Venu Gita

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Venu Gita


Gopis could hear Krishna’s flute by Krishna’s desire or by the power of their own bhava. Because of
arising of Cupid, RAdharani started speaking about Krishna’s flute to sva-sakhi like Lalita devi for their
pleasure. (MGD comment – seems like in Vrindavan, all interactions among all inhabitants are for giving
Krishna’s pleasure to each other.) They are so cultured (parama-salina) that they are not speaking it to
friends of their friends but only their own friends. (JG)

Nrpa – this address is because Sukadeva himself became overwhelmed by a special bhava by speaking of
gopis’ discussions. Or he spotted a bhava-visesa arising in Pariksit and to cover it, he addressed him a
Nrpa. (MGD comment – what bhava-visesa? Did they feel conjugal love for Krishna like the gopis did?
But both Sukadeva and Pariksit maharaj are nitya-siddha. Is it allowed for nitya-siddhas to aspire for a
different bhava for Krishna in suitably expanded form?)

Gana-dipika –

Kama means prema here. – prapancam nisprapancopi vidambayasi bhutale

They speak of Krishna along with Baladeva etc just to hide their emotions for Krishna out of shyness –
their emotion for cowherds is priti-matra (only affection and not kanta-bhava or conjugal) – (MGD
comment – obviously)


Krishna’s lip nectar only deserves to fill the flute holes and overflow as song of the flute. Gopis
embraced Krishna (who is param-ananda-murti) at every step while describing Him.

JG –

Krishna was wearing karikara – which is a golden lotus-looking flower. Vrindaranyam – means that
Vrinda devi personally decorated this forest anticipating Krishna’s desire to sport here. They either
embraced Krishna in their hearts who captured their hearts or they embraced each other thinking each
other to be Krishna or they embraced each other thinking of Krishna.


Nata-nara-vapuh – means that jivas dance with pleasure seeing His form such Krishna

They are not mentioning Krishna’s name out of shyness.

Gopis embraced the sound of flute to their hearts.

Rajan – O the one shining with bhava-visesa – meaning Suka held Pariksit maharaj by hand, made him
stand and embraced him.

Affected by transcendental Cupid after hearing flute song of Krishna, the gopis extolled the glories of
flute, Vrindavan, deer, demigoddesses etc. again and again. Gopis, although staying the village, could
see Krishna in the forest with the eyes of love and described His sweetness.

After describing Autumn, in order to describe flute playing pastimes of Krishna, His entrance in
Vrindavan forest is explained. (Presenter’s Note: (henceforth PN) Venu –madhuri is one of the 4 special
qualities of Krishna above even Vishnu expansions)

Gopis embraced each other – you are speaking as if entering my heart – I also had the same feelings –
thus had same experience


Sva-pada-ramanam – more beautiful than even vaikuntha (sva-pada)

Sarva-bhuta-manoharam = there is only one sound of flute of Krishna but it became pleasure giving to all
beings based on their suitable adhikara

There were different groups of gopis discussing Venugita – many categories

Main categories – nitya-siddha (nitya svarupa siddha who appeared with Krishna) and sidhha (with many
types of worships and many desires and with mercy of Krishna who became perfect)

Nitya-siddha also has two categories – married and unmarried – the married ones never have any
contact with their so-called husbands but it is just that these gopis are objects of possessiveness of their
husbands (PN: to intensify the rasa of these gopis with Krishna even further)

For the sake of fulfilling Krishna’s desire who has unlimited desire to enjoy, the unmarried gopis also
have many divisions. To give special rasa to Krishna, even the nitya-siddha unmarried gopis desire to
marry Krishna through Katyayani vrata etc

To embellish Krishna’s pastimes, srutis and munis obtained status of sadhakatva – practitioner. Even
demigoddesses appeared associated with nitya-siddha gopis and became perfect. Thus there are
differences like bhauma (born in earthly Vaikuntha) and abhuma (from non-earthly Vaikuntha)

If the bhauma ones had children and desired to associate with Krishna (PN obviously not the nitya-
siddha gopis) then they gave up their material bodies and obtained spiritual bodily perfection and with
that they associated with Krishna.

Pracina-arvacina, dhira-adhira, mugdha-madhya etc there are millions of divisions among gopis who are
billions in number, who can count them?

Peacocks dance seeing His cloud like complexion or seeing that He has accepted their feather as his
ornament. Although the sound of flute was only one, it had different effect on hearers of different
qualifications. While describing that sound, gopis embraced each other.

