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at the gate

*Aulia: Sir, may I come in?

*alham: can't because you're already late
*Aulia: Please help me
(Alham shakes his head)
*alham: you've been late since yesterday
*adfal: stuck, sir
alham: reason
(wise comes)
*Arif: Is there a student who is late again, sir?
*alham: yes, both of them
*Arif: Let me take care of it (Arif approaches the two of them) You two come with me, please
open the gate, sir
(they arrived at the field)
*Arif : I've never seen you, you're a new student
*Aulia: Yes sis
*Arif: Then go back to your class (pointing to Adfal) unless you stand in the field until class time
is over
(Aulia got lost and met Anisa)
*Anisa: Hey you, what are you doing, still outside?
*Aulia: I'm a new student here, I want to go to the teacher's room but I don't know where
*Anisa: OK, I'll take you
(arriving in the teacher's room)
*Anisa: Excuse me... here is a new student
*Nabila: OK, come in here
(then log in)
*Nabila: This is someone who moved from Jakarta, right?
*Aulia: Yes, ma'am.
*Nabila: Mrs. Niken, here is a new student in the language class
*Niken: Oh yes son, let's go to class
(In class, Mrs. Niken introduces Aulia)
*Niken: good morning children
*student: morning ma'am
*Niken: You have a new friend, please introduce yourself
*Aulia: Hello friends, let me introduce myself, *Aulia Rofiatul Rohmah, nice to meet you.
*Niken: Please sit on the corner bench with Laura. (Aul nods)
*Olla: Hi, let me know Laura, this is Awang, and this is Nazwa. now we're friends
*Aulia: Hi, I'm Aul
(break time rings, they go to rest in the canteen)
*Nazwa: How about we run out of tables?
*Krishna: Awang is here!!!!
Adfal: What do you want to order, that's up to you
Awang: Let's just order fried noodles and drink sweet tea (arrived at Esla's stall)
adfal: ma'am, ordered 6 portions of fried noodles and 6 portions of sweet iced tea
Esla: yes, ready, wait a moment, I'll make it first (the food is ready) this is the order
adfal: thank you ma'am (good at the table)
Aulia: Why is that so crowded?
olla: normal, there are naughty children (aul nods) (at the table Dimas sits)
ihsan: eh guys, I heard there is a new student here, if I'm not mistaken her name is Aulia
Nanda: Can we get closer?
d.ra: (clucking) habit
dimas.m: That's right, you guys are a habit
Ihsan: oh that's the guy, let's go see him
Nanda: come on (while embracing Ihsan)
(arrived at Aulia's table)
Ihsan: (clears throat) Let me introduce myself, my name is Ihsan
Nanda: I'm Nanda
Aul: Yes, nice to meet you, I'm Aulia
Nanda: Can I have his cellphone number?
Ola: What are you bothering me with (while shooing away) (the next day) in class
Niken: good morning children today's assignment is in groups (after a few minutes) this is the
name of the group Aul: When do you want the kerkom and where?
Krisna: How about just going home from school?
Wawa: Yes, it's just in the library (Every day Krishna and Aul are getting closer) (back garden of
Krishna: Aul I want to say something
aul: just talk
Krisna: Actually, I've liked you since I was little, do you want to be my girlfriend?
aul: actually I like it too, I want to be your girlfriend
(adfal hears and leaves)
(Mega,Gita approaches Dinda)
Mega: Hey, I heard that the new student is dating Krisna Gita: Oh yeah? All I know is that Adfal
likes him
Dinda: shit, that's right (Dinda approaches adfal)
Dinda: eh fal I heard that Krisna is dating that new student Adfal: hehehe
Dinda: doesn't it mean you like him?
Adfal: no sy
Dinda: Whether we want to work together or not, we will destroy their relationship
Adfal: no, don't be like that, but come on, I'm hurt too
Dinda: OK, then Krisna will do it for me, what about Aul for you?
