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title={Pruning convolutional neural networks via filter similarity analysis},

author={Geng, Lili and Niu, Baoning},
journal={Machine Learning},

Here are the key points from the article:

1. Objective:
• The primary goal is to reduce the number of filters in CNNs while maintaining or
improving their performance.
• By doing so, we can achieve faster inference, lower memory requirements, and
potentially better generalization.
2. Filter Similarity Analysis:
• The authors propose a novel approach based on filter similarity analysis.
• Filters in CNNs are often redundant, capturing similar features. Identifying and
removing such redundancy can lead to more efficient models.
• The method involves measuring the similarity between filters using various metrics
(e.g., cosine similarity, Euclidean distance).
3. Pruning Criteria:
• The article discusses different criteria for pruning filters:
• Magnitude-based pruning: Removing filters with small weights.
• Similarity-based pruning: Removing filters that are highly correlated with
• Combined criteria: Integrating both magnitude and similarity information.
4. Experimental Results:
• The authors evaluate their approach on various benchmark datasets (e.g., CIFAR-10,
• They demonstrate that filter similarity analysis can lead to significant parameter
reduction without sacrificing accuracy.
• The pruned models achieve competitive performance compared to the original ones.
5. Conclusion:
• The article concludes that filter similarity analysis is a promising avenue for
efficient model compression.
• It provides insights into which filters can be pruned without harming the network’s
representational capacity.
author = {Sawant, Shrutika S. and Bauer, J. and Erick, F. X. and Ingaleshwar,
Subodh and Holzer, N. and Ramming, A. and Lang, E. W. and G\"{o}tz, Th.},
title = {An optimal-score-based filter pruning for deep convolutional neural
year = {2022},
issue_date = {Dec 2022},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
address = {USA},
volume = {52},
number = {15},
issn = {0924-669X},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/s10489-022-03229-5},
abstract = {Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have achieved excellent
performance in the processing of high-resolution images. Most of these networks
contain many deep layers in quest of greater segmentation performance. However,
over-sized CNN models result in overwhelming memory usage and large inference
costs. Earlier studies have revealed that over-sized deep neural models tend to
deal with abundant redundant filters that are very similar and provide tiny or
no contribution in accelerating the inference of the model. Therefore, we have
proposed a novel optimal-score-based filter pruning (OSFP) approach to prune
redundant filters according to their relative similarity in feature space. OSFP
not only speeds up learning in the network but also eradicates redundant filters
leading to improvement in the segmentation performance. We empirically
demonstrate on widely used segmentation network models (TernausNet, classical U-
Net and VGG16 U-Net) and benchmark datasets (Inria Aerial Image Labeling Dataset
and Aerial Imagery for Roof Segmentation (AIRS)) that computation costs (in
terms of Float Point Operations (FLOPs) and parameters) are reduced
significantly, while maintaining or even improving accuracy.},
journal = {Applied Intelligence},
month = {dec},
pages = {17557–17579},
numpages = {23},
keywords = {Redundancy, Model compression, Image segmentation, Filter pruning,
Deep learning, CNN}

1. Objective:

• Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have excelled in processing high-resolution

• However, large CNN models come with memory overhead and high inference costs.
• Previous studies highlighted that oversized deep neural models often deal with
redundant filters that contribute minimally to inference acceleration.
2. Proposed Approach: Optimal-Score-Based Filter Pruning (OSFP):
• The authors introduce a novel approach called OSFP to address this issue.
• OSFP prunes redundant filters based on their relative similarity in feature space.
• The goal is not only to speed up learning but also to enhance segmentation
performance by removing unnecessary filters.
3. Empirical Demonstrations:
• The authors evaluate OSFP on widely used segmentation network models:
• TernausNet
• Classical U-Net
• VGG16 U-Net
• Benchmark datasets used include:
• Inria Aerial Image Labeling Dataset
• Aerial Imagery for Roof Segmentation (AIRS)
• Results show that computation costs (measured in terms of Float Point Operations
(FLOPs) and parameters) are significantly reduced while maintaining or improving
4. Significance:
• The proposed method contributes to efficient model compression by eliminating
redundant filters.
• It addresses challenges related to memory usage, computational costs, and
convergence speed.
• Especially valuable for deploying models on resource-constrained devices.


