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Muh Soxhd Curd Ses | Gro 1 | Tom fre What Are Active Citizenship and Volunteer Action? ‘ne theend ofthe lesson, you shou be ae > fre volnterng > cently and expan at east four atuibutes or qualls of volunteers. > ita postion paper of 300 words on wlnteeing ®) reoptnel INTRODUCTION Have youever thought about how many peopl there rein the world who have needs that they are nt able to meet onthe own? Have you noticed that there are things that could be done to improve you local environment, taveererereoit | erat do not require complex resources? Are you aware of how much PA sotential you have to contribute in meaningful ways to making the Ives and experencesofother people more postive? this sson, we are going te define'ctive citizenship’ and volunteer action explore the attributes of voluntess fom a moral and social perspective and thnk about how our ‘ourty he UAE, places an emphasis on volunteering I ointserued haethe pte a ctenathan ce tne ane nl WHAT IS VOLUNTEERING? ‘Tounderstand volunteering, wefrstneedo define whatsmeant by'acive -ctlzenship Active implies ding work o activity of some sort it comes from the word action. iizenship refers to the state of being a cizen ~ members ofa community in a country or place Citizenship confers certain ‘rights and responses on peopl who are citizens, and requires them to ‘know the legal and civic parameters of thei community or county. This. ‘bulls on what you may have leamt about being an activ citizen in Unit 6in Grade 9 and the information you covered in Units 4and 5, in Grade 10 wil aso be of elevance here) Active citizenship isa way fr people to exercise personal esponsibility by contibuting indidual effort to making thelr communtes and societies better ina variety of ways, offen within the limits of structures that ext to achieve this It implies a state in which people in & community care about one another, deste the best cicumstances for one another, and acknowledge and acton the waysin which they can contbuteindividually and collectively to enhancing the quality of fe and development ofthe community, Active citizenship also involves participating in governance and decisionmaking structures where planning is done for community limprovement. A community may be a local geographic area in which people ve. t may aso bea group of people who share the same aith or ‘other interests. There isa connection among the members, and they may share esources and aces. KeyTerms ‘ein zeae Geinginahedin copa anoee ‘nmansyrinet nie2 avon CEL oS ana Cumuralsudes | rode | Teens KeyTarme 7 Taengsetantohap Sheth seus whaaeectain esorlgb. strom: Salle concent ‘rewtibengfaer pele Volunteering is when someone undertakes action for the benefit of ‘other people, a caus, without expectation cf personal gain tis usualy ‘motivated by 2 moral principle of altruism, o” wanting to help those in need, or using persona talents and resources o do something good and ‘beneficial in the word Shining \Why do you thikthe principle of volntering requires prsan (volutes tobe sees? UNIVERSAL CONCEPTS AND VALUES. ASSOCIATED WITH VOLUNTEERING Volunteering sno: meant to bea pursuit that people are forced or coerced Into doing, Most acts of volunteering emerge fom an icviduas outlook. about if, and thei understanding that they are connected to the wort ‘around them, ane if something is lacking or problematic in that world, they may beable to make a ference in changing it. There ae universal values and concepts that ae associated with voluntesring, which inform the decisions that people make to become volunteers. Figure Vales Associated with Vluntecing then ian Se Nero Sci and Cutua Sues | rode | Terms {Attributes and Qualities of Volunteers Volunteering requires abasic attitude of caring and wanting to contribute. Successful volunteers share many attributes that enable them to undertake dferentkinds of service work. 1 Succes vlunices Rave weivual abs Hat erable Hen eR ‘reanigll othe au they enooetolnvle there + Leadership skls:Avolunter needs to develop the sills tonspire ‘others toa common vision for achievement, and then beablto iret, resources and efforts towards the goal + Communication tills entfying 2 need for volunteering requires ‘excelent listening skis and the ability to communicate leary, ina ater of ways. + Collaborative: Vountering often requires working with others to achieve an outcome. The volunteer must beable to work wllin 3 team engaging wth others and finding ways to comiine the strengths ofall team members to achieve the gal. + Respect: People ll ot always agree wth ane another the word diverse with many ifferent perspectives. A volunteer needs to have 3 fundamental respect for other people and ther clcumstance. + Commitment: Vounteering can be fc at times. A good volunteer remains commited tothe ouse even when aspects of the werk may ‘become challenging, + Reliability: This is osely connected to commitment A volurter ‘needs to havea song sense of integrity about fling actos ‘and tasks thatthe have agred todo, Punctaltyand thorough completion of wok ate par ofthis = Creativity: Some problems need soluvions that may not seem obvious at fst. The volunteer may need to think creatively to use limited resources to achieve a goa, for example, or ind new ways of doing things to ensure sucess, “+ Organisational skis: Most volunteer acts and programmes requ coeful plaming and coordinating of resources and actions. ‘Te volunter