Declamation Dignity

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(Growing up)

When I was born, I was being fought for. Almost everyone wanted to carry me maybe because I
was the firstborn of the family. When I turned one, I could already crawl. I was spoon-fed. I was
loved. And every time I made a mistake, no one would judge me because they knew I was too
innocent to harm anyone.
When I was two years old, I had a sister. She got the center of attention but I, as her big brother,
didn't mind.
When I was three, I broke this nice toy box my daddy bought, and he yelled at me. For the first
time, I cried. Then mommy ran after me and I told her, "I didn't mean it. Now daddy hates me."
But mommy said, "Daddy doesn't hate you. He was just mad because he bought that box for
you, and you broke it."
When I was four, I went to school. On the first day, I didn't have a lot of friends. My teacher
smiled at me and told me that I'll find a friend soon and I believed her. A week later, I had best
friends, and we would head to the playground when school ends. It was fun. During break time,
we'd share our snacks. But when my parents pick me up, tears would fall down my eyes because
I would miss my classmates and I miss them every day.
When I was five, I had my first crush. She was beautiful. I went to my mommy and asked her if I
was allowed to have a girlfriend. She answered, "You're not allowed to date any girl until you're
21." So, I counted my fingers. (By the way, I'm good with math now.)
1... 2... 3...
Mom laughed at me and said, "I think it's time for your nap."
Now I'm six years old. My sister came home crying because she was being picked on by her
classmates. I went with my parents to talk with the students who made my sister sad. There was
Oliver, Tom and Rachelle. I said, "Please don't hurt my sister because seeing her sad makes me
sad. And seeing her happy makes me happy."
Next year is a good year because my parents said I'll be 7. I don't know why it's a big deal, but it
is so I'm excited. Right now, at my young age, I learned a lot about many things. Being a big
brother isn't a choice but a job. A good job. Parents can get upset over the little things we do but
I think it's right if our mommies and daddies scold us every now and then. After all, we have
much to learn. This is me growing up and I'll always remember it.
(My real dream)
My dream is to become a superstar. I want to be famous and live in Hollywood. I want to
be rich, beautiful and talented. I want to have concerts and movies and guest appearances,
which is why I'm auditioning in three talent shows. Maybe because of that, I'm sure I'll be
The first talent show I auditioned for was called Search for the Dancing Diva. So I danced.
Suddenly, I tripped and fell on the floor. In front of the judges, I failed to finish my performance.
So my name wasn't called.
That's OK. I have two more to look forward to.
The second talent show I participated in was called Finding the Future Drama Queen. Oh, that's
my chance to win home the fame. I can do this.
"Look at me! I am trying to talk to you. Why can't you tell me about it? I thought... I thought..."
Oh, no! I forgot my lines.
And the judges didn't pick me.
Today's the last talent show I'll join this year. Since the show is called Finding the Next
Superstar, I was supposed to sing. I went to the comfort room and overheard two women speak.
"Esther's going to win. Everyone knows it."
"I think it's unfair but her dad's the mayor."
I ran out crying and was about ready to go home. It was unfair. I want to win. I want to be a
superstar. But I won't win. That's the truth.
I closed my eyes and prayed.
I've got one last chance to make it. But now I wasn't as determined as I was. Yes, I'm nervous.
Yes, I'm scared yet my family will be watching and I'd rather finish what I started than come
home a loser for not trying.
I heard my name being called out. It's time.
"Let it go. Let it go. And I'll rise like the break of dawn. Let it go. Let it go. That perfect girl is
gone. Here I stand in the light of day. Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me
When I went backstage, I realized something. I realized that my real dream is to be happy. It
wasn't about winning on any competition. It was about simply enjoying what I do. Although I
didn't win, for the first time in my life, I didn't make a mistake. I'm still young. I have much to
learn. And I'm sure there will be other talent shows that I can join again next year. I'll look
forward to that.
Believe me

