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Release Notes

RA Library of Process Objects, Application Templates, Application Code Manager Library, Tools & Utilities, and Integration with
Version 5.10.00 (released 11/2022)

Catalog Number Process Library

These release notes describe version information for Process Library, version 5.10.00 (released 11/2022).

This release includes the following system features.

PCMDSRC - Command Source Totem Pole Visualization- CPSPPAX-1153

Functional Change Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

The command Source Totem Pole global object "GO_CmdSrcActiveDisplay" was modified to allow moving the command source positions based on configuration and current state. Objects are removed from the Totem Pole if their "Has" bit is clear.

All Library Objects - Add User-friendly E-Signature Prompt - CPSPPAX-1154

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

FTView 13 has added the ability to have a user friendly message in the E-Signature remark.

All display elements throughout the Process Library that have E-Signature configured will be modified so that the E-Signature prompt contains the same text as the confirmation, PLUS text similar to the following: “By completing this action, I verify that I have reviewed the changes that will be made to the system. I have approval and permission to perform this change.” This text should be customized for
buttons (actions: ” to perform this command”) and numeric inputs (settings: “ to perform this change.”).

PBL - HMI: Eliminate Operator Access to Gate Configuration - CPSPPAX-1191

Functional Change First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

Operator access to Gate Configuration was removed because runtime security would not allow the operator to change any configuration information. Thus, access to Gate Configuration provided no additional configuration options.

All Library Objects – Added Pin Button to All HMI - CPSPPAX-1214

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

5.10 displays have been updated to allow the user to pin the display on all HMI objects.

Graphic Framework – Incorporate PDF Launch Content - CPSPPAX-1237

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

A redirect path option has been created to allow the launch of a PDF file using the “Has More” feature.

Graphic Framework – Add Italian and Polish to the Language Switching Template Popup - CPSPPAX-1239

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

Polish and Italian language radial selection was added to template display “(raC-5-SE) Template Language-Select”.

Security – ViewOnly User Group Added - CPSPPAX-1242

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

The "View Only" user group with security code P was added to use when the HMI client is not in use.

GF/Security - Add Security Tag for Close Client Button- CPSPPAX-1243

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

A new tag Security\CmdClientNav was added to the HMI tag import file included in the library download.

"Close Button" global object was updated to use the new tag instead of direct A-P codes.

Color Change Tool – Upgraded to Work with FactoryTalk View SE v13 - CPSPPAX-1258

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

FactoryTalk View Customization tool upgraded for compatibility with FTView v13 files. added new VB projects to support v13 files. Upgraded all projects to use .Net framework 4.7.2.

HMI - Add I/O to Faceplate Diagnostics Tab - CPSPPAX-1280 - CPSPPAX-1291

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

Added the following I/O tags to the faceplate Diagnostics tab. Inp_PVData, Inp_PVUncertain, Inp_ModFault, Inp_ChanFault, Inp_FuncCheck, Inp_OutOfSpec, Inp_MaintReqd

Affected instructions include:


raP_Opr_Unit - New Parameters and Reports- CPSPPAX-1293

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

Added Parameter and report navigation buttons to the faceplate home tab along with the VBA code required to support the buttons. Added parameter and Report configuration objects and navigation buttons to the advanced display engineering tab along with the VBA code to support the navigation buttons. Added Breadcrumbs to the faceplate and advanced display for the Parameters and reports. Added
the Fault tab for the parameters and reports.

raP_Opr_Seq - Changed "output source tag" to "output tag" - CPSPPAX-1294

Functional Change First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

In the Boolean and Analog output configuration displays, changed Header, Tool-tip, and remark messages from “output source tag” to “output tag”

raP_Dvc_LgxCPU_5x80 - Add PCmd_Enable and PCmd_Disable - CPSPPAX-1297

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

PCmd_Enable and PCmd_Disable have been added to AOI logic to allow triggering of the diagnostic collection from the L_CPU programmatically.

raP_Opr_EMGen / raP_Opr_EPGen - Add Phase Summary Information - CPSPPAX-1300 - CPSPPAX-1301

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

Status indicators were added for Waiting, Active, and Done. These status parameters are mapped directly to associated Inp_ parameters.

