD as an alternative strategy BMD, but rather slightly decreased BMD, as measured
to define vitamin D status54. In participants of the VITAL by the best available methodology (high-resolution
trial with the lowest directly measured free 25OHD pQCT)19. Indeed, BMD at the radius and tibia signifi-
concentrations, vitamin D supplementation generated cantly decreased by 3.5% and 1.7 %, respectively in the
a slight increase in spine areal BMD (0.75% in the vita- 10,000 IU per day group compared with the 400 IU per
min D group versus 0% in the placebo group; P = 0.043) day group, whereas the decrease at both sites was not
and attenuation in loss of total hip areal BMD (−0.42% statistically significant in the 4,000 IU per day group
in the vitamin D group versus −0.98% in the placebo compared with the 400 IU per day group. This study
group; P = 0.044), yet such results might not survive mul- does demonstrate that vitamin D supplementation in
tiple testing correction55. The ViDA trial did not find vitamin D-replete adults (baseline serum 25OHD con-
an effect of monthly vitamin D supplementation on the centration of about 75 nmol/l) does not improve bone
incidence of non-vertebral fractures (RR 1.19, 95% CI mass or quality. Moreover, very high doses might even
0.94–1.50; non-significant) compared with no supple- have negative effects, as a small percentage of partici-
mentation56. In participants with baseline vitamin D defi- pants developed hypercalciuria or hypercalcaemia,
ciency (<50 nmol/l), the HR for non-vertebral fractures which quickly resolved after adjustment of dosing.

