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Title: The Rain in España

Author: 4Reuminct (Gwy Saludes)

“I told you don’t lose your dream for me” how far would you go to get the love of your dreams? Now is
the time to hold your breath as we witness the love that might break your heart. Gather your courage and
allow us to explore how the rain became a barrier for you to glimpse the brilliantly illuminated moon of
Gwy Saludes's book "The Rain in España."
Kalix Jace Martinez, who comes from a family of doctors, opted to take a different path and study Legal
Management at Ateneo de Manila University. What are the odds of getting to know Louisse Natasha
Valeria at the hospital where his parents work? Luna, a University of Santo Tomas Architecture student,
is famous for her easygoing and cheerful demeanor. Crossing paths with her signifies that your world will
be illuminated since she serves as the moon's illuminating light in the vast darkness of the night. Their
encounters, conversations, and love for each other were such delightful rides until pressures, family issues
and ambitions entered the picture. With their schools being so far apart, who would have imagined that
their personal growth would be influenced by the long years they must spend apart?
Kalix Jace Martinez, a serious type of guy who is always top of his class; Louisse Natasha Valeria
“Luna”, an easygoing and cheerful young lady who is also the top of her class. They are different in all
aspect but still manage to create an inspiring story.
Imagine a waiting shed being there while the rain starts pouring. Imagine the love that is still there while
the struggles are overwhelming.
A room full of laughter and the chaos that goes after. A narrative of mixed feelings that will make you
realize how important your dreams are and how your love can support you with them even if you are far
apart. It is the connection that will tie your knot, not the distance.
Despite not being together, the love that lasts longer overcomes the strains and barriers. It delves into a
couple's obstacles and the decisions they can make to help each other grow. The words that will enter
your heart and inspire you to pursue your passion despite the difficulties you may experience.
Readers, take a deep breath in and a deep breath out as we begin shouting out Kalix's response to Luna's
remarks. "You are the dream, Luna". Are you prepared to discover your dream? This book is motivating,
and it will make you appreciate the journey you are traveling.

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