Believe me. That's all I wanted you to do. You're the one who said you were interested in
me, that you want to be with me, and that you want to spend the rest of your life with me. So
why won't you believe me? Why do I have to look like a fool? Why do I feel so bad?
I have trust issues. I told you that. And I said I can't trust anyone but you're the one who
assured me that no matter what happens you'll always be there for me so I trusted you. I told
you everything about me. I told you stuff other people don't know. But you don't believe me! In
fact, you questioned if I was being honest with you. My gosh, I am honest with you. I love you.
And I too want to spend the rest of my life with you. But you don't believe me.
I can sense you're probably wondering what you saw in me. You're probably wondering why you
chose me. You're probably fed up. You're probably annoyed. You're probably upset.
But I'm upset too! I'm upset because you don't believe me. I'm upset because you can't trust me.
I'm upset because you're the one who I want to be with, you're the only person who makes me
smile and you're the first person who has ever protected me. But now you don't believe me?
I can't handle that!
I thought we were honest with each other. I thought we were firm. I thought it was real. Now
you're going to ask me if I lied? I... I don't understand how it all had to go from being the most
romantic couple to this! THIS!
You don't believe me. That's why I'm upset. I said that if I were to be with someone, I need to
know that I will be believed. You promised. You swore. You told me you'd believe me.
Unfortunately, you don't believe me. And it hurts! I hate you for that.
I hate you so much that it kills me. It sickens me. It makes me want to destroy myself. Believe
me. I asked you to believe me. Believe me. Believe me!


(I hate it)
I hate it. I hate it so much. I hate that I have to do this. I hate that I have to do that. I hate that
everyone is looking up at me, expecting me to solve every problem they're facing. I hate that I
have to sacrifice all of my time for them, because of them and over them.
What did I do to deserve this? Am I not good enough? Am I not qualified to be pampered? Am I
always the one who has to give up all of my vacancy to please everybody?
Look at me! This? This! This is the face of a dying breed, the kind that will die pretty soon. I'm
tired of everything. I'm tired of all of you. I'm tired of my life.
I hate that I'm the one who always has to give an answer to a question that I don't even know. I
hate that my classmates are always copying my answers in every exam. And every time I say no,
my gosh, they would always beat me up.
I deserve so much.
None of you understand what I'm going through, where I'm coming from and why I act like this.
When I'm in school, all of my friends pick on me. They hurt me.
Physically! Mentally! Emotionally!
Wait! Should I even call them friends? Huh! Some friends they are. I hate them so much.
When I'm at home, I'm responsible for the siblings my parents coerce me to take care of. Don't
get me wrong. I love my siblings but my parents, my stubborn, inconsiderate parents, have
turned me into a parent at such a young age. I have to help my brothers do their homework. I
have to explain to my sisters the difficulties and the necessities of puberty. And how much sleep
do I get when I'm done with them? Two hours! Two. Stinking. Hours.
That's not enough for someone who still has to study. I've got exams coming up. I've got projects
that I need to pass. I don't know what to do with my life.
I hate it! I hate that I have to do everything for everyone. I hate that my dad can't find a decent
job. I hate that my mom is so caught up with her "healing skills" that she doesn't want to take
her driving test. And, just so you know, she has missed over 36 driving tests simply because she
sees her so-called "career" as a benison. Someone has to drive! It sickens me!
It also sickens me when I have to rush around the streets at night to go look for my parents
because I need them to sign my permission slip for me to go on field trips and activities which
aren't in the school campus. My gosh, I'm tired. I'm stressed. I've been ran ragged. My
classmates, my friends, the people around my school, even my neighbors for that matter, aren't
What kind of classmates would humiliate you in front of your teacher? What kind of friends
would ruin your whole school year because you told your teacher that they cheated?
It's the truth!
Why can't my neighbors leave us alone and stop gossiping about our lives? Why was I born to be
this busy, this frustrated, this boiled, this locked, this pressured and this hurt?
I can't do this. I can't take this anymore. I hate it so much! I hate it!
The internet killed my friend
The internet killed my friend so I will find justice! I will see to it that my friend will be able to die
She was a nice friend who liked spicy food. She had a camera and we would always take
pictures. Then one day she bumped into a boy who she fell in love with. So many times I tried
telling her that he was a playboy. There were signs!
He looks at every girl he sees.
He winks at them.
And if that girl winks back, he bites his bottom lip and quietly moans.
Then one day he brought my friend to his house and asked her to do it with him. If she doesn't,
then she doesn't love him that much.
But she was only 13. He was three years older than her and she was so young to get involved
with that good-for-nothing woman magnet!
But she did it with him. She was unaware that he had placed a camera inside the room and after
they did it, he didn't even bother to bring her home! So my dear friend, Jennifer, called me and
told me everything.
I wanted to get mad but I saw how hurt Jennifer was from doing it with him and so I decided to
calm down then I brought her home.
Two days after, the video went viral. Jennifer was thrown with papers rolled into balls and
"She was a disgrace to our school," the Principal shouted.
No one believed Jennifer's statement that she had no idea she was being setup by her so-called
lover. No one believed that the playboy named Luke had intentionally placed the camera and
recorded everything they did.
Poor Jennifer cried. Only I believed her. But my parents told me to stay away from her.
I didn't.
One day, I went to her house to pay a visit but when I got into her room, she was on the floor.
Blood was all over the place. She cut herself.
We tried to get her to the hospital but it was too late. She died and no one believed her.
I feel so bad for my friend. That's why I'll kill the person who did this to her. I'll kill Luke. I'll kill