102 | February 2022 | volume 18


Of course, this finding might imply that regular Vitamin D and musculoskeletal effects — summary.
follow-up is desirable when using such dosages19,62. Of note, the 2017–2020 megatrials did not address the
Many Mendelian randomization studies showed no question of vitamin D supplementation and rickets, as
causal effect of vitamin D status on a variety of bone there is consensus in all vitamin D guidelines from the
traits in populations of European and non-European past decade that serum 25OHD concentrations below
ancestry. An early Mendelian randomization study63 30 nmol/l are a risk factor for rickets or osteomalacia12.
found that genetically predicted one standard deviation A daily vitamin D dose of 400 IU can prevent rickets
increase in 25OHD was not associated with increased and osteomalacia and increase serum concentrations
femoral neck BMD, lumbar spine BMD or estimated of 25OHD well above 30 nmol/l (12 ng/ml)77. However,
BMD change. Similar results were observed in rela- ~7% of the world population lives with severe vitamin D
tion to total body BMD64. A more powered Mendelian deficiency, with this percentage being much higher in the
randomization analysis65 (37,857 patients with fracture Middle East, North Africa and many countries in Asia78.
and 227,116 control individuals) also did not support The role of vitamin D in the skeleton of adults and
a causal effect of 25OHD on fracture risk. However, a older adults is more disputed. The 2017–2020 mega­
Mendelian randomization study in children66 showed trials were not designed to primarily evaluate the effect
that haplotypes associating with low 25OHD were asso- of vitamin D supplementation on fracture risk in older
ciated with low pQCT parameters (BMD, cross-sectional adults. These trials15,16 recruited mostly vitamin D-
area and cortical density) in 2-year-old children. Finally, replete adults with a fairly low risk of fracture. Even
evidence from Mendelian randomization studies 67 the DO-HEALTH trial in older, less vitamin D-replete,
refutes causal associations between predicted serum adults (compared with the other megatrials) did not
25OHD concentrations and either BMD or bone metab- find an effect on non-vertebral fractures18. However,
olism markers found in 1,824 postmenopausal Chinese the ViDA trial demonstrated that correction of severe
women (Supplementary Box 6). vitamin D deficiency (<30 nmol/l) prevents age-related
bone loss in adults. By contrast, the 2017–2020 mega­
Vitamin D and muscle function or falls. In mice, total trials demonstrate that vitamin D supplementation in
deletion of VDR generates structural and functional con- vitamin D-replete adults does not improve bone mass,
sequences for skeletal and cardiac muscle9. Furthermore, density or quality16.
humans with congenital CYP27B1 mutations or patients Taken together, the findings indicate that supple-
with severe combined deficiency of 25OHD and mentation with vitamin D only does not have a benefi-
1,25(OH)2D due to chronic renal failure develop severe cial effect on fracture risk in vitamin D-replete, mostly
muscle weakness that rapidly improves after treatment white adults. However, combined calcium and vitamin D
with 1,25(OH)2D9. Several meta-analyses have come to supplementation in older adults, especially those with
different conclusions regarding the consequences of vita- poor vitamin D status and poor calcium intake, might
min D supplementation on muscle strength, with both decrease the risk of hip fractures and other major frac-
positive68 and null effects69. In addition, ample literature tures by about 20%51. Therefore, most recent guidelines
is available supporting a link between poor vitamin D recommend a daily vitamin D supplement of about 800
status and increased risk of falls, but hesitance remains IU of vitamin D combined with a good calcium intake
regarding causality70. High boluses of vitamin D, how- (above 1,000 mg per day) in all older adults with a high
ever, might transiently increase the risk of falls in older risk or documented vitamin D deficiency. Of note, the
women71. High-dose continuous vitamin D supplemen- Calgary study demonstrated that high daily doses of vita-
tation to increase serum 25OHD concentrations to above min D (4,000 and especially 10,000 IU per day) might
112 nmol/l might also induce an increased risk of falls in decrease BMD and bone quality19,20. Therefore, the opti-
older men and women72–74. However, the large ViDA trial mal dose in vitamin D-deficient older adults should be at
showed that monthly 100,000 IU doses of vitamin D did least 800 IU per day but not more than 4,000 IU per day.
not reduce or increase the risk of falls. The hazard ratio Meta-analyses of older studies suggested a modest
for falls was 0.99 (95% CI 0.92–1.07) in the overall cohort decrease in the risk of falls in older, mostly vitamin
who were treated with vitamin D compared with those D-deficient, adults79. However, the ViDA trial did not
receiving placebo and 1.07 (95% CI 0.91–1.25) in vita- confirm this finding as vitamin D supplementation did
min D-supplemented participants with baseline serum not change the risk of falls. The New Zealand popula-
25OHD concentrations below 50 nmol/l (ref.56). The tion was younger and had a better vitamin D status than
VITAL trial also looked at the effects of daily vitamin D the participants in the older studies. There might also
supplementation on physical disability and falls in the be a U-shaped relationship as very high vitamin status,
SRURDY study75 and found a non-significant (OR 0.97, especially due to high bolus doses, might increase the
95% CI 0.91–1.25) effect of vitamin D supplementation risk of falls72–74.
on the risk of two falls or injurious falls requiring support
from a doctor or hospital76. In further exploratory analy­ Lung function and respiratory effects
sis, the same conclusion was reached when the baseline Vitamin D and respiratory infections or lung function.
serum concentration of 25OHD was taken into account. The lung is increasingly recognized as an important tar-
To our knowledge, no Mendelian randomization get tissue for vitamin D. Observational data link poor
studies so far have examined the causal association vitamin D status with several inflammatory lung diseases
between genetically estimated 25OHD levels and or impaired lung function80–82. The most recent analysis
muscle traits or falls. published in 2019 (ref.83) evaluated 10,933 participants