Adfal: agree (R.a and the genk)
Firli: You guys are always causing trouble, you should just punish them
Arif: OK ma'am R.a: tsk tsk damn student
Dimas m: rif give relief
Arif: No thanks, do you want the punishment to be increased? (Arif leaves) (R.A and the genk
kick the wind) The next day the student council members raided your sister's class
Mel: Please pay attention, please keep your bags on the table
Dinda: Hey, that's mine, don't take it
Gita: yes, that's mine too, don't take it
Siti: Who told you to bring makeup to school?
Zulfa: Yes, the rules are that you are prohibited from bringing makeup so you have to accept the
consequences Mel: thank you for your cooperation
(In the classroom) (Aul enters class)
Ega: look it's here
Ririn: I don't know if I'm embarrassed
Nur: yes! Broken friendship still dares to come
Ririn: damn it (Aul sits on a bench)
Aul: why are you friends?
Ola: (seeing that he doesn't answer)
awang, I want to sit there
Awang: (confused expression)
Aul: Awang, why are you friends?
Adfal: What do you want to order, that's up to you
Awang: Let's just order fried noodles and drink sweet tea (arrived at Esla's stall)
adfal: ma'am, ordered 6 portions of fried noodles and 6 portions of sweet iced tea
Esla: yes, ready, wait a moment, I'll make it first (the food is ready) this is the order
adfal: thank you ma'am (good at the table)
Aulia: Why is that so crowded?
olla: normal, there are naughty children (aul nods) (at the table Dimas sits)
ihsan: eh guys, I heard there is a new student here, if I'm not mistaken her name is Aulia
Nanda: Can we get closer?
d.ra: (clucking) habit
dimas.m: That's right, you guys are a habit
Ihsan: oh that's the guy, let's go see him
Nanda: come on (while embracing Ihsan)
(arrived at Aulia's table)
Ihsan: (clears throat) Let me introduce myself, my name is Ihsan
Nanda: I'm Nanda
Aul: Yes, nice to meet you, I'm Aulia
Nanda: Can I have his cellphone number?
Ola: What are you bothering me with (while shooing away) (the next day) in class
Niken: good morning children today's assignment is in groups (after a few minutes) this is the
name of the group Aul: When do you want the kerkom and where?
Krisna: How about just going home from school?
Wawa: Yes, it's just in the library (Every day Krishna and Aul are getting closer) (back garden of
Krishna: Aul I want to say something
aul: just talk
Krisna: Actually, I've liked you since I was little, do you want to be my girlfriend?
aul: actually I like it too, I want to be your girlfriend
(adfal hears and leaves)
(Mega,Gita approaches Dinda)
Mega: Hey, I heard that the new student is dating Krisna
Gita: Oh yeah? All I know is that Adfal likes him
Wulan : (tells the story from the beginning)
Aulia: (sighs) OK, I'll explain later
Rion: be careful, don't get too close to him
Jami: Yes, it's cheap to be a girl
Adit : It's true that our class is really dirty
Nazwa: what are you talking about (Olla has a bad expression)
Laura: just shut up.
In the classroom
Sandi: Mr. Ardi said today the sport was combined with class 12
Test: what sport do you want to do, even if you combine it with class 12
Sandi: I don't know, let's just gather in the field (everyone nods) now quickly change clothes
In the field
Ardi : OK, the children have all gathered (everyone says "already")
Ardi: Today the sports are combined with class 12 because Mr. Dono can't attend because he's
sick, so I hope everyone can work together.
Dimas M: What sport are you doing now, sir?
Ardi: for women it's volleyball, if it's for men playing soccer, you understand (everyone
answered "understand sir")
Ardi : OK, let's start now
(Suddenly the ball that Dimas Ra kicked hit Aul's leg)
Aulia: this (gives the ball to Dimas Ra)
Dimas Ra: umm (while muttering)
Ririn: Look at that caper
Nuraulia : yeah it looks really caper
Rega: basic caterpillar
(Afdal meets Dinda)
Afdal : what are your plans?
