Class 5th

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Annual Exam 2023

Misali Oxford science & Arts Academy

Name: Class: 5th Total marks: 100

Father Name: Paper: English Passing marks: 33

QNo#1. Choose the correct one.

01 Hazrat Muhammad was Muharram Rajab RabiulAwwal Safar

born in

02 Hazrat Muhamad travelled 8 years 10 years 12 years 16 years

to Syria at the age of

03 His____died before grandfather father uncle mother

Hazrat Muhammad’s birth

04 Kernal Sher khan was Peshawar Kohat Sawabi Mardan

born in

05 Kernal sher khan 1948 1965 1971 1999

embraced shahadat in war

06 Kernal sher khan joined 1970 1994 1999 1904

Commission in year

07 Woman can contribute nation life saving war Teatime

in______ building

08 Abeera is determined to land skies rivers mountains

master the ______in the
times to come

09 Name of person,place or noun pronoun verb adverb

thing is called

10 A word that express action noun pronoun verb adjective

is called

QNo#2.Fill in the blanks.

(1) Boats______the rivers.

(2) ______sail on the seas.

(3) There are______on the rivers.

(4) ______sail across the sky.

(5) And overtops the ______ .

QNo#03. Fill in the missing letters to complete the sentence.

(1) Cha_____acter (2) g_____aceful (3) Obse______ved (4) ho_____ourable (5) offi_____er

(6) pro______ince (7) h_____avy (8) en______my (9) s_____udy (10) n______ght .

QNo#04.Translate into Urdu

Hazrat Muhammad was born in the Makkah in the month of Rabi ul awwal (571 A. D) .His
mother Hazrat Amna was the daughter of Wahb Ibn Abd Manaf . His father Hazrat Abdullah
was the son of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib , the chief of the respected tribe of Quraish . Hazrat
Muhammad's father died before his birth. At the age of six, his mother also died . Hazrat
Abdul Muttalib , the grandfather took the tender care of his grandson Hazrat Muhammad but
the old chief passed away two years after .

QNo#05. Short questions. (write only 10)

Who was in the garden with the Rasool? (2) When was Hazrat Muhammad born? (3) Who
was Hazrat Abdul Muttalib ? (4) Enlist the living creature found in the rivers and seas ?
(5)Who builds roads from earth to sky? (6) Where was Kernal sher Khan born ? (7) write
down the any three recipients of Nishan e Haider? (8) who will support Abeera to achieve ber
dreams? (9) Define noun and give examples? (10) Define verb and give examples ? (11)
Define pronoun with examples? (12) When did Kernal sher Khan join Pakistan Army?

QNo#06. Write a letter to your father telling him about results and asking for money.
Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for a ift.
QNo#07. Write an application to your principal for sick leave.
Write application to your principal for urgent piece of work
QNo#08. Write essay on “My best friend"
“My best teacher"
QNo#09. Write story on “Thirsty crow"
“Greedy dog”

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