Process Presentation

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The technological process

The technological process


© Oxford University Press España, S. A. Technology 2

The technological process

Technology is the practical application of knowledge (science) and skills

(technology) to create a solution (an object or a technological system) that
allows human beings to satisfy their needs or problems.

Need Idea Development Construction Verification

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The technological process



© Oxford University Press España, S. A. Technology 4

The technological process

Knowlege of physical and The more scientific knowledge we have, the easier it
scientific concepts will be to obtain an optimal solution to the problem.
Technical drawing To transmit the idea of an object.
Work techniques For better results
Economic factors Decisive in the progress of technology
Information technology (IT) Speed and automisation of processes

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The technological process


© Oxford University Press España, S. A. Technology 6

The technological process

It’s important to recognise these signs in

the classroom workshop:

It’s very important to keep the classroom

workshop tidy and follow the hygiene and
safety rules in order to prevent accidents.

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The technological process



© Oxford University Press España, S. A. Technology 8

The technological process

Approach and analysis of needs and Collecting information and analysing

problems previous cases
The more details and data we have, the We look for information about solutions
easier it will be to get the design right found for problems similar to ours and
and come up with an appropriate about technical aspects that might affect
solution. our project.

Designing the individual idea Coming together and choosing the best
Finding a group solution to all the ideas.
The positive aspects of each idea can be
considered to create a new one or each
idea can be evaluated separately and then
choose the one that is best valued by the
group members.

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The technological process

Planning group work: Progress

Developing solutions Status Sheets
Before we start building, we should know We should have a document that
how to make each part. explains what will be done, who will do
it, how and when it will be done, and
how long it will take

Making a production estimate , building Evaluating and checking. Writing a

and testing building report

We make a note of the materials we are

going to use. We calculate the quantity we
need, keeping in mind the breakdowns and
the Progress Status Sheet. Then, we
multiply the result by the unit price to get
our budget. Good design and planning will
make construction easier and quicker.

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The technological process


© Oxford University Press España, S. A. Technology 11

The technological process

Some of the materials we can use in our projects are:

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The technological process


© Oxford University Press España, S. A. Technology 13

The technological process

The change from one kind of society to another has always been the
consequence of new technology.

The ability to shape a stone

Hunter-gatherer societies and make tools

Development of agriculture
Horticultural societies and use of farm animals

Agricultural and urban Start of writing and use of

societies ploughs

Use of machines and steam

Industrial societies engines

Post-industrial societies Invention of transistors

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The technological process



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The technological process

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present so that
future generations will be able to meet their needs.

Some important points:

• Clean technologies .
• Waste management policies .
• Cleaner and greener urban areas .
• End the overuse of natural resources.
• Stop climate change.
• Reducing harmful emissions.
• Use of renewable fuels.
• Research in new energy sources.
• Consumer education on recycling.

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