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This is your cover page (delete this line prior to creating this page).

Table of Contents
Section 1 - Overview and Post
Reflection................................................................................................................... 3
Section 2 - Interview Summary
Table......................................................................................................................... 4
Section 3 - Personal Approach to Leading and Motivating Others.......................................
Section 4 - 10 Key Takeaways...................................................................................................................................

Instructions are provided in Green Text - delete this text prior to submitting your assignment

Section 1 - Overview and Post Reflection

Complete the overview before the interview and the post-reflection after the interview

Leader Name:
Email address:
Name of
Position or Title:
One paragraph summary of why you chose to interview this individual:

Post Reflection - Two paragraphs

1. What characteristics or traits does this Canadian business leader embody to lead the

2. What conclusions can you make about the individual's approach to motivating others in the

Section 2
— Interview Summary Table
Integrate motivation theories and concepts into your summaries (adjust the box size for your
Criteria Key Findings
What leadership style/s
were identified? How does
their particular style fit in
with the theories
Does the interviewee
consider themselves more of
a manager or a leader?
What characteristics/traits were
identified as important?
What characteristics/traits
could potentially damage a
leader's career?
How does the interviewee
influence people in and
around the organization?
How does your leader
motivate his/her employees?
Which motivational theory do
you think this closel links to?
Advice and Current Issues
What advice did this
individual suggest?
What current issues were
— Personal Approach to Motivating Others

Based on what you have learned about yourself, the Canadian business context,
leadership, and motivation, develop your personal approach to leading and motivating
others. Draw on the course material, your interview, and self-assessments.
Section 3
- 10 Key Takeaways

List your 10 takeaway statements (most important information that you learned).
Point form is acceptable in this section. Identify how they are relevant to the
following topics:
theories of leadership; how to motivate
others in a Canadian business; and current issues
facing today's leaders and managers.
Section 4

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