needs tobe organised in managing activites and resources, One of te most common challenges of volunteering isthe time commitment equired to do the work effectively -time spent ‘yolunteering may campete' with recreation time or time fr studying Being organised and systematic in planning and carrying cu tasks helps the volunteerto manage things succesfully. + Flext: Things en an do go wrong n projects especall when ‘anew dea has ben intited, or wen resources become scarce, oF ‘dreumstances charge The volunteer needs to havea flexible atte, so that they can adapt to changes or new ccumstances. + Selflesness: The volunteer needs to do ther volunteer work inthe ‘spit of goodil towards others, sometimes puting aside their own needs fatigue or cher agendas inorder to cary out the work that they have stout todo, Action Task ork witha parte Find 2 news arte about person nt UAE who hasbeen recognised forthe voluntesing or chat work i ut what they and how they achieved. Than wite 2 150-word anal to them lewhich you commend them forthe nspatioal ales, atribvies and ules that they have demonstrated nthe work eee te Keyes ru dai tei yer talamodee Shes trou ng teste amp fr campaign An evensorscoree hee 08, ‘The Link Between Servant Leadershipand Volunteering, ‘The UAE, and its success as 2 nation, has been built on the servant leadership of te founding leader, Sheth Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (Way Allah have rery upon fis soul, who united the seven Emirates, Into one unified, peace inclusive federation, Servant leadership relates, to leading by helping other people ~ Its about being arale model for sence and contribution This isa key vale fr a volunteering intatve ‘Mest volunteers would be regarded as leaders in some capac, especially if ey have inated an action or campaign to make a postive ference inthe world, Volunteering san opportunity to serve and to inspire others todo the same. Asa person practises serving others through volunteering Intatives, they develop personal skis that can increasingly be invested in ter itatves. Thismeans that, athough the motivation fer volunteting Iscenealya selfless dese to help others the servant leader and volunteer ales benefits from the contribution they make, Sena ladenisboutleang tHrughsaving.Azsrantlader may elutser "des eure mean personal it Seng others and ray np ches 0 adopt the sae rinceles- hss okey ogres of peso scesho. Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - A Role Model for Humanitarianism, Philanthropy and Servant Leadership eh bin Sultan Al Nhyan May Aah have mercy upon hissou) isa storedole model of servant ledershipfor all UA cisens tomo vered global forhis humantariansm, philanthropic Proving the lives of his people sed people nthe rest of theworld. ce aebte which hasbeen pursued enthusiastcaly by people of the UAE ates death, has eco the federation being ecognned oneer most charitable countries in the word Fe aetablshing the Abu Dhabi Fund for Develepmentin 1871, which (May Aten rove aa flew suffering, Shei Zaye bin Sultan A Nstyon (Ne Alah have mercy upon his sou made many declons ad aan many Fe ead ea of service that reflected his phanthvopic prince, Aataiblshed several done organisations, including the UNE Ree ooo Ramon called the Emirates Red Crescent and te Zayed Bn Sree Nahyan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation trae Ceath. Zayed Humantaran Day was established totake place onthe {3thday of Ramadan each year, in commemoration of hr Visionary leadership and philantheopy. eee a eins PTR EET po) Research Task P ‘Choose any one ofthe native that wae rested by Shen Zayed ‘kan I Nahyan May Aah havemercy upon hs soul and research how spe wey pepe tse re UAE. [Checkpoint Ustfour glob! values for volurteer ation. Describe ‘ow Sheth Zayed bin Sulton AlNohyan (May All have mercy upon ‘is sou) demonstrated these four values. Volunteer Retion in the UAE ‘The example set by the founding father ofthe UAE has led to many other Inatives that involve volunteering and philanthropic activity. The Year of Giving 's Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan (May Allah protect him) declared 2017 as The Year of Giving for the UAE. There were three pillars to the Intatve: volunteering, serving the nation and corporate socal ‘esponsibility (CSR). This meant that all sectors of society were Encouraged to become more involved in altruistic pursuits to Improve the ives ofall UAE citizens. was inspired by the UAE's ‘ational values of generosity and hospitality. The initiative has led to the development of more formalised policies and fameworks to consolidate the value of volunteering in the LAE an emphasis on involving as many people as possible in Outline at east one type of volunteer action that requiem. solnter efor. > Discuss vee or moe types of volunteer actlon that eque seater ‘ne and pesonal resource efforton the pa ofthe volute >> Performs personal knowledge and his uit ode stable ways of voleering INTRODUCTION intesson 1 wedlscussed the values and attributes invoived in volunteering. In this lesson, we are going to look at types of volunteer action that you ‘can get involved in. There are many ways to make a contribution to your local community andthe word through volunteering. Some requir ite time and effort; others require you to apply a range of sls, knowledge and ime to achieve the outcome. WHAT ARE’DONATIONS’ IN A VOLUNTEER: CAPACITY? ‘Voluntering is linked t the concept of charity ~ providing help tothe needy. The act of chart volves a decision to extend help and support to ‘others. Such a decision made without coercion and without the decision ‘maker expecting any rerun or reward save for the personal satisfaction of. helping others. Makinga donation to help someone in need isthe most basi form of volunte’ action; the volunteer chooses to help a needy person or people and voluntary gives something that wil relieve the ‘need In Some cases, it may be a single act of giving, and in other cases it ‘may bea longer-term orongeing action ey Terms carey Pow eeaonavouny Slovrgaresoueeto hepsorneln ee 2 taser? EERE Key Terms Hoang! ‘aperfra hrate Donating Money ‘Money ithe most common type of resource thats used relieve suring ‘orto improve a dificult situation, For example, single donations of money made toa disaster eli fund appeal, fora country that has experienced & natural disaster such as an earthquake ot hurricane. These donations may becca and used to buy bottled water food clothing and medicines that affected people desperately in need asa result ofthe disaster, ‘Sponsorship Isa financial donation that occurs once (fora special or ‘one-off charity event or over 2 regular period of time (for an ongoing programme). In some cases there may be a condition attached to the sponsorship programme, for example, regular reporting made to the sponsor, oF incuing the sponsors name in the programme a5 acknowledgement of thelr contibution. In the case of an individual Sponsoring 3 programme or person in need, theaction maybe anonymous, but fit ea business entity providing the sponsorship then there may be an expectation of pubic acknowledgement ofthe contribution, The later 'ype of sponsorships elated to corprate soil responsibilty rather than Individual planttropic volunteering. ' Donating mane the neds the most bs om of volunteer ation World Vision it Viens bl aganston ht ans tas Wena acernten oa a chen who ster fm te eee oy cota dunes ewan ee and eaxcaton nts suppon pogammes Regia eration ut mes npr fomaloee a! sitchen inte communes nih he thestateges seo hondvsen opener {fr example, knitting warm clothing for children in nse eno ‘volunteering at events to raise money for their programmes EXT hE Epo) Morel Sci ante Sites | ie | Trm 3 Donating Food, Clothing and Emergency Supplies ‘Another typeof donation tat volunteers may make to 2 needy cause is food, dating and other basic supplies charity orgarisation or group that is providing support to communities or people who are in need may callfr donations. Ths typeof volunteer actions commen when there has been an extreme event, such asa natural csaster, that has ld to people becoming homeless and without access to basic resources ~ thee Is an Immediate and urgent need to be addressed, Volunteers may heed the ‘equest and donate what they have valable in thelr ow homes that may be suitable for other people to use oF they may purchase resources and ‘donate them. Community volunteers may also donate or collect donated ‘goods on behalf ther donors to give oalocal family or group of people who ae in need. In some cases, an organisation may run a permanent or ‘ongoing inate to support people who are in need, An example of this Raa "ype of iniative is a food bank. This sa place where people who lack access to food (lther temporal or ona regular basis) can go to get non- petshable food items that they can take away and prepare for themselves. ood barks pce eee Volunteers get involved by donating the food. They also run the food banks, Sebati tee and organise and estibuteitto the needy. proeinrees 1m Volunmerscan donate tems The UAE Food Bank epee in need ride and ouside of the UAE, and to reduce food mans ate hotoaty industry. These wo ams ae symbiote Byradueng ig vrets ie brogramme llevatesan environmental problem and einmares toed anaetin the food tothe needy it provides fundamental help toneedy and hungry people. ie roaramene works by contacting partner organisations to Collect surplus food donated by AGNLs 3sy> ors Selon Cart Stabs | Gre 10] Te esearch ask, i LQ ‘Do some eaeachin yout Gate roca areata fin out about ‘xgnisations that accept donations ora catable cause Donating Blood Blood transfusions are a common sspect of modern ‘medicine Ifa person needs surgery and ses some of therblood volumes ‘a result ofthe surgca procedure, the blood must berepaced immediately forthe person to survive the surgery. The same true for accident victims ‘who may have lo: blond volume a result ofa severe jury Volunteers, ‘who are in a good state of health and are disease-reg can support this ‘process by donating a portion of their own blood - usually about SOOm. ‘Te human bedy can replenish some components 0” blood within 24 hours and some wii afew days and weeks. volunteer blood donor can ‘donate bloed once every few months, in most cases without experiencing, ‘any negative effec Donations of blood canbe stored inspec laboratory {acities or blood aanks unt they are needed, World 810d Donor Day celebrated on the 14th of June each year. |= Dora blood i mpl process Aneedl snseed nto anzteyinthe arm tad he lod ows xo 3 spec storage bg a ahi ube snot usy oor ‘the neces very thn and the donot ar does ot perm srenoUs Spots or othe ats foray os fer consti cod hey aly experience rounpewsanefiects Blood Donation lndDo anon poral atten stp Brroesaccocczmttatntesnn eta tories denon estocaanteh ea deve teseelaece tes ofthe same blood group as ther own, Tis means that