HMI - Add Prompt Capability to Objects - CPSPPAX-1366 - CPSPPAX-1368

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

Added Prompts to objects raP_Opr_EMGen, raP_Opr_EPGen, and raP_Opr_Unit Added Prompt response button to home tab and operator attention breadcrumb to home tab button. Added new global object checkbox for "cfg_HasPrompt" to Advanced display engineering tab. Also added navigation to the prompt faceplate from the engineering tab.

Process Library Displays - Add Remarks for String Inputs - CPSPPAX-1358

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

Added remarks to the string inputs on the displays for the following objects:


raP_Opr_EPGen - Show Ownership for Logix, Sequence Manager and Batch (Mutually Exclusive) - CPSPPAX-1359

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

The command source button/display was placed into a new group with visibility to hide it if any of the three new phase ownership bits were set. Created two new multistate indicators, one for the icon and one for the text. These indicators are controlled by the new phase ownership bits and are visible if one of the bits are set. These new indicators were added to a new group with a disabled button
appearance for the background of the batch ownership content. This correctly tells the user that the CMDSRC navigation is not available.

raP_Opr_EPGen - Add Bits for Synching Phases - CPSPPAX-1360

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

Added three indicators for phase synchronization to the bottom of the raP_Opr_EPGen faceplate diagnostic tabs.

raP_Opr_EMGen / raP_Opr_EPGen - Move Previous State and Previous Step Indications from Home Tab of HMI Faceplate - CPSPPAX-1361, CPSPPAX-1362

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

Created new global objects for Previous State and Previous step. Removed these values from the existing state and step global objects. Rearranged the home tab and maintenance tab of both faceplates to accommodate the modified global objects. Note that previous state and step was not added to the maintenance tab because of EPGen space considerations. On the EMGen faceplate, rearranged the
Not Ready information at the top of the display, and added the Current State, Previous State, Current Step, and Previous Step values at the bottom of the diagnostic tab.

raP_Opr_EMGen / raP_Opr_EPGen / raP_Opr_Unit - Batch Toolkit Summary Information- CPSPPAX-1363 - CPSPPAX-1365

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

Use PSet_StepSummary.@Label to define which Local Message to use for summary information. A Local Message file was created for Step Descriptions and Step Summary. In the event users don't want to use the one file, they can create their own individual local message file, and by changing the extended tag property, the object will know which local message to use for lookup.

raP_Opr_EMGen / raP_Opr_EPGen / raP_Opr_Unit - Create New Graphic Symbol with a Background - CPSPPAX-1369 - CPSPPAX-1371

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

The previous graphic symbol (global object) did not have a background. A new graphic symbol was created that has a rectangle background similar to the raP_Opr_Seq graphic symbol

raP_Opr_EPGen - Create Quick Display - CPSPPAX-1374

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

A quick display was created for this instruction.

Modify Instructions for Use with Relax Children - CPSPPAX-1390 - CPSPPAX-1393

Functional Change First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

PCmd_RelaxChildren rung was added to the Add-On Instructions

Add-On Instructions affected:


This is used when a parent owns a child but is not attempting to enforce the CmdSrc state for the owner’s use. The CmdSrc state is still used for the parental Sts_ChildrenOrganized evaluation.

raP_Tec_ParRpt - Change Tool-tip on List Display to Use "@Description" – CPSPPAX-1413

Functional Change First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

The Label was originally used in the tool-tip in case the string display was not large enough to show all of the text. This is common HMI practice. However, there is also a desire to see the description. To resolve this, the description was added to the tool tip in the second line, underneath the label. Now both the label and the description are displayed in the tool-tip.

HMI 5.10 - Add Note to Graphic Symbols (Global Objects) That They Work for Both 5.00.xx and 5.10.xx - CPSPPAX-1421

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

The following text was added to the affected global object files:

"Global Objects in this file are compatible with all 5.x library releases unless noted otherwise."

