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Class : XI Programs

1.Write a program to add the odd numbers upto( and including) a given value N and print the result.
2.Write a program to remove duplicate items from a list.

1.Write a program to print first n terms of Fibonacci series

2.Write a program to find the frequency of given element from a list of integers.

1.Write a program to find the sum of the series.

2.Write a program to count number of words starting with letter ‘T’ from list of strings.

1.Write a program to find the sum of the sequence.

1 + 1/1! +1/2! + 1/3! +………..+1/n!
2.Write a program that reads a string and checks whether it is a palindrome or not.

1.Write a program to find the sum of the sequence.

2.Write a program to count the number of digits, words, uppercase alphabets, lowercase alphabets and spaces in
a given string.

1.Write a program to find largest number of the numbers entered through keyboard. The user can enter numbers
until he wishes or wants.
2.Write a program to put even and odd elements in a given list(l) into two lists(le,lo) such that all even elements
should be in one list(le) and odd element in another list(lo)
For example if the given input list is [1,2,60,70,65,87,34,9], then output should be
Even list=[2,60,70,34]
Odd list=[1,65,87,9]

1.Write a program to print the pattern

2.Write a program that takes a string with multiple words and then capitalizes the first letter of each word and
forms a new string out of it.
Note: Donot use title() or capitalize() functions)

1.Write a program to check whether a given integer number is an Armstrong or not.

2.Write a program to enter a list of strings. Create a new list that consists of those strings with their first
characters removed.
For example, if the input is [‘abc’, boy’, ‘man’, ‘lock’, ‘book’]
The output shoud be [‘bc’, oy’, ‘an’, ‘ock’, ‘ook’]

1.Write a program to check whether a given integer number is a perfect number or not.
2.Write a program to replace all occurrences of ‘a’ with ‘$’ in a given string.
1.Write a program to print the pattern

2.Write a program to remove all vowels from a given string.

1. Write a program to print all integers that are not divisible either by 2 or 3 and lie between 1 and 5(inclusive
of both numbers)
2. Write a program to enter list of strings and reverse each string in a list.
For example, if list is [‘abc’, ‘wxyz’, ‘pqr’, ‘stuvwx’]
The output should be [‘cba’, ‘zyxw’, ‘rqp’, ‘xwvuts’]

1.Write a program to print the following pattern for a given string.

If the input is string is Python, then output should be
2. Write a program to find whether a given element is present in the list of integers.

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