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Aono et al.

Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2019) 4:40
Cognitive Research: Principles
and Implications


Neuroscientific evidence in the courtroom:

a review
Darby Aono1, Gideon Yaffe2 and Hedy Kober3*

The use of neuroscience in the courtroom can be traced back to the early twentieth century. However, the use of
neuroscientific evidence in criminal proceedings has increased significantly over the last two decades. This rapid
increase has raised questions, among the media as well as the legal and scientific communities, regarding the
effects that such evidence could have on legal decision makers. In this article, we first outline the history of
neuroscientific evidence in courtrooms and then we provide a review of recent research investigating the effects of
neuroscientific evidence on decision-making broadly, and on legal decisions specifically. In the latter case, we
review studies that measure the effect of neuroscientific evidence (both imaging and nonimaging) on verdicts,
sentencing recommendations, and beliefs of mock jurors and judges presented with a criminal case. Overall, the
reviewed studies suggest mitigating effects of neuroscientific evidence on some legal decisions (e.g., the death
penalty). Furthermore, factors such as mental disorder diagnoses and perceived dangerousness might moderate the
mitigating effect of such evidence. Importantly, neuroscientific evidence that includes images of the brain does not
appear to have an especially persuasive effect (compared with other neuroscientific evidence that does not include
an image). Future directions for research are discussed, with a specific call for studies that vary defendant
characteristics, the nature of the crime, and a juror’s perception of the defendant, in order to better understand the
roles of moderating factors and cognitive mediators of persuasion.
Keywords: Neuroscience explanation, Legal decisions, Law, Neuroimages, Neuroimaging, Persuasion, Seductive

Significance hold any special persuasive power. With this in mind, we

The increased use of neuroscientific evidence in criminal provide recommendations for future research in this area.
proceedings has led some to wonder what effects such Our review and conclusions have implications for scien-
evidence has on legal decision makers (e.g., jurors and tists, legal scholars, judges, and jurors, who could all bene-
judges) who may be unfamiliar with neuroscience. There fit from understanding the influence of neuroscientific
is some concern that legal decision makers may be un- evidence on judgments in criminal cases.
duly influenced by testimony and images related to the
defendant’s brain. This paper briefly reviews the history
of neuroscientific evidence in the courtroom to provide Introduction
context for its current use. It then reviews the current re- Over the last four decades, the number of incarcerated
search examining the influence of neuroscientific evidence Americans has increased by 500% (The Sentencing Pro-
on legal decision makers and potential moderators of such ject, 2018). In 2017, there were 1,097,083 arrests made
effects. Our synthesis of the findings suggests that neuro- in California alone (California Department of Justice,
scientific evidence has some mitigating effects on legal de- 2017), while an estimated total of 6,613,500 American
cisions, although neuroimaging-based evidence does not citizens were on parole, probation, in jail, or in prison
(Kaeble & Cowhig, 2018). Importantly, while incarcer-
ation rates have skyrocketed, the neuroscientific technol-
* Correspondence: ogy available for both criminal prosecution and defense
Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, CT,
USA has also increased at a rapid rate over the past few de-
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article cades. From the advent of electroencephalography (EEG)
© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2019) 4:40 Page 2 of 20

in the 1930s to the first magnetic resonance imaging Although the prosecution opposed the introduction of
(MRI) scans performed on humans in the 1970s, the Hinckley’s CT scans as evidence, the district court judge
twentieth century saw great advances in neuroscience, ruled that the scans were admissible. Hinckley was ul-
and neuroimaging specifically. These tools not only gave timately found NGRI.
scientists an inside view into the structure and function A decade later, a new form of neuroimaging made an
of the human brain, but they also allowed experts to bet- appearance in People v. Weinstein (1992). Weinstein
ter conceptualize the connection between the human was charged with second-degree murder for strangling
brain and human behavior. This connection has become his wife and throwing her from the 12th floor of their
particularly evident, and relevant, in the courtroom. Manhattan apartment, a charge he readily admitted to.
The entrance of neuroscience to the courtroom has His attorneys considered it suspicious that Weinstein
been featured in scientific and law review articles, as well would show so little remorse for his actions, and or-
as in numerous mainstream news articles, with titles dered positron emission tomography (PET) scans. At
ranging from “How criminal courts are putting brains— trial, Weinstein’s defense team presented his PET scans
not people—on trial” (Gonzalez, 2017) to “Brain scans in to support their claim that, due to an arachnoid cyst,
the courts: prosecutor’s dream or civil rights nightmare?” his brain function was disrupted. Thus, they claimed
(Gaines, 2018). Given how relatively new neuroscience is that the defendant did not have the requisite mental
to the courtroom, there remain many open questions re- state to be found criminally responsible. Weinstein was
garding its potential role. The purpose of this paper is to later allowed to plead guilty to the lesser charge of
review the historical and current use of neuroscientific manslaughter.
evidence by the legal system, as well as the current re- Only a year after Weinstein, the rules governing the
search investigating the effects of neuroscientific evi- introduction of scientific evidence into federal trials
dence on legal decision makers in criminal cases. Such a changed significantly. In Daubert v. Merrell Dow Phar-
review is particularly timely in light of media, legal, and maceuticals, Inc. (1993), two families sued Merrell Dow
scientific concern over the potential biasing effect of for their children’s birth defects, allegedly caused by the
such evidence (e.g., Choi, 2017; Davis, 2017). prenatal ingestion of a drug sold by the company. Al-
though the district court granted summary judgment for
Neuroscience in the courtroom: a brief history Merrell Dow, the families appealed, and the case was
Neuroscience has been used in legal proceedings since eventually heard by the Supreme Court of the United
the early twentieth century. Shen (2016) traces one of States. Prior to Daubert, trial judges used the “Frye
the earliest introductions of neuroscience into court- standard” to guide decisions on the admissibility of sci-
rooms to the 1940s, when EEG was first used in a case entific testimony. The Frye standard dictated that, in
involving a defendant with epilepsy. At the time, EEG order for testimony to be admitted to trial, the method
was used to shed light on diagnosing and treating epi- by which the evidence was obtained must be “gener-
lepsy; some lawyers used this tool to argue against laws ally accepted” by the relevant scientific community.
that denied rights to individuals with epilepsy, while However, almost two decades before Daubert, Con-
others used it in an attempt to identify the neural gress had passed the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE),
markers of violence (Shen, 2016). By the mid-twentieth which offered a more liberal standard for allowing
century, EEG had become such a common occurrence scientific testimony to enter trial. Rather than requir-
in epilepsy cases that psychiatrist and attorney Irwin ing “general acceptance” of the scientific technique
Perr advised, “The lawyer interested in this subject must for admissibility, the standard set by the FRE deemed
know some principles of electroencephalography—both such an assessment to be only one of a number to
in understanding and evaluating epilepsy and because of consider, along with whether or not the methodology
its frequent use as a tool in court cases” (Perr, 1958). In- is testable, whether it has been subjected to peer re-
deed, within a few decades of its invention, an under- view, and its known or potential error rate. In Dau-
standing of EEG was recommended for attorneys, both bert, the Supreme Court replaced Frye’s supremacy in
for its probative value as well as its growing presence in federal cases with the standard set forth by the FRE,
the courtroom. which has come to be known as the “Daubert stand-
In 1981, John Hinckley’s attempted assassination of ard.” This opened the door for the more liberal use
President Ronald Reagan led to one of the highest profile of scientific evidence in modern courtrooms. Specific-
cases that utilized neuroscience in a criminal trial. ally, the Daubert standard allowed scientific tech-
Hinckley’s defense team introduced a computed tomog- niques and results that had not yet achieved general
raphy (CT) scan of his brain to help bolster its argument acceptance to appear in courtrooms. Thus, new im-
that he suffered from schizophrenia, and should there- aging tools that were not yet widely used became ad-
fore be found not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI). missible thanks to Daubert.
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2019) 4:40 Page 3 of 20

