Lean Thinking An Essential Mindset

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Lean Thinking: An Essential Mindset

—ANABELA CARVALHO ALVES Abstract—Lean thinking is a fundamental mindset to promote societal
Centro ALGORITMI, University of Minho, 4800- transformations and prepare society to properly adopt and use Industry 4.0
~es, Portugal
058 Guimara technologies. These technologies continue to rapidly develop and have
Department of Production and Systems, started to evolve to Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0. Although these technologies
School of Engineering, University of Minho, may provide economic, social, and sustainability benefits, their use must fit
4800-058 Guimara~es, Portugal
society’s needs. Society’s digital path must be aligned with workers’ physical
and safety conditions. These technologies should promote creativity,
responsibility, resilience, and critical thinking for individuals to be prepared
when digital systems do not work or when disruptive events happen—such as
pandemic, catastrophic, and violent conflict situations. Lessons and
challenges for practice and organizations are identified and summarized.
IEEE DOI 10.1109/EMR.2022.3215062
Key words: Industry 4.0, industry 5.0, lean thinking, Society 5.0

I. INTRODUCTION into an LPS [3]. A few years later, the

five principles of lean thinking were
T founder, Sakichi Toyoda,
was an inventor motivated, at the
published as a fundamental mindset
for companies to follow if they wished
beginning of his career, by the need to to achieve TPS [4].
help his mother in her loom activities.
With the Jidoka mechanism, he TPS principles, concepts, and tools
accomplished this objective. Jidoka appeared in many previous places
became one of the pillars of the Toyota [5], [6], [7], [8]. Each of these
production system (TPS), being the previous publications reinforced the
other just-in-time concept. operator’s role in the production
system, where technology is
John Krafcik of the Massachusetts needed to help them in their
Institute of Technology International functions.
Motor Vehicle Program called the
TPS as a lean production system Example quotes from these early
(LPS) [1]. Essentially, Toyota was sources included:
doing more with less and used the
minds of workers instead of just using “In short, robots, like any other
their hands. Toyota had a more kind of technology must remain
human approach to the assembly line the tool of men and not the other
concept by considering the operator way around!” [9, p. 236]
in the line as more than just a
machine extension. “. . . a work environment that is
safe physically, emotionally, and
Toyota put the operator working professionally for every
teams to think about the process and employee” [10].
improve it. Toyota evolved from a
technocentric production system to a “Adopt and adapt technology that
more anthropocentric production supports your people and
system. A slogan of TPS is making processes” [11]
people, before making products [2].
Each quote provides evidence of TPS
TPS evolved further with the book care for people—the main driving
The Machine that changed the world principle. TPS has focused on

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respect for people and continuous as categorized by Ohno [6] includes 4) promote thinkers, decision
improvement since its origins. the following: makers, and problem solvers to
1) transport; fulfill their potential;
Technology is omnipresent—from the 2) inventory; 5) establish good relations with
moment we get up until the moment 3) motion; suppliers and with customers
we go to bed, in our houses, in our 4) waiting; (internal and external); and
car, in our job, and in our leisure time. 5) defects; 6) provide ecoefficient solutions to
This fact expands the care for people 6) overprocessing; and pursue sustainable development
outside the factory. 7) overproduction. goals by exploring the lean-green
Technological importance has been This last waste type is considered the
exponentially increasing across worst because it is the origination of Technology is necessarily a part of
almost all human and industrial all other waste—implying additional engineering curricula and
activities. The Fourth Industrial cost incurred by clients and more competencies that will help students
Revolution or Industry 4.0, as an importantly the planet. to use them wisely are critical. Of the
example of an emergent technology, Overproduction means producing top 10 competencies identified by the
needs to be aligned with the human more than clients need. It does not World Manufacturing Forum in 2019
capability of adaptation. Society 5.0 mean the organizations are [18], 6 of them are related to
and Industry 5.0 [12]—concepts necessarily satisfying them properly. transversal competencies.
recently promoted—are calling for a
new paradigm for a sustainable, This situation means all energy, These competencies are a part of the
human centric, and resilient industry. water, and natural resources Society 5.0 concept. This concept
In this article, we discuss how lean employed to make the products are states:
thinking can help achieve Society 5.0 wasteful. Pursuing this reduction,
and Industry 5.0. global development, responsible for “People will be expected to
consumption and production, is more exercise rich imagination to
The rest of this article is organized as likely to be achieved [14]. identify a variety of needs and
follows. Section II presents additional challenges scattered across
background. Then, Section III Another type of waste is untapped society and the scenarios to solve
presents some examples of how lean human potential [15]. This waste is them, as well as creativity to
thinking supports Industry 4.0 related to capitalizing on operator realize such solutions by using
technologies to address the pillars of suggestions, creativity, and inventive digital technologies and data.
Industry 5.0. Section IV overviews ideas—a key TPS concept. Creative Society 5.0 will be an Imagination
some industry projects with the people are needed even more now Society, where digital
application of these lean thinking that the technology surrounding us is transformation combines with the
principles. Section V discusses some greater than ever—lean promotes creativity of diverse people to
challenges faced by organizations creativity [16]. bring about problem solving and
due to such paradigms. Finally, value creation that lead us to
Section VI concludes this article. Technology may also inhibit creativity sustainable development. It is a
and restrict actions. For this reason, concept that can contribute to the
technology introduction needs to be achievement of the Sustainable
well planned and justified. Development Goals adopted by
Lean thinking has been defined by the United Nations” [19].
the following five principles: Individual’s creativity and potential
1) value; can be effectively unlocked when Industry 5.0 recognizes [12]:
2) value stream; technologies are well integrated. 1) power of industry to achieve
3) flow; Lean thinking integrated with Industry societal goals beyond jobs and
4) pull production; and 4.0 can help [17]: growth;
5) pursuit of perfection [3]. 1) develop smart products through 2) need to become a resilient
lean product development; provider of prosperity, by making
These principles are intended to 2) develop and improve processes production respect the
guide organizations along a journey with smart machines; boundaries of our planet; and
that transforms them into a lean 3) transform conventional 3) need to place the well being of
enterprise [13] by adding value by manufacturing systems into the industry operator at the
constantly eliminating waste. Waste smart factories; center of the production process.