Instructions affected:


Graphic Framework - Add Mechanism for Navigation Between 4.1 and 5.x Process Library Faceplates - CPSPPAX-1422

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

Methodology was developed to allow navigation smoothly between 4.10 and 5.00 (and later) library faceplates.

The following items were created:

NavToDisplay with mixed library (*.mcr)

NavToFaceplate with mixed library (*.mcr)
(raC-5-SE) Common-Redirect-to-4_10 (*.gfx)
(raC-5-SE) Common-Redirect-to-5_00 (*.gfx)

The two macros are used in place of the regular NavToFaceplate (used for 4.10 library) and NavToDisplay (used for 5.00 and later library). The redirect graphic displays must be added to the application. Directions for use were added to the graphic framework chapters of PROCES-RM200.

raP_Opr_Seq - Modify Instruction for Use with Relax Children - CPSPPAX-1432

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

'Inp_UnBindChildren' rung was added to the Add-On Instructions. This is used when a parent owns a child but is not attempting to enforce the CmdSrc state for the owner’s use. The CmdSrc state is still used for the parental Sts_ChildrenOrganized evaluation.

raP_Opr_Unit - Modified the Material Display to Use a Local Message Display - CPSPPAX-1435

Functional Change First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

System.Enum.Materials allows 512 entries, but faceplate only had 99. Modified the material display to use a Local Message Display. The display is indexed by Sts_eMatrl and uses Sts_eMtrl.@Navigation to specify the local message file name. A local message file named SystemMaterialNames has been created to reference the material names in the System.Enum.Materials array. The Material multistate
indicator was converted to a local message display to allow 512 entries.

raP_Opr_Prompt - Prompt Configuration Remarks Should Include Item Number of 0-3 - CPSPPAX-1437

Functional Change First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

On (raP-5_10-SE) Toolbox - Added the index number (#102) to the remarks in prompt configuration global objects GO_DispValConfig, GO_InpValConfig, GO_SelectConfig, and GO_RespConfig. Changed the remark wording as necessary to make the text understandable.

raP_Tec_ParRpt / raP_Opr_ExtddAlm – Update Default @Library for Process Library 5.10 release - CPSPPAX-1444, CPSPPAX-1445

Functional Change First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

Updated the default @Library for these instructions for the Process Objects Library 5.10 release.

raP_Opr_Unit - Add Four Group Command Permissives - CPSPPAX-1456

Feature First Identified as of Software Version 5.10.00

To add 4 additional group command Permissive the following parameters we added, 1 for each of the 4 group commands. Cfg_HasGroupCmd(x)PermObj, Inp_GroupCmd(x)PermOk, Cfg_HasGroupCmd(x)NBPermObj, Cfg_HasGroupCmd(x)PermObj, Sts_NrdyGroupCmd(x)Perm. None of the 4 shall affect the overall Permissive, only the individual group commands.

Modified Unit displays as follows:

Added permissive indicators and buttons on the home tab and maintenance tab. Visibility hides these when the corresponding description is "n/a". These additions required rearranging buttons and increasing the faceplate width.
Added new Not ready indicators on the home tab
Added new Not Ready status indicators on the diagnostic tab. Visibility hides these when the corresponding description is "n/a".
Added Configuration for the “has navigation” bits on the HMI tab page 1 of the Advanced Display. This required moving some configuration from HMI page 1 to HMI page 2. Visibility hides these when the corresponding description is "n/a". Also, the ‘Has Interlock’ checkbox moves up if the space above is empty.

Finally, the command button global object was modified to allow the text to wrap if it did not fit in one line.

Corrected Anomalies in This Release

This release corrects the following anomalies.

