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1. Research on the storyline of either Oedipus Rex or Medea.

Even though Medea was written by Euripides and not Aristotle, the great author of
dramas, the story still
shows great signs illustrating that Medea should, in fact, be considered a tragic
hero. Although Medea does defy one main thing, she is a woman. In Greek literature,
it is
believed that female characters cannot be heroes, which is why the Greek audience
determined lason to be the tragic hero of the story of Medea. However, not
speaking on terms of gender roles in Greek literature, Medea does, in fact, fit
almost perfectly into the mold of characteristics that a tragic hero has.

Medea is a noble, strong and passionate woman. Medea loves her children, and her
husband Jason to a great extent. The story makes it apparent that she is willing to
do anything to make Jason happy. However,
even though Medea essentially worships the ground he walks on, Jason selfishly
leaves Medea for the king's young and beautiful daughter. With Jason deserting her
and the children brings us Medea's first tragic hero characteristic, which is her
peripeteia, the reversal of her fortune.

Jason is very self-centered, and all he wants is to raise his social standing. He
eventually marries the king's daughter and allows the king to banish Medea.
Needless to say, Jason's betrayal destroys her. Which then brings us the next
tragic hero characteristic Medea represents, which is her hamartia. This hamartia,
or flaw, is that she is willing to do whatever she can to get her revenge on Jason.
Medea is so blinded by hate and rage that she kills Jason's new wife, the king and
shockingly, both of her own children. Medea states that " I have done it because I
loathed you more than I loved
them..." (Medea, lines 326-327).

After letting her hamartia get the best of her resulting in rash acts, follows
Medea's anagnorisis. This is where she realizes the truth of her tragic situation.
Medea started her life as a strong, powerful woman. She lost control of her life
because of her vast love for Jason. She had a sudden, compelling realization once
Jason abandoned her that it was all a fraud of his selfish ways. The gods are on
Medea's side, and they sent her a chariot pulled by dragons to allow her to escape.
To which she then moves on to be a strong character with a new life in Athens.

2. Research also who is the playwrights and what kind of music they used.

Medea, Greek Mēdeia, tragedy by Euripides, performed in 431 bce. One of Euripides'
most powerful and best-known plays, Medea is a remarkable study of injustice and
ruthless revenge.

Euripides was a tragedian of classical Athens. Along with Aeschylus and Sophocles,
he is one of the three ancient Greek tragedians for whom any plays have survived in
full. Some ancient scholars attributed ninety-five plays to him, but the Suda says
it was ninety-two at most.

The music of the show was otherworldly. Diegetic sound, the harmonium and singing,
was clearly used to push forward and echo the plot of the play. Eerily echoing the
dialogue, the chorus's trance-like singing created a mythic atmosphere.

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