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W24 Comprehensive Mid-Semester Assessment (15%)

Cumulative Mid-Semester Assessment (CMSA)

Your Task: Demonstrate the learning that you have accomplished through Weeks 1-6
in COMM1085 by writing a fully developed paragraph in response to ONE of the
following prompts.

Length: Aim for 150-200 words (or around 6-8 sentences) + full APA reference

Instructions: Below are 3 questions / prompts. Each one is related to a particular topic
and a pair of readings that we explored earlier in the course.

1. Choose the ONE question that you feel most confident to discuss.
2. Develop your paragraph response to that question by first creating an outline and
finding a quotation to integrate into your paragraph to support your claims. You
will not submit this outline for marks.
3. Write a fully developed paragraph in the space provided and then create a
reference for the text that you quoted, using the textbox provided specifically for
the reference entry.
4. Complete the reflection question about the writing of the paragraph (Part 2, after
the reference entry). This section is part of the evaluation criteria.


 Use your own words to communicate your original ideas. Use of any
form of generative AI is not allowed for this assignment. This paragraph and
outline should be written on your own without help from others. Use of AI in
any capacity or copying any written work from other sources throughout this
assessment process will be in violation of Conestoga’s Academic Offences
policy and could result in Academic Integrity Violations.
 Use “Save As” to give the file a new name after you begin to ensure that you
do not accidentally submit the blank template for grading.

Choose ONE of the following prompts:

1. Careers & Education

The articles “I’m studying for my dream job. But inflation is shifting my priorities”
and “Field placements most important step in road to graduation” explore career
paths and how to get experience in the workplace before graduation.

Using your own program of study in your response, what do you see as the
benefits of field placements and/or co-ops and why? Or if your program does not

offer co-op, are there other specific aids or experiences you feel are necessary
before starting in the workplace?

After planning your response, respond to this prompt in paragraph form in the space
provided below.

Write a response to this question in your own voice and using first-person (i.e. “I feel

2. Technology and Culture

The articles “How TikTok is Changing pop culture and the world” and “Video
games are social spaces for today’s generation” portray the different positive
contributions to society of social media and online video games.

How do you see online spaces (e.g. online gaming platforms, social media
platforms, online communication tools or any other digital space) being used in
your field of study 5 years from now? Reflect on the potential impact of digital
spaces on your future workplace, expressing whether you anticipate them to
have a positive or negative influence.

After planning your response (I.e., creating an outline), respond to this prompt in
paragraph form in the space provided below.

Write a response to this question in your own voice and using first-person (i.e. “I feel

3. Artificial Intelligence and Human Connection

The articles “I bonded with a robot” and “Can robots be our friends” discuss
innovations in artificial intelligence being used for counselling and friendship.

If you can travel to the future, what do you think will be the role of AI chatbots in
our society? Do you think these technologies will problem-solving OR problem-
causing? Make sure to provide only one viewpoint in your paragraph response.

After planning your response (I.e., creating an outline), respond to this prompt in
paragraph form in the space provided below.

Write a response to this question in your own voice and using first-person (i.e. “I feel

Part 1a: Produce an original paragraph


Write your paragraph in the space below. Write the paragraph using your own words
and thoughts. We want to read your point of view on this topic as expressed in your own
voice. Explain and support your answer with at least one integrated quotation from one
of the associated articles mentioned above, in addition to personal examples (the box
will expand as you type).

Part 1b: Provide a full reference entry for the text you quoted in this exercise,
using the assigned academic style guide.
Place your reference in the empty box below, in the appropriate location. Some features
of a real reference page have already been included, and the necessary spacing and
formatting requirements have also been selected for you.
Reference 1

Part 2: Reflect on the learning process and on paragraph development

Analyze your process in crafting this paragraph. Explain how you developed the written
response; for example, you could reflect on considerations such as writing in your own
voice, incorporating the quotation, selecting transition words, and other stylistic

Write around 3-5 sentences in the space below that explains at least 2 different
writing choices (the judgements and decisions that went into writing this paragraph).

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