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© Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Publisher’s Office

Journal of Advanced
JAMEA Engineering
e-ISSN : 2716-6201

The Integration of Curved Diffusers for Improved

Performance in Commercial Spaces
Muhamad Zahin Bin Jamsari 1, Normayati Binti Nordin*
Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Parit Raja, 86400, Batu Pahat, Johor, MALAYSIA

*Corresponding Author

Commercial buildings heavily rely on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, constituting
about 40% of their total energy use. The varying energy needs of these spaces pose challenges in achieving
efficient energy use. This study centers around introducing a curved diffuser as a potential solution, building on
studies addressing issues with turning diffusers. Challenges such as flow separation causing uneven air
distribution and inefficient pressure recovery drive the goal of refining the curved diffuser for smooth integration
into HVAC systems. The main objectives involve designing a 2-D turning diffuser based on existing ductwork,
assessing its performance compared to a straight diffuser, and creating performance correlations for 2-D turning
diffusers. The study focuses on a 90° 2-D turning diffuser, evaluating its performance using key metrics like
pressure recovery coefficient (Cp) and outlet flow deviation (𝛔out). Using experimental and computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) methods, ANSYS 14.5 is used for project management, modelling, and flow analysis. Various
turbulence models and near-wall treatments are explored for accurate simulations. This research aims to enhance
our understanding of turning diffuser performance, particularly in applying a curved diffuser in HVAC systems
for commercial buildings. The expected outcomes include valuable insights to improve HVAC efficiency and
address challenges related to less-than-optimal ductwork conditions.
Keywords: Curved Diffuser, HVAC, Exhaust system, flow, enhancement design, Optimise, CFD

1. Introduction
. The energy dynamics of commercial buildings undergo significant influence from Heating, Ventilation, and Air
Conditioning (HVAC) systems, constituting a substantial 40% of the overall energy consumption. This
considerable impact is attributed to the energy-intensive functions of HVAC components, encompassing both
heating and cooling processes, alongside the reliance on multiple fans within the ventilation system. Additionally,
a noteworthy segment, up to 16%, is dedicated to circulating either hot or cold water for effective heat rejection.
Insights gleaned from recent studies suggest a variable energy consumption pattern within HVAC systems, with
specific commercial buildings consuming a considerable 50% to 60% of their total energy resources. This
variability underscores the diverse energy requisites of commercial spaces as they strive to maintain optimal
conditions for both heating and cooling, underscoring the pivotal role of HVAC systems in ensuring environmental
comfort. However, this pursuit of comfort coexists with challenges in achieving optimal energy efficiency. [1]

At the core of these HVAC systems is the diffuser, a mechanical device strategically designed as a gradual conical
expander to elevate the static pressure of the fluid it processes. When appropriately sized with a suitable area ratio,
the diffuser aims to achieve a uniform flow and significant static pressure at its outlet. These diffusers play an
integral role in various engineering and industrial scenarios, finding applications in commercial buildings such as
factories, shopping malls, and warehouses. In aviation, specifically in aircraft gas turbines, diffusers in the form of
diffusing intakes serve to decelerate high-velocity air from the wing or fuselage, thereby increasing pressure before
entering the engine compressor. [2]
1*Corresponding author:
2021 UTHM Publisher. All rights reserved.
Author 1 et al., J. of Adv. Mechanical Engineering Applications, Vol. 0, No. 0 (2021) p. 1-4

It's noteworthy that diffusers come in two primary types: straight diffusers and turning diffusers, the latter also
known as curved diffusers. The evaluation of a diffuser's performance is chiefly rooted in the analysis of the outlet
pressure recovery coefficient (Cp), a crucial parameter gauging the efficiency with which kinetic energy
transforms into pressure energy within the diffuser. The main challenge in achieving optimal pressure recovery lies
in the occurrence of flow separation, where the fluid fails to uniformly adhere to the diffuser surfaces. This
separation results in energy dissipation and the establishment of a non-uniform flow distribution, ultimately
impeding the diffuser's capacity to maximize pressure recovery. Challenges encountered in turning diffusers are
primarily associated with issues related to energy dissipation and non-uniform flow distribution, stemming from
the significant curvature inherent in these diffusers. This curvature accentuates the thickening of the boundary
layer along the inner wall, leading to increased potential flow loadings and, simultaneously, a reduction in
turbulent mixing along the inner wall. [3]

Consequently, the high-speed stream of fluid is redirected towards the outer wall of the diffuser, resulting in an
undesirable outcome: the outlet flow exhibits non-uniformity. The pronounced curvature, coupled with the
thickened boundary layer and altered flow patterns, collectively contribute to suboptimal performance concerning
achieving a uniformly distributed and efficiently directed outlet flow in turning diffusers. [4]

Recent laboratory-scale investigations have delved into enhancing the performance of turning diffusers to
comprehend the nuances associated with their operation. In the continuum of this exploration, the present study
shifts its focus toward the practical application of curved diffusers within an industrial context. This transition
represents a strategic move from theoretical enhancements to tangible, real-world applications, aiming to bridge
the gap between laboratory insights and industrial implementation.