(You Don't Know Me)

You think you know me? NO, you don't!

I am not the same girl I am now. I do not wear luxurious jewelry or fancy eight-hundred dollar
makeup just to look good. Now, you don't know me.
You don't know me anymore. Why? Because you have no control over my life. I don't like pink. I
abhor ANYTHING GIRLY! I hate you for doing this to me.
NOW LOOK AT ME! I have a scar to remember of you and what you have done to ME! I don't
listen to music anymore. I don't dress like Britney Spears and call myself beautiful because I've
changed... and who to blame for the result? YOU!
YOU BEAST YOU.. .YOU LIAR! I hate you! You ruined my life and I won't stop until I shout to the
world how you redid me, turning me into your so-called cheerleader but actually spreading news
how I'm your clown.
Hah! NO WAY! I am NOT your CLOWN! I've changed. You don't know me anymore.

(Am I dead)

Am I dead? Hello? Can you hear me? Can you SEE me?
I'm right here!
Why can't you look at me? People, I'm alive!
*gasp* That guy... he... he was right in front of me and didn't even stop! No. He didn't stop. He
hit me. Well, not literally.
It was as if he didn't even know I was there.
Hey, I'M ALIVE! I'm not dead. Wait till my family hears about your outlandish behavior! Wait
I'm dead! I'm dead!!! My parents? I see them crying. My best friends and even my school mates...
They're right here! In my funeral!
No. No. No! This can't be! Am I dead? Yes, I'm dead. And I'm Never coming back! NOOO!

(Mother, are you there?)
Mother, are you there? Mother, I'm home. Here, I brought you the bread you requested. Where
are you?
Please answer.
Oh, where could she be? I went upstairs, to Mother's bedroom. She must be tired. Still in bed at
6 pm? Gosh.
I opened the door... only to see Mother lying on the floor. Her blue eyes are closed. Her wrist had
a HUGE cut! Nooo! MOTHER! Mother, wake up! WAKE UP! Please? I'm too young to lose a
Mom... mom... mom...
*sobs* Mother is dead. *sobs* Now who will watch over me? Who? My father? NO! NOT MY
FATHER! He left us for another woman. A model! A twenty-year-old Brazilian model who does
not look nice, kind or worthy of my trust. She and Father met, I don't know, eight months ago
and since then became crazy for each other.
Then they got married and abandoned us! US! HER FAMILY! He said he loved Mother, but he
never did. I will not live with that man!
Mother is dead! Now I have nobody! We were happy without Father. I thought Mother was OK.
We would shop and enjoy movie marathons. Jog around the park. Sing at the karaoke.
I... I thought Mother was strong! But NO! She's dead and I will never see her again! No, I won't.
And the blame is on the man who did this!
Wait and see! I will have my revenge, Mother.
Father brought me home to his... ugh! Wife! And he showed me around the house. Oh, now I'm
beginning to envy him! Envy because he lives in this gigantic mansion with plenty of
housekeepers, cars and money!
Us? Mother and I don't have much. But we have a house and money, since being a cook in one
of the most luxurious restaurants is a proud job, I could say. I go to school with my lunch and
then I walk home.
But look! Father is wealthy and he didn't even bother to help. Don't worry, Mother. I will have my
That night, though, something happened. A miracle. Mother appeared before my eyes and told
me to stop. NOT to take revenge, but to forgive.
Oh, Mother! I MISS YOU! She told me she loved me and that she will be there for me. Always and
I hugged her SO TIGHTLY. *sobs* She made me promise not to hurt Father, so I did.
But then she disappeared. Mother, where are you? Mother, are you there? Oh, Mother...