Groups among Gopis – ones with parental affection and ones with conjugal affection –

Ones parental affection again into two – associates of Yasoda and mothers of friends of Krishna

Ones with conjugal affection again into two – married and unmarried


Krishna is wearing the feather of the favorite peacock of Sri Radha in order to hope to have Her
attention. May Her glance only become the ornament of My head – Radha priya mayurasya patram
radheksana-prabham | bibharti sirasa krishnas-tasyah cuda-nibham yatah || - Krishna Yamala

Vaijayanti mala – tulasi kunda mandara parijata saroruhaih | pancabhih puspaih etaih vana-mala-
prakirtita ||

Vamsi – priya sakhi thus His constant female companion is flute

Sri gana dipika

Venu is addressed here in masculine gender although she is female – just to hide her bhava she presents
herself as male – Krishna yamala says – once Krishna was singing glories of Sri Radha and goddess of
speech came out of His mouth and desired His conjugal relation – although coming from My body, she
desires conjugal relation? Thus Krishna neglects her and she becomes inert and takes birth as Vamsi –
And now Krishna is playing her – thus appropriate

Jiva G

Yasam buddhyeta vag-artho yasam eva prasadatah |

Gopih prapadye tah yabhih sagambhirasa-yojitah ||

Although mentioning both Krishna and Balarama, they focus on drinking the face of Krishna only.
Vrajesa-sutayoh = vrajesau sri nanda vasudevau or Nanda treats Balararam as his own son

Or this verse is spoken by mothers of friends of Krishna Balarama

Although there was no reason to speak of elder brother of Krishna, still gopis speak of Him because
Krishna’s beauty increases in company of Balaram or to hide their bhava toward Krishna out of shyness

Or Vrajesa-sutayoh means Radharani and Krishna (Vrsabhanu is also Vrajesa his sutaa and Vrajesa
Nanda’s suta – Their faces)

Sanatan Goswami
Jitam sarvam jite rase – everything is fruitful if we get the nectar from His lips else everything is fruitless

Sri Natha CT

Both Radharani and Krishna have devorated each others’ faces with leaves, buds etc.


Mention of Baladev along with Krishna is just to hide their feelings for Krishna – if friends of our
mothers-in-laws and sister-in-law overhear our conversation, let them do it, we have no worry. The
whole of Vraja including all men and women appreciate the faces of Krishna Balaram and so are we.
What is wrong with that?

Let us give oblations to our kula dharma, lajja, bhaya, dhairya and drink the nectar from His lotus face.
But we are shy kulavatis – it may happen that we hear about and see His face but how is it possible for
us to drink nectar from His face? By being pierced by His sidelong glances, we will forget our lajja-bhaya
affected by His arrow like glance and then let is drink that nectar.

Since Baladeva is with Him, we may not be able to go near Him but we can look at Him by peeping
through creepers.


Vamsi murali adi stri lingatvepi tat paryayasya venu-sabdasya pumstvam dara-sabda-vat jneyam

Damodara-adhar-sudha – how can we tolerate seeing the venu drinking it? So much boldness? Although
vijatiya, still she thinks she is preyasi? We are gopis and thus deserve to drink it. In that she drinks by
manifesting enjoyer’s mood (PN: may be a particular variation in love making where beloved (gopi)
advances toward lover (Krishna) as if manifesting paurusha mood – rati-krida-visesa) and that too
somebody else’s property and that too alone without sharing that too not secretly but letting the
owners (us) know it by deriding sounds or maybe this is not deriding sound but making sounds of
pleasure of love making and that too makes us hear them and that too not leaving anything for us – just
see the audacity! Actually all people of this venu’s locality have same attitude – the lakes and the trees
lakes are venu’s sakhis and the trees are venu’s spies – meaning all are our enemies. Let us hide this
venu somewhere so that she does not get Krishna’s lotus lips nectar. – sancari bhava of gopis – asuya or


Venu does not even take our permission – that too alone – At least she should be drinking within limits
but no. She is drinking to fullest extent just as one does with other’s property – yatha ca lokoktih –
parannam prapya durbuddhe ma sarire dayam kuru | now you have got others’ food. Foolish person,
don’t be merciful upon your body (meaning eat till stomach cries)

Mugdhata and dainya mixture

(PN- all the emotions that are experienced in illusory way in material world are perfectly and ecstatically
experienced in relation with Krishna – what a great news! – You just have to know how to do it under
guidance of acaryas )


Even deer are demigoddesses are fortunate. Son of Nanda – although elder, they took name of Nanda
because of being overwhelmed


Deer are so fortunate they can hear the flute and run for His worship along with their husbands. We on
the other hand can hear the flute but can’t go and our husbands become angry even by His fragrance.

Although the demigoddesses become bewildered in front of their husbands and their belt becomes
loosened and flowers fall from their braids yet their husbands are not envious of Krishna and here we
are, the flute is a signal especially for us and we can’t hear it out of fear of our husbands. Why do we
have husbands? This is ecstasy of humility and weakness


The husbands of deer saw their wives having affection for Krishna and they became jubilant considering
their household life to be auspicious and went to see Krishna. Our husbands hate even Krishna’s
fragrance. Fie upon our lives.