NaTure RevIewS | ENDOCRINOlOGy volume 18 | February 2022 | 103


in 25 RCTs and found a significant overall reduction in 25OHD concentration of 50 nmol/l (ref.88). However, one
acute respiratory infections following vitamin D sup- pilot study (which was not placebo-controlled) showed
plementation (OR 0.88, 95% CI 0.81–0.96) compared a marked reduction in the need for intensive care treat-
with no supplementation. The number needed to treat ment in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 and treated
for benefit was 33. Subgroup analysis revealed that the with a high dose of 25OHD (calcifediol) at the time of
greatest benefits were found in people with severe vita- admission89. Therefore, the link between vitamin D status
min D deficiency (<25 nmol/l) at baseline (OR 0.58, and COVID-19 is unsettled so far, but many trials are
95% CI 0.40–0.82). Subgroup analysis revealed that ongoing that might clarify this question.
intermittent (monthly or less frequent) doses of vitamin In 2021, a Mendelian randomization study assessed
D did not generate protection, whereas daily or weekly the causal role of serum 25OHD levels on COVID-19
vitamin D supplementation was more effective for pre- susceptibility and disease severity90. Using data from
venting acute respiratory infections (OR 0.81, 95% CI 11,181 patients with COVID-19 and 116,456 con-
0.072–0.91). In the ViDA trial, however, no effects of trol individuals from the Host Genetics Initiative, and
vitamin D supplementation were found on acute res- six vitamin D SNPs that explain 2.5% of the variance
piratory infections in older adults84. This finding is not in serum 25OHD levels, this study did not show any
a total surprise as the lack of effects might be due to the association between genetically decreased 25OHD
intermittent dosing and/or adequate vitamin D status at and COVID-19 susceptibility or severity. These results
baseline, and therefore might not contradict the findings were confirmed in a separate Mendelian randomization
of the 2019 meta-analysis83. In addition, the European study using 81 25OHD SNPs that explain 4.3% of the
DO-HEALTH trial did not show an effect on infections variance in serum 25OHD levels, which also showed no
in general nor on upper respiratory infections18. effect of genetically determined 25OHD levels on risk of
Several small-scale studies (eight RCTs) did not find COVID-19-related hospitalization91.
an improvement in lung function (as measured in terms
of forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1)) in patients Vitamin D and asthma. Research investigating the
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who potential effects of vitamin D status on asthma has largely
were randomized to receive vitamin D supplementation85. focused on a possible link between prenatal or maternal
A substudy of the ViDA trial, however, evaluated the vitamin D status and wheezing or asthma in the off-
effects of monthly vitamin D supplementation86 in spring. A meta-analysis of four prospective studies and
442 adults treated for 1.1 years. Overall, in the ITT three RCTs concluded that vitamin D intake (~800 IU
analysis, no significant effects were observed on FEV1. per day) by women during pregnancy is inversely related
However, subgroup analysis revealed some beneficial to wheezing or asthma in their offspring during up to
effects, especially in subjects with existing lung problems 3 years of follow-up92. However, a longer follow-up did
such as asthma, COPD or a history of smoking (Table 2). not confirm this conclusion: vitamin D supplementation
To date, no Mendelian randomization studies have been during the prenatal period alone did not influence the
performed that examined 25OHD levels, COPD and 6-year incidence of asthma and recurrent wheeze among
lung function. children who were at risk of asthma93. Two Mendelian
randomization studies have investigated the causal asso-
Vitamin D and COVID-19. In view of the enormous ciation between vitamin D and asthma. A large study
health implications of the coronavirus disease 19 (n > 160,000 children and adults)94 found odds ratios of
(COVID-19) pandemic caused by the worldwide spread 1.03 (95% CI 0.90–1.19) for asthma and 0.95 (95% CI
of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, 0.69–1.31) for childhood-onset asthma per stand-
a possible link with poor vitamin D status and the risk or ard deviation of log-transformed decrease in serum
severity of COVID-19 has received great attention. Seven 25OHD (Supplementary Box 6). These findings suggest
studies so far compared serum 25OHD concentrations in that vitamin D levels probably do not have clinically
patients with COVID-19 compared with individuals with- relevant effects on the risk of asthma.
out COVID-19 (ref.87) and found a lower level (mean dif-
ference of about 12 nmol/l) in patients with COVID-19; Vitamin D and respiratory effects — summary. The vita-
however, in many studies the sampling did not take place min D endocrine system influences all cells and most
at the same time in both groups. In addition, these studies cytokines of the immune system9. The innate immune
were unable to control for confounding factors, a major system is stimulated by 1,25(OH)2D and this is in line
problem due to the large number of similarities in the risk with a decreased risk of upper respiratory infections with
factors for vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19. About vitamin D supplementation in individuals with vitamin
31 studies looked at a possible link between vitamin D D deficiency83. Meta-analysis of intervention studies
status and severity of the outcome of COVID-19. Lower suggested a benefit of vitamin D supplementation of par-
serum concentrations of 25OHD were associated with ticipants with severe vitamin D deficiency and COPD,
greater mortality, greater need for intensive care treat- asthma, or similar lung diseases, and on reducing the
ment or increased severity of illness in general compared risk of acute upper respiratory infections in severely defi-
with better vitamin D status. However, this finding was cient individuals83. However, where tested, these findings
based on observational studies. One placebo-controlled have not been supported by Mendelian randomization
intervention study using a bolus dose of vitamin D studies90. According to the results of the LUNG-ViDA
(200,000 IU) did not reveal a beneficial effect in patients trial, vitamin D supplementation might modestly
hospitalized with COVID-19 with a mean baseline improve expiratory lung function85. If confirmed, such

