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Predisposing Factors: Precipitating Factors:

Indoor Air pollution Exposure to Second hand smoke

One moth to Six months of age Weak immune system

Premature baby Malnourish

A Treatment/s received Incomplete immunization

Direct inhalation/ aspiration/Hematogenous

spread of pathogens

Ineffective immune response

resulting to overwhelming infection

Invasion of pathogens in lung


Inflammatory response is

Local inflammatory Systemic inflammatory

response response
Release of inflammatory mediators
 Chills
Release of inflammatory mediators Disruption of Hypothalamic Regulation
 Fever
(cytokines)  Sweating
 Loss of appetite

Accumulation of plasma exudate, debris

serious fluid, bacteria, and fibrin

Alveoli fill with pus and fluid Increased mucous production

Consolidation Airway Obstruction

 Cough
 Sneezing
Decreased gas exchange  Fever
Pertussis whooping  Nasal discharge
cough  Vomiting
 Apnea
Procalcitonin test
Chest x-ray
 Dyspnea
Complete blood count (CBC)
 Tachypnea
Sputum culture
 Nasal flaring Urinalysis
 Increased irritability Blood culture
 Cyanosis Chest CT scan
ABG analysis
Serum electrolytes


With nursing medical Without nursing medical

intervention intervention
Pharmacological management: Acute respiratory distress (ARD)

 Anti-bacterial agents
- Cefuroxime
- Azithromycin
Lung abscesses
- Clarithromycin
- Amikacin (sub class)
- Erythromycin

Nursing management: Respiratory failure

- Check vital signs
- Monitor I&O
- Pulse Oximetry
Inflammation of the brain
- Oxygen therapy
- Chest physiotherapy
- Humidification
Nursing management health teaching:

- Advise the mother to cuddle the baby and double wrap to maintain the basal
body temperature. Bad prognosis
- Advice the mother or parents to avoid unnecessary movements or noise that
will stimulate the babies consciousness which will lead to crying then it will
result to cough then baby will have facial pertussis cyanosis.
- Educate parents or caregivers on proper nasal care, emphasizing the
importance of hygiene to prevent nasal irritation.
- Provide appropriate comfort measures such distractions or gentle restraints
to minimize stress during administration.

Good prognosis

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