Item Definition-Usermanual

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Item Definition

1.Items Master definition

1.1. Define item group and sequence Number

Navigation : Inventory Responsibility >Items>Master items

1.2. select search icon to which item group and it’s sequence (Type % Then tab on item field )
1.3 go back to item Master screen and enter new code CLN000211 , description ,Primary UOM
only , And conversion Item Specific . then save
2.Item Organization
2.1Define item at organization level , press on the highlighted tab as below

2.2 Select the assigned check box for your organization ,then save and press Org Attributes
at the bottom of the screen
2.3 another item screen shows for organization , here we should classify item as expense or
asset tracked as quantity , or Inventory item through selecting items Templates (Tools>copy
2.4 Select your required template as below , then select apply , done

 Expense Template : purchased only without any inventory Effect

 Fixed asset template: purchased and tracked as Quantity in the inventory without
 Inventory Items :Purchased , tracked as qty and cost .
 Items lot expire enabled :Inventory items , purchased , tracked as Quantity, and cost
also with lot control and expiry date
 Items lot enabled : Inventory items , purchased , tracked as Quantity, and cost also with
lot control without expiry date

3.Item Costing Category

3.1 At the item organization tab select Tools>categories, and insert COSTING_CATEGORY
VALUE then save
4.Item Expense Account
4.1 select expense account for items by Organization Item >Purchasing Tab>Expense Account
<Where it is considered as the account that will be charged during Stores Transfers >

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