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Code No.10087
Joseph Beneraj Ragul
Attorney-at-Law & Notary Public,
No. 16A 1/1, Pereira Lane,
Colombo 06.

Notary No : 105461
Notary Code : Code No.10087
2nd Copy : Colombo
G.N. Division : Thalangama North B
D.S. Division : Kaduwela
Local Authority : Kaduwela
District : Colombo
Province : Western
Land Registry : Kaduwela
Value : Rs.6,000,000
Stamp : Rs.120,500

Prior Registration: B 74/99

of National Identity Card No: 828332834V) of No. 46, Barnes Place, Colombo 07 in the
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the
“DONOR” which term or expression as herein used shall where the context so requires
or admits mean and include the said, Gunabalan Selva and his heirs executors and

-: S E N D S G R E E T I N G S :-
WHEREAS I, the said DONOR is under and by virtue of Deed of Transfer bearing
No. 7595 dated 10th of May 1965 and attested by James Perera Notary Public is seized
and possessed of or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to all that allotment of LAND
morefully described in the Schedule hereto.

AND WHEREAS I, the said DONOR is desirous of donating the allotment of LAND
and everything standing thereon morefully described in the Schedule hereto together

with all and singular the rights ways privileges easements servitudes and appurtenances
whatsoever to the said LAND belonging or appertaining or used or enjoyed therewith or
reputed or known as part and parcel thereof and all the estate right title interest property
claim and demand whatsoever of the said DONOR in to upon or out of the said LAND and
every part or portion thereof unto my son Selva Rajmohan (Holder of National Identity
Card No. 8032423425 V) of No.5, Rajagiriya Road, Rajagiriya in the said Republic of Sri
Lanka (hereinafter called and referred to as the ‘‘DONEE’’ which term or expression as
herein used shall where the context so requires or admits mean and include the said
Selva Rajmohan her heirs executors and administrators and assigns) by way of gift
absolute and irrevocable subject to the life interest of the DONOR.


said desire and in consideration of natural love and affection which I, the said DONOR
hath and bear unto my son the said DONEE and for diverse other good causes and
considerations hereunto moving I, the said DONOR doth hereby give grant convey assign
set over and assure unto the said DONEE and their heirs executors administrators and
assigns as a GIFT ABSOLUTE AND IRREVOCABLE the said LAND morefully described in
the Schedule hereto.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said LAND AND PREMISES hereby gifted and
conveyed or expressed or intended so to be with all rights ways privileges easements
servitudes advantageous and appurtenances thereto belonging which was of the value of
RUPEES SIX MILLION (Rs.6,000,000/) of lawful money of Sri Lanka unto the DONEE
absolutely and forever.

AND I the said DONOR doth hereby covenant and declare with the said DONEE
and her heirs executors administrators an assigns that I, the said DONOR now have good
right to convey the said LAND aforesaid and that the said LAND hereby gifted and
conveyed are free from all encumbrances and that the said DONEE shall and may at all
times hereafter peaceably and quietly possess and enjoy the said LAND and receive the
rents and income thereof without any interruptions or disturbance from me or any
person or persons lawfully claiming title thereto from under or in trust for me and that I
the said DONOR shall and will always warrant and defend the title to the said LAND AND
PREMISES and every part or portion thereof and I, the said DONOR shall and will at all
times hereafter at the request cost and expense of the said DONEE do and execute or
caused to be done and executed all such further and other acts deeds assurances matters
and things whatsoever as shall or may be reasonably required for further and more
perfectly and effectually assuring and vesting the said LAND and every part or portion
thereof unto the said DONEE.

AND these presents further witnessed that the said DONEE, Selva Rajmohan
doth hereby thankfully accept the foregoing gift hereby made my father the said DONOR,
Gunabalan Selva.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Donor Gunabalan Selva and the said Donee
Selva Rajmohan doth their signatures and place their thumb of left hand impressions
hereunto and two others of the same tenor and dates as these presents set their hands at
Colombo on this Fifth (5th) day of September Year Two Thousand and Twenty Three


ALL that divided and defined allotment of Land marked LOT 1 depicted in Plan No.3714
dated 4th May 1990 made by A Ranasinghe Licensed Surveyor of the Land called
“KOSWATTA” bearing Assessment No. 321 No. 30, Rajagiriya Road, Rajagiriya within
the Grama Niladhari Division of Thalangama North B (G.N.Div. No.437A) in the
Divisional Secretary’s Division of Kaduwela in the Kaduwela Registration Division
Colombo within the Municipal Council of Kaduwela in the Palle Patty of Hewagam
Korale in the District of Colombo Western Province and which said LOT 1 is bounded
on the NORTH by Nawala Street on the EAST by Property of M. de. Alwis on the SOUTH
by Madinnaagoda road and on the WEST by property of D. Perera and containing in
extent TWENTY ACRES AND THREE PERCHES (A20-R0-P3) together with the soil
trees plantation and everything standing thereon Registered in: B 74/99 at the
Kaduwela Land Registry.
(Signature and left thumb impression of
Gunabalan Selva)

(Signature and left thumb impression of
Selva Rajmohan)
W I T N E S S E S :
And we do hereby declare that
we are well acquainted with
the said Executants above
named and know their proper
name, occupation and

(Signature of James Perera)

(Signature of f Charith de Silva)

(Passport size photograph of Gunabalan Selva sealed by the Notary)

(Passport size photograph of Selva Rajmohan sealed by the Notary)


I, JOSEPH BENERAJ RAGUL Notary Public of No. 16A 1/1, Pereira Lane, Colombo 06 in
the Judicial zone of Colombo do hereby certify and attest that the foregoing instrument
having been read over and explained by me, the said Notary, to the executants within
named the Donor-Gunabalan Selva and the Donee-Selva Rajmohan ho signed this deed
“illegibly” and “illegibly” and affixed their thumbs of left hands impressions in the
presence of James Perera (Holder of National Identity Card No: 623424692V) of No. 7,
Turnour Road, Colombo 02 and Charith de Silva (Holder of National Identity Card No:
982936282V) of No. 10, Galle Road, Colombo 03, subscribing witnesses hereto, and who
signed “illegibly” and “illegibly” respectively and the same was signed by the said
Executants, the said Witnesses and also by me the said Notary in my presence and in the
presence of one another, all being present at the same time at Colombo on this 5th day of
September Two Thousand and Twenty Three (2023).
And I certify that the said Donor Gunabalan Selva and the said Donee Selva Rajmohan are
known to me and the witnesses are not known to me and I have checked their identity by
the inspection of their National Identity Card and prior to the execution of the foregoing
instrument, I have inspected the identity card of the executants.
And I further certify and attest that I have affixed hereto recent photographs of the
executants to the original of the deed and that the stamp duty to the value of Rupees One
Hundred and Twenty Thousand and Five Hundred (Rs.120, 500/=) was paid to the credit
of the Western Provincial Council in the State Bank of People’s Bank in proof of which the
original of such stamp duty paying in slip No. 37415 dated 05/09/2023 is affixed to the
duplicate and the copy to the Protocol and the original of this instrument bears an
adhesive stamp of the value of Rs. 1/=.
And I also certify that I have renewed my License for the year 2023.


Date of Attestation
5th September 2023.


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