1.1 Problem statement

The curved diffuser, versatile in applications from wind tunnels to kitchen exhaust systems, plays a crucial role in
commercial HVAC systems. In settings like hospitals and shopping malls, determining HVAC system size
involves factors such as square footage, ceiling height, occupancy, construction type, and climate zone. Precision
in sizing, guided by HVAC engineers and building codes, is vital. HVAC installation poses challenges like
reduced airflow and energy inefficiency, emphasizing proper sizing, especially for ductwork. Financial
considerations, zoning flexibility, and regular maintenance also influence system efficiency. Considering the
limitations of existing ductwork, integrating a refined curved diffuser becomes a transformative solution. This
research aims to evaluate its real-world performance, addressing HVAC system challenges and enhancing
operational efficiency
1.2 Objectives
The research objectives are specified as follows:

1. To design the 2-D Turning Diffuser according to the current ductwork parameter
2. To examine the potential performance of a 2-D turning diffuser relative to the straight diffuser.
3. To develop performance correlations as a function of geometrical and operating parameters for 2-D turning

2. Literature Review
2.1 Application of Curved Diffuser
2.1.1 Exhaust system for kitchen Fumes
A kitchen fume extractor hood plays a vital role in eliminating airborne grease, combustion by-products, fumes, smoke,
heat, and steam from the air through evacuation and filtration. Its primary function is to enhance indoor air quality by
effectively addressing issues such as grease, smoke, and odors, often inadequately managed by other ventilation
systems. Consisting of an extractor hood or canopy coupled with a filtering system, this essential tool efficiently
removes cooking fumes right at the source, with the fan positioned either within the kitchen or in its ducts. Various
types of kitchen hoods are available, including ducted hoods that expel air outside and ductless hoods that filter and
recirculate air within the kitchen. Ducted hoods prove optimal for expelling contaminated air outdoors, while ductless
hoods rely on robust air filtration to recirculate purified air within the room. Ensuring proper ventilation is crucial for
establishing a comfortable and safe environment in the kitchen. A study from [5] Examined factors impacting the
functionality of the air curtain range hood including the exhaust rate, air curtain velocity, slot width, and angle.
Findings indicated that the exhaust rate stood out as the key factor influencing the performance of the air curtain range.

Author 1 et al., J. of Adv. Mechanical Engineering Applications, Vol. 0, No. 0 (2021) p. 1-4

2.1.2 wind tunnel

The central objective of a wind tunnel is to duplicate and scrutinize the aerodynamic attributes of objects in a controlled
environment. Serving as a specialized facility expressly crafted to generate a precisely regulated airflow, it replicates
the conditions encountered by objects across diverse scenarios. Wind tunnels are instrumental in aerodynamics
research, engineering applications, and testing, playing a pivotal role in evaluating the influence of air on a range of
entities, including aircraft, automobiles, buildings, bridges, and other structures. Within the wind tunnel, a test object is
situated in the path of the airflow, with the airspeed subject to manipulation to simulate various conditions, such as
fluctuating wind speeds or angles of attack. This controlled environment empowers researchers and engineers to
measure and scrutinize essential factors like lift, drag, and additional aerodynamic forces acting upon the object. Wind
tunnels are indispensable in the design and evolution of vehicles, structures, and other entities interacting with air,
supplying crucial data for the improvement of performance, efficiency, and safety. [4]

2.2 Common Problem HVAC system in Industry

2.2.1 Air Indoor Quality

HVAC systems significantly influence indoor air quality by managing various factors crucial for a healthy living or
working environment. Firstly, ventilation is a key aspect controlled by HVAC systems, ensuring a continuous influx of
fresh outdoor air. This process helps dilute indoor pollutants, promoting a cleaner atmosphere. Secondly, effective air
filtration mechanisms within HVAC systems capture and trap particles such as dust, pollen, and other contaminants,
preventing them from circulating and being inhaled by occupants. Additionally, humidity regulation is another critical
function, with HVAC systems maintaining optimal moisture levels to discourage mold growth and minimize the
presence of allergens. [6] Despite these positive impacts, inadequate maintenance poses a risk. If HVAC systems are not
routinely inspected, cleaned, and filters replaced, they can become reservoirs for contaminants, distributing them
throughout the indoor space and compromising air quality. Regular maintenance, encompassing tasks like filter
changes and system cleaning, is paramount to sustaining the positive influence of HVAC systems on indoor air quality,
ensuring a safe and comfortable indoor environment for occupants.