HMI 5.0 Library - Behavior of Interlock Not OK inconsistent with Interlock Trip of Other Objects When Using Intlk Inhibit – (1843530)

Corrected Anomaly as of Process Library, version 5.10.00

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Process Library, version 5.00.03

Changed the Global caption on the global object used for the Shed action to read "On Interlock not OK" and the header for the PPID Advanced display engineering page 7 Shed action to read "Interlock not OK"

PAIM - Dialog Box Output Navigation Option Missing (1410612)

Corrected Anomaly as of Process Library, version 5.10.00

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Process Library, version 5.00.00

Added "Enable navigation to Output PV" checkbox with the navigation display field to PAIM advanced display HMI page 2. Note that the PV display on the home tab already contained the navigation button.

PBL - "Has More" Navigation Button Moved (1925860)

Corrected Anomaly as of Process Library, version 5.10.00

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Process Library, version 5.00.04

Re-positioned the "Has More" navigation button. "Has More" navigation button was covered by the output object when the output is configured for Input 7, gate 7, or gate 8.

raP_Opr_Seq - Tool Tips on Step Edit Display were Corrected (1756886)

Corrected Anomaly as of Process Library, version 5.10.00

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Process Library, version 5.00.03

Updated the sequencer global object file to correct the tool tips for the various step edit displays. This included the Step Configuration display as well as the Digital Input, Digital Output, and Analog Output multi-step configuration display.

raP_Tec_ParRpt - Command Buttons on fFaceplate are Connected to Parameter Only – (1900388)

Corrected Anomaly as of Process Library, version 5.10.00

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Process Library, version 5.00.04

Created new animation on grp_Commands to use the tag "{#2.Cfg_Has#5Cmds}" where #5 is either "PAR" or "RPT". Deleted the existing animation on the elements grp_ParRestore, grp_ParCapture, and grp_ParClear since the parent group now does the visibility.

Functional Changes
This release has the following functional changes from the previous release.

ACM Updates from Process Library 5.00.04 to 5.10.00

ACM library versions: 1.3 to 2.0


1. Alignment with Studio 5000 Logix Designer version 35.

2. Updated Tag descriptions for all program scoped tags within each object. Added consistence and simplification across objects descriptions.
3. Set default value of the following parameters:
a. Change Allow Operator to Shelve Alarm default (.Cfg_AllowShelve = 1)

b. Change Allow Maintenance to disable Alarm default (.Cfg_AllowDisable = 1)

Project Library

1. No changes.

Process Controller Library

1. Added Has_isPositioned for SSB tool alignment.

Basic Controller Library

1. Added Has_isPositioned for SSB tool alignment.

Process Compact Controller Library

1. Added Has_isPositioned for SSB tool alignment.

2. Corrected the size setting to match the 2 available P version controllers.

Basic Compact Controller Library

1. Added Has_isPositioned for SSB tool alignment.

2. Corrected the size setting to match the 2 available P version controllers.

Organization Bus

1. Updated AOI’s.

Organization Node

1. Updated AOI’s.

Hardware Module Status

1. . Updated AOI’s.

Hardware Bus

1. Updated AOI’s.

PAI Library

1. Modified the handling of navigation set up and assignments when used within other PO5 libraries. Change the parameters PAID_Select and PAIM_Select that allowed navigation selections for just those objects. They were changed to a single parameter, Select_NavLocation that determines if the Input PV or the Output PV navigation link is populated.
2. Change Quality to Good Quality default (.Cfg_MaintReqdQual = 1)
3. Change Action to Use Input default (.Cfg_MaintReqdAction = 1)
4. Change Quality to Good Quality default (.Cfg_MaintReqdQual = 1)
5. Change Action to Use Input default (.Cfg_MaintReqdAction = 1)
6. Change to Use Input default (.Cfg_FuncCheckAction = 2)
7. Change numeric input PV Low Deviation to default 1.50000000e+038 (.Cfg_LoDevLim)
8. Change numeric input PV Low Deviation default to 1 (.Cfg_LoDevDB)
9. Exposed the OoRGate pin and added parameter connection.

10. Add missing input and output wire connectors from the PAI to the PAH object.

PAO Library

1. See general.
2. Change PPID_RefTag to OTHER_RefTag to allow connections to object’s other than PPID’s for documentation and future navigation settings.