104 | February 2022 | volume 18


Table 4 | Vitamin D status and multiple sclerosis — evidence from Mendelian randomization studies
Study and Genesa Number of Outcome Estimate P value Unit of
ref. controls; of effect estimated effect
number of cases (OR and
95% CI)
Mokry et al.96 DHCR7, 38,589; 14,498 Multiple sclerosis 2.02 7.7 × 10−12 One standard
CYP2R1, (1.65–2.46) deviation
GC and decrease in
CYP24A1 log-transformed
25OHD level
Rhead et al.99 DHCR7, 22,168; 7,391 Multiple sclerosis 0.85 0.003 Unit change
CYP2R1 (0.76–0.94) in polygenic
and GC risk score
Jacobs et al.97 CYP2R1, 41,505; 14,802 Multiple sclerosis 0.57 0.001 One unit increase
DHCR7, (0.41–0.81) in natural
CYP24A1, log-transformed
SEC23A and vitamin D level
Gianfrancesco GC, CYP2R1 1,715; 34 Paediatric-onset 0.72 0.02 NA
et al.98 and DHCR7 multiple sclerosis (0.55–0.94)
25OHD, 25-hydroxyvitamin D; NA, not applicable. aGenes in which variants can be used to infer serum 25OHD concentration.

data would imply that the lung is a clinically relevant randomization studies on Crohn’s disease (odds ratio for
target issue for vitamin D. Of note, currently there are 10 nmol/l higher 25OHD of 1.04, 95% CI 0.93–1.16) and
insufficient RCTs to evaluate the potential benefit of ulcerative colitis (OR 1.13, 95% CI 1.06–1.21)101. Similarly,
vitamin D or calcifediol supplementation on the risk or no effect on ulcerative colitis was found in participants
severity of COVID-19. from the UK Biobank43. The UK Biobank study also did
not support a causal role of vitamin D on allergic rhini-
Autoimmune diseases tis. Finally, Mendelian randomization94 does not support
Observational studies have, in line with preclinical causal effects of 25OHD on atopic dermatitis. A 2021
data, made a link between poor vitamin D status and Mendelian randomization study on type 1 diabetes mel-
increased risk of infection or risk of autoimmune dis- litus did not support causal effects of genetically lowered
eases (such as multiple sclerosis (MS), inflammatory 25OHD levels on the risk of this disease102.
bowel diseases or type 1 diabetes mellitus)95. RCTs in In summary, the adaptive immune system is down-
humans dealing with infections have mainly focused regulated by 1,25(OH) 2D and therefore vitamin D
on upper respiratory infections and an overview is pre- deficiency might predispose to autoimmune diseases9.
sented in the previous section. Unfortunately, no major Observational studies have suggested this effect might
RCTs have addressed the possible primary or secondary apply to humans, but too few intervention studies
prevention of the major human autoimmune diseases. have been conducted to evaluate this statement. Four
So far, the 2017–2020 megatrials (Table 1) have not independent Mendelian randomization studies agree,
shown results related to autoimmune diseases. however, that individuals with genetically driven lower
Currently, strong evidence exists that supports serum 25OHD concentrations have an increased risk of
a causal association between genetically low serum developing MS, either during adolescence or adulthood
25OHD levels and increased risk of MS96–99. The most (Table 4).
recent Mendelian randomization study from 2020 eval-
uated data from The International Multiple Sclerosis Pregnancy
Genetics Consortium discovery phase GWAS (14,802 Intervention studies as summarized in a Cochrane
MS and 26,703 controls from the USA, Europe, Australia review from 2016 (ref.103) dealing with 22 RCTs includ-
and some Asian countries)97 using six SNPs associated ing 3,725 pregnant women, concluded that vitamin D
with serum levels of 25OHD and found that each genet- supplementation significantly reduced the risk of
ically determined unit increase in log-transformed pre-eclampsia (RR 0.48), gestational diabetes melli-
25(OH)D3 was associated with an odds ratio for MS of tus (RR 0.51) and low birthweight (<2,500 g; RR 0.55)
0.57 (95% CI 0.41–0.81; P = 0.001) (Table 4). This effect compared with no supplementation. An update of these
applies to adult-onset and childhood-onset MS. data104 largely confirmed these observations. However,
Earlier Mendelian randomization evidence100 did a large RCT in pregnant Bangladeshi women with severe
not support causality of predicted serum 25OHD levels vitamin D deficiency (baseline mean serum 25OHD
in systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthri- about 25 nmol/l) supplemented from week 17–24
tis. Consistent null effects on rheumatoid arthritis were onwards with placebo or vitamin D (three groups receiv-
found in a 2020 Mendelian randomization study in ing 4,200, 16,800 or 28,000 IU per week) until birth did
participants from the UK Biobank, using ~220 vitamin not find a beneficial effect on fetal or neonatal param-
D-associated SNPs as instruments43. Null effects of pre- eters of length, weight or head circumference, either at
dicted serum 25OHD levels were also shown in Mendelian birth or at one year of age (n = 1,164 infants)105.

