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lrR /TE S
Regionll Prqed Olllce(Soulh)q~.a,-tf 4,jqfl'fq(~~OI)
5Ch Floor, lndullry HcMe, 45, Fair Fleld Layout,
Race CourM Roed, ~ - 580 001
(Schedule 'fl: Entarprtae of Govt. of India) s-•~45 ,m1fiw 1MR
[Ministry of Railways] w~n.~-560001
Phone: OI0-22257118, 22280298, OI0-2:22181M57

~FFl "/ilas
Emal: I edrnln.bell(llkllitJ,OtliMam
GSTIN : 29MACR 0830Ql~
CIN No.: L74899D L197400l 007227

No. RITES/SRPO/AP/Hassan Airport (Site)/202 3/ J, ~

Dated: 04.12.2023

Managin g Director / KSIIDC,
Khanija Bhavan, 4th Floor,
East Wing, No: 49, Race Course road,
Bangalore - 560001 (Karnatak a)

Sub: Providing Technical Consultancy for construction of Greenfiel d Airport at Hassan.

Reg: Minutes of Meeting {MoM) held on 07.11.2023
21.12.202 1.

Dear Sir,

Please find enclosed herewith the copy of Minutes of Meeting (MoM) held on 07.11.2023
at Hassan Airport site along with the representatives of Contracto r of Package-1 and Package-2

This is for your informatio n and necessary action please.

Thanking you, .

Yours faithfully,

General Manager

Cc to,
1) GM (Airports)/RITES/Gurgaon, for kind informatio n please. .
2) Team Leader, ldEK/ Hassan Airport Site, for informatio n and necessary action.
3) Sri Ibrahim Sharief, Contractor, for informatio n and necessary action.

~ 'lliTffllll : ~ fillfiq, fmlR, 1f 01, 1mt - 29, !iih - 122 001 ('1mr) Co,pora Otllcl : RITES LTD., 'Shikhll", No. , SldOr-29. Gurgaon.
122 001 (INDIA)
~ ~ : ffl fit;nt, - - 1PR, 1(ffft- - 110 092 (tmil') Regillhd Ollce : "SCOPE Minor", Laxmi Nagar, Delhi -110 092 (INOIA)

~(Tel.) : (0124) 2571666 -(Fax): (0124) 2571 ..." f ""'-(E

""" -•n, -maiO: ~ iw.1w.ite) •
q~"'''" \•-· · ·
Minutes of Meeting
Name of the work: Providing Technical
Consultancy services for the
Construction of Hassan Airport.

Minu tes of Mee ting (Mo M) held on 07.11.20

23 at Airp ort site offic e of Mr. Ibrah im Sher
Man jush rl cons truct ion (JV) Ibrah im Shereef
(Package -1 & 2 Contractor)

The following officers/engineers were present

In the meeting:

RITES LTD Contractor I
Shri. Logesh, TL Smt. Shobhana Palli, AGM/ Civil Shri. Salmanil Farish, Contractor I
, I
representative I

Shri. Bipin K Mathew, AM, Civil Shri. Kusumakar, PM I

Shri. Arshad Khan, Engineer, Electrical Shri. Madhukiran, PM
- Shri.Leelesh, PM
- - Shri. Musthafa, QC
The following points related to work prog
ress; Contractual details and quality control
workshave been discussed and agreed by all conc
No. Points Discussed Remarks
Action By
Internal Circular Road: After site visit, it was decided to
provide Detailed
retaining wall wherever the toe of embankment fillin~ coinc
with theboundary wall. Also, it is discussed to shift the proposal
I internal drawings given
circular road by 5.0 mtr for provided MEP services near RITES
to by contractor
boundary. AGM instructed the team to submit the cross
sectional attached in
drawing highlighting the issues by email
Anne.xurc-0 I
· 10 connection to above discussion regarding shifting of Detailed
internal road
by S.Omtr, it was highlighted by contractor to increase proposal
the length of
2 culvert by 7.5 mtr towards U/s. Proposal submitted by drawings given
Contractor by RITES
email dated 05.11.2023 . RITES design team to review by, contractor
and revert on
this proposal. attached in
Proposal to increase the DR2 cast in situ RCC drain wall
height from
ch. 700 to 820 (in between CFR road & Apron taxiway):
As per
RITES drawing the height of drain wall O.Smtr is ment
3 ioned.
However as per site condition there Is a cutting of avera RITES
ge 3.0 mtrs
is coming. In regarding AGM lnslrucled to raise the
wall height
upto 1.5 mtr instead of O.S mtr.

Contractor reque1ted to provide 3D perspective inorder
to finali ze
I the finiahinai items for PTO & ATC. AOM mentioned
it will be RITES
discussed with RITES mana M.cment.