It is not inappropriate for us gopis to feel affection for gopa Krishna as even demigoddesses feel conjugal
affection for Krishna. Although they show mottayita (desire aroused in the heart due remembering or
hearing about lover), their husbands understood their bhava and they are regularly carrying their wives
on airplanes to see Krishna and here we are in between deer and demigoddess – unfortunate.


Although the deer were only attracted to flute sound (as would an deer do) but gopis thought it to be
conjugal love due to their own conjugal love – jagat dhanamayam lubdhah kamukah kaminimayam iti


They are related to Hari by birth – Harini but we gopis are unfortunate


Cows forgot themselves by hearing Krishna’s flute and shed tears. We on the other hand can’t even
forget our homes. Humility

Even some females are attracted to Him by parental love – like the cows. Others like those having no
bhava also becomes stunned – like calves. But they are in union with Krishna thus fortunate.


Birds like sages – silent only speak Krishna Krishna in between and again silent – asana dhyana and
mauna makes them munis. When will we become like them?


They are calling each other “mother” although they are friends of each other because it is the nature of
women overwhelmed with emotion to call each their friends like that.

This sound was not seen in songs of Indra, Brahma, Rudra or Vishnu. They were munis so they knew –
due to being very old, having access to all places and knowing their musical knowledge – yet they fixed
their minds on Krishna’s songs – which only Krishna created and no one else can know it so Krishna did
not even bother to create a musical science for His flute song. They gave up talks of brahmananda and
just absorbed themselves into hearing the flute of Krishna.


Rivers by nature flow yet Krishna’s flute stuns her. Then although we are patient and shy, if Krishna’s
flute changes our nature, it is not surprising

So hope and eagerness mixture – so we will also give up our absorption in homes which is like strong
current and without hesitation serve His lotus feet

Oh, how hard-hearted we are – our hearts are not melting even after hearing that He is tormented by
scorching sun in the forest. How are the clouds related to Him, only by color resemblance. Yet they serve
Him by their own bodies – We have variety of relation with Him, yet we are not serving Him with our
bodies, how wicked we are. Let us go there and serve Him, but He will be with Rama and other gopas so
it is not possible.

Prema mnjari

By flute song of Krishna, juiceless trees and creepers become juicy and juicy start secreting honey, rocks
melt, rivers are stunned and due to whirlpools they become twice in size.


Event the aborigin women are fortunate.

Talks about other objects is also kept hidden by different mellow. Rama = happiness of Govardhan in
terms of Goosebumps, sweating and tears of joy found as grass, wetness, dew etc.

Paniya = water or honey, syuyavasa = grass which is soft, nourishing, increasing milk in cows, kandara=
caves with jewels, platforms, beds, light, mirrors etc
Abalah = but you cannot serve like Him

Rama = ramaniya Krishna = Krishna gives happiness to Govardhan by various sports and Govardhan gives
happiness to Krishna by making the stones suitable according to season

Sanatan Goswami

Pulindis who can go wherever Krishna goes are fortunate. But even the immovable ones like Govardhan
are fortunate. Did not take His name due to great respect and could see Him near due to absorption.

Go = not just cows but other birds and animals


Favor of Krishna is possible only by govardhan’s favor. So let us seek His favor first due to being


Without shelter of great vaishnavas one’s desires cannot be fulfilled so we heard best among them is
Govardhan from Gargi. So let us go to take bath in Manasi Ganga and then take darsan of adhidaivata of
the place Harideva Narayana then our elders will also not object and our Krishna also plays there.
Govardhan facilitates desires of Krishna along with His friends so He may fulfill our desires also.

Hanta= wonder – 3 haridasas = govardhana, yudhishthir and uddhava but among them also Govardhan
is best. Haridasasya rajarse rajasuyam mahodayam = Yudhishthir m, Krsnam samsmarayan reme
haridaso vrajakasam = Uddhava ji, hanta ayam = Giriraj

Carana sparsa pramod = stones become like mud and carry footprints of Them.

Word Rama is used for hiding the feelings for Krishna, also Rama is adjective of Krishna as ramaniya

Abala = oh you weaklings dependent on husbands, your power will come from shelter of Govardhan

Paniya = padya acamaniya fragrant cool spring water and paniya = naivedya = madhu amra pilu rasa

Suyavasa = arghya = durva grass and for grazing of cows

Sanatan G

What to speak of govardhan, even all Vrajavasis = movable immovable are fortunate.

For pastimes See Venugita by HH Sivarama maharaj

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