NaTure RevIewS | ENDOCRINOlOGy volume 18 | February 2022 | 105


To date only one Mendelian randomization Even in these circumstances, hypercalcaemia was infre-
study106 has examined the causal effect of predicted quent and occurred transiently after changes in treat-
serum 25OHD levels on gestational hypertension ment modality19,62. A modestly increased risk of kidney
and pre-eclampsia. Overall, the evidence was weak stones was observed in the WHI trial109, but this effect
supporting a causal effect of vitamin D status on ges- was not seen in the more recent 2017–2020 megatrials
tational hypertension (OR 0.90, 95% CI 0.78–1.03) or (that is, ViDA, VITAL and D2d; Table 1). Furthermore,
pre-eclampsia (OR 0.98, 95% CI: 0.89–1.07) per 10% no changes in kidney function were found in these large
decrease in serum 25OHD (Supplementary Box 5). trials. Skeletal consequences were either null effects,
In summary, pregnant women more frequently have slight (beneficial) increases in BMD in subgroups with
a poor vitamin D status than non-pregnant women poor vitamin D status at baseline, or a modest but sig-
of the same age but the absolute and relative values nificant decrease in BMD during high-dose (10,000 IU
vary from country to country. Several meta-analyses per day) therapy in the Calgary study19. An increased risk
have suggested that vitamin D supplementation might of fractures in patients receiving high intermittent bolus
modestly decrease maternal morbidity and improve the doses has been reported71,110. Similarly, an increased
health of their offspring103,104. However, a 2018 large RCT risk of falls has been reported when either high inter-
in Bangladeshi women with severe vitamin D deficiency mittent doses71 or high continuous doses were used72,73.
did not confirm this observation105. Therefore, the effects Importantly, the 2017–2020 megatrials (that is, ViDA,
of poor vitamin D status during pregnancy on pregnancy VITAL and D2d), with detailed evaluation of about 30,000
outcomes for mother and infant remains unsettled. participants for 2–5 years, did not discover notable adverse
effects. These findings indicate that a daily dose (or dose
Patients in intensive care equivalent) of 2,000–4,000 IU can be considered as safe in
Patients with severe acute illness requiring intensive care an adult (even vitamin D-replete) population. High-dose
frequently have low serum concentrations of 25OHD vitamin D also did not modify arterial calcifications
and this poor vitamin D status is linked with increased during a 3-year follow up in the Calgary study111.
morbidity and mortality107,108. Two major RCTs so far
in patients in intensive care units (ICU) have generated Effects of vitamin D supplementation on
conflicting results. In the VITdAL-ICU trial, patients in mortality
the ICU were randomized to either placebo (n = 243) Observational data have repeatedly linked poor vitamin D
or high-dose oral vitamin D (n = 249) (starting dose status with increased mortality. This effect was exten-
540,000 IU followed by monthly maintenance doses of sively documented in several NHANES studies based on
90,000 IU for 5 months). Mean baseline serum 25OHD representative samples of the US population and con-