Neuroscience in the modern courtroom prosecution. Although Denno did not quantify the claim,
Along with its development in scientific contexts, the she reported that, across defense cases, neuroscientific
opportunity for neuroscience to be used as evidence in evidence was often used to bolster a diagnosis that was
criminal trials has predictably increased since the turn of already confirmed by a medical professional (Denno,
the century. Theoretically, neuroscientific evidence 2015). Such diagnoses included substance use disorders,
(broadly construed as any information related to the schizophrenia, depression, and organic brain damage
brain) can be used like any other type of evidence to es- (among others). However, in many cases neuroscientific
tablish or dispute any claim in a criminal case. It could evidence was used to suggest the existence of a “mental
be used, for example, to support or cast doubt on the or behavioral” disorder that was not otherwise diag-
testimony of an expert, to support or rebut a medical nosed. Interestingly, 63.29% of the reviewed cases specif-
diagnosis, to corroborate a defendant’s testimony about ically involved a form of neuroimaging evidence,
his frame of mind at the time of the crime, to establish including MRI, PET, and CT scans.
that a defendant’s conduct caused severe harm, or used A particularly intriguing subset of the cases reviewed
demonstratively to help the judge or jury understand by Denno (2015) were those in which a defendant was
some other kind of evidence, and so on. In practice, the convicted and subsequently argued that they had re-
standard described in the prior section regulates the ad- ceived “ineffective assistance of counsel” thanks to their
mission of such evidence in various courtrooms. attorney’s failure to introduce neuroscientific evidence.
Meixner (2016) reviewed the use of neuroscientific evi- In Strickland v. Washington (1984), the Supreme Court
dence in criminal trials from 2005 to 2012 in the US, ruled that in order for defendants to successfully appeal
Canada, the Netherlands, England, and Wales. Summar- on account of ineffective assistance of counsel they must
izing prior findings, he reported that the use of neurosci- show that their attorneys performed below an “objective
entific evidence has increased at similar rates across all standard of reasonableness,” and that there was “a rea-
studied jurisdictions, with a sharp upwards slope from sonable probability that, but for counsel’s unprofessional
2005 that levels off in around 2010. The absolute num- errors, the result of the proceeding would have been
ber of US cases involving neuroscientific evidence, how- different.”
ever, has been significantly higher than the other Such Strickland claims appeared in 53% of the cases
jurisdictions. reviewed by Denno (2015). Importantly, 87% of these
In an analysis of US cases between 2005 and 2012, Fara- Strickland claims included arguments that defense counsel
hany (2016) reported that 1585 judicial opinions from presented insufficient neuroscientific evidence. Further-
criminal cases mentioned the defense’s use of neuroscien- more, 27.65% of the reported Strickland claims were suc-
tific or genetic evidence. In 2012 alone, there were 250 ju- cessful (an extraordinarily high rate), with defense
dicial opinions written in which the criminal defendant counsel’s inadequate use of neuroscientific evidence form-
argued (successfully or otherwise) that their “brain made ing the basis of all but one successful claim. This success
them do it”. In another analysis, Farahany determined that rate is especially striking given that Strickland claims are
neuroscientific and genetic evidence was introduced in 5% typically unsuccessful. For example, Benner (2009) re-
of all murder trials and 25% of all death penalty trials in ported a 4% success rate for all Strickland claims in Cali-
2012 (Farahany, 2016). In fact, 15% of the 1585 judicial fornia over a 10-year period. This difference in success
opinions reviewed discussed such evidence specifically. It rates likely stems from the types of cases reported by
should be noted, however, that only a fraction of all crim- Denno (2015), namely, cases in which neuroscientific evi-
inal cases go to trial and end in guilty verdicts. Of these dence was presented in the first place. Indeed, defendants
cases, only a fraction reach appellate court and subse- who had a reason to introduce neuroscientific evidence in
quently generate written opinions. Therefore, this set of their original court cases (presumably due to neurological
judicial opinions may not be representative of all cases, or or mental abnormalities) may be more likely to success-
even all cases that go to trial. fully establish ineffective assistance of counsel compared
Denno (2015) provided a nuanced view of how neuro- with neurologically typical defendants. However, this high
science is used in criminal trials with her review of 553 success rate may still suggest that the law is beginning to
criminal cases that presented neuroscientific evidence require defense lawyers to introduce neuroscientific evi-
between 1992 and 2012. Two thirds (66.18%) of the dence when it might prove valuable to the defendant’s
cases began as death penalty cases, while 24.23% were case.
cases in which either life or significant prison sentences
(10+ years) were possible outcomes for the defendant. In Scientific investigations of courtroom
nearly all cases, neuroscientific material was presented neuroscience: definitions and scope
as mitigating evidence by the defense; in only 7% of Following the above overview of the extent and nature
cases was it presented as aggravating evidence by the of the role of neuroscience in criminal trials, we now
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2019) 4:40 Page 4 of 20

focus on assessing the potential influence of such evi- case, or provide evidence for a diagnosable mental dis-
dence on legal decision makers. In the US, criminal order. Finally, although technically within Jones’ category
cases that do not end with plea bargains might be de- of detection, studies that focused on the use of neurosci-
cided at a bench trial, over which the judge presides. entific evidence for lie detection purposes in criminal
However, most criminal cases that go to trial are decided cases (e.g., McCabe, Castel, & Rhodes, 2011) were con-
by juries. In jury trials, jurors are responsible for both sidered outside of the scope of this review.
determining the facts of the case based on the presented
evidence and for reaching a verdict (American Bar Asso- Scientific investigations of courtroom
ciation, 2018). Despite this responsibility, jurors are neuroscience: the empirical research literature
rarely experts in the types of evidence presented, nor are Empirical investigations of neuroscientific evidence in
they trained in weighing evidence to arrive at legal con- the courtroom were largely motivated by earlier studies
clusions. Therefore, juror response to neuroscientific exploring the effects of neuroscientific information on
evidence in which they have little, if any, expertise is of “regular” (nonlegal) judgments. In one of the pioneering
particular investigative interest. studies on the broad persuasiveness of neuroscience out-
Thus, here we focus on studies aiming to understand side of a courtroom context, Weisberg, Keil, Goodstein,
the effects of neuroscientific evidence on jurors in crim- Rawson, and Gray (2008) presented neuroscientifically
inal trials. We define neuroscientific evidence as encom- naïve adult participants with brief descriptions of
passing expert testimony related to brain structure or psychological phenomena (e.g., attentional blink),
function and/or neuroimages presented as evidence. Ex- followed by more detailed explanations of the same
pert testimony solely related to a mental disorder diag- phenomena. Importantly, the detailed explanations were
nosis, for example, was not considered neuroscientific either good or bad in quality, and either contained
evidence for the purposes of this paper, even if it was de- irrelevant neuroscientific information or no
livered by a neuroscience expert. Notably, the majority neuroscientific information at all, in a 2 (quality of
of studies in this field have been conducted on mock ju- argument) × 2 (presence of neuroscience information)
rors (i.e., study participants who are asked to imagine design. Although the neuroscientific information was
themselves as part of a jury). Finally, the “effect” of neu- irrelevant, participants rated the scientific reasoning of
roscientific evidence is measured via the legal judgments bad explanations as more satisfying when it was
rendered by such mock jurors (e.g., guilty/not guilty, included (there was no effect for good explanations).
death penalty/life sentence). These findings were replicated in a second study with
To focus this review further, we used the framework students in an introductory cognitive neuroscience class
suggested by Jones (2013) who helpfully outlined seven (Weisberg et al., 2008). Follow-up work showed that the
main categories for the application of neuroscience in the effect that neuroscientific information renders explana-
legal field: buttressing (the use of neuroscience as support- tions more satisfying did not depend on the length of
ing evidence); detecting (the use of neuroscience to gain the explanation or on neuroscientific jargon (Weisberg,
otherwise elusive insights, such as the extent of brain in- Taylor, & Hopkins, 2015). Furthermore, this core finding
juries); sorting (the use of neuroscience to categorize (now termed “the seductive allure”) has since been repli-
people into legal classifications, such as sane versus in- cated in much larger samples of neuroscientifically naïve
sane); challenging (the use of neuroscience to challenge an participants (Michael, Newman, Vuorre, Cumming, &
institutionalized assumption); intervening (the use of Garry, 2013). Together, these findings serve as the initial
neuroscience to create and recommend interventions); motivation for studies testing the effects of neuroscien-
explaining (the use of neuroscience to shed light on un- tific evidence on jurors.
contested, yet not well understood phenomenon); and While Weisberg et al. (2008) examined the influence
predicting (the use of neuroscience to help make predic- of neuroscientific information, McCabe and Castel
tions about people’s future behavior). (2008) examined whether neuroimages held any power
Accordingly, this review focuses on studies that exam- to bolster scientific arguments. Across two experiments,
ined the use of neuroscientific evidence as buttressing, participants were presented with summaries of fictitious
detecting, or sorting devices. We chose to focus on these cognitive neuroscience studies (e.g., “watching TV is re-
categories because there is both legal precedent and a lated to math ability”). Depending on the condition, the
relatively substantial body of research on the use of such article was accompanied by a neuroimage, bar graph
neuroscientific evidence, while the other categories are representing brain activity, topographical map of brain
in relatively earlier stages of examination. Therefore, in activation, or no image. Participants then rated whether
the reviewed studies, neuroscientific evidence is used to “the scientific reasoning in the article made sense” on a
support an argument put forth by the criminal defense four-point Likert scale. Overall, the results showed that
attorney, reveal brain damage relevant to the criminal participants presented with a neuroimage rated the
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2019) 4:40 Page 5 of 20

