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European Heart Journal (2024) 45, 129–131 EDITORIAL Epidemiology, prevention, and health care policies

Adapting cardiovascular risk prediction

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models to different populations: the need
for recalibration
Lisa Pennells 1,2, Stephen Kaptoge 1,2,
and Emanuele Di Angelantonio 1,2,3,4,5,6*
BHF Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB1 8RN, UK; 2Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Heart and Lung
Research Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; 3BHF Centre of Research Excellence, School of Clinical Medicine, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, UK; 4Health Data Research UK Cambridge, Wellcome Genome Campus and University of Cambridge, Hinxton, UK; 5NIHR Blood and Transplant Research Unit in
Donor Health and Behaviour, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; and 6Health Data Science Centre, Human Technopole, Milan, Italy

Online publish-ahead-of-print 18 November 2023

This editorial refers to ‘Recommendations for statin management in primary prevention: disparities among international
risk scores’, by G.B.J. Mancini et al.,

Graphical Abstract

before and after recalibration


Number at high risk N = 36 794 N = 39 294 N = 34 122

14% 14%
FRS >7.5%
Before SCORE >5%
recalibration 66% 75% 79% PCE >7.5%
RRS >7.5%

20% 25% 7%

Number at high risk N = 24 708 N = 25 151 N = 24 689

12% 3% 11%
FRS >7.5%
After recalibration SCORE >7.5%
to common CVD
76% 84% 80% PCE >7.5%
RRS >7.5%

12% 13% 9%

Pairwise overlap in individuals classed as high risk according to four different CVD risk algorithms, before and after recalibration. The figure is from a
previously published EHJ paper which compared the performance of four risk scores using data from 86 cohort studies involved in the Emerging Risk
Factors Collaboration.1 FRS, Framingham Risk Score; SCORE, Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) risk models; PCE, Pooled Cohort
Equations; RRS, Reynolds Risk Score.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the Editors of the European Heart Journal or of the European Society of Cardiology.
* Corresponding author. Tel: +44 1223 740522, Fax: +44 1223 740329, Email:
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
130 Editorial

The research presented by John Mancini and co-authors in this issue somewhat crude way of accounting for unexplained variation in risk
of the European Heart Journal shows an interesting comparison of car­ but results in more accurate risk estimates on average for each
diovascular disease (CVD) risk classifications using alternative US- and population.
European-based 10-year CVD risk prediction models together with The authors also assume that differences in risks assigned by different
guideline-recommended risk categorizations.2 Four risk prediction algorithms to individuals with the same risk factor profile are due to dif­
models are compared; (i) the Framingham Risk Score (FRS); (ii) the ferent weightings given to each risk factor. This is in fact not true; actu­
Pooled Cohort Equation (PCE); (iii) the updated Systematic ally the weighting applied to each risk factor [known as a hazard ratio