PDI Library

1. See general.

PDO Library

1. See general.

2. Organized objects into better groupings.

PDBC Library

1. See general.
2. Change numeric input PV High Deviation default to 1.50000000e+038 (.Cfg_HiDevLim)
3. Change numeric input PV Low Deviation default to -1.50000000e+038 (.Cfg_LoDevLim)
4. Change numeric input High RoC Increase default to 1.50000000e+038 (.Cfg_HiRoCIncrLim)
5. Change numeric input High RoC Decrease default to 1.50000000e+038 (Cfg.HiRoCDecrLim)
6. Add missing string for navigation.

PDOSE Library

1. See general.
2. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the ObjectName_PV1,2,3…. And now use RefTag_PV.

PFO Library

1. See general.

2. Set number of decimal places to 2

PHLS Library

1. See general.

2. Organized objects into better groupings.

PLLS Library

1. See general.
2. Modified Reference device sub object ordering to start a zero (0).

3. Modified HasNav# visibility to align with new zero index.

PMTR Library

1. See general.

PVLV Library

1. See general.
2. Replaced the raP_Dvc_VlvMP AOI instance of the object with new CI version PVlvMP. Requires Controller to be version 35.
3. Added required parameters for Upper, Lower, and Cavity functionality.
4. Added
5. Enabled Interlocks subject to work for existing and new Open (256) Interlock feature.

6. Added Upper (32), Lower(32), and Cavity(32) Interlocks.

PPID Library

1. See general.
2. Change Sheet Name to CS_PPID.
3. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the {ObjectName}_PVx…. And now use {RefTag}_PV.

PPID_Casc Library

1. See general.
2. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the {ObjectName}_PVx…. And now use {RefTag}_PV.

PPID_FF Library

1. See general.
2. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the {ObjectName}_PVx…. And now use {RefTag}_PV.

PPID_Override Library

1. See general.
2. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the {ObjectName}_PVx…. And now use {RefTag}_PV.

PPID_PAO Library

1. See general.
2. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the {ObjectName}_PVx…. And now use {RefTag}_PV.


1. See general.
2. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the {ObjectName}_PVx…. And now use {RefTag}_PV.

PPID_Ratio Library

1. See general.
2. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the {ObjectName}_PVx…. And now use {RefTag}_PV.

PPID_Splitrange Library

1. See general.
2. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the {ObjectName}_PVx…. And now use {RefTag}_PV.

PPTC Library

1. See general.
2. Organized objects into better groupings.
3. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the {ObjectName}_PVx…. And now use {RefTag}_PV.

PTST Library

1. See general.
2. Organized objects into better groupings.
3. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the {ObjectName}_PVx…. And now use {RefTag}_PV.

PVSD Library

1. Changed parameter Cfg_UsedinPPID to Cfg_UsedinOther.

2. Added OTHER_RefTag to allow connections to objects in another CS..

CC Library

1. See general.
2. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the {ObjectName}_PV…. And now use {RefTag}_PV.
3. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAO references. Removed the {ObjectName}_CVx…. And now use {RefTag}_CV.
4. Organized objects into better groupings.

5. Set the default to include the PAO’s in the same program.

IMC Library

1. See general.
2. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the {ObjectName}_PV…. And now use {RefTag}_PV.
3. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAO references. Removed the {ObjectName}_CV…. And now use {RefTag}_CV.
4. Organized objects into better groupings.
5. Set the default to include the PAO’s in the same program.

MMC Library

1. See general.
2. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the {ObjectName}_PVx…. And now use {RefTag}_PV.
3. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAO references. Removed the {ObjectName}_CVx…. And now use {RefTag}_CV.
4. Organized objects into better groupings.

5. Set the default to include the PAO’s in the same program.

RMPS Library

1. See general.
2. Changed the naming convention of the Program scoped tags that are generated for PAI references. Removed the ObjectName_PV1,2,3…. And now use RefTag_PV.
3. Organized objects into better groupings.