It was discussed thu1 iiitl,c l11tcs -lrfr - ·----:-- .....,.,. ~-
toilets, only 2 urinnls n . . . · 1. 1 plnn. m Arrivol concoun,c I
. • 1
2 reqmremcnt it wn d'• res 1nwn. .m the dr11w·mg. Uut 11.'I per !Ille
. I !
puhlk entn• from ~u~:~~1sscddto mc_rcnsc toilet size by clo~ing the Rl'II-.S lI i
• I can provide entry ~ . 'd RITES I
design team to review th'15 fi
. . rom ms1 e. ~ l I
or Prov1dmg door from inside ' i
enm eader !deck sugg t d ·
3 concourse · T . cs e to introduce VIP lounge in Arrival ~-~

KSIIDC' fornear th ermmal

~Q . manager room. RITES to check with KSIIOC
e re mrement. i I
~:ntrac!or requested to provide Storm water drain around PTB and I
pr~~i~~1~: 1;;~a;ds culvert. AGM suggested RITES design team to RITES
h ui'Id'mg fire observation room: In . the latest drawing
it is i
s. own fire o_bservation room above watch tower -I 0. However it was
discussed th1s proposal is not feasible at site due to following
a. W_atch to~e~ 10 construction is already completed and at
I :
5 this stage 1t 1s not possible to add one more floor
b. The distance between CFR building and Watch tower-10 is RJTES
more than 500 mtr and because of this it is difficult to t
establish services between these 2 buildings. I
Henc_e AGM suggested RITES design team review ATC I
drawing to add 1 more floor in ATC building for fire l
observation room l
Water Tank in ATC& Roof access: In latest drawing water tank
position for ATC is not mentioned. Hence AGM suggested RITES
6 design team to review the ATC building for possible location for RJTES
Water tank and also access to the roof.
Contractor requested to provide RCC MEP trench to connect the
7 services from ESS to all buildings. RITES design team to review and RITES
revert on this reQuest l'
Contractor requested to provide coordinates of Bomb cooling pit & I
8 Fire pit. Also AGM suggested that design team to check the RITES I
positioning of Bomb cooling pit as per DGCA reQuirement. I
Contractor mentioned that the size of pump room in latest drawing is

not sufficient to accommodate all pumps in the scope of works. In
this regard AGM instructed the contractor to submit the detailed CONTRACTOR l
proposal to increase the room dimension.
Contractor mentioned that in BOQ J DO sets are mentioned but in
latest drawing only 2 00 set is shown. AOM suggested contractor to CONTRACTOR 'I
submit the shop drawing for 3 DG sets for review and aooroval I
Team. leader, Jdeck asked cont4ctor to submit the revised program of CONTRACTOR
11 works at the earliest I I
MEP drawings: Team leader, Ideck requested AGM that the MEP
shop drawings submitted by Contractor to be recommended for RITES
12 approval by RITES representatives. AOM mentioned it will be
checked with the contract o,rms and will be confi"':~ ·

/2 ·L-J ~ ~
(Shobh1n1 Palll) (Madhuklran
(logesh S)
AGM/ RITES LTD PM/ (P1ck111-l I 2 Contractor)
TL, ldeck
Major Issues are observed during site Inspection
(a }Regular watering and compaction need to be carried out layer wise with necessary tests
FOO, MOD using core cutter & sand replacement method to be conducted as per the standard
for ICR.
(b) Borrowed soil to be tested through 3rd party and test reports to be approved by IDecK
RITES officials prior to the earthwork formation.
(c) Concrete pedestals for electric poles to be cured properly.
(d} FOO, MOD has to be done using core cutter method at runway edge.
(e) Honeycombs are noticed in CFR Building Structures.

(Bipin K Mathew)
(Shobhana Palli)


Proposal for:
1) RCC retaining wall along boundary wall coordinate 23-24 adjacent to internal road high
embankment portion
2) Shifting Internal Road by 5.0 mtr to accommodate MEP services

977. 798 977 .838 977 .800 977. 763

50% 50%
Minimum 5.0 mtr required for services

r. 0 0 0
~ Power supply from CESC,
~ Wa~r supply from KUWSB
j & Telephone connection

RCC R/wall along boundary CHAINAGE 1180.00 M (Cross section

(height/design as per structural
consultant) at Maximum filling considered)
Proposal of deviation in culvertdetatls· as per
site condition at internal road·-chainage 1200m
Culvert No: 4A in schedule of pipe culverts (RITES/AP/HASSAN/SCH. OF PIPE CULVT
RO dt. Dec 2021) - R1 length 30 mtr not considered as per proposal dated
Situation As Per drawing
a) 45 mtr culvert
b) avg Invert level : 964.66
c) Coordinates: X-627251.839 , Y- 1439039.389
977.260 977.222 977.185

50% ~0%



Proposal for deviation as per site condition

a) 52.5mtr culvert (changed as c/L of internal road shifted by 7.5 mtr)
b) Changed invert level@ U/s 966.800 (as per 1% slope towards 7.5m u/s)
c) Coordinates: Same as previous
977 · 977.222 977.185
50% 50%
✓ ~

Increased ten on U/s by 7 .5 r

Centre line shifted by 5.0 mtr towards ·RHs · Changed..invert l~vot-e..:.u-- 6.800

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