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1. The journey start may 218 Bc

2. Hannibal and an army of 90000 men and 37 elephants
3. He was an inspiring leader
4. They were attacked by local tribesmen; they had to build rafts to cross the
river Rhone to get the elephants across.some fell off but were able to swim.
It started to snow and the elephants slid over the ice.
5. The journey last five months
6. 36000men arrived and only one of the elephants. Over half of the men died
or deserted.
The robber
1. Peter Woolf is also 50.he is married to louise and he now works as a
counsellor to rehabilitate criminals. He came from a dysfunctional family.
He started using drugs at 10 and became an addict at14.he had been in and
out of prison for 18 years. Stealing was the only thing he knew.
2. Peter was coming downstairs after taking some jewellery and money.
3. Peter also felt frightened. He thought, ‘he’s a big guy. if he wanted to, he
could hurt me’.
4. Peter didn’t want to hit him,but he did what he had to do.he feels that he
isn’t a violent person.
5. Peter felt relieved because he was going back to prison, which was a place
he knew well.
6. Peter couldn’t see the point either, but agreed to meet will because he was
7. Peter referred to the burglary as ‘last time we met…’will thought this made
the crime sound like a social meeting and got very angry. He screamed
questions at will about why he had been chosen as the victim.
8. Peter was shocked, and will realized that he was an ordinary man and he
wanted to help him.
9. Peter is also delighted because the process helped him to get his life sorted
out. He thinks that if he hadn’t met will, he would be dead by now.

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