Dinda: (tells her plan)
Afdal: okay (shakes hands) (Dimas Ra and Arif know the plan)
(After school, Afdal takes Aul to a quiet place)
Afdal : Aul, you want to take me to Gramed
Aulia: yes (while hesitating)
(Arrive at destination)
adfal: wait a minute, I want to go to the toilet first
Aulia: yes
(a few minutes later)
Dinda: hi.....Aul just now Adfal asked me to pick you up, because Adfal has something
important to do
Aulia: Why didn't Adfal tell me?
Dinda: I was in a hurry so I didn't have time to tell you, so you can just come with me (pulled
Aul's hand)
(quiet road near the forest)
Aulia: (cheering around) What are we doing here?
(I'm just watching)
Aulia: Sis, actually where is this, this is not the way back to my house. Sis, answer me!!
(supports Dinda's hand)
Dinda: You're noisy!! You're just passing by in our lives!! You destroyed Adfal's friendship with
Krisna, you also stole the guy I love, why did you have to come into my life. You have ruined all
my plans to get Krishna
Aulia: Si...Sis...Sis, I don't...don't know if you like Krisna
Dinda: need to lie, a girl like you is not suitable for Krishna. The only one who is
suitable for Krishna is me. I'm alone, and you're just a girl who doesn't know how to be shy, and
if I can't get Krisna, you and the other girls can't get him. (while pointing a gun at Aulia's chest)..
aulia: away bro... don't be weird ka... keep away ka...hilks....
Dinda: Please keep quiet... and you will die in my hands hahaha..... goodbye... bro...
Aulia: I...(bang...) (closes eyes).
Aulia: (opens her eyes when she doesn't feel anything in her body). when you open your eyes
Aulia: adfal.....(lyrics).
adfal:(smiling) ..aa...ulll.... I love you....I'm .hu..your your happiness is in krishna...
(Suddenly Krishna comes, Gita, Awang, Mega, Laura, and Najwa)
Krishna: False... you have to survive,
adfal: I can't stand it anymore Kris, I hope you can make him happy (points to Aul) I'm sorry I
ruined our friendship for the sake of a girl
Krishna: (nods) OK, now your life is more important,
adfal: (shakes his head) I want to sleep, I'm sleepy..(closes his eyes)
Krisna: no... don't open your eyes anjir... adfal... (screaming) open your eyes bitch.
Aulia: because of your selfishness, someone's life was lost. (plaque) you damn thing.
Dinda: (while holding her cheek which felt numb from the slap) I...I...I...I didn't mean to....
(shocked) It was you who should have died, not him..(screaming)
Krishna glanced and approached Dinda
: damn you... so you planned to kill my girl. You're really crazy
Dinda: Yes, I'm crazy haha....I'm crazy because of you... I've liked you for a long time but why is
that damn girl who got you.....
Krisna: damn?... you are the damn. bastard...
(suddenly a police siren is heard approaching them)
Krisna: (smiling slightly) haha.... after this you will be in prison.
(Dinda panicked and was about to leave but was blocked by Laura Nazwa and Awang...
Dinda: (rebellious) let me go.let me go.....
(the police come and arrest Dinda)
policeman1: he is one of you coming with me to be a witness to this incident.
Krishna: OK... (approach Aulia at the police station and explain everything. After that we go to
Adfal's funeral.
Aul: (nods).
#in eaters
Aulia: I'm sorry, because I wasn't there, I'm sorry, and I also thank you because you helped me, I
should have been the one who got shot. sob....sob...
Krisna: (rubbing Aulia's back). You don't need to blame yourself, this has become your fate.
Now let's go home, it's getting dark...
Aulia: (nods). And they went home together
#in the park
Krishna: Now forget about that incident. Let's start from the beginning again. I promise I will
make you happy, take care of you, and make you the only girl in my life after my mother.
Aulia: Thank you for wanting to be a part of my life, thank you for wanting to be a rainbow in
my life....
(they both smile happily)


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