Arch 291 Landscape Desing

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dand scape “Land'means both a place and the people living there, “Skabe’ and “schaffertmean "to shape’; Suffixes -skab and -schaft as in the English’ship’ also mean association, partnership Landscape associates people and place. a landscape is not a natural feature of the environment but a SYNTHETIC SPACE, a man-made system of spaces superimposed on the face of the land, functioning and evolving, not according to natural laws but to serve a community (D the urge to Improve the living conditions of factory workers, (2 the urge to bring all classes in close contact with.natural environment. ond the urge to improve the real estate value of areas surrounding the new parks. CENTRAL PARI NEW YORK it was the first competition to determine public landscape design in US. Garrett Eckbo, Daniel Kiley and James Rose .. leading proponents of modern landscape design in the United States “Atree Isa treeand alwways will be atree; therefore we can have no modern landscape design’ “STE SPACE CONCEPT ernphasizes ‘three dimensional space form” ‘the intrinsic qualities of materials and their primary use os definers of _STHE SOCIAL CONCERT pity of meeting specific human needs through the creation of “space for living’. “CLMATIC REGIONALISM acknonedges the specific constraints and opportunities offered to design work in temperate, tropical, and arid zones. designing the house and garden together ‘they were influenced bu modern art “a tree Is 0 tree, and always be a tree, therefore we can have vno modern landscape desing’ Garrett Eckbo- ‘the space concept: 3d space form ‘the materials concept: materials and their primary use as defners of space ‘he soaal concept: meeting specific human needs “dimatieegonalismn respects the particularity of regions, Eckbo uses trees as space definers 'n plans, plants are like architectural elernents, House and dargen are designes as a whole Enclosure, ground plane and structure are important Spatial continuurn of overlapping vertical planes —_— Sra Gardens inthe ty Creating usable space within highly constricted \ienits “open-minded, uninhibited, straightforward solution of a problem con its own conditions ‘Landspaces are for people’ ‘integration of house ard garden rot heuse and ‘er gare Menlo Park, CA: House and garden are designed as a totality plants should be used primarily to © defined spaceThey are'structural, not plastic elements. -Eekbo spaces that ore ordered and unified yet avoid being boring and static, ‘manifesting a "balanced, dynarnic stabilty'that expresses "We'and the “needs of vee Its necessary to provide contrasts of hine . color, texture. and forrnn that produce sion in notion Design in the recreational environment of ‘tomorrow must: © integration e@Multiple-use eGreater flexbiity @Be social, not individual

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