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Industry 5.0 complements the existing III. USING LEAN PRINCIPLES human augmentation; use of radio
Industry 4.0 paradigm by having FOR INDUSTRY 4.0 TO frequency identification or RFID; use
research and innovation drive the EVOLVE TO INDUSTRY 5.0 of three-dimensional (3-D) simulation
transition to a sustainable, human with 3-D space; digital twins), big
centric, and resilient industry, being In this section, we discuss how data, and artificial intelligence (e.g.,
these three pillars of this new Industry 4.0 technologies using lean machine learning) are key
paradigm [14]. thinking principles result in human technologies of Industry 4.0 that
centric, sustainable, and resilience support lean concept [17].
Both Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0 benefits—the Industry 5.0 pillars.
concepts refer to a fundamental shift Cyberphysical systems, Internet of When these technologies are used in
of society and economy toward a new Things, Services, or People, robotics the industrial context, we will have the
paradigm. (e.g., collaborative robots or cobots), Industrial Internet of Things allowing a
augmented reality/virtual reality (e.g., smart factory to produce smarter
products, using, for example, additive
manufacturing or 3-D space printing
that are quickly moved in an
automated guided vehicle or mobile
industrial robots.

A. First Lean Principle: Value The

first principle is value. Value means
identifying—or creating—value from a
client’s perspective. This process
would remove any activities (waste)
for which they are unwilling to pay.
Figure 1. Industry 4.0 technologies supporting the lean value principle.
Figure 1 depicts some technologies
enabling value and outcomes,
including human centric, sustainable,
and resilience outcomes.

B. Second Lean Principle: Value

Streams The second principle—
value streams—requires organizations
to focus on removing wastes from the
value chain. Figure 2 summarizes
technologies supporting the second
principle and sustainable, human
centric, and resilience consequences.
Figure 2. Industry 4.0 technologies supporting the lean value stream principle.
C. Third Lean Principle: Flow The
third lean principle is flow. It is
necessary to eliminate wastes after
they have been identified in order to
maintain flow. Figure 3 depicts some
of the technologies that enable the
third principle, as well as some of its

D. Fourth Lean Principle: Pull

Production The fourth concept,
pull production, entails allowing
customers to pull their demand for
products or services when they need
Figure 3. Industry 4.0 technologies supported by the lean flow principle. it, and the amounts, they require—

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also known as just-in-time. Figure 4 the fifth principle—pursuit of IV. PROJECTS WITH INDUSTRY
depicts this principle, enabling perfection—which means to APPLYING LEAN THINKING
Industry 4.0 technology and some continuously search for wastes in PRINCIPLES
Industry 5.0 consequences. order to eliminate them. These
wastes could be related to human The technologies described in this
E. Fifth Lean Principle: Pursuit of effort, untapped human potential, and study are only used as examples;
Perfection Figure 5 summarizes environmental wastes. many more are likely to assist
operators in decreasing their job effort
and managing other organizational
wastes. We worked on projects with
the industry to accomplish such
improvements. Some of these
examples appear in Table 1. In this
table, we also presented the aim and
Industry 5.0 impact achieved by the
project. All of them were developed in
a lean context, and with each project
developed, lead time and cost
reduction were also accomplished.