scientific reasoning as making more sense compared Sörman, 2016), while others asked mock jurors to
with those who were presented with any other image, or choose between guilty and NGRI (Schweitzer & Saks,
no image. Thus, McCabe and Castel (2008) offered one 2011), or between the death penalty and a life sentence
of the first pieces of empirical evidence suggesting that (Greene & Cahill, 2012). To provide a clear review of the
neuroimages may hold a unique persuasive power over current literature while accounting for wide methodo-
laypeople’s judgments, spurring several investigations logical differences, we have organized the reviewed stud-
into the effects of neuroimages on jurors. ies according to the types of evidence compared,
However, these findings were later challenged by studies separated into three sections: 1) neuroscientific expert
with similar designs that failed to replicate the persuasive testimony without neuroimages versus no neuroscien-
influence of neuroimages. For example, Gruber and Dick- tific testimony; 2) neuroscientific expert testimony with
erson (2012) compared the evaluations of participants on neuroimages versus no neuroscientific testimony; and 3)
an article when it was presented with a neuroimage, an neuroscientific expert testimony with versus without
artistic rendering of a human head, an image from a neuroimages. Within each section, we organized studies
movie, or no image. They found no differences across all by the type of legal judgment mock jurors were asked to
conditions (Gruber & Dickerson, 2012). Similarly, Hook render (e.g., guilty/not guilty, guilty/NGRI, sentence
and Farah (2013) found that neuroimages had no ef- length; see Table 1).
fect on participants’ overall evaluation of or agree-
ment with scientific articles when compared to stock Does neuroscientific expert testimony affect juror
photos or bar charts (they did not compare neuroi- decisions?
mages to no images). The effects of neuroimages Several studies examined the effects of neuroscientific
failed to replicate again in a series of studies using expert testimony (without neuroimages) by comparing
much larger samples (Michael et al., 2013). mock juror decision-making in its presence versus its
Nevertheless, Weisberg and colleagues (Hopkins, absence (Table 1). For example, Saks, Schweitzer, Ahar-
Weisberg, & Taylor, 2016; Weisberg, Hopkins, & Taylor, oni, and Kiehl (2014) presented mock jurors with a de-
2018; Weisberg et al., 2008, 2015) and Michael et al. fendant who had been convicted of first-degree murder.
(2013) do provide evidence that laypeople’s evaluations The mock jurors were asked to decide whether to sen-
of scientific claims may be affected by the mere presence tence the defendant to death or to life in prison. The de-
of neuroscientific information, even when that informa- fendant was described as healthy, diagnosed with
tion provides no additional value to the argument. These schizophrenia, or diagnosed with psychopathy. The au-
data have implications for everyday events (such as read- thors note that they chose these disorders as they both
ing the news), as well as criminal trials, where the stakes commonly coincide with behavioral disinhibition (Saks
of laypeople’s judgments are particularly high. To deter- et al., 2014). In the neuroscientific testimony conditions,
mine the extent of such implications, a number of stud- mock jurors were told that the defense presented expert
ies have examined the effects of neuroscientific evidence testimony from two neuroscientists who, having exam-
on mock jurors. We review the extant research in an ined functional MRI (fMRI) scans of the defendant’s
effort to answer the following questions: (1) Are brain, affirmed the mental disorder diagnosis (or lack
legal judgments influenced by neuroscientific evi- thereof). In the control condition, mock jurors were pre-
dence (and, if so, what types of evidence)? (2) In sented with the same case, but were not presented with
which circumstances is neuroscientific evidence help- any expert testimony supporting the diagnosis.
ful and are there moderating factors? (3) Given the Saks et al. (2014) found a mitigating effect of neurosci-
current state of the evidence, what might be pro- entific testimony on death penalty rates. This effect was
ductive avenues for future research? moderated by diagnosis; defendants who had been diag-
It is important to note that this body of empirical work nosed with schizophrenia were sentenced to death less
is methodologically varied. For example, some studies often when mock jurors were presented with neurosci-
compare neuroscientific evidence accompanied by neu- entific testimony. This effect did not hold for defendants
roimages with neuroscientific evidence without neuroi- who had been diagnosed with psychopathy or defen-
mages (e.g., Schweitzer & Saks, 2011), while others only dants who had been described as healthy; neuroscientific
compare neuroscientific testimony with neuroimages to testimony had no mitigating effects on death sentences
no neuroscientific testimony at all (e.g., Appelbaum, for these defendants. Thus, this study suggests that neu-
Scurich, & Raad, 2015). Additionally, although all roscientific expert testimony can have a mitigating effect
reviewed studies asked participants to render a legal on death penalty sentences under some conditions,
judgment on hearing the case, the types of legal judg- namely, for defendants diagnosed with schizophrenia.
ments vary by study; for example, some studies asked for Greene and Cahill (2012) also compared the effects of
a guilty/not guilty verdict (e.g., Mowle, Edens, Clark, & neuroscientific testimony on death sentences for a
Table 1 Summary of key variables for each reviewed study
No expert neuroscientific testimony vs. Expert neuroscientific testimony without neuroimages
Study Number of Legal Crime Condition: No expert Condition: Expert Expert Type Additional Additional Effect Effect on
Participants Judgment neuroscientific neuroscientific Independent Dependent on Sentence
testimony testimony without Variables Variables Verdict
neuroimages (Expert)
Saks et al., 825 Death/Life First degree No diagnosis or Two neuroscientists Neuroscientists Diagnosis: Responsibility, N/A Yes: Reduced
2014 - sentence murder neuroscientific evidence affirmed the mental Schizophrenia vs. dangerousness death
Experiment 1 disorder diagnosis based psychopathy vs. sentences,
on fMRI scans of the healthy only for
defendant’s brain defendants
Greene & 208 Death/Life First degree Neuropsychologist Neuropsychologist Neuropsychologist Defendant Responsibility, N/A Yes: Reduced
Cahill, 2012 sentence murder testified to defendant’s testified to psychosis dangerousness: self-control, death
psychosis diagnosis diagnosis and reported low vs. high risk dangerousness, sentences,
cognitive deficits influence of only for high
suggesting frontal brain expert risk
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications

damage testimony defendants

Schweitzer 237 Verdict (first- Armed Defense attorney claimed Neuroscientist claimed that Neuroscientist N/A N/A No: No No: No
et al., 2011 - degree/ robbery + defendant suffered from a the defendant suffered change change in
Experiment 1 second- homicide neurological defect from structural frontal lobe in verdict sentence
degree/ preventing him from damage, preventing him
manslaughter/ forming the requisite from being able to
(2019) 4:40

not guilty) + intent. premeditate and deliberate

Sentence about, or form the intent to
be guilty of, first or second
degree murder. He was
also prone to losing control
and becoming enraged.
Schweitzer 294 Verdict Robbery + Defense attorney claimed Neuroscientist claimed that Neuroscientist N/A Responsibility, No: No No: No
et al., 2011 - (guilty/not assault defendant suffered from a the defendant suffered self-control change change in
Experiment 2 guilty) + neurological defect from structural frontal lobe in verdict sentence
Sentence preventing him from damage, preventing him
forming the requisite from being able to
intent. premeditate and deliberate
about, or form the intent to
be guilty of, first or second
degree murder. He was
also prone to losing control
and becoming enraged.
Schweitzer 512 Verdict (simple Assault Defense attorney claimed Neuroscientist claimed Neuroscientist N/A Responsibility, No: No No: No
et al., 2011 - assault/ defendant suffered from a that the defendant self-control change change in
Experiment 3 aggravated neurological defect suffered from structural or in verdict sentence
assault/not preventing him from functional frontal lobe
guilty) + forming the requisite damage, preventing him
Sentence intent. from being able to
premeditate, or form the
intent to be guilty of, first
Page 6 of 20
Table 1 Summary of key variables for each reviewed study (Continued)
or second degree murder.
He was also prone to
losing control and
becoming enraged.
Schweitzer 433 Verdict Assault Defense attorney claimed Neuroscientist claimed that Neuroscientist N/A Responsibility, No: No No: No
et al., 2011 - (simple defendant suffered from a the defendant suffered self-control change change in
Experiment 4 assault/ neurological defect from structural frontal lobe in verdict sentence
aggravated preventing him from damage, preventing him
assault/not forming the requisite from being able to
guilty) + intent. premeditate and deliberate
Sentence about, or form the intent to
be guilty of, first or second
degree murder. He was
also prone to losing control
and becoming enraged.
Schweitzer 1374 Meta-analysis Meta- Meta-analysis Meta-analysis Meta-analysis N/A Responsibility, No: No No: No
et al., 2011 - analysis self-control change change in
Meta-analysis in verdict sentence
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications

Mowle et al., 419 Guilty/Not Robbery + Psychologist testified to Psychologist testified to Psychologist Diagnosis: N/A No: No No: No
2016 guilty + assault defendant’s mental defendant’s diagnosis and Schizophrenia vs. change change in
Sentence disorder and traumatic damage to prefrontal psychopathy in verdict sentence
brain injury (Condition 2). cortex, predisposing him to
impulsivity (Condition 3).
Allen et al., 330 Sentence Sexual Psychologists diagnosed Neurologists had located a Neurologists Treatment/ Responsibility, N/A Yes: Reduced
(2019) 4:40