(I Saw A Ghost)

I saw a ghost! I'm not joking!

Mother? Father? Hello? Anybody there?
Oh gosh. I'm all alone, stuck in this bedroom with nobody to protect me. Am I that evil? Am I
that MEAN? Tell me what is wrong with me! Why am I seeing a ghost?
*shivers * Ooh, I'm so cold. I can't breathe! What is HAPPENING? *gasp* I SAW A GHOST! A
ghost is hugging me!
I ran as fast as I can. I went to the bathroom and started to cry... cry... cry...
Father... Mother... Sister... I am sorry! I'm sorry for being a horrible daughter! I'm sorry for lying
about not doing my homework, for stealing sister's necklace! And when Mother asked if I took it,
Oh... please, PLEASE forgive ME! I didn't mean to lie to you. But this time, HONEST, there really
*gasp* The ghost is COMING! Mother... Father... Sister... HELP ME! I saw a ghost.
Wait. Wait... Father...? Mother...? Sister...? Father's the ghost? All this time my family TRICKED
ME? Why?
Oh, I see. It's because I lie a lot. This is a lesson for me. I promise I will never lie again. Pinky
*mumbles* but really... all the while I thought I saw a ghost. *chuckles*


It's not that I'm sad. It's just that I could never seem to hold it back. I can feel it coming,
especially when I'm pressured. I can feel it in my heart and in my mind.
I'm scared of everything. Did you hear me? I said I'm scared of everything. I'm nervous. I'm
pressured. I'm frightened by the thought of everything. Things come and go in my mind and I
can't control it. Nothing can control it.
People asked me what was wrong with me. I said, "I don't know." That was the truth. I really do
not know.
I'm too scared. I'm so worried. Nothing could replace the incremental feeling I have inside me. My
heart beats swiftly, as if it were unstoppable. And I have so many things stuck in my mind
I'm worried. I'm agitated. I feel awkward at times. I'm lost. I'm truly scared. And I'm stressed.
Sadly, I don't know how this happened. Was I born with this disease? IS this even a DISEASE? A
sickness in the mind? A mental hindrance to reality? What is it?
They call it, "Anxiety" but I don't believe in that word. I don't believe I have it.
Anxiety. Define it, would you? It says, "An uncontrollable mental feeling for someone who seems
to suffer from tension, uneaseness and worry."
Do I have that? Do I really have that? Tell me if I have it. I need to know. I have to know.
What is wrong with me?
Is anxiety a bad thing?
Is that why I always cry? Is that the reason why I always hesitate, why I always back out, why I
choose not to open up, why I hate my life? Is that the real reason behind it? Am I a coward for
not being able to express my thoughts? Am I?
Anxiety, what did I do wrong? I want you to go away. Please, you're destroying my life. I don't
want to feel this way anymore. Please... please... please... help me...