concentrations were low (33 nmol/l) and increased to firmed after validation of serum 25OHD concentrations
~82 nmol/l at day 3. Length of stay in the ICU or hospital, according to standards generated by the US National
mortality in the ICU, in-hospital mortality and mortality Institute of Standards and Technology112. To decrease
at 6 months did not improve with the intervention. In a the possible effect of reverse causation, people who died
predefined subgroup with severe vitamin D deficiency within the first 3 years after 25OHD measurements were
who received the intervention (<30 nmol/l), hospital excluded from the analysis; however, the same associ-
mortality (HR 0.56, 95% CI, 0.35–0.90) and 6-month ation between poor vitamin D status and increased
mortality (HR 0.60, 95% CI, 0.39–0.93) were significantly mortality remained112. Using a combination of several
decreased compared with patients with severe vitamin D European prospective studies, mortality was also higher
deficiency who received placebo107. In the much larger in the population with the poorest vitamin D status com-
Amrein ICU trial108, 1,059 patients in the ICU with vita- pared with the vitamin D-replete population113. A 2019
min D deficiency (<50 nmol/l) received either placebo large long-term (>10 years) Finnish study concluded that
or a single oral high dose of vitamin D (540,000 IU). people with the highest tertile of 25OHD concentrations
This dose increased mean serum 25OHD concentration (>50 nmol/l) had a mortality odds ratio of 0.77 (95% CI
at day 3 to a mean concentration of 117 ± 58 nmol/l in 0.71–0.84) compared with people with the lowest tertile
comparison with the control group (mean concentration of 25OHD concentrations, even in a multivariate model
28 ± 14 nmol/ml). The primary end point (90-day mortal- with correction of multiple co-variables114.
ity) and other non-fatal outcomes were similar in the two As nearly all long-term vitamin D supplementation
groups. Although all patients in both studies were admit- trials include data on mortality, several meta-analyses
ted to ICUs, the US patients in the VITdAL-ICU trial were have shown the effects of vitamin D supplementation
probably less sick than those in the Amrein trial107 as indi- on mortality. Extensive meta-analyses published in 2014
cated by the percentage of patients requiring mechanical showed a modest decrease in overall mortality in partic-
ventilation (32% in the US trial). ipants randomized to vitamin D supplementation; based
on 22 RCTs, the risk of death decreased by 11%36. A 2014
Effects of vitamin D supplementation on safety Cochrane analysis29 evaluated 56 RCTs including 95,286
outcomes participants (mostly healthy women older than 70 years)
In all vitamin D supplementation RCTs, some safety with a mean follow-up of 4.4 years. Vitamin D supple-
end points have been reported in addition to mortal- mentation significantly reduced all-cause mortality
ity (see next section). No effects were found on serum (RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.91–0.98; P = 0.002) compared with
calcium or calciuria unless very high doses were used, no supplementation. This finding implies that vitamin D
such as 4,000–10,000 IU per day in the Calgary study. supplementation of 150 women for 5 years prevented