2019 assault defendant with an impulse large tumor in the dangerousness: self-control, length of
control disorder “impulse control” region of treated and low importance of prison
the defendant’s brain risk of future expert sentences
dangerousness testimony
vs. untreatable
and high risk of
LaDuke et 896 Sentence Burglary + Facts of case (mock police [VIDEO] Psychologist Psychologist Structural vs. Culpability, N/A No: No
al., 2018 aggravated report of the crime, described the defendant’s functional dangerousness, change in
assault defendant statement, neurological abnormalities, neuroimaging influence of sentence
defendant plea); allusion to based on MRI/fMRI scans, expert
family and friend statement and concluded that the testimony
in support of defendant. defendant posed a high
risk for future violence.
Marshall et 400 Sentence Murder Psychiatrist discussed Neuroscientist discussed Neuroscientist N/A Self-control, N/A No: No
al., 2017 - psychological interview fMRI research and dangerousness, change in
Experiment 2 methods for psychopaths, psychopathy measurement influence of sentence
testified that the techniques for psychopaths, expert
defendant exhibited a lack testified that the defendant testimony
of impulse control and exhibited underactivation in
feelings of guiltlessness, amygdala and orbitofrontal
explained characteristics of cortex, explained
psychopaths. characteristics of
Page 7 of 20
Table 1 Summary of key variables for each reviewed study (Continued)
No expert neuroscientific testimony vs. Expert neuroscientific testimony with neuroimages
Study Number of Legal Crime Condition: No expert Condition: Expert Expert Type Additional Additional Effect Effect on
Participants Judgment neuroscientific neuroscientific Independent Dependent on Sentence
testimony testimony with Variables Variables Verdict
Saks et al., 825 Death/Life First-degree No diagnosis or Expert + fMRI Neuroscientists Diagnosis: Responsibility, N/A No: No
2014 - sentence murder neuroscientific evidence Schizophrenia vs. dangerousness change in
Experiment 1 psychopathy vs. death
healthy sentences
Greene & 208 Death/Life First-degree Neuropsychologist Expert + MRI and PET with Neuropsychologist Defendant Responsibility, N/A Yes: Reduced
Cahill, 2012 sentence murder testified to defendant’s descriptions of behavioral dangerousness: self-control, death
psychosis diagnosis implications. low vs. high risk dangerousness, sentences,
influence of only for high
expert risk
testimony defendants
Appelbaum 763 Death/Life First-degree Defense attorney claimed Psychiatrist testified that Psychiatrist Crime Dangerousness, N/A Yes: Reduced
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications

et al., 2015 - sentence murder that the defendant’s act neuroimage showed a heinousness: low self-control death
Experiment 3 was impulsive brain abnormality which vs. high sentences
led the defendant to act
impulsively. Presented MRI.
Schweitzer 237 Verdict (first- Armed Defense attorney claimed Expert + fMRI Neuroscientist N/A N/A No: No No: No
et al., 2011 - degree/ robbery + defendant suffered from a change change in
(2019) 4:40

Experiment 1 second- homicide neurological defect in verdict sentence

degree/ preventing him from
manslaughter/ forming the requisite
not guilty) + intent.
Schweitzer 294 Verdict Robbery + Defense attorney claimed Expert + fMRI Neuroscientist N/A Responsibility, No: No No: No
et al., 2011 - (guilty/not assault defendant suffered from a self-control change change in
Experiment 2 guilty) + neurological defect in verdict sentence
Sentence preventing him from
forming the requisite
Schweitzer 512 Verdict Assault Defense attorney claimed Expert + MRI and fMRI Neuroscientist N/A Responsibility, No: No No: No
et al., 2011 - (simple defendant suffered from a self-control change change in
Experiment 3 assault/ neurological defect in verdict sentence
aggravated preventing him from
assault/not forming the requisite
guilty) + intent.
Schweitzer 433 Verdict Assault Defense attorney claimed Expert + MRI Neuroscientist N/A Responsibility, Yes: No: No
et al., 2011 - (simple defendant suffered from a self-control Reduced change in
Experiment 4 assault/ neurological defect verdict sentence
aggravated preventing him from severity
assault/not forming the requisite
guilty) + intent.
Page 8 of 20

Table 1 Summary of key variables for each reviewed study (Continued)
Schweitzer 1374 Meta-analysis Meta- Meta-analysis Meta-analysis Meta-analysis N/A Responsibility, Yes: No: No
et al., 2011 - analysis self-control Reduced change in
Meta-analysis guilty sentence
Mowle et al., 419 Guilty/Not Robbery + Psychologist testified to Expert + Brain scan Psychologist Diagnosis: N/A No: No No: No
2016 guilty + assault defendant’s mental Schizophrenia vs. change change in
Sentence disorder and traumatic psychopathy in verdict sentence
brain injury (Condition 2).
LaDuke et 896 Sentence Burglary + Facts of case (mock police Expert + MRI/fMRI (two Psychologist Structural vs. Culpability, N/A No: No
al., 2018 aggravated report of the crime, neuroimage conditions) functional dangerousness, change in
assault defendant statement, neuroimaging influence of sentence
defendant plea); allusion expert
to family and friend testimony
statement in support of
Appelbaum 960 Sentence Murder Defense attorney claimed Psychiatrist testified that Psychiatrist Crime Dangerousness, N/A No: No
et al., 2015 - that the defendant’s act neuroimage showed a heinousness: low self-control change in
Experiment 1 was impulsive brain abnormality which vs. high sentence
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications

predisposed the
defendant to impulsivity
and violence. Presented
Schweitzer & 1170 Guilty/NGRI or Assault Defense attorney argued Neurologist testified to Neurologist N/A Self-control Yes: N/A
Saks, 2011 GBMI that the defendant MRI showing physical Reduced
(2019) 4:40

suffered from a mental damage to frontal lobe, guilty

disorder causing him to which could cause verdicts
act irrationally and defendant to lose control
uncontrollably. Family over actions. Presented
testified to neglect and MRI. Second expert
abuse of defendant as a emphasized important of
child. frontal lobe.
Gurley & 394 Guilty/NGRI Murder Psychologist and Psychologist and Psychologist and Diagnosis: Influence of Yes: N/A
Marcus, 2008 psychiatrist testified psychiatrist testified to psychiatrist Psychosis expert Reduced
to defendant’s diagnosis diagnosis and presented 4 (schizophrenia) testimony guilty
MRI scans showing vs. psychopathy verdicts
prefrontal cortex damage,
which likely contributed to
difficulty with impulse
Page 9 of 20
Table 1 Summary of key variables for each reviewed study (Continued)
Expert neuroscientific testimony without neuroimages vs. Expert neuroscientific testimony with neuroimages
Study Number of Legal Crime Condition: Expert Condition: Expert Expert Type Additional Additional Effect Effect on
Participants Judgment neuroscientific neuroscientific Independent Dependent on Sentence
testimony without testimony with Variables Variables Verdict
neuroimages (Expert) neuroimages
Saks et al., 825 Death/Life First degree Two neuroscientists Expert + fMRI Neuroscientists Diagnosis: Responsibility, N/A No: No
2014 - sentence murder affirmed the mental Schizophrenia vs. dangerousness change in
Experiment 1 disorder diagnosis based psychopathy vs. death
on fMRI scans of the healthy sentences
defendant’s brain
Greene & 208 Death/Life First-degree Neuropsychologist Expert + MRI and PET with Neuropsychologist Defendant Responsibility, N/A No: No
Cahill, 2012 sentence murder testified to psychosis descriptions of behavioral dangerousness: self-control, change in
diagnosis and reported implications. low vs. high risk dangerousness, death
cognitive deficits influence of sentences
suggesting frontal brain expert
damage testimony
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications

Schweitzer 237 Verdict (first- Armed Neuroscientist claimed Expert + fMRI Neuroscientist N/A N/A No: No No: No
et al., 2011 - degree/ robbery + that the defendant change change in
Experiment 1 second- homicide suffered from structural in verdict sentence
degree/ frontal lobe damage,
manslaughter/ preventing him from
not guilty) + being able to premeditate
Sentence and deliberate about, or
(2019) 4:40

form the intent to be

guilty of, first or second
degree murder. He was
also prone to losing
control and becoming
Schweitzer 294 Verdict Robbery + Neuroscientist claimed Expert + fMRI Neuroscientist N/A Responsibility, No: No No: No
et al., 2011 - (guilty/not assault that the defendant self-control change change in
Experiment 2 guilty) + suffered from structural in verdict sentence
Sentence frontal lobe damage,
preventing him from
being able to premeditate
and deliberate about, or
form the intent to be
guilty of, first or second
degree murder. He was
also prone to losing
control and becoming
Schweitzer 512 Verdict (simple Assault Neuroscientist claimed Expert + MRI and fMRI Neuroscientist N/A Responsibility, No: No No: No
et al., 2011 - assault/ that the defendant self-control change change in
Experiment 3 aggravated suffered from structural or in verdict sentence
assault/not functional frontal lobe
guilty) + damage, preventing him
Sentence from being able to
Page 10 of 20
Table 1 Summary of key variables for each reviewed study (Continued)
premeditate, or form the
intent to be guilty of, first
or second degree murder.
He was also prone to
losing control and
becoming enraged.
Schweitzer 433 Verdict Assault Neuroscientist claimed Expert + MRI Neuroscientist N/A Responsibility, No: No No: No
et al., 2011 - (simple that the defendant self-control change change in
Experiment 4 assault/ suffered from structural in verdict sentence
aggravated frontal lobe damage,
assault/not preventing him from
guilty) + being able to premeditate
Sentence and deliberate about, or
form the intent to be
guilty of, first or second
degree murder. He was
also prone to losing
control and becoming
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications

Schweitzer 1374 Meta-analysis Meta- Meta-analysis Meta-analysis Meta-analysis N/A Responsibility, No: No No: No
et al., 2011 - analysis self-control change change in
Meta-analysis in verdict sentence
Mowle et al., 419 Guilty/Not Robbery + Psychologist testified to Expert + Brain scan Psychologist N/A N/A No: No No: No
2016 guilty + assault defendant’s diagnosis and change change in
(2019) 4:40

Sentence damage to prefrontal in verdict sentence

cortex, predisposing him
to impulsivity.
LaDuke et 896 Sentence Burglary + [VIDEO] Psychologist Expert + MRI/fMRI (two Psychologist Structural vs. Culpability, N/A No: No
al., 2018 aggravated described the defendant’s neuroimage conditions) functional dangerousness, change in
assault neurological abnormalities, neuroimaging influence of sentence
based on MRI/fMRI scans, expert
and concluded that the testimony
defendant posed a high
risk for future violence.
Marshall et 758 Sentence Murder Neuroscientist discussed Expert + fMRI Neuroscientist N/A Self-control, N/A No: No
al., 2017 - fMRI research and dangerousness, change in
Experiment 1 psychopathy influenced by sentence
measurement techniques expert
for psychopaths, testified testimony
that the defendant
exhibited underactivation
in amygdala and
orbitofrontal cortex,
explained characteristics of
Schweitzer & 1170 Guilty/NGRI or Assault Neurologist testified to Expert + MRI Neurologist N/A Self-control No: No N/A
Saks, 2011 GBMI MRI showing physical change
damage to frontal lobe, in verdict
which could cause
Page 11 of 20
Table 1 Summary of key variables for each reviewed study (Continued)
defendant to lose control
over actions. Second
expert emphasized
important of frontal lobe.
Baker et al., 73 Guilty/Not Assault Neurologist testified that Neurologist testified that Neurologist N/A Dangerousness No: No No: No
2013 guilty an MRI revealed frontal an MRI revealed frontal change change in
lobe damage and that lobe damage and that in verdict degree of
such damage could impair such damage could impair punishment
impulse control. Presented impulse control. Presented
bar graph comparing MRI scans of normal brain
normal brain activity to and defendant’s brain.
defendant’s brain activity.
N/A Data were not available or the variable was not used, fMRI Functional magnetic resonance imaging, MRI Magnetic resonance imaging, NGRI Not guilty by reason of insanity, GBMI Guilty but mentally ill
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications
(2019) 4:40
Page 12 of 20
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2019) 4:40 Page 13 of 20

defendant convicted of first-degree murder of his cellmate. frontal lobe failed to mitigate either verdicts or sen-
In their study, however, the defendant was diagnosed with tences. Their meta-analysis similarly found no effects of
psychosis in all conditions. In the neuroscientific expert neuroscientific testimony on these outcomes, suggesting
testimony condition, a psychologist testified to the defen- that neuroscientific testimony does not affect guilty ver-
dant’s diagnosis of psychosis. The psychologist summa- dicts or sentencing decisions (Schweitzer et al., 2011).
rized neuropsychological tests that revealed cognitive Mowle et al. (2016) tested the effects of neuroscientific
deficiencies (e.g., lack of behavioral control, poor impulse expert testimony on simple guilty/not guilty verdicts.
control), and testified that these results suggest damage to Mock jurors were told that the defendant was being
the frontal area of the defendant’s brain. In the control charged with robbing a woman and slashing her face
condition, the psychologist only testified that the defend- with a knife. Across all conditions, a psychologist de-
ant suffered from psychosis, and that such a mental dis- scribed the defendant as either “a psychopath” or “a
order would likely influence his behavior (i.e., the control schizophrenic” and described symptoms of the disorder.
condition neither referenced neuropsychological tests nor In the control condition, a psychologist testified that the
suggested brain damage). Across all conditions, the re- defendant had suffered a traumatic brain injury 6
searchers varied the testimony of the prosecution’s expert months prior in an automobile accident. In the neurosci-
witness, who testified that the defendant posed either a entific evidence condition, the psychologist also testified
high or low risk of future dangerousness. that the defendant had significant damage to his pre-
The authors reported that the defendant’s risk of future frontal cortex and that individuals with such damage are
dangerousness moderated the effect of neuroscientific testi- impulsive and less likely to control their actions. The
mony on death sentences. Specifically, when the defendant mock jurors were then asked to return a verdict and, if
was described as low-risk, the neuroscientific testimony did they deemed the defendant guilty, a recommended sen-
not affect sentences. However, neuroscientific testimony tence. Results showed no effects of neuroscientific evi-
was significantly mitigating when the defendant was de- dence on verdict or sentence length. Diagnosis type did
scribed as high-risk. In fact, mock jurors were 12 times less not moderate the effect of neuroscientific evidence on
likely to sentence the defendant to death in the neuroscien- verdict or sentence length.
tific testimony condition compared with the control condi- More recently, Allen, Vold, Felsen, Blumenthal-Barby,
tion. Again, results from this study suggest neuroscientific and Aharoni (2019) tested the effects of neuroscientific
expert testimony can have a mitigating effect on death pen- expert testimony on prison sentences for a defendant
alty sentences under some conditions, in this case when the found guilty of sexually assaulting a woman. Notably,
defendant is characterized as being at high risk of future participants in this study were instructed to act as mock
dangerousness. judges, not jurors. In the neuroscientific expert testi-
Testing the effects of neuroscientific testimony on guilty/ mony conditions, participants were told that neurolo-
not guilty verdicts, Schweitzer et al. (2011) performed four gists had conducted “MRI scans of the defendant’s
experiments with similar designs, and then quantitatively brain” and concluded that the defendant had a “large
summarized their results in a meta-analysis. In each of the tumor in a part of the brain involved in impulse control,
four experiments, mock jurors were presented with a case ” which could explain his impulsive criminal behavior.
in which a defendant was charged with a violent crime. The In the control condition, participants were told that psy-
defense attorney argued that the defendant suffered from a chologists had conducted “a series of clinical interviews
“neurological defect” preventing him from being able to with the defendant” and concluded that the defendant
form the requisite intention to harm. In the neuroscientific had an impulse control disorder, which could explain his
expert testimony conditions, a neuroscience expert testified behavior (note that these conditions differ not only in
that a defect in the defendant’s frontal lobe, discov- neuroscience content, but also in whether the defendant
ered via (an unpresented) brain scan, prevented him has a tumor versus an impulse control disorder). Under
from being able to form the intent necessary to be both conditions, half of the participants heard that the
found guilty of murder. In the control conditions, defendant’s affliction had been treated and he was there-
there was no neuroscientific testimony supporting the fore at low risk of future dangerousness, while the rest
defense’s claims. Mock jurors were then asked to heard that it was untreatable and he was thus at high
choose a verdict, which, in three of the experiments, risk of future dangerousness. Participants were addition-
spanned multiple degrees of guilt (e.g., first-degree ally asked about their beliefs regarding the defendant, in-
murder, second-degree murder, manslaughter). If the cluding his moral responsibility, moral wrongness,
mock juror returned a guilty verdict, they were also blameworthiness, desert of punishment, self-control, and
asked to recommend a sentence. free will.
Across all four experiments, the presence of neurosci- Allen et al. (2019) found that participants in the neuro-
entific testimony regarding the defendant’s defective scientific expert condition recommended significantly
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2019) 4:40 Page 14 of 20