(I am a bookworm)

I am a bookworm. I read books. I use my imagination. I think differently. Each time I pass by a
bookstore, I'd make sure to buy at least one book and spend the rest of my afternoon reading.
I am a bookworm. I see the world in a fantasy that others can't understand. I dream about
something that others consider unsatisfying.
But I am a bookworm and I enjoy reading.
Books are more important than my looks. You see, after I finish reading a book, there's this
hidden creature inside of me that makes me want to be... well... ME! I am infatuated with writers
who sit on their chairs and focus on their computers and take control of their keyboards as if
there's no end.
One day, I'll be a writer. I'd end up writing about romance. Or horror. Or comedy. Whatever! I
don't know. All I know is that I am myself when I read a book because I. Am. A. Bookworm.
Deal with it.
And you know? Sometimes, I'd lock myself in my room for hours and simply cover myself with
my bed sheets, most especially if I've become devastated when I find out that my favorite
character dies.
A novel defines my life. I will never know how my day will end until I finish reading the book.
Whether it's good or bad, I can't do anything about it.
I don't have friends. I don't know anybody. I am a loner but at least I have my books. Yes, I do.
Hate me. Gossip about me. Bully me. But at least I'm proud of who I am. I'm a dedicated reader.
I have an incredible imagination. I love to read. And most importantly, I am a bookworm.


(The Struggle is Real)

The struggle is real. Indeed, it is.

I fell in love with someone I can't have. He's famous, has too many fans and is loved by a
I'm in the fandom. And I am so in love with him.
The thought of not being able to win his heart makes me want to cry. The thought of him not
being able to notice my existence hurts to the point where I want to break down and cry.
The struggle is real. Indeed, it is.
I've loved him for years. I ignored the guys my friends told me are interested in me. I've locked
my heart away and only one person can unlock it.
Only one person can win my heart.
Wait. He's already won it!
I know that the internet has a lot of rubbish stuff but sometimes I want to feel that it's real. I
memorize his likes in a girl and the things he's afraid of. I have all his photos. I downloaded all of
his songs yet I know I'm not the only one.
I'm afraid. Gosh, I'm afraid! What if he meets someone? What if they fell in love? What if they get
engaged? What if they get married? And what if they spend their whole life together?
Ugh! The thought kills! The thought burns! The thought is painful! And the thought is hurting
I'm struggling to survive. I'm trying to ignore my what-if's because I know that I don't have a
He won my heart so I'm going to keep my infatuation for him true and glued.
The struggle is real.

(It was time)

I had to tell him, man. I had to. I needed to. It was time.
It was time for me to be honest about how I feel. That's why I did that. That's why I wrote that poem.
That's why I gave it to him.
I can't take what I'm feeling for much longer. I simply had to tell him. I told him I loved him and didn't wait
for him to say anything else because I knew what he was going to say. I knew that he would say no. I knew
that he wasn't interested. He isn't interested. And he will never be interested.
I told him this:
"I've loved you for so long.
I don't know what else to say.
I feel that it is wrong
if I start with, 'Hey.'
Now, you know that you're the guy I was always referring to
and I'm sorry because I love you."
It was too much for me to handle. I simply had to declare it. Yes, I know I don't have the charms. I also
know I don't have the body. But my love for him can last for eternity.
I love him. It was time for me to say it. It was time.
Yes, I understand that he's attracted to girls I don't have a chance with and that, my friend, is a painful
thing to accept but I've learned to deal with it. I've learned not to mess with the other foot. I know my
I know it.
I just know it.
But it was time for me to let out that girl who has been in love with him since the day I met him. I had to
tell him that I needed him in my arms, that I needed to hear "I'm in love with you" rather than "I love you."
My life isn't perfect. The sea is prettier than me. The rainbow is more colorful than my heart. The sun is
brighter than my eyes but that is me and that will always be me.
I never meant for things to get all awkward with us. I never meant for that to happen. But it wasn't my
fault that I fell in love with him. I fell in love with the only classmate who actually remembers me, who
actually cares for me, who actually considers me as his friend.
However, it was time.
I confessed. I was honest. I stopped lying for the sake of honesty and for the sake of our friendship. He
was too good for me.
My friend, I love him so much. It's too bad he'll never love me. He'll never want me. He'll never care and he
never will.
I am just the girl with the boring looks. I am short. But I am doing well in school. I am a stick-to-one
person. So why can't he be attracted to me? Simple: because I am not good enough.
I am not that white. I am not that tall. I am not that skinny and I am not that clean. My family is
pressuring me. I have anger issues. I don't know how to control myself.At least, I learned how to hold back
my emotions when I'm around him.
At least, my intentions are clear and clean. I only want what's best for him. And if I'm not good enough,
then I'M SORRY!
At least, I became really honest with him because that's what you wanted, right? For me to be honest to
him? Right? My friend... My friend...
Right... Right...
Oh, who am I kidding? No one will ever love me. And even if I tried finding someone who becomes
infatuated with me, I will not give him a try because that person isn't the guy I've fallen in love with. That
person isn't the classmate I tried taking pictures of when he's not looking. That person isn't the guy of my
But... yes... my friend... it was time for me to tell him. It was time.

