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the others.

If someone kicks the can, he wins and the

game restarts. While you can plan Kick the Can in the We Cannot Hide from God
light, it is much more fun in the dark, as the darkness 11 February 2024 PM – Text: Psalm 139:7-12 – Topic: Omnipresence
hides the players. Introduction: We have all played the game “Hide and Seek”. You may
2) The game would never work for God. He can see as well in call it by another name, but it is when everyone hides, and one person
the blackest dark as he sees in the shining daylight. tries to find those hiding.
3) (Jeremiah 23:24) "Can any hide himself in secret places If we are not careful, we will try to play “Hide and Seek” with God.
that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill
We run and hide from God and do things we know He does not like. We
heaven and earth? saith the LORD. "
hope that he will not find us. How foolish! It is a waste of time to play
b. The darkness and the light are both alike to thee.
that game with God because it is impossible to hide from God.
1) Now that is an awesome thought! In God’s vision, there is
Transition: This evening, I want us to work our way through Psalm
no difference between darkness and light.
139:7-12 to see why we cannot hide from God.
2) Once again, this is both convicting and comforting.
a) People typically do more sinful activities at night 1. Psalm 139:7
because they can hide better. While the dark may a. Whither shall I go from thy spirit?
hide from humans some of the bad things men do, it 1) David asked God this rhetorical question, knowing that
does not hide any of their sin from God. the answer was “nowhere”.
b) What a comfort it is to know that on the blackest 2) God’s spirit described here does not necessarily refer to
night, God sees me and can protect me from any the Holy Spirit because God himself is a spirit. While
danger that is around me. talking to the woman at the well in John 4:24, Jesus said,
Conclusion: We cannot hide from God! He is present everywhere in the "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must
worship him in spirit and in truth. "
universe and beyond. No matter how high we fly or how low we burrow
into the earth, God still sees us. When we are speeding across the sky in 3) The idea of this statement is that since God is a spirit and
a jet, God’s hands are still with us to guide and hold us securely. Even in not confined to a body, He is everywhere at the same
total blackness, God still sees us as clearly as in the noonday sun.
We have a great God. It is useless to try to hide from Him. It is b. Or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
peaceful knowing that he is always by our side. Ponder these verses! 1) The word translated “presence” speaks of God’s face or
Better yet, memorise them. his being.
Song: Under His Wings, 269 2) David knew that there was no place on earth or in the
universe where he could run away from God’s presence.
3) The doctrinal term for God being everywhere at the same
time is omnipresent.
4) The omnipresence of God will give you something to
ponder when you can’t get to sleep! This quality is so
foreign to our being!
5) The fact that God is everywhere at the same time is
frightening if we want to hide our sin from God, and it is
comforting when we long for God’s nearness during trials.
(Proverbs 15:3) "The eyes of the LORD are in every shall hold me.
place, beholding the evil and the good. " God sees us as 1) If David could have flown over the sea (as we can in jets
we truly are. today), he knew in his heart that even by speeding to that
2. Psalm 139:8 distant location, God’s had would lead or guide him.
a. If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: 2) He believed that God’s right hand of strength would hold
1) As David looked up into the starry heavens, he knew that him firmly.
if he could zoom up to the stars, he could never leave 3) We never need to fear that God is not near, even if we are
God’s presence. 40,000 feet in the air flying in a jet.
2) This statement is still true today, but it takes on an even 4. Psalm 139:11
greater magnitude for us. We now know that the most a. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me;
distant stars are trillions of kilometres away, beyond the 1) It is common for children to be afraid of the dark. Even as
most powerful telescopes. adults, there is something unsettling about the dark. For
3) God’s presence reaches beyond the highest star that this reason, David presented this hypothetical statement,
exists. “Surely the darkness shall cover me .” The word he used
b. If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. for “cover” means to bruise.
1) The word translated hell is sheol, the place of the dead. 2) Darkness can be frightening because we cannot see what
Men assume that it is down somewhere. Thus, David uses is out there.
it to contrast the height of the heavens. 3) David knew that even if darkness threatened to harm him,
2) Speaking of idol worshippers, God told the prophet Amos, God was still present.
(Amos 9:2-3) "Though they dig into hell, thence shall b. Even the night shall be light about me.
mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, 1) Today, we have Infrared night vision cameras that can see
thence will I bring them down: And though they hide in the dark.
themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take 2) God has perfect vision that surpasses the best infrared
them out thence; and though they be hid from my sight
in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the vision.
serpent, and he shall bite them: " 3) David knew that from God’s perspective, the blackest
3) No matter how high we might go or how low we might night was still light to God.
descend, we cannot escape the presence of God. 5. Psalm 139:12
3. Psalm 139:9-10 a. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night
a. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the shineth as the day:
uttermost parts of the sea; 1) In my youth, we used to love having other boys over in
1) David could see that the light of the morning dawn quickly the evening and playing a game called “Kick the Can”. It is
spread everywhere. He imagined travelling at the speed a game where everyone hides except the person who is
of light to the very end of the sea on the horizon. the guard. He must protect the can (an old bean tin sitting
2) Whether David comprehended that the earth was a globe, in a lighted area) while the other players try to sneak up
we do not know. He did know that the farthest point on in the dark and kick the can while he is not looking. If the
the sea that his eye could grasp was a long way off. guard sees someone and gets back to the can first and
b. Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand calls their name, they are out and have to help him catch

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