shorter sentences than those in the control condition. Im- psychopathy. Greene and Cahill (2012) showed that,
portantly, further analyses revealed that beliefs about the across defendants with psychosis, neuroscientific testi-
defendant (e.g., his moral responsibility, blameworthiness, mony was mitigating only when the defendant was de-
self-control, free will) fully accounted for the mitigating ef- scribed as posing a high risk of future dangerousness.
fect of the neuroscientific evidence. Testimony regarding Greene and Cahill (2012) specifically hypothesized that
the defendant’s treatment and risk of future dangerous- the psychosis diagnosis in conjunction with the low-risk
ness also had a significant effect on sentences; defendants danger assessment already substantially mitigated the
who were successfully treated and were at low risk of fu- defendant’s death sentence, making any additional miti-
ture dangerousness received shorter prison sentences than gating testimony superfluous. By contrast, high-risk de-
those whose treatment was unsuccessful and therefore fendants may benefit more from expert neuroscientific
posed a higher risk of future dangerousness. However, the testimony.
researchers did not find any interaction between expert Importantly, across studies, neuroscientific testimony
testimony and treatment/risk of future dangerousness. does not appear to have a consistently mitigating effect on
All the studies reviewed thus far have presented partic- guilty/not guilty decisions (Mowle et al., 2016; Schweitzer
ipants with neuroscientific expert testimony in written et al., 2011), or on sentencing (LaDuke et al., 2018; Mar-
form. However, this format is actually unrepresentative shall et al., 2017; Mowle et al., 2016; Schweitzer et al.,
of the typical trial experience, which generally involves 2011). Notably, this was the case even for defendants who
in-person testimony. LaDuke, Locklair, and Heilbrun posed a high risk of future dangerousness (LaDuke et al.,
(2018) attempted to mimic juror experience by present- 2018) and those with diagnoses of mental illness (Marshall
ing mock jurors with video expert testimony. In their et al., 2017; Mowle et al., 2016). Indeed, only a single study
study, the defendant had been found guilty of burglary (Allen et al., 2019) found a mitigating effect of neuroscien-
and aggravated assault and was now awaiting sentencing. tific testimony on prison sentences. Overall, one plausible
In the neuroscientific expert testimony conditions, mock explanation is that the effects of neuroscientific testi-
jurors were shown a video of an expert psychologist mony are strong enough to prevent a death sentence
(interestingly, the expert was not presented as either a for some defendants (or reduce the prison sentence
witness for the defense or for the prosecution). The ex- in one study), but too weak to introduce reasonable
pert described the defendant’s brain scans which sug- doubt of guilt.
gested neurological abnormalities, as well as the
behavioral implications of such abnormalities. In one ex- Does neuroscientific expert testimony
pert condition, the expert referenced a structural MRI accompanied by neuroimages affect juror
scan, and in the other, he cited an fMRI scan. In both decisions?
conditions, the expert concluded by saying that, in his Several studies examined the effects of neuroscientific
professional opinion, the defendant posed a high risk for evidence in the form of an expert testimony accom-
future dangerousness. In the control condition, mock panied by a neuroimage, and compared such condi-
jurors were only presented with the facts of the case; tions with those in which no neuroscientific evidence
they did not see any expert testimony. LaDuke et al. was provided (i.e., no neuroscientific testimony or
(2018) found no difference in sentences between condi- image; Table 1). Such comparisons do not isolate the
tions, and thus no mitigating effect of neuroscientific effects of neuroimages on mock jurors, but rather test
evidence. Finally, Marshall, Lilienfeld, Mayberg, and the combined effects of these two forms of neurosci-
Clark (2017) compared neuroscientific expert testi- entific evidence. We review these studies in the
mony with a psychiatric expert testimony in a murder present section and discuss their results further in the
case (see Table 1 for experiment details). The re- “General discussion” section.
searchers found no difference in recommended prison Appelbaum et al. (2015) performed two experiments.
sentences between the neuroscientific and psychiatric In the first, the defendant was described as having
expert conditions. stabbed the victim to death, and the defense argued for
Taken together, the data suggest that neuroscientific a shorter prison sentence; in the second, the defendant
expert testimony may be mitigating under certain cir- was described as having shot and killed a police
cumstances; specifically, it may lead mock jurors to officer, and the defense argued for a life sentence
forgo the death penalty (i.e., Greene & Cahill, 2012; Saks over the death penalty. In the control condition in
et al., 2014). However, even in death penalty cases, such both cases, the defense attorney claimed that the
evidence was mitigating for only a subset of mock jurors. defendant’s act was impulsive. In the combined
For example, Saks et al. (2014) showed that neuroscien- expert+neuroimage conditions, a psychiatrist pre-
tific evidence was mitigating for defendants diagnosed sented an MRI scan of the defendant’s brain and
with schizophrenia, but not for those diagnosed with testified that it showed functional abnormalities
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2019) 4:40 Page 15 of 20

predisposing him to impulsivity and violent behavior. and sentences (see above, and Table 1). In the combined
Additionally, the crime was described as being of ei- expert+neuroimage conditions, a neuroscientist pre-
ther low or high heinousness (e.g., one stab wound sented the defendant’s fMRI scans and claimed that his
versus 17 stab wounds). Appelbaum et al. (2015) frontal lobe was defective in such a way that he could
found no effect of neuroscientific evidence on the not have formed the necessary intent required for con-
length of sentence in the first experiment. Such evi- viction. Mock jurors in the control condition only read
dence did, however, reduce the death penalty rate in the defense’s argument.
the second experiment compared with the control Again, Schweitzer et al. (2011) found no effect of
condition. The heinousness of the crime did not expert+neuroimage on verdict or sentence in the first
moderate this effect. three experiments. The fourth experiment, however, re-
Greene and Cahill (2012) also tested the expert+neuro- moved one aspect of the case summary—in the first
image combination on death sentences (the study is three experiments, part of the defense included family
described in full in the prior section, as well as in Table 1). testimony that the defendant was physically abused as a
Across all conditions, the expert described the defendant child. Without this family testimony, mock jurors in the
as “psychotic.” In the expert+neuroimage condition, a expert+neuroimage condition returned more lenient
psychologist described the defendant’s neuropsychological verdicts than those in the control condition (e.g., simple
tests, images of his damaged brain, and provided testi- versus aggravated assault). There was no effect on
mony regarding the likely behavioral consequences of sentences, however. In the final meta-analysis, the re-
such brain damage. In the control condition, the psycholo- searchers found a significant 12% reduction in guilty
gist only testified that the defendant’s psychosis would verdicts between the expert+neuroimage conditions
likely influence his behavior. The defendant’s risk of future and the control conditions, but no difference in
dangerousness also varied by condition (high versus low sentences.
risk). The results showed that the defendant’s dangerous- Mowle et al. (2016; see above and Table 1) presented
ness moderated the mitigating effects of the evidence; all mock jurors with expert testimony from a psycholo-
mock jurors in the expert+neuroimage condition were 22 gist describing the defendant’s diagnosis (psychopathy or
times less likely to sentence a high-risk defendant to death schizophrenia) and his history of traumatic brain injury.
than mock jurors in the control condition. Low-risk de- In the combined expert+neuroimage condition, the
fendants, however, were sentenced to death at the same psychologist also testified that the defendant had sig-
rate across both conditions. nificant damage to his prefrontal cortex, and that in-
Conversely, Saks et al. (2014) found no change in dividuals with such damage are impulsive and less
death sentence rates following expert testimony ac- likely to control their actions than someone with an
companied by neuroimages (see prior section and undamaged brain. This testimony was accompanied
Table 1). In the expert+neuroimage condition, the by an image of the defendant’s brain, with the brain
defense presented expert testimony from two neuro- damage highlighted. Results showed no effects of the
scientists who presented fMRIs of the defendant’s expert testimony on verdict or sentence length. Simi-
brain and affirmed his mental disorder diagnosis larly, LaDuke et al. (2018; described above and in
(schizophrenia, psychopathy, or healthy). In the con- Table 1) found no effect of the of the combined
trol condition, mock jurors were not presented with expert+neuroimage condition on sentence length for a
any expert testimony or neuroimages supporting the defendant convicted of burglary and aggravated as-
diagnosis. The null effect of expert+neuroimage in sault. These null findings held for both the MRI and
this study is surprising given that, in the same study, the fMRI conditions.
expert testimony without neuroimages was mitigating In addition, two studies examined the effects of neuro-
for defendants diagnosed with schizophrenia (Saks et scientific evidence on NGRI verdicts. For example,
al., 2014). However, because this disparity (i.e., miti- Schweitzer and Saks (2011; see above and Table 1) de-
gating effects without brain images, but no effect with scribed expert+neuroimage conditions in which a neur-
brain images) has not been replicated by any other ologist testified that the defendant’s brain damage
study to our knowledge, we will not interpret it fur- (presented in an MRI) could cause him to lose control
ther at this time. over his actions. In the control condition, there was no
Several other studies have examined the effects of expert testimony supporting the defense’s claim of a
expert+neuroimage conditions on guilty/not guilty ver- mental disorder. Depending on the condition, mock
dicts and sentences. These include the four experiments jurors were instructed to return a verdict of guilty
(and their associated meta-analysis) by Schweitzer and versus guilty but mentally ill (GBMI) or guilty versus
colleagues (Schweitzer et al., 2011), which tested the ef- NGRI. Results showed that mock jurors in the
fects of expert+neuroimage evidence on guilty verdicts expert+neuroimage conditions were more likely to
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2019) 4:40 Page 16 of 20