4. Made the default to include the PAO’s in the same program.

NPO Library

1. NEW to this release.

2. Replaced the raP_Dvc_nPOS AOI instance of the object with new CI version PNPO. Requires Controller to be version 35.

D4SD Library

1. NEW to this release.

2. Replaced the raP_Dvc_D4SD AOI instance of the object with new CI version PD4SD. Requires Controller to be version 35.

Area Library

1. Updated AOI’s.

2. Corrected the EStop and SStop IO mapping anomaly.

Unit Library

1. Updated AOI’s.
2. Added Parameters and Reports selections and configuration.
3. Added a Permissive for each group command.
4. Added parameters for MaterialName and SystemSummary. These allow you to point to different HMI tags to be used for unique instance descriptions.

5. Add Prompt inclusion selection.

EMGen Library

1. Updated AOI’s.
2. Added parameters for SystemStepDescription and SystemSummary. These allow you to point to different HMI tags to be used for unique instance descriptions for Local messages. Each instance can have its own tag.

3. Add Prompt inclusion selection.

EPGen Library

1. Updated AOI’s.
2. Added parameters for SystemStepDescription and SystemSummary. These allow you to point to different HMI tags to be used for unique instance descriptions for Local messages. Each instance can have its own tag.
3. Add Prompt inclusion selection.

4. Added parameter to include Internal Sequencer (Sequence Manager)

Sequencer Library

1. Updated AOI’s.

2. Updated the backing tag of the SM to align with the AOI default.

Prompt Library

1. Updated AOI’s.

2. Added allowance for EM, EP, and Unit connection.

New libraries

raP_Dvc_NPO Library

1. Updated AOI’s.

2. See general.

raP_Dvc_D4SD Library

1. Updated AOI’s.

2. See general.

raP_Dvc_VLVMP Library

1. NEW to this release. Moved out of PVLV.

2. Updated AOI’s.

3. See general.


1. New Library to allow connection to:

a. (RA-TPL)_ACM_2.00_HMI_Display_FTViewSE_12.1_(4.0)
i. To be stored at: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Studio 5000\Templates\Application Code Manager\(RA-TPL) ACM 2.00

Application Notes
This release has the following application notes.

PlantPAx DCS System Release 5.10 Publication Library

PlantPAx System Release 5.10

Define and Procure REVISED PlantPAx Distributed Control System Selection

Guide, PROCES-SG001
Integrate Endress+Hauser Instruments in a PlantPAx
Distributed Control System Integration Document,
PlantPAx System Hardware Specifications, PROCES-
Install REVISED PlantPAx Template User Manual, 9528-UM001
Develop REVISED PlantPAx Distributed Control System
Infrastructure Configuration User Manual, PROCES-
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Design Considerations Reference
Manual, PROCES-RM005
PlantPAx Batch Design Considerations Reference Manual,
PlantPAx Logix Batch and Sequence Manager Reference
Manual, PROCES-RM007
Process Library REVISED Rockwell Automation Library of Process
Objects Objects System Release 5.0 Reference Manual,
Logix 5000 Advanced Process Control and Drives
Instructions Reference Manual, 1756-RM006
Rockwell Automation Library of Logix Diagnostic Objects
Reference Manual, PROCES-RM003
Rockwell Automation Library of Steam Table Instructions
Reference Manual, PROCES-RM004
NEW Rockwell Automation Sequencer Object Reference
Manual, PROCES-RM202
Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects: HART
Modules Reference Manual, PROCES-RM010
Rockwell Automation Library of Electrical Protection
Devices Reference Manual, PROCES-RM011
Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects:
EtherNet/IP Instrumentation Reference Manual, PROCES-

Rockwell Automation recognizes that some of the terms that are currently used in our industry and in this publication are not in alignment with the movement toward inclusive language in technology. We are proactively collaborating with industry peers to find alternatives to such terms and making changes to our products and content. Please excuse the use of such terms in our content while we implement
these changes.

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