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Having differences is what makes us unique and incredible. We experience

things that others may not, and we want to live in a society where we compete in
how successful we become as we gain our diplomas and license that others may
not. Life is a race, but what is life on the other side?
As we grow older, we become mature and start to have the life we aim for.
We start to have a family of our own. We earn to live but it was limited, we must
strive to get more that is the common life and it was our decision how we will live.
Once we experience to suffer, we become more ambitious but to others they find a
way get out without getting greedy and trying to live simpler and that was Jandai
trying to tell us. For us to be able to experience easy life we shouldn’t join the race.
Another thing is that Jandai mentioned about exploring different things may
harm the environment that thought might have point but in terms of sustainable
development goals may have a contrary effect because SDP aim to develop a lot of
Enabling our broad mind about life is what makes us realize things that we
may not know until someone emphasizes it, is something Jon Jandai makes us feel
in his lecture. It teaches us how to simply live without suffering.

“I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't
rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is
about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it,
without knowing what's going to happen next.
Delicious Ambiguity.”
― Gilda Radner

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