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Coronary Risk Evaluation 2 algorithm (SCORE2); and (iv) the (HR)] is very similar across risk prediction models, reflecting homogen­
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) Risk Algorithm which eity in relative risk factor effects across the different populations from
incorporates the coronary artery calcium score (CACS). The risk which the algorithms are derived.7 The similar weighting of risk factors
models are compared in a simulated dataset, which the authors is evident in the high correlations observed between different risk pre­
declare could represent ‘any part of the world’. The main finding diction models of the order of .78–1.00 and the very similar ability to
on application of the different risk prediction models to this discriminate incident CVD events as previously found.1 What causes
hypothetical population is that individuals with the same risk factor the variation in absolute risk predictions across risk models is the differ­
profile get very different risk estimates according to the algorithm ent background level of risk in each dataset from which the study was
used. Furthermore, when considering guideline-recommended risk ca­ derived (i.e. the baseline risk, which the HRs act upon to give an indivi­
tegorizations, very different proportions of individuals would be con­ dual’s absolute risk). The baseline risk in the Framingham dataset is
sidered as intermediate risk, or high risk and eligible for lipid-lowering much higher than that in the PCE dataset, not least because a larger
treatment. set of endpoints are included in the CVD definition, but also because
Mancini et al. take what they refer to as a novel approach to compari­ the participants included in the studies represent different subsets of
son of the risk scores, applying each prediction model to a hypothetical the American population from different time periods. Hence, despite
cohort that is simulated by forming all possible permutations and com­ similar weights applied to each risk factor, these are applied to popula­
binations of a fixed set of risk factor values to yield a dataset of 7680 tions with different baseline population risk, with resultant different risk
theoretical patients. However, a key limitation of the approach is that estimates (higher for FRS). This fact was also illustrated in previous
it does not reflect realistic risk factor distributions or correlations be­ work that showed that simple recalibration (i.e. resetting the back­
tween risk factors. Equal numbers of men and women, smokers and ground absolute risk predicted by the model) equalized the perform­
non-smokers, are generated, and no weighting is applied to risk factor ance of four different risk scores, resulting in similar treatment
combinations more likely to be observed in real primary prevention po­ recommendations for all individuals.1
pulations. This approach yields a dataset that is unlikely to be observed The study of Mancini et al. also addresses the question of whether or
in any part of the world. Even the sensitivity analysis that used risk factor not the assignment of treatment should be based on absolute risk at all.
distributions similar to those observed in NHANES unrealistically as­ In other words, should high-risk individuals be identified based on a
sumes an absence of correlation between risk factors. It may be true collection of risk factors alone, or on risk estimated using collections
that there is discordance between risk classification according to the of risk factors combined with the background level of risk characterizing
risk prediction models and guidelines, but the degree to which this oc­ that population? If the first option is desired, we assume all we need to
curs might be very different using more realistic data. In fact, previous know is the combined level of exposure to a number of risk factors; so
work published in the European Heart Journal, using observed data we are not really estimating risk at all—rather this yields an arbitrary
from >80 different cohort studies, showed much greater alignment score. Decisions then need to be made about what constitutes a high
of categorization using common risk prediction models (Graphical score. If we genuinely wish to estimate the true risk for an individual,
Abstract).1 we should take into account the background level of risk relevant
That aside, the lack of concordance between risk categorization is to the population an individual is from. This is most effectively done
considered by the authors to be a limitation of the current risk predic­ by recalibration of risk scores to contemporary circumstances of target
tion models and their recommend approaches to treatment. This con­ populations, as recently done with SCORE2. FRS and PCE, in contrast,
clusion is based on the assumption that someone with a certain risk assume that baseline risk in the USA is the same as baseline risk in the
factor profile should receive the same recommendation regardless of datasets used for model derivation. Furthermore, if the background
where they live in the world. This assumption would be sensible if population level of risk is taken into account, it is appropriate that an
the risk factors included in CVD risk prediction models explain 100% individual should indeed get a different risk estimate for the same risk
of the variation in CVD risk in a population. Sadly they do not. factor values, according to where they are from, exactly as observed
Previous work has shown that risk factors alone explained ∼30% of by Mancini et al.
the variation in CVD mortality risk between distinct populations,3 In favour of the arbitrary score only approach, the authors argue that
and the population fraction of 10-year CVD incidence attributable to ‘it is well recognized that the relative benefits of statins extend even to
the combined effects of five major modifiable CVD risk factors (i.e. lower risk patients’. However, the key part of this phrase is that the
body mass index, non-HDL-cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, smok­ ‘relative’ effect of statins on CVD risk is the same even at lower risks.
ing, and diabetes) was recently estimated to be <60% across multiple It therefore follows that the absolute benefit is far less for those at low­
populations.4 Many undiscovered and unmeasurable factors explain er risk. Assuming that statins reduce risk by 20%,8 this infers a small
the remaining variation in CVD incidence and there are large differ­ benefit to someone whose absolute CVD risk is only 1% (reducing it
ences in population CVD risk across countries and even regions within to .8%, or prevention of 1 event per 500 similar people treated for
countries, findings not explained by the conventional CVD risk factors. 10 years), whereas to someone at 30% risk the benefit is far greater (re­
The SCORE2 algorithms5,6 attempt to account for these large differ­ ducing risk to 24%, akin to 30 fewer CVD events per 500 similar people
ences in population risks by providing four versions that are calibrated treated). If the individual is from a population with extremely low event
to the background level of risk in different regions of Europe. This is a rates, using an arbitrary score to assign treatment would lead to
Editorial 131

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All authors declare no disclosure of interest for this contribution.

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