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The City School

Academic Year 2019-20

Topic: Angles – Video Lesson 03
Worksheet 19
Class 3

Dear Students, You can do this worksheet on a printout of this file. If

you are not in a position to obtain a printout ,please write the number
of the worksheet on a blank paper and answer the worksheet according
to the question number .Please keep your working in a separate file
named ‘Mathematics’.

Task 1 Read page 185-188 of pupil’s book.

Task 2 watch the Video Lesson 03
Task 3 do the provided worksheets.

Q 1 .a) Mark each right angle with’ R’ in the given image.

b) Number of angles smaller than 90 degrees.____________.

C) Number of angles greater than right angle .____________.

Q 2. Arrange the angles in order starting with the largest.

a b c d

_______ ,_______,________,_________.

Q3. If the hour hand is at 12 where should be the minute hand to make

an angle of 90o?

Option 1 _________.

Option 2 _________.

Practice optional .Students you can do page 185 of activity book.

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