106 | February 2022 | volume 18


one additional death. Vitamin D supplementation also 25OHD levels are affected by a host of health behav-
decreased cancer mortality (RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.78–0.98; iours, the presence of obesity, socioeconomic status and
P = 0.02) compared with no supplementation29. education levels. Although most observational studies
In the 2017–2020 megatrials (that is, VITAL, ViDA have attempted to control for such confounding through
and D2d), overall mortality was much lower than multivariable adjustment, such approaches depend upon
shown in the previous meta-analyses29,36 and did not the degree of accuracy of measurement of the confound-
show an effect of vitamin D supplementation on overall ers, knowledge that such confounding takes place, and
mortality15. A new meta-analysis of 52 RCTs including most often that the nature of the confounding relation-
a total of 75,454 participants concluded that vitamin D ship (linear versus nonlinear) is known. Furthermore,
(either vitamin D3 or D2) supplementation did not statistical adjustment for confounding variables can only
change mortality (RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.95–1.02) compared be accomplished if the confounding variables are known.
with no supplementation115. A subanalysis, however, The concordance between 25OHD Mendelian rand-
found that vitamin D3 (instead of D2) supplementa- omization studies and RCTs is striking and suggests that
tion trials tended to reduce mortality (RR 0.95, 95% CI Mendelian randomization might be a more relevant way
1.90–1.00; P = 0.06), whereas this was not the case for to begin to understand the effect of 25OHD levels on risk
vitamin D2 supplementation trials. These new findings of disease than observational studies. Perhaps the vitamin
conflict with the 2014 reports112. The difference could be D endocrine system only has a role in these extra-skeletal
partly because the 2019 meta-analysis did not include effects in people with prolonged and very severe vita-
ten RCTs including ~50,000 participants using a com- min D deficiency. Studies in countries or population
bination of vitamin D and calcium supplementation. groups with severe vitamin D deficiency who need
However, the 2019 meta-analysis did include two meg- improved vitamin D status anyway might be the ideal
atrials (VITAL and ViDA) that evaluated the effects of approach to better understand the effect of vitamin D
vitamin D supplementation in a younger population supplementation in individuals with severe vitamin D
of mostly vitamin D-replete participants115. deficiency. Most RCTs and Mendelian randomization
In a large-scale population Mendelian randomization studies have been undertaken in individuals from the
study (10,349 deaths in 95,766 total participants)116, the general population in which the rates of severe vitamin D
odds ratios for a genetically determined lower 25OHD deficiency are low.
concentration was 1.30 (95% CI 1.05–1.61) for all-cause Of note, the available Mendelian randomization
mortality, 0.77 (95% CI 0.55–1.08) for cardiovascu- studies were not able to predict large variations in serum
lar mortality, 1.43 (95% CI 1.02–1.99) for cancer mortality 25OHD concentrations (usually only about 5% differ-
and 1.44 (95% CI 1.01–2.04) for other types of mortal- ence or less). However, this low degree of variance would
ity. Similar point estimates and effect sizes, whose 95% affect the statistical power of a study but not introduce
confidence intervals included the null, were found for bias. New techniques will soon enable us to use a much
all-cause mortality in two follow-up Mendelian random- larger number of SNPs than used in current studies (usu-
ization studies46,117. Nevertheless, both studies may have ally based on less than six SNPs), thereby allowing much
been underpowered to detect existing causal associations. larger variations in serum 25OHD concentrations to be
Finally, evidence from Mendelian randomization118 did predicted. Most RCTs did not last longer than 3–5 years.
not support an association between 25OHD concentra- In such short-term scenarios, answering the question of
tions and cancer mortality in a sample of 6,998 deaths causality is extremely difficult. This fact implies that
from cancer. These data provide some evidence that only very long-term improvements in vitamin D status
genetically lowered vitamin D levels might increase might generate beneficial effects. However, Mendelian
overall mortality risks, but the results have not been randomization studies provide estimates of the effect of
consistent across studies, or across causes of mortality. a lifetime of genetically lowered vitamin D levels and
If vitamin D supplementation exerts beneficial effects such Mendelian randomization studies have generally
on extra-skeletal health outcomes and major diseases, produced null findings.
then it is likely to have some effects on mortality, espe- Reverse causality remains a valid rationale to explain
cially in older adults with poor vitamin D status. Large the discordance between observational and intervention
meta-analyses dealing mostly with women older than studies. The most plausible hypothesis states that individ-
70 years29,36 showed a 6–11% reduction in mortality; uals with any health problems are less likely to regularly
however, adding the newest 2017–2020 megatrials engage in outdoor activity and less exposure to sunlight
eliminated this effect, possible because these new trials results in lower vitamin D status. Another mechanism
recruited a younger population. of reverse causality might be that the activity of hepatic
25-hydroxylase is decreased in many major diseases and
Discordance between studies this decrease could cause low serum 25OHD concentra-
Preclinical data are mostly in line with the very large tions. Indeed, data in mice demonstrate that diet-induced
number of observational studies linking very poor obesity, type 1 diabetes mellitus or T2DM, fasting and
vitamin D status with skeletal and extra-skeletal health exposure to glucocorticoids substantially decrease
effects (Fig. 1). However, Mendelian randomization stud- the gene and protein expression of CYP2R1, thereby
ies and the majority of RCTs do not confirm the causality decreasing the overall 25-hydroxylase activity119–121. This
of these associations. Several possible reasons exist for finding implies that decreased 25OHD concentrations
this discrepancy. Most importantly, serum 25OHD lev- are the consequence of disease, rather than involved in
els are a highly confounded variable. Specifically, serum the origin of these metabolic diseases. Of course, these

