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So tell me where originally are you from? And where do you live? If I may ask?

Answer. I'm from a very small family. My dad was from Middletown, Orange County,
New York. I'm an Italian American, my mom was from Bologna, Italy.

After the lose of my dad, I had to relocate with my mom to Bologna, Italy for so
many years before relocating back to America in 1982 for my masters degree, I've
been in America for 36 years now. I have an Italian accent though it's lovely.

2. So tell me how big is your family? If I may ask?

Answer. I have no siblings, I once I onced had siblings but I guess fate decided...

3. What's your present marital status, if you don't mind me asking?

Answer. I'm a widower

4. Do you have kids, if I may ask?

Answer. Yes I do have a daughter, shes aged 10.


5. What's your favorite love song?

Answer. My favorite love song is "Love story" by Taylor Swift, I do love her songs
a lot.

6. Do you have a favorite musician, if I may ask?

Answer. My favorite musician is Travis Tritts

7. What do you do for fun?

Answer. I l ove walking the trail, walking on the beach, camping and hunting, I
love picnics and hiking, I also go fishing and scuba diving once in a while.

8. What colors are your favorite, if I may ask?

Answer. My favorite colors are blue, green and red, blue stands for the clouds in
the sky which is a proof of the marvelous works of God, while green is for nature
such as vegetation and red for love, all 3 colors are natural that is why I love

9. So tell me my friend, what is your favorite food?

Answer. I love sea foods, especially prawn sauce and brown rice, I love home made
food, cooking is an art I love so much, I also love Chinese, I don't eat junk food
at all.

10. So tell me my friend, what do you like and dislike?

Answer. I like it when I see positive and bright faces around me, when you have are
happy people around you, it affects us indirectly because positivity is one thing
that restores hope and without hope life would be hard to live, hopes gets us
through darker tunnels and struggles.
[ ] I know it is impossible to make everyone around us happy, and because we have
no power over their emotions, but at least the majority should be happy.

I like discussing the bible, I love attention and c ommunication, I love family
time to keep on the bond because there is nothing as important than that.

I dislike liars, racist, cheaters, dishonest people, unfaithful humans that use the
name of God in Vain, most importantly "gossip and oppression" I dispise them a lot.

[ ] Some people take advantage of people that gives them respect.

[ ] They take respect for fear, some thinks they are superior to other when in fact
there is only one race which is the human race, our flesh is just a vessel.

What really defines us is who we are inside, not the fancy clothes we wear, cars we
ride, castles we own or the color of our skin, what matters is if we are doing the
work our lord sent us to accomplish.

11. I don't know how this question might sound to you, may I ask my friend, what
are your goals or dreams in life?

Answer. My goals and dreams in life is to be with the woman of my life whom I will
call my wife who I will love and we will both live together happily, I need a woman
that love me for me. My late wife did a whole lot to me and it gave me trust issues
I had to deal with. And also my goal is to give my daughter the best educational
standard she deserves.

12. Describe some of the important things in your life, if you don't mind me

Answer. Mine is making as much people around me happy including family and also
serving my God. I tend to acknowledge that life is a journey that we need to get
the best experience on the way, because we can never walk the same path twice.

I try to be myself and not indulge myself in what people want of me. I know you can
never make everybody happy.

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