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College of Engineering and Architecture


Name: __________________________________________________ Date: _________________


1. Why is Site Investigation important to Civil Engineers explain ( 5 Points )

The purpose of a site investigation is to examine the site's subsurface conditions. During this
assessment, details regarding the hydrologic conditions and soil characteristics will be acquired,
enabling you to ascertain whether the site is suitable for the kind of building you intend to construct. A
site investigation's goals are to confirm that the groundwater levels are optimal, that the rock and soil's
physical characteristics allow for construction, and that anyone entering the building would be safe.
Anything built on the site runs the risk of collapsing or getting harmed if the soil isn't suitable. Before
beginning any new construction projects, including the building of residential dwellings, site
investigations are required.

2. Why is Geological Methods important to Civil Engineers explain (5 points)

Analyzing the stability of the ground on which civil engineering projects are built requires knowledge of
geology. The stability of a significant structure, such as a dam or tunnel, may be compromised by major
geological faults in the earth's strata, such as slips, landslides, settlements, siesmic faults, cracks, fissures,
or improper alignment of rock laminae. A dam's laminae, if they are present, should be oriented
appropriately with respect to the direction of hydraulic loads resulting from water storage and dynamic
forces acting on the structure. For instance, the location of the dam should ideally be in ground free of
major faults and seismic activity.

Aside from this, the geological makeup of the rocks and observations of the ground water table are
important ways to figure out the ground's load-bearing capacity, the depth, and the kind of foundation
needed to safely carry a building's loads. Geology also looks at how different kinds of rocks change over
time as a result of natural forces like water, wind, earth pressure, tectonic movements, physical and
chemical reactions, and so on.

3. Give one (1) example of Exploration Techniques that is efficient in Investigation for Civil Engineers? ( 5

4. Explain why Geophysical methods are generally NON-DESTRUCTIVE OR NON-DESTRUCTIVE
methods? (5 points)
One advantage of geophysical methods is that they are usually non-destructive. For instance, surface
geophysics techniques like ground penetrating radar (GPR) or seismic mapping can be utilized to prevent
unintended issues from drilling or excavation, like back diffusion or contaminant leakage through confining

5. Why does Core Logging important? (5 Points)

At every stage of exploration and mining, accurate reporting of mineral resources is dependent on
the quality of core logging. Core logs are used to model potential ores deposits, determine size,
grade, and mine feasibility.


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