title={Pruning deep convolutional neural networks architectures with evolution

author={Fernandes Jr, Francisco E and Yen, Gary G},
journal={Information Sciences},

1. Objective:

• Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) are widely used for machine
learning and artificial intelligence tasks due to their learning and adaptation
• However, successful DCNN models often have high computational complexity,
making them challenging to deploy on mobile or embedded platforms.
2. Filter Pruning:
• The article focuses on filter pruning, a technique to reduce the number of
parameters and computational complexity in DCNNs.
• In filter pruning, convolution filters are eliminated to improve efficiency.
3. Proposed Algorithm: DeepPruningES:
• The authors introduce a novel algorithm called DeepPruningES.
• It leverages a Multi-Objective Evolution Strategy (ES) to perform filter pruning.
• Notably, DeepPruningES does not require any prior knowledge during the pruning
4. Benefits:
• DeepPruningES significantly reduces the computational complexity of DCNN
• The approach returns three pruned CNN models, each striking a different balance
between performance and computational cost.
5. Empirical Evaluation:
• The authors test DeepPruningES on three DCNN architectures:
• Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
• Residual Neural Networks (ResNets)
• Densely Connected Neural Networks (DenseNets)
• Results demonstrate reduced computational costs while maintaining or improving
AUTHOR = {Wu, Zhihong and Li, Fuxiang and Zhu, Yuan and Lu, Ke and Wu, Mingzhi and
Zhang, Changze},
TITLE = {A Filter Pruning Method of CNN Models Based on Feature Maps Clustering},
JOURNAL = {Applied Sciences},
VOLUME = {12},
YEAR = {2022},
NUMBER = {9},
URL = {},
ISSN = {2076-3417},
ABSTRACT = {The convolutional neural network (CNN) has been widely used in the field of self-
driving cars. To satisfy the increasing demand, the deeper and wider neural network has become a
general trend. However, this leads to the main problem that the deep neural network is
computationally expensive and consumes a considerable amount of memory. To compress and
accelerate the deep neural network, this paper proposes a filter pruning method based on feature
maps clustering. The basic idea is that by clustering, one can know how many features the input
images have and how many filters are enough to extract all features. This paper chooses Retinanet
and WIDER FACE datasets to experiment with the proposed method. Experiments demonstrate that
the hierarchical clustering algorithm is an effective method for filtering pruning, and the silhouette
coefficient method can be used to determine the number of pruned filters. This work evaluates the
performance change by increasing the pruning ratio. The main results are as follows: Firstly, it is
effective to select pruned filters based on feature maps clustering, and its precision is higher than
that of a random selection of pruned filters. Secondly, the silhouette coefficient method is a feasible
method for finding the best clustering number. Thirdly, the detection speed of the pruned model
improves greatly. Lastly, the method we propose can be used not only for Retinanet, but also for
other CNN models. Its effect will be verified in future work.},
DOI = {10.3390/app12094541}


• Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have found extensive use in the field of
self-driving cars.
• As the demand for better performance grows, deeper and wider neural networks have
become a trend.
• However, this leads to a significant problem: deep neural networks are
computationally expensive and consume substantial memory.
2. Proposed Filter Pruning Method:
• The paper introduces a filter pruning method based on feature maps clustering.
• The core idea is to determine how many features the input images contain and how
many filters are necessary to extract all relevant features.
3. Experimental Setup:
• The authors experiment with the proposed method using the Retinanet and WIDER
FACE datasets.
• They evaluate the effectiveness of the hierarchical clustering algorithm for filter
• The silhouette coefficient method is used to determine the number of pruned filters.
4. Main Results:
• Effective Selection: Pruning filters based on feature maps clustering is more precise
than random selection.
• Clustering Number: The silhouette coefficient method helps find the optimal
clustering number.
• Improved Detection Speed: The pruned model exhibits significantly improved
detection speed.
• General Applicability: The proposed method can be applied not only to Retinanet
but also to other CNN models.
title={Consecutive layer collaborative filter similarity for differentiable
neural network pruning},
author={Zu, Xuan and Li, Yun and Yin, Baoqun},

Objective: The paper addresses the challenge of filter pruning in Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) to compress and accelerate model inference.

