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Divine Child International School, Adalaj (2023- 24)

NAME: ____________________ GRADE: 3 ________

Half Yearly Revision Syllabus: Chapter-1 Our Universe

Chapter-3 Continents and Oceans Chapter-4 Using Directions Chapter-9 The Story of the Earliest People
Chapter-10 Fire, Farming and the Wheel Chapter-14 Being Good and Being Safe
Chapter-15 Transport and Communication Chapter-18 National Symbols

Chapter-9 The Story of the Earliest People

Q1. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate answer.

1. _____________ is the study about the past events.
2. Early humans were also known as ____________
3. _____________ kept early humans warm in winter.
4. Early humans lived in ________________

Q2. Short Answer Type Questions (Write the answer in 20-40 words)
1. What do cave paintings show?
2. Explain Stone Age.
3. Why early humans were called hunter-gatherers?
4. What do cave paintings show?
5. What were early humans scared of?

Q3. Read the statements, identify incorrect incident, name, date and rewrite the

statements with the correct answer

(a) Bhimbetka caves are in Gujarat. _____________

(b) Women hunted animals and men gathered fruits. _____________

Q4. Write the answers in one word or in a sentence

1. What were early human’s dependent on for survival?

2. How early humans communicated with each other?

3. When did modern humans appeared on the earth?

4. Where are the cave paintings of early humans located?

5. Which age were introduced by early humans?

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