NaTure RevIewS | ENDOCRINOlOGy volume 18 | February 2022 | 107


data from mice need confirmation in humans. Finally, global health or major diseases or medical events such as
many diseases other than those described in this Review cancer, cardiovascular events, T2DM, falls or fractures.
(including brain-related diseases) are linked with poor Therefore, no reason exists at present to recommend
vitamin D status; however, causality is doubtful without vitamin D supplementation of already vitamin D-replete
adequate Mendelian randomization studies or RCTs. individuals. These data do not contradict the causal link
between severe vitamin D deficiency and rickets, or the
Future Mendelian randomization studies need to correct severe deficiency at any age. Similarly,
Improved understanding of the genetic determinants of the 2017–2020 trials do not contradict the probable ben-
25OHD has helped re-assess the role of vitamin D in eficial effects of combined supplementation of calcium
the aetiology of complex diseases through Mendelian and vitamin D in older adults with poor vitamin D and
randomization. Taken together, the evidence from over calcium status on their risks of fracture or falls.
60 Mendelian randomization studies published to date A few hints have emerged that vitamin D supplemen-
assessing the role vitamin D does not support a causal tation might have some extra-skeletal benefits, especially
role for the large majority of studied outcomes. Despite in people with severe vitamin D deficiency (such as
this null data, in the few cases where the evidence from reduced progression to T2DM, decreased numbers of
Mendelian randomization supported a causal role of infections, increased lung function and decreased cancer
vitamin D status, such as in the example of MS, these or overall mortality) (Tables 2,3). These suggestions are
results had important clinical implications. For instance, largely based on subgroup or post hoc analyses and thus
clinical care guidelines for the use of vitamin D in pre- should not result in the systematic recommendation of
venting MS in those at risk were published by the MS vitamin D supplements in such populations but might
Society of Canada122. guide the correct design of future studies.
The earlier Mendelian randomization studies used, Arguments have been put forward that daily doses
as instruments for 25OHD levels, SNPs within the four of ≥4,000 IU of vitamin D convey some risks other than
genes related to 25OHD synthesis and metabolism simple hypercalcaemia or hypercalciuria. Such doses,
(DHCR7, CYP2R1, GC and CYP24A1), which together or the equivalent of serum 25OHD concentrations well
explained 2.4% of the variance in 25OHD levels123. Later above 112 nmol/l or 45 ng/ml bring no benefits, but
Mendelian randomization studies combined the afore- might be harmful in some people (for example, in caus-
mentioned four SNPs with two SNPs in SEC23A and ing loss of BMD or increasing the risk of falls). The same
AMDHD1 (both genes without clear role in the vitamin D is true for intermittent high-dose boluses of vitamin D.
metabolic pathway), and thereby explained ~5.3% of Unfortunately, about 3% of the US population as screened
the variance in 25OHD levels. The identification of over by NHANES use such high dose vitamin D supplements.
150 25OHD-associated genetic variants in 2020, which Over the past few decades, vitamin D has been a hot
explain a considerable portion of the variance in 25OHD topic for scientists and lay people alike, who frequently
levels (~10.5%)43, has enabled a deeper understanding of suggest that vitamin D supplementation might generate
the genetic determinants contributing to variation in cir- a wide variety of health benefits. The data discussed in
culating 25OHD levels. These newly identified SNPs will the present Review might well dampen such enthusi-
probably enable improved instrumentation of vitamin D asm. However, a large number of intervention studies
in Mendelian randomization studies. Moreover, with the (and most probably Mendelian randomization studies)
emergence of large-scale GWAS in densely phenotyped are still ongoing, and these might help provide a better
biobanks, we anticipate that more powerful vitamin D understanding of who would benefit from vitamin D
Mendelian randomization studies will be published that supplementation.
utilize the optimized set of genetic instruments. Such new In conclusion, it seems that far too many people with
studies should revisit previously studied diseases and severe vitamin D deficiency (~7% of the world popula-
investigate new disease outcomes, to further aid causal tion) do not take or even have access to normal doses
effect estimation. of vitamin D. About a third of the world population
lives with suboptimal (below 20 ng/ml) serum 25OHD
Conclusions concentrations78. However, many vitamin D-replete
In conclusion, the data generated by the 2017–2020 mega­ people take vitamin D supplements without clear ben-
trials of vitamin D supplementation in largely vitamin efits. In addition, a small percentage of the population
D-replete adults (Table 1) demonstrate that increasing takes higher doses than the upper limit of safe intake.
the serum 25OHD concentration into the high normal Therefore, we recommend that vitamin D be used wisely
range (based on the IOM and most recent guidelines and “giveth to those who needeth”7.
published over the past decade12, in the range of 50–125
nmol/l or 20–50 ng/ml) does not generate benefits for Published online 23 November 2021

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a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. association between serum total 25-Hydroxyvitamin D
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110 | February 2022 | volume 18


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