• Problem Statement: Previous pruning methods often overlook the relationship between
filters and channels across different layers. Treating each layer independently fails to exploit
the collaborative potential across layers.
• Proposed Method: The authors introduce a novel pruning approach called Filters
Similarity in Consecutive Layers (FSCL). FSCL leverages the similarity between filters in
consecutive layers to compress models effectively.
• Key Idea: Filters that correspond to less valuable features in the model are pruned based on
their similarity.
• Experimental Results: Extensive experiments demonstrate that FSCL outperforms state-of-
the-art methods in terms of accuracy, FLOPs (floating-point operations), and parameter
reduction across various benchmark models and datasets1.
title={Filter Pruning via Similarity Clustering for Deep Convolutional Neural
author={Song, Kang and Yao, Wangshu and Zhu, Xuan},
booktitle={International Conference on Neural Information Processing},

Objective: The paper focuses on filter pruning, a technique to create smaller, more lightweight
neural network models by removing redundant structures from pre-trained networks.

• Challenges: Existing pruning methods often consider filter importance across the entire
network, but they overlook the relationships between filters within the same layer.
• Proposed Approach: The authors introduce a novel filter pruning strategy called Filter
Pruning via Similarity Clustering (FPSC).
• Similarity Measurement: FPSC calculates the Euclidean distance between filters
to assess their similarity.
• Pruning Criterion: Among similar filters, FPSC selects the one with the smallest
sum of k-nearest neighbor distances for removal. This choice is based on the
assumption that the selected filter is more likely to be replaced by neighboring filters.
• Experimental Results:
• FPSC is applied to various networks and compared with existing filter pruning
• Notably, on the CIFAR-10 dataset, FPSC achieves over 70% reduction in FLOPs
(floating-point operations) and parameters for GoogLeNet, while maintaining
accuracy even 0.09% higher than the baseline model.
• On ImageNet, FPSC reduces more than 43.1% FLOPs and 42.2% parameters for
ResNet-50, with only a 0.66% drop in accuracy1.

title={Pruning convolutional neural networks via filter similarity analysis},
author={Geng, Lili and Niu, Baoning},
journal={Machine Learning},

Objective: The paper addresses the challenge of filter pruning in Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) to create more efficient models by removing redundant structures.

• Existing Defects in Pruning Methods:

1. Weight-Based Pruning: Many state-of-the-art pruning methods rank filters based solely on
their weights, without considering their actual impact on model output. This can lead to the
removal of important filters.
2. Isolated Pruning: Filters are often pruned independently or in the forward direction,
making it difficult to control accuracy loss.
• Proposed Method: Filter Similarity Analysis with Backward Pruning (FSABP):
• Similarity Coefficients: FSABP calculates similarity coefficients for filters within each
layer. Filters with small similarity coefficients (indicating similarity) are targeted for
• Backward Pruning: Starting from the last convolutional layer, filters are pruned layer by
layer in the backward direction. This approach avoids early removal of shallow convolution
filters, effectively controlling accuracy loss.
• Experimental Results:
• FSABP is evaluated on LENET, VGG-16, and ResNet-50.
• It significantly reduces parameter redundancy while incurring negligible accuracy loss. In
some cases, it even improves accuracy.
• Notably, FSABP is applicable to both deep and shallow CNNs, as demonstrated on LENET.
title={Exploiting similarity-induced redundancies in correlation topology for
channel pruning in deep convolutional neural networks},
author={Liu, J and Shao, HJ and Deng, X and Jiang, YT},
journal={International Journal of Computers and Applications},
publisher={Taylor \& Francis}

Objective and Key Contributions:

• The paper addresses the challenge of channel pruning in deep Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs) to reduce computational costs while preserving performance.
• Issue: Existing pruning methods often overlook the correlation topology of feature maps
generated by each CNN layer.
• Proposed Approach: The authors introduce a novel channel pruning technique that
leverages the correlation topology to construct a network with fewer nodes, significantly
reducing computational costs.
• Methodology:
• Correlation Topology: The paper exploits the similarity-induced redundancies in the
correlation topology of feature maps.
• Network Construction: By leveraging this topology, the authors construct a pruned
network with fewer nodes.
• Experimental Results:
• The proposed method is evaluated on various CNN architectures.
• It effectively reduces computational complexity while maintaining performance.
• Notably, it achieves significant acceleration without sacrificing accuracy.
• In summary, this article presents a novel approach to channel pruning that exploits the
correlation topology of feature maps, leading to more efficient deep CNNs1.
title={Methods for pruning deep neural networks},
author={Vadera, Sunil and Ameen, Salem},
journal={IEEE Access},

Objective: The paper provides a comprehensive survey of various methods for pruning deep
neural networks (DNNs).

• Categorization of Methods:
• The authors categorize over 150 studies based on the underlying approach used.
• The focus narrows down to three main categories:
1. Magnitude-Based Pruning: Methods that remove weights based on their
2. Clustering-Based Pruning: Techniques that identify redundancy through
3. Sensitivity Analysis: Approaches that assess the impact of pruning on
network performance.
• Key Contributions:
• The paper highlights influential studies within each category, shedding light on their
underlying approaches and achieved results.
• Due to the evolving landscape of architectures, algorithms, and datasets, comparing
results across different studies has become challenging. This article serves as a
valuable resource for the community.
• The authors compare pruning results for architectures like AlexNet, ResNet,
DenseNet, and VGG. Notably, they analyze pruning methods in terms of accuracy
retention and compression rates.
• Future Directions:
• The paper concludes by identifying promising avenues for future research in the
field of neural network pruning.
In summary, this article provides insights into pruning techniques, enabling researchers and
practitioners to make informed decisions when optimizing DNNs for efficiency while maintaining
title={Pruning convolutional neural networks for resource efficient
author={Molchanov, Pavlo and Tyree, Stephen and Karras, Tero and Aila, Timo
and Kautz, Jan},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.06440},

Objective: The authors aim to reduce the computational cost of neural network inference while
maintaining good generalization performance.

1. Methodology:
• They introduce a new formulation for pruning convolutional kernels.
• The pruning process is interleaved with fine-tuning using backpropagation, ensuring
that the pruned network maintains good generalization.
• The proposed method focuses on transfer learning, where large pretrained networks
are adapted to specialized tasks.
2. Criterion for Pruning:
• The authors use a criterion based on Taylor expansion to approximate the change in
the cost function induced by pruning network parameters.
• This criterion outperforms other criteria (such as the norm of kernel weights or
feature map activation) when pruning large CNNs after adaptation to fine-grained
classification tasks.
3. Results:
• The proposed method demonstrates superior performance in fine-grained
classification tasks (e.g., Birds-200 and Flowers-102).
• Pruning can lead to significant reduction in adapted 3D-convolutional filters (more
than 10x theoretically) with only a small drop in accuracy.
• The approach is also flexible and applicable to large-scale datasets like ImageNet.
title={Pruning by explaining: A novel criterion for deep neural network
author={Yeom, Seul-Ki and Seegerer, Philipp and Lapuschkin, Sebastian and
Binder, Alexander and Wiedemann, Simon and M{\"u}ller, Klaus-Robert and Samek,
journal={Pattern Recognition},


• The authors address the challenge of reducing computation and parameter storage
costs in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) without compromising performance.
• Their focus is on interpretability and model compression.

2. Methodology:
• The proposed criterion leverages concepts from explainable AI (XAI).
• It identifies the most relevant units (weights or filters) in CNNs based on their
relevance scores obtained from XAI methods.
• By connecting interpretability and model compression, the authors aim to improve
pruning efficiency.

3. Evaluation:
• The method is evaluated on various computer vision datasets.
• Notably, it performs competitively or better than state-of-the-art pruning criteria
during successive retraining.
• In resource-constrained scenarios where fine-tuning is avoided due to limited task-
specific data, this novel criterion outperforms previous methods.
• The approach iteratively compresses the model while maintaining or even improving
• It has a computational cost comparable to gradient computation and is
straightforward to apply without extensive hyperparameter tuning.

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