This isn't happening.
This isn't happening.
This... This isn't... This isn't happening. I am not hallucinating. I'm not! I'm not crazed. I'm not paranoid...
...or am I?
You are paranoid.
No, no. I'm not paranoid! I'm perfectly fine. My mind's OK. I'm thinking straight. And I've never killed
anyone so why ---
You've done it. You've killed her. Don't say, "Never." You murdered an innocent woman. It's your fault.
No, no, NOOOO. It's not my fault. I didn't kill her. She started it even when we were kids. She'd pick on
me. She'd copy from me. And never once has she apologized so she deserves to die.
Wait. So you admit that you did kill her? You killed your classmate. Am I right?
I didn't kill her. I only said that she deserves to die. There's a difference. And why am I even talking to
myself? I must be crazy.
So you admit that you are crazy. You've lost your mind. Am I right?
NO! I have not lost my mind. I'm just... I'm probably tired. I must be hallucinating.
So you admit that you are hallucinating?
Well, I --- I don't know. Don't talk to me. Go away.
Go away? How can I go away? I am with you. I am you. The two of us? We're meant to be. We're
inseparable. We're attached to each other. We're connected. Isn't that wonderful?
Oh, go away! Oh please! Just go away. You're not helping.
I'm trying to help you. I'm telling you that you are crazy for talking to yourself. And, yes, you are a
murderer because that's the truth. You killed your friend out of jealousy, out of anger, out of stress and
out of hatred. She apologized to you but you didn't forgive her, did you?
I don't know.
You don't know? You hurt her. You tortured her. You made her suffer for hours.
She made me suffer for years! I was 12. I was young. Oh gosh, I'm hallucinating. This has got to stop.
See? You admitted it!
OK, fine. I killed her. But she deserved it.
Did I? Did I deserve it?
Who said that? Who said that? Answer me.
I did. And I won't stop until I kill you, until the whole world goes against you, until you cry your hardest,
until you bleed to death.
Hold on. How are you alive?
Oh, I am alive. I've been alive in your mind. That day when you stabbed me in my sleep, that day when
you ended my life, that day when you cursed out my name, that day when you said it was my fault why
you turned into this, I died but the memory of me will always be in your mind.
I'm hallucinating. I'm hallucinating.
You killed me! I said I was sorry. I went to your house to ask for forgiveness. I told you how guilty I was for
ruining your life. It was my fault and I was sorry but... but you took my life. You are a soulless creature, a
merciless human being. You killed me. You did. But in your eyes, in your mind, I'm alive. Here! I'm really
Go away!
Oh, poor me. Poor us. See what you did? Is it so hard to tell the police? You know, she won't go away until
you confess. What happened to you guys a few years ago - that was in the past.
But the past ruined my life. She ruined my life.
I didn't ruin your life. You did.
No, go away. These are just hallucinations. Go away! Stay away from me! Stay away! Stay away! I said stay
away! These are just hallucinations! Hallucinations!
Hallucinations or not, you're a murderer. You dispatched me right after you stabbed me. I was asleep. But
before that, I was in tears. I was sad because you wouldn't forgive me.
Do you expect me to believe you?
Well, I can't. You're dead and I will never be able to bring you back.
Because you killed her. That simple.
I killed her! Yes, I did. But she deserved it. I failed my exams because of her. I lost the game because of
her. I didn't go to prom because of her. I will never forgive her.
Oh dear...
Like I said, these are just hallucinations! Stay away from me.
The cops are coming.
No, they can't... No. These are hallucinations. The cops aren't coming. They can't come.
They can come and they will come. You called them yourself. You confessed.
I don't want to go to jail! I'm scared.
So am I! But you did this to yourself.
I must be insane. I must be demented. I must be hallucinating.
Wait. Wait. What is that sound? My heart is pounding so fast. I'm so scared. Is it the cops? Oh no! No! The
cops are here. I'm not hallucinating! I'm going to jail! No. No!

