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Module 3.04

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NAME: _________________________________________
SECTION: ______________________________________
INCLUSIVE DATES: _____________________________

What I Need to Know (Face-to-Face 1)

Our final module for this quarter will be about physical activities and how
they are related to Metabolic Equivalent. At the same time you will
explore street dances as recreational physical activity.

Learning Objectives
⎯ Undertake physical fitness assessment.
⎯ Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities to promote well-

Fun Facts About your Body!

 When you lose weight, fat leaves your body via your …
Breath! Crazy, huh? Though we like to say that ‘sweat is your
fat crying’ it seems that fat is actually released as carbon
dioxide when we exhale. Now before you start
hyperventilating to try to slim down faster, it’s important to
note that you can’t just shed fat by breathing it out — you
still have to create the caloric deficit that leads to fat loss in
order to exhale it away. Oh, and some of that “sweat is your
fat crying” expression holds a bit of truth — the remainder
of the fat not turned into carbon dioxide is released through
bodily fluids like sweat, urine, tears, etc.

 This is even better for your brain than specific ‘brain training’ exercises…

Physical activity! Science shows that aerobic exercise may do more to help bolster thinking than thinking
itself. Regular exercise stimulates neurogenesis (or the creation of new neurons) in the brain, so much like
the rest of your muscles that physical activity can help ‘bulk up’ your brain cells, too. Regular exercise
becomes increasingly crucial as we age and begin to experience the cognitive decline related to under-use
and aging.

With all that said, you need to be doing cardio, weight training, balance and flexibility training.

Dayao, K. (JULY, 2021) 10 PE | 1

What I Know/ What’s In
Engaging in a moderate to vigorous physical activity prepares you to lead a physically active lifestyle
and can improve health and academic outcomes. Physical activity does not have to compete with
educational goals; in fact, it can help you learn content by enhancing concentration skills and on task
 Contributes to academic performance
 Greater potential for increasing health benefits for most students as it generates more energy
expenditure, prevents obesity help in muscular and bone development, reduces anxiety and
stress, improves self-esteem, mood and concentration reduces risk of chronic diseases
 Provides more opportunity for motor development, fitness, skill enhancement and positive
social interactions

What’s New and What Is It

Exercise experts measure activity (body’s energy expenditure) metabolic equivalents (METs). One MET is the
energy you spend sitting at rest – your resting or basal metabolic rate. So, an activity with a MET value of 4 means
you’re exerting four times the energy than you would if you were sitting still. To put it into perspective, a brisk
walk at 3 or 4 miles an hour has a value of 4 METs. Another example is jumping rope which has an equivalent
MET of 12.3

Moderate Physical Activity

⎯ Activities that get you moving fast enough or strenuously enough to burn off three to six times as much
energy per minute as you do when you are sitting quietly.
⎯ Burns 3-6 METs
⎯ Examples: housework (washing windows, mopping), brisk walking, bicycling light effort (16-19 kph),
recreational badminton, tennis doubles

Vigorous Physical Activity

⎯ Produces large increase in breathing or heart rate
⎯ Burns more than 6 METs
⎯ Examples: jogging at (9-10 kph), aerobic dance or bicycling uphill, circuit training, basketball game, soccer
game, tennis singles, carrying heavy loads, shoveling, hiking

Dayao, K. (JULY, 2021) 10 PE | 2

MET and calories
In the previous module, you have learned about calories and how this is related to our food consumption and burning
it through our activities. You might know by now too that the more oxygen your muscles use, the more calories
you burn. To give you another perspective, you have to burn about 3500 calories to lose about half a kilogram of
body weight.

If you know the MET value of a particular activity,you can figure out a close estimate of how many calories you
are burning.

Formula: 𝑀𝐸𝑇𝑠 × 3.5 × 𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑘𝑔

𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒 =

Activity METs Activity METs Activity METs

Walking slowly 2 Dancing 4.8 Swimming 8
Gardening (light) 2 Volleyball (competitive) 6 Basketball game 8
General house cleaning 3 Walking uphill 6.8 Jogging (9 kph) 8.8
Walking briskly 3 Strenous Hiking 6-7 Rope jumping (66/min) 9.8
Heavy yard work/gardening 4 Bicycling (10-16 mph) 6-10 Rope jumping (84/min) 10.5
Climbing stairs 4 Aerobic dancing 6-10 Jogging (10.9 kph) 11.2
Bicycling (casual) 4 Single tennis 7-12 Running (8mph) 13.5

What’s More (Study-from-Home 1)

Activity 1
 Recall your activities in the past week and record the physical activities you did.
 Compute for their equivalent MET and get the total value. Use the back of your module to solve for the
 What can you say about the amount of food you have consumed in relation to your MET total?
 Do you think you are doing progress with your physical activities as you are required to do physical








Dayao, K. (JULY, 2021) 10 PE | 3

Dances Refers to movement set to music where there emerges organization, structure
and pattern. It is a composition that implies arrangement of parts into a from

Due to the limitations we are in right now, many of you are restricted in doing activities like sports which you used
to enjoy pre-pandemic. But that doesn’t mean that you would stop doing any physical activity just because you are
in the confines of your home. One thing you can explore to do outside sports is through dancing.