render NGRI/GBMI verdicts than those in the con- et al., 2015; LaDuke et al., 2018; Mowle et al., 2016;
trol condition. Furthermore, the mitigating effect of Schweitzer et al., 2011).
neuroscientific evidence on verdicts was mediated by
the amount of control the mock juror believed the Do neuroimages affect juror decisions above and
defendant had over his actions. beyond neuroscientific expert testimony?
Gurley and Marcus (2008) also tested the effects of Several of the aforementioned studies attempted to
expert+neuroimage on NGRI verdicts. In their study, all isolate the effects of neuroimages on mock jurors by
mock jurors were presented with a murder committed comparing expert conditions to expert+neuroimage
by the defendant and expert testimony that the defend- conditions. In other words, they asked whether neuroi-
ant suffered from a mental disorder (psychosis or mages enhance neuroscientific expert testimony (for de-
psychopathy). In the expert+neuroimage conditions, a tails, see Table 1). Perhaps unremarkably, given the
psychologist and a psychiatrist supported the diagnosis failure to replicate the findings of McCabe and Castel
with MRI scans showing extensive damage to the pre- (2008), none of the studies found a significant mitigating
frontal cortex, and described the relationship between effect of neuroimages above and beyond that of the ex-
such prefrontal damage and impulse control problems. pert testimony. Specifically, both Schweitzer et al. (2011)
In the control condition, there was no neuroscientific and Mowle et al. (2016) found no differences in guilty/
evidence presented in support of the diagnosis. Import- not guilty verdicts, even when mock jurors were offered
antly, results showed that mock jurors in the expert+ a range of possible guilty verdicts (e.g., first-degree mur-
neuroimage conditions were significantly more likely der, second-degree murder, manslaughter). Similarly, no
to find the defendant NGRI than those who had not differences were reported in recommended sentence
been given any neuroscientific evidence in support of lengths when neuroimages were introduced with the
the diagnosis (Gurley & Marcus, 2008). Interestingly, xpert testimony, compared with the same expert testi-
diagnosis did not moderate the effect of expert+ mony without neuroimages (LaDuke et al., 2018; Mar-
neuroimages on the verdict as it did for expert shall et al., 2017; Mowle et al., 2016; Schweitzer et al.,
testimony in other studies (e.g., Saks et al., 2014). 2011).
However, mock jurors who rendered the NGRI ver- Finally, although expert testimony (with and without
dict reported that they were more influenced by the brain images) was mitigating in several studies describ-
expert testimony compared with those who rendered ing death penalty and NGRI cases, similar effects were
the guilty verdict. not found for neuroimages (Greene & Cahill, 2012; Saks
Taken together, the data in this section suggest that, et al., 2014; Schweitzer & Saks, 2011). One additional
similar to expert testimony alone, neuroscientific expert study compared a neuroimage with a bar graph (both ac-
testimony accompanied by neuroimages may be mitigat- companied by neuroscientific expert testimony) and re-
ing under certain circumstances. Specifically, it led ported no differences (Baker, Schweitzer, Risko, & Ware,
mock jurors to forgo the death penalty in one study 2013). Together, these null findings suggest that, while
(Appelbaum et al., 2015) although not another (Saks et al., neuroscientific expert testimony with and without neu-
2014). In another study, such evidence was mitigating roimages may lead to more lenient outcomes for defen-
for a subset of defendants described as posing a high dants, neuroimages themselves hold very little, if any,
risk of future dangerousness (Greene & Cahill, 2012). mitigating power.
Importantly, expert+neuroimage conditions mitigated
NGRI/GBMI verdicts compared with control condi- General discussion
tions (Gurley & Marcus, 2008; Schweitzer & Saks, As multiple analyses have shown, the use of neuroscien-
2011), a verdict type that was not tested in any study tific evidence in criminal proceedings has increased tre-
with expert testimony alone. Notably, the defendant’s mendously in the US within the last two decades
mental disorder diagnosis did not appear to moderate (Meixner, 2016). This trend holds true for both neurosci-
the effect of the expert+neuroimage on NGRI verdicts entific evidence in general, and neuroimage-based evi-
(Gurley & Marcus, 2008). dence specifically (Denno, 2015). Indicative of an even
Furthermore, unlike the effects of expert testimony greater systemic change, defendants have begun making,
alone, the combination of expert+neuroimage also and winning, Strickland claims on the basis that their at-
had a mitigating effect on guilty/not guilty verdicts torney neglected to present neuroscientific evidence in
in some studies (Schweitzer et al., 2011), while sev- their defense. These claims argue that, had neuroscientific
eral other studies reported no effects (Mowle et al., evidence been presented, the case's outcome would likely
2016; Schweitzer et al., 2011). Similar to expert testi- have been different (Denno, 2015).
mony alone, none of the studies reported effects of The growing prevalence of neuroscientific evidence in
expert+neuroimage on sentence length (Appelbaum criminal proceedings raised the question: are legal
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2019) 4:40 Page 17 of 20

judgments influenced by neuroscientific evidence? Scien- (Mowle et al., 2016). Similarly, results have been incon-
tifically, this question was also motivated by a set of sistent across studies that tested whether the defendant’s
studies suggesting that neuroscientific information is se- future dangerousness is a moderator. Specifically, one
ductively alluring in nonlegal contexts (Weisberg et al., study found that the effects of neuroscientific evidence
2008, 2015). It was further motivated by initial studies on death sentences differed for defendants that were re-
suggesting that neuroimages are uniquely persuasive ported as having high versus low risk for being danger-
(i.e., McCabe & Castel, 2008), but these effects have not ous in the future (Greene & Cahill, 2012). In another
been replicated (Gruber & Dickerson, 2012; Hook & study, defendants who were described as “treated”, and
Farah, 2013; Michael et al., 2013). therefore low risk for future dangerousness, received
Although the experimental work on criminal cases lower prison sentences overall, although this did not
reviewed above is methodologically varied, taken to- moderate the effect of neuroscientific testimony (Allen
gether it suggests that some legal judgments are influ- et al., 2019).
enced by neuroscientific evidence (for summary, see Interestingly, although not tested directly as a moder-
Table 1). Specifically, in all three studies that involved ator in any single study, the type of legal judgment ap-
the death penalty, the presence of neuroscientific evi- pears to be a likely candidate. Indeed, across studies,
dence (i.e., neuroscientific expert testimony, either alone neuroscientific evidence reduced death penalty sentences
or alongside neuroimages) decreased death sentences, at under most conditions (Appelbaum et al., 2015; Greene
least for a subset of defendants (Appelbaum et al., 2015; & Cahill, 2012; Saks et al., 2014), increased NGRI ver-
Greene & Cahill, 2012; Saks et al., 2014). Similarly, in dicts (Gurley & Marcus, 2008; Schweitzer & Saks, 2011),
both studies that tested the effects of neuroscientific evi- but did not increase non-NGRI not guilty verdicts
dence on NGRI verdicts, such evidence reduced guilty (Mowle et al., 2016; Schweitzer et al., 2011) except in
verdicts (Gurley & Marcus, 2008; Schweitzer & Saks, one study (Schweitzer et al., 2011). Furthermore, neuro-
2011). However, across studies, neuroscientific evidence scientific evidence did not influence length of prison
did not consistently lead mock jurors to return a not sentences (Appelbaum et al., 2015; LaDuke et al., 2018;
guilty verdict (Baker et al., 2013; Mowle et al., 2016 ; Mowle et al., 2016; Schweitzer et al., 2011) except in one
Schweitzer et al., 2011). Furthermore, with one excep- study (Allen et al., 2019).
tion (Allen et al., 2019), neuroscientific evidence did not One explanation for this apparent effect of judgment
reduce sentence length (Appelbaum et al., 2015; LaDuke type is that mock jurors evaluate evidence based on their
et al., 2018; Mowle et al., 2016; Schweitzer et al., 2011). adjudicative responsibility. For example, a mock juror
Interestingly, a study with real judges (who determine tasked with choosing between a verdict of guilty and
sentence lengths in real courtrooms) reported a mitigat- NGRI/GBMI (e.g., Gurley & Marcus, 2008) may be espe-
ing effect of neuroscientific expert testimony on senten- cially attuned to testimony regarding the defendant’s
cing (Aspinwall, Brown, & Tabery, 2012). neural health. By contrast, a mock juror asked to recom-
Notably, while neuroscientific expert testimony influ- mend a sentence for a convicted defendant may not
enced mock jurors in some studies with or without a grant particular consideration to the defendant’s neural
neuroimage, neuroimages themselves had no effects status when evaluating expert testimony.
above and beyond expert testimony (Greene & Cahill, Importantly, we must consider that multiple likely
2012; LaDuke et al., 2018; Mowle et al., 2016; Saks et al., moderators have yet to be studied. For example, not a
2014; Schweitzer & Saks, 2011; Schweitzer et al., 2011). single study (to our knowledge) has varied the race of
Furthermore, several studies found that no combination the defendant. This is a particularly important point
of neuroscientific testimony and neuroimages could per- when there is mounting evidence of racial bias in every-
suade mock jurors to be more lenient (e.g., Baker et al., day judgments of various types (Pager, Bonikowski, &
2013; Mowle et al., 2016). Western, 2009; Pletcher, Kertesz, Kohn, & Gonzales,
Furthermore, we asked whether there are factors mod- 2008), whereby African-Americans are judged, for ex-
erating the efficacy of neuroscientific evidence on legal ample, as less trustworthy (Stanley, Sokol-Hessner,
judgments. Several researchers tested whether psychi- Banaji, & Phelps, 2011) or more dangerous (Spector,
atric diagnoses may moderate these effects, but the re- 2001). Furthermore, there is evidence for racial bias in
sults were inconsistent. Specifically, one study reported legal decisions specifically (Demuth, 2003; Hart, 2017;
that neuroscientific evidence was more mitigating for Hetey & Eberhardt, 2014; Johnson & Betsinger, 2009;
defendants diagnosed with schizophrenia compared with Mitchell, Haw, Pfeifer, & Meissner, 2005; Mustard, 2001;
those diagnosed with psychopathy (Saks et al., 2014), Rachlinski, Johnson, Wistrich, & Guthrie, 2008; Sweeney
while another found equally mitigating effects for schizo- & Haney, 1992). We might thus expect that the defen-
phrenia and psychopathy (Gurley & Marcus, 2008). A dant’s race may be subject to bias, and may moderate
third study reported null effects for both diagnoses the potential mitigating effect of neuroscientific evidence
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2019) 4:40 Page 18 of 20

