Class 3 Worksheet 20

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The City School

Academic Year 2019-20

Topic: Angles – Video Lesson 03
Worksheet 20
Class 3

Dear Students, You can do this worksheet on a printout of this file. If

you are not in a position to obtain a printout ,please write the number
of the worksheet on a blank paper and answer the worksheet according
to the question number .Please keep your working in a separate file
named ‘Mathematics’

Q 1 . Look at the angles below

a b

a) Which one of the angles is 30o?_______

b) Which one is 170o ? __________

c) How can you tell? _____________

Q 2. Order the angles from smallest to largest.

Right angle
an angle on a straight line

____________ ,____________,___________,_____________.

Q3. Use the given statements to draw a figure.

 It has two angles smaller than 90o.

 It has one angle greater than 90o but smaller than 180o.
 It has two angles equal to 90o.

Watch the video to revise the concept. link is shared below.
Practice optional .Students you can do page 184 of activity book.

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