Elements of Dance
Body Physical Skill and Body Awareness (Posture, Balance, Flexibility, Strength, Coordination)
Action Locomotor (moves space)
Basic steps – walk, run. leap, jump, hop, gallop, skip, slide
Space Design of Body Shape (straight, bent/angular, twisted, curved, symmetrical, asymmetrical
Direction (up, down, side, forward, backward, diagonal, around, toward, away, out, in)
Time Metric Rhythm – countable (beat, meter, accent, tempo -speed, note of value (duration), pattern
Energy Degree of Energy (strong, weak, heavy, light, bound flow, free flow

Health Benefits of Dancing

Dancing as a recreational activity can be a way to stay fit for people of all ages, shapes, and sizes. It has a wide
range of physical and mental benefits including:

⎯ improved condition of your heart and lungs

⎯ increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness
⎯ increased aerobic fitness
⎯ improved muscle tone and strength
⎯ weight management
⎯ stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis
⎯ better coordination, agility and flexibility
⎯ improved balance and spatial awareness
⎯ increased physical confidence
⎯ improved mental functioning
⎯ improved general and psychological wellbeing
⎯ greater self-confidence and self-esteem
⎯ better social skills

What’s More (Face-to-Face 2)

This refers to a dance style that evolved outside dance studios like any available open space such
Street as streets, dance parties, block parties, parks, school yards, raves, and nightclubs. They are often
Dance improvisational and social in nature, encouraging interaction and contact with spectators and the
other dancers. Some examples of street dance include breakdancing and hip-hop dances.

Examples – House dance, rave dance, punk dance, hip-hop dance, breakdance

Hip-hop Dance performed in hip-hop music and had evolved from a

hip-hop culture; it originated in 1970 in New York
among African-Americans and some influences of
Hip-hop Culture composed of a DJ, rapping, breakdancing, and
graffiti art

Dayao, K. (JULY, 2021) 10 PE | 4

Breaking originated in the Bronx in New York City. Another style that originated on the USA's west-
It was an artistic outlet for the youth and is one of coast to funk music is Popping. It has a slower pace
the four original elements of hip-hop culture. The and is defined through hard muscle contractions
unique features of breaking include acrobatic called pops then relaxing the muscles.
movement and an emphasis on ground moves, Popping forces part of your body outwards, similar
while the other styles prioritize dancing while to an explosion within parts of your body.
standing up. It is popularized by Samuel Boogaloo Sam Solomon
Four movements: and his crew.
Toprock - footwork-oriented steps performed
while standing up
Downrock – footwork performed with both hands
The name lyrical comes from the word "lyrics"
and feet on the floor
because dancers use the lyrics of a song or
Freezes – stylish poses done on your hands
instrumental music to inspire them to do certain
Power moves – comprise full-body spins and
movements or show expression.
rotations that give the illusion of defying gravity
Lyrical hip-hop is a fluid and more interpretive
version of new style hip-hop most often danced to
House Dance downtempo rap music or R&B music. Lyrical is
The main styles include Footwork, Jacking and "hip-hop with emotion". It focuses more on
lofting. choreography and performance and less on
Its roots can be traced from the underground freestyles and battles.
house music scene of Chicago and New York in the
late 70s and early 80s. It is typically danced to loud LOCKING
and bass-heavy electronic dance music. Locking looks light-hearted and happy. This is
probably because the music is funk, which is
KRUMPING played by real musicians (not produced on a
Raw, exaggerated movements marked by their computer) and feels much more alive as a result.
emotion and intensity (derived from a similar style It can be identified by stopping a fast movement
known as clowning) that you are doing, locking your body into a
It originated in the African-American community position, holding it, and then continuing at the
of South-Central Los Angeles, California and is a same speed as before.
relatively new form of the “Urban” Black dance It was created by Don Campbell in 1969 in Los
movement. Angeles, California.

*Refer to the videos of these dances saved in your LK.

23 Hip-Hop Dance Steps, 33 Dance Grooves

What I Have Learned (Study-from-Home 2)

Activity 2
 The goal for this week is for you to design a 30 sec to 1 minute street dance displaying the elements of
 You will choose your own music (wholesome) and come up with your own choreography.
 When done, you are encouraged to invite a family member whom you will master the dance with.
 Have your dance performance be video recorded and send it to Google classroom.


Dance Elements Is able to express most Is able to express only Is able to express Is able to express 1 or
(20 Pts) of the elements of some of the elements some of the elements 2 element/s of the
dance creatively of dance creatively with lacking creativity dance poorly
Musical Timing Most of the movements Only some of the Some of the Movements are
(8 Pts) are well-coordinated to movements are well- movements are well- poorly with the
the music. coordinated to the coordinated to the music.
music. music.

Dayao, K. (JULY, 2021) 10 PE | 5

Summative Assessment (Face-to-Face 3)
Exercise promotes our well-being. It has many benefits that improves one’s overall health and fitness and
reduces the risk of acquiring chronic diseases.

Exercise should be planned, structured and repetitive for the purpose of conditioning any part of the body
used to improve health and maintain fitness. To measure how we are doing and to track our progress, we
can make use of Target Heart Zone.

You will be answering your quiz online. Only click on or open the link to the quiz on the scheduled date. Be
guided accordingly. If you have any concerns regarding the quiz before and/or after the quiz, inform me via


Author Pete McCall Health and Fitness Expert Pete McCall. 5 Things to Know About Metabolic Equivalents. Metabolic

Equivalents | 5 Things to Know About METs.


Get to know the most common street dance styles and watch some of their most accomplished practitioners in action. Red


Roland, J. (2019, October 21). What Are METs, and How Are They Calculated? Healthline.

Salustri, A. D. (2017, February 22). 5 Fitness Fun Facts.

Street Dance Carnival.

Dayao, K. (JULY, 2021) 10 PE | 6

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