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ADHD Adult and Child Resources

ADHD tools
Focusmate – working with someone quietly on zoom. A number of ADHD people have told
us that having someone there to help hold them to account is effective for them. – working together with different structured times. Free to try, then a monthly

Remarkable 2 – an e-paper notepad that syncs your written notes to your computer. With a
simple interface and no other apps to distract. – app providing real-time transcription of your meeting. Useful for notes and useful
for scrolling back to catch up if your focus moves out of the meeting for a period.

Llama List – a different structure to working through work lists.

ONE MIND Pysber Guide – a guide to mental health apps

EndeavorRx – a video game that is prescribed for kids with ADHD. (And a BBC News
article talking about it)

Take a free online course “Understanding ADHD” from the Open University

Mental Health Well Being Scale & Tracker

The Warwick Mental Health Well Being Scale is a well-respected scale and if used
intermittently can be used to track change. It has been used by people making lifestyle
changes, medication changes or other changes/learning as a tool to help track the impact of
those changes.

ADHD in the Workplace / Employment

UK Institute of Management on the value of Neurodiversity in the workplace (Oct 2020)
Exceptional Individuals – Recruitment company specialising in the Neurodiverse – including

Various ADHD and General Mental Health Resources

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