2.2.2 Thermal Comfort

Thermal comfort encapsulates the subjective sense of satisfaction with the thermal conditions in a given environment,
influenced by multifaceted factors such as air temperature, humidity, air circulation, and individual variables like
clothing and activity levels. In the context of indoor spaces, the pivotal role played by HVAC (Heating, Ventilation,
and Air Conditioning) systems in achieving and sustaining thermal comfort cannot be overstated. These systems
dynamically regulate indoor temperatures, ensuring they align with occupant preferences and adapt to seasonal
variations. Beyond temperature control, HVAC systems actively manage humidity levels to prevent discomfort caused
by excessively dry or humid air. Furthermore, they facilitate uniform air distribution, eliminating temperature
differentials throughout the building. An additional dimension of significance lies in the personal control options
offered by advanced HVAC systems, allowing occupants to fine-tune their immediate surroundings. [7] This
adaptability to external conditions, coupled with the ability to maintain a consistent and balanced indoor climate,
positions HVAC systems as indispensable elements in creating environments where individuals can experience and
maintain optimal thermal comfort.
2.2.3 Energy Efficiency Drops
Ductwork intricacies can intricately affect the energy efficiency of HVAC systems, and understanding the specific
challenges is crucial. Duct leaks, a prevalent issue, result in the wasteful escape of conditioned air, forcing the HVAC
system to work harder to meet temperature demands. This not only compromises efficiency but also raises energy
consumption. Insufficient insulation along ducts contributes to thermal losses or gains, making it imperative to ensure
proper insulation for optimal efficiency. Unbalanced airflow, caused by irregularities in the duct system, leads to
disparate temperature distribution across spaces, creating discomfort and prompting the HVAC system to exert
additional effort to rectify the imbalances. Blockages or restrictions within ducts, whether due to debris or accumulated
dust, impede smooth airflow, compelling the HVAC system to exert more energy to maintain the desired flow. The
sizing of ducts is equally critical; improper sizing can hinder airflow velocity or increase resistance, both negatively
impacting system efficiency. Inadequate sealing at joints allows conditioned air to escape, while dirty or blocked air
filters hinder airflow, both of which contribute to energy inefficiency. Regular inspections, meticulous sealing, proper
insulation, and routine filter maintenance are paramount in addressing these ductwork challenges, ensuring optimal
energy efficiency and performance from HVAC systems. A meticulously designed and well-maintained duct system
plays a pivotal role in achieving energy conservation and sustaining HVAC efficiency over time. [8]
2.3 Parameter of the research

3Published by UTHM Publisher
Author 1 et al., J. of Adv. Mechanical Engineering Applications, Vol. 0, No. 0 (2021) p. 1-4

Within the intricate realm of HVAC ductwork, pressure stands as a paramount factor influencing airflow efficiency.
This pressure dynamic comprises static pressure, representing the force exerted by motionless air, and dynamic
pressure, encapsulating the energy associated with moving air. Static pressure is indispensable for maintaining uniform
airflow distribution and averting complications like imbalances or undue strain on the system. Simultaneously, duct
velocity, defining the speed of air travel, emerges as a critical factor influencing noise levels, turbulence characteristics,
and susceptibility to pressure drops. Striking a delicate balance among these elements is pivotal for achieving
operational efficiency and acoustic tranquillity. The cross-sectional area of ducts, serving as a perpendicular plane to
the airflow direction, exerts a direct influence on velocity dynamics. An intelligently designed system meticulously
considers the optimal cross-sectional area to deliver requisite airflow without compromising efficiency or incurring
undue pressure differentials. This consideration becomes particularly vital in achieving the delicate equilibrium
between air velocity and pressure drop, ensuring that the system operates effectively while avoiding unnecessary
energy consumption. [9]
Moreover, the layout of ductwork, constituting the spatial arrangement of ducts, fittings, and components within a
building, assumes a central role in determining the overall efficacy of the HVAC system. A thoughtfully curated layout
becomes the blueprint for the even distribution of conditioned air, minimizing the occurrence of hot or cold spots and
fostering a harmonious indoor climate. Furthermore, a well-structured layout facilitates accessibility for maintenance
and service, mitigating downtime and contributing to the system's long-term reliability. In essence, the interconnected
nature of these parameters underscores the need for a comprehensive and integrative approach in the design and
management of HVAC ductwork systems. The delicate orchestration of pressure, velocity, cross-sectional area, and
layout is the key to realizing optimal performance, energy efficiency, and a comfortable, resilient indoor environment.

3. Research design and methodology.

The main focus of the experiments was to evaluate the performance of a 2-D turning diffuser as opposed to a
conventional turning diffuser. A portion of the results served the purpose of validating the numerical method, which
was then applied for thorough simulation and assessment of how geometrical and operational factors influence the
performance of turning diffusers. Utilizing the ACFD method, performance correlations for the turning diffusers were
4. Hypothesis
The turning diffuser provides better efficiency compared with conventional diffusers.

5. Expected Outcomes

The expected outcomes from this research are as follows:

i. Pressure recovery on a Turning Diffuser is better than the conventional diffuser

ii. Efficiency on turning is better than conventional diffuser

6. Potential of Commercialization

The turning diffuser may solve the spatial height problem in HVAC systems on industries whilst contributing the
better efficiency solutions rather than spending a lot of money onto maintenance fees. The innovation and the
performance correlation do have the potential of commercialization in terms of better ductwork and provide better
efficiency and performance.


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