Figure 4. Industry 4.0 technologies supporting pull production principle. Although the Toyota and lean mindset
have proven their merit, many
organizations continue to refuse to
accept this mindset or make their own
interpretation, focusing on the
economic side only. The
inappropriate use of lean is still a
problem—for example, organizations
tend to believe that they found a good
strategy to dismiss people, unaware
of what motivated Toyota to promote
a production system different from the
well-known Ford production system.

There are clearly some challenges

that companies need to overcome in
Figure 5. Industry 4.0 technologies supporting the pursuit of perfection lean principle. order to implement lean, namely,

TABLE 1. Projects With Industry.

Reference Aim Impact
Pereira et al. [20] Automation of the standard worksheets and control and fabri- Facilitates the coworker’s training; increases consistency;
cations instruction less paper; less errors
Abreu et al. [21] Digitalized manual work instructions and standard work Less paper; more flow; less errors; quick detection of errors
Freitas et al. [22] RFID technologies and information for better internal logistics Reduced human intervention; real-time information; less
errors and movements
Frontoni et al. [23] Satisfaction of new requirements of higher sales volume and Higher goods security level and a real-time data sharing pol-
digital channels icy
Oliveira et al. [24] Automation of the process in the warehouse Increase the speed of communication and information proc-
Afonso et al. [25] Reduce human interaction in a postpandemic scenario by an Less ergonomic risks; less energy consumption and associ-
automatized transport ated CO2 emissions; better flow of materials
Afonso et al. [26] Automatized transport Reduced human effort, reduced motion
Witeck et al. [27] Digitalized measures in the product development process Increase communication; reduce errors
Witeck et al. [28] Mobile technologies in the product development process Better management of priorities and resources; improved
follow-up and communication

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being afraid of having to invest in leading implementing a lean culture. technologies transformation to
resources, top and middle They need to view this as a never- Industry 5.0 pillars. Although such
management support, lack of ending journey. In this context, it will relations were empirically presented
employee experience, and learning in be necessary to provide work in this article, much of what we have
this environment and the process, conditions that employees feel free to written is from our practical
among others enablers and/or suggest improvements, to learn, to experience in projects developed in
inhibitors [29]. create, to be prepared for unknown the industry. To uncover further
and unpredictable events, and to evidence of such consequences,
It is important to mention that, as embrace changes as being part of the more in-depth research using more
Monden [9] referred, before investing in “normal” situation. Also, employees formal research methodologies is
new machinery, equipment, or need to deal with the new required. A systematic literature
technology, manual operations should technologies that will help them in review and several cases could be
be improved and many times, this is performing their job, not the way used to support such research. Also,
what is needed to have a better process around. Achieving this, every we encourage practitioners in the
and, consequently, a better production disruption in the process will be industry to also provide their insights.
system. Otherwise, the result without quickly fixed because people will be
improving processes manually first will capable to do that.
be increasing the generation of waste
and automating this waste. This work was supported by FCT –
VI. FINAL REMARKS Fundaça~o para a Cie
^ncia e Tecnologia
In addition, top and middle Lean thinking principles through R&D Units Project Scope
management need to be involved and implementation supports Industry 4.0 under Grant UIDB/00319/2020.

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Anabela Carvalho Alves received the Ph.D. degree in production and systems engineering from
~es, Portugal, in 2007. She is an Assistant Professor with the
the University of Minho, Guimara
Department of Production and Systems Engineering, University of Minho, Guimara~es, Portugal,
and affiliated with ALGORITMI Centre, Guimaraes, Portugal. Her main research interests are in
the areas of production systems design and operation; lean production and lean education;
production planning and control; and engineering education. She is the author/coauthor of more
than 200 publications. She supervised 5 Ph.D. and is supervising 3 Ph.D. She supervised more
than 100 master dissertations in Industrial Engineering and Management. She is a member of
the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the International Symposium on Project Approaches
in Engineering Education, (http://paee.dps.uminho.pt). She was involved in four and is currently
in one financed projects with industry.

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