blood rom g Identy atleast two types of community context for volunteatng, > Describe atleast tre types of rou or tages fervolnter INTRODUCTION Intesson 2 we explored diferent types of volunteer action that youcan get Involvedin. In this lesson we willookat ferent contexts for volunteering, Most volunteers are quidedin ther choice of volunteering opportunites by specific interest they may have, ora cause that appeals to them in some ‘way. We will consider different types of communities in which we may wish to volunteer, 3s well as exploring a range of interest groups or targets for volunteer work This wl provide you wth a amework for identtying the context in which you may Ike to volunteer. Maul Sohd Cand Str | Grade To WHAT ARE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF COMMUNITY FOR VOLUNTEERING? People lve in communities. In ancient times, these communities were generally very loalsed and limited to geographic areas in which people oud shar resources fr survival, and fll ther needs for social contact land support As the world has become more populated, and people have ‘become more mobile through transport and communication networks, ‘the idea of community’ has also evolved. For example, there are many ‘expatriate people living in the UAE Expatriates are people who have ‘offi cizenship in one county. but who live ina diferent county for reasons of employment ora diferent type of Wfestyle. Expatriate people ‘may identity witha specific community n their home country ~ they may have regular online o telephonic communication with fiends from their, ‘xignal neighbourhood, or social groups in which they particpate, But, they may also be part ofan expatriate community inthe country in which they have chosen to lve. The expatriate community may be composed, ‘of people from many other countries, speaking diferent languages. Their, serse of community, and the composition oftheir community may be ‘much broader than a localised geographic ares, -Anater way t think about community isa national level Fo examen ‘thc UAE therelsan emphasis on national values of tolerance and compassion. [Allpeople ving inthe UAE are expected to respect and behave according to ‘these values. This vale seta ay of uniting people to a common vay of thinking which makes them a community. Citizens of ferent emirates may unt toachiewea common gol thats of concer toal of them. ‘Globalicationhas ao brought about a broader sense of community. People allover the word have the capacty, trough technology, to communicate With one another, and to explore issues of shared interest and concen Social medi is one example of this You can foo, jon and partie in forums about sues that interest you. These forums may be seen 352 type ‘of community, with partipants representing diverse backgrounds. You ‘may wish to contribute tothe community in some way by applying you knowledge and experience. tn the wevld tha you occupy. there are many efferent levels and tyes of community to which you have the choice to belong and to contribute as 3 volunteer, 1 community can be composed f people fom dere backgrounds and Tecatora weshing ogeer tachi pal or toads cute Discus theaferant eels of community that each member of your cass cents wth, ay Terns obatbton “iene cers ‘ed pmclect rence ‘racemes yeh heen ot ruleacons Capomersard sobsionen ero Soiolond Cuturalsices | Grose | Tem teering inthe School Community ‘Asa student, your school community sone that Ikely absorbs alot of your ‘time and attention, because you are immersed init fr large parts ofthe yea! fyou consider the context of schoo, there are probably many needs you can ident that you could help ofl ina voluntary capacity to help your fellow students, teachers and the school environment. Examples of volunteering activites in school could include: + Tutoring younger students who ae struggling in certain subjects + Organising and participating na clean-up ofthe school grounds + Assisting teachers with setlng up resources and activities, for example, Sclence experiments or sports activites. + Coaching school sports teams. + Writing articles forthe school magazine, + Editing the school magazine, + Organising fundraising activites for causes thatthe school supports. + Helping new stodents to stte nt the schol by failing them ith facies and helping them to understand how the school runs + Patcpating in peer mentor programmes where you mentor younger student in fe sls and leadership, + Running @ homework helping cub afterschool hours. 1 Feng youre suena eared ay la eben Discussion Point A= ‘cues waysin which you could volunteers help thers you shel. ‘Volunteering in the Local Community ‘Tere may he many apnortunities for volinter action in your local community, Not all volunter work needs to be connected to an existing ‘organisation o established structure Voluntents can make a contribution tothosein needin informal ways. arta ditt Pn te SLUG aie en ana pople wove with he fers Se ot ac day bens the an Thamtments outside the home, alma ator to the Sharjah Puble Ub. Sf read texts in Arabic and English and atlng ese to speak and read French. While Shera eg ayn et way Hae om the HY SAM alk to her ng a er fms who aso eine owe thou nel ee end tery ring eave te house, She oo the books Salma fasiner bag end comments that she wishes se rpaighave easier access to bookshesel ners ancora tet Same tl et hat he Shah hes was es ety coleton- hs means ta book

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