(e.g., such that African-American defendants will not be evidence was associated with increased rates of NGRI
spared, even in cases in which white defendants will be). verdicts, and those who rendered such a verdict reported
Other defendant-specific factors including age, gender, finding such evidence more influential (Gurley &
socioeconomic status, and physical attractiveness may Marcus, 2008). However, the other study reported null
also play roles in determining neuroscience’s efficacy in effects (note that one additional study asked mock jurors
criminal trials (e.g., Ahola, Christianson, & Hellström, such a question, but did not report results; Marshall et
2009; Doerner & Demuth, 2010; Freeman, 2006; al., 2017). Thus, it remains unclear whether jurors
Mustard, 2001; Walker & Woody, 2011). broadly rate neuroscientific expert testimony as more
On the other side of the courtroom, it is also possible satisfying or persuasive, and whether this might explain
that juror-specific factors may moderate the effects of the mitigating effects found in some of the reviewed
neuroscientific evidence. For example, level of scientific studies.
training (and neuroscientific training in particular) is A powerful extension of this argument is that neuro-
likely to moderate the degree to which neuroscientific scientific evidence specifically impacts jurors’ percep-
information is mitigating. For instance, we predict that tions and cognitions regarding the defendant, including
jurors (mock or real) who receive training on interpret- perception of responsibility, judgments of self-control,
ing neuroscientific evidence, and/or determining its rele- and predictions regarding future dangerousness. Indeed,
vance, might respond differently to such evidence than in one study that tested this directly, the mitigating ef-
those who have not received such training (Roskies, fect of neuroscientific evidence on verdicts was mediated
Schweitzer, & Saks, 2013). Although this has not been by the amount of control the mock juror believed the
investigated directly, such findings would be consistent defendant had over his actions (Schweitzer & Saks,
with those reported by Weisberg et al. (2008), whereby 2011). Unfortunately, jurors’ perceptions and cognitions
individuals with neuroscience expertise do not show the about the defendant remain a relative mystery, partly be-
“seductive allure” effect. It is also possible that general cause such questions are not consistently asked (e.g.,
attitudes about neuroscience may be influential, along Gurley & Marcus, 2008; Mowle et al., 2016; Schweitzer
with attitudes about mental illness, brain damage, free et al., 2011) or because analyses of such questions are
will, and personal responsibility. However, such factors not consistently reported (e.g., Saks et al., 2014).
have rarely been measured (c.f., Appelbaum et al., 2015). Nevertheless, the evidence is quite suggestive. For ex-
Finally, trial-related factors, such as jury instructions, ample, in three-quarters of the studies reported by
might also affect the jurors’ interpretation of evidence. Schweitzer et al. (2011), mock jurors were asked about
While at least one influential study of the effect of jury their perception of the defendant’s self-control. In those
instructions on the insanity defense found that mock ju- studies, mock jurors who believed the defendant was
rors were insensitive to significant variation in instruc- more in control of his actions were more likely to render
tions (Ogloff, 1991), this was not tested directly in any of guilty verdicts and recommend longer sentences.
the studies reviewed above. Thus, it remains possible Furthermore, a meta-analysis across these studies
that jury instructions do have an effect on jurors’ treat- showed that all neuroscience conditions were associated
ment of neuroscientific evidence. with lower perceptions of control and responsibility
We also sought to answer, Why might neuroscience (Schweitzer et al., 2011). Relatedly, Marshall et al. (2017)
evidence be mitigating? One explanation would be that reported that neuroscience conditions were associated
such evidence is considered a “better argument” (i.e., with lower perceptions of dangerousness, which were
more satisfying or more impactful), thus rendering the further related to lower sentences. Similarly, Appelbaum
defense’s argument more satisfying or impactful. This et al. (2015) reported that apprehension of the defendant
explanation seems likely because, outside of the legal (which includes perception of dangerousness) was re-
arena, it has been consistently reported that people find lated to sentence length. Finally, describing the defend-
neuroscience explanations of psychological phenomena ant as having low versus high dangerousness has had a
more satisfying (i.e., the “seductive allure effect”; Hop- mitigating effect in two studies (Allen et al., 2019;
kins et al., 2016; Weisberg et al., 2018, 2008, 2015). Sub- Greene & Cahill, 2012).
sequent studies have suggested that this is due to a Similarly, two studies found that the mitigating effect
general preference for reductive explanations across the of neuroscientific evidence was related to decreased be-
sciences (Hopkins et al., 2016; Weisberg et al., 2018). liefs in the defendant’s self-control and other “deonto-
However, of the studies reviewed herein, none asked logical concerns” (e.g., moral responsibility, free will;
mock jurors whether neuroscientific evidence is more Saks et al., 2014; Schweitzer & Saks, 2011). However, an-
satisfying, and only two asked mock jurors whether they other study found that mock jurors’ perceptions of the
found such evidence persuasive (Gurley & Marcus, 2008; defendant’s self-control were irrelevant to death sen-
LaDuke et al., 2018). In one such study, neuroscientific tence rates (Greene & Cahill, 2012). These conflicting
Aono et al. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2019) 4:40 Page 19 of 20

results may suggest that the type of legal judgment, and jurors about what neuroscientific evidence does (and
thereby adjudicative responsibility, may play a role in does not) mean in a legal context. Indeed, some
moderating the cognitive mechanisms by which neuro- neuroscientists have specifically cautioned against over-
scientific evidence persuades jurors towards leniency. estimating the ability of neuroscience to answer ques-
Overall, although jurors’ perceptions and cognitions are tions of legal concern (Buckholtz & Faigman, 2014;
a likely mechanism underlying the effect of neuroscien- Treadway & Buckholtz, 2011). This hesitation is due
tific evidence, to date not a single study has asked all the both to differences between the types of questions each
relevant questions and reported all the relevant analyses field asks and answers, as well as the paucity of data
to address this hypothesis directly. linking neuroscientific findings to legally relevant aspects
Our last question was, Given the current state of the of criminal behavior. It is therefore ultimately possible
evidence, what might be productive avenues for future re- that the greatest contribution of neuroscience to crim-
search? As noted above, we strongly believe that add- inal justice will be its influence on how people think
itional research into moderating factors and cognitive about free will, responsibility, and treatability in the con-
mediators would benefit this field significantly. Specific- text of criminal behavior, rather than to influence the
ally, we hope that moderators including the defendant’s legal decisions they make (Greene & Cohen, 2004).
race and gender will be tested as research has shown
them to have an effect on legal judgments (e.g., Ahola et The authors thank Bethany Goodhue and Caroline Lawrence for their help
al., 2009; Demuth, 2003; Doerner & Demuth, 2010; preparing this manuscript.
Freeman, 2006; Johnson & Betsinger, 2009; Mitchell et
Authors’ contributions
al., 2005; Mustard, 2001; Rachlinski et al., 2008; Sweeney The authors jointly wrote the paper, all the authors agreed on the final
& Haney, 1992; Walker & Woody, 2011). In addition, we version, and all the authors consent to publication. All authors read and
hope that future studies will probe juror cognitions approved the final manuscript.
about the evidence and about the experts delivering the Funding
evidence (i.e., whether they are persuasive, satisfying, No source of funding supported this work.
and so on). Furthermore, we hope that such studies will
Availability of data and materials
also test the juror’s resulting beliefs about the defen- Not applicable.
dant’s responsibility and character as possible cognitive
mediators of any mitigating effects. Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
In addition, we believe that the type of criminal cases
used could be varied. Indeed, the reviewed studies largely Competing interests
focus on murder and assault cases, in which the perceived The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
costs of returning not guilty verdicts (or recommending Author details
lenient sentences) may be high. However, the majority of 1
Yale College, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. 2Yale Law School, Yale
cases within the criminal justice system are not murder University, New Haven, CT, USA. 3Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology,
Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.
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