I could and I would

People don't really know me. They think a mind of a four-year-old is too fresh to worry about the
future. But I believe that...
What do you want to be when you grow up? Can I tell you what I want to be someday? I'm sure
you won't mind.
I could be a doctor and heal people with my patience and dedication to help them live.
I could be a nurse and assist the doctor because I want people to know that I care.
I would be a teacher and teach the poor so when other people look at them, they'd be shocked to
find out that the poor can read. The poor can write. The poor can learn.
I could be an architect and design houses to simply make more for those who lack in shelter
because I was raised to be selfless and I want to help.
I could also be a songwriter so I could write songs for the people that inspire me. Many will
understand that these songs aren't just about me. They're for those who need help.
I would be a writer and write stories about patients with cancer or kids who have no parents or
students who get bullied so others would know that, if limits are pushed, people tend to suffer.
They can't hold back their anger.
I could and I would. I mean, all I want is for people to understand that I am here to help. I may
be young by looks but I am an adult by heart. Like my dad who happens to be a doctor, I'll be
here to help with just one phone call. Like my mom who happens to be a teacher, I'll be present
to teach anyone the things I want the youth to be familiar with.
Another thing you need to know about me is that I don't think about my future the way other
kids do. I want to have a job that can help the poor, donate to charity and save lives. Maybe I
could become a philanthropist. I share what I can and I give just about anything if I really have
to, not expecting anything in return. And why? Because I was born this way. I could and I would.


(It's hard to fit in)

It's hard to fit in. My life is a misery. I've been through so much already and yet nothing is going
well as planned.
I need help but I don't have any friends. I need to be trusted but no one believes me. I need
comfort but people use me as their laughing stock.
Maybe it's because I'm fatter than the rest. Or maybe it's because my parents went to jail for
selling drugs, which led me to training myself to live alone.
Wherever I go, I hear people gossip about me. They'd laugh, insult and pick on me.
But why me? I know my life isn't perfect. It's hard to fit in. But they have no right to put things
in other people's mouths and expect me to be insensitive about it because I'm very sensitive! I've
been sensitive since the day both my grandparents died from a car crash a decade ago.
I'm 19 years old and I still get bullied. I don't know why I had to have this life. I also don't know
if I can handle it anymore because I'm only a person and I will give in to those things.
They don't know how hard it is for me to live alone with people trash talking at me. From my
classmates to my teachers to my neighbors. I only have myself and I tried to be proud of what I
...but I don't have anybody. I am alone. I'm the fattest in the class with the smallest voice you
can ever hear. My sense of fashion shows my personality - depressed, ugly and boring.
Nobody knows me well enough to call me their friend. And I don't think anyone can ever see me
as a good person. It's hard to impress them. It's hard to fit their standards. It's hard to fit in.

I'm Still A Kid)

I'm still a kid. A kid with plans. A kid who adores her parents. I am nothing like those kids who
put on makeup and dress up like... like ADULTS!
Who do they think they are? They are still children. They should be lucky to have toys. They
should like comic books and Barbie dolls, NOT praise... BEER! DRUGS! DATING!
YOU only live ONCE! You shouldn't smoke. You shouldn't run away from school.
Please! STUDY! GRADUATE! Then that's when you get married and have kids. That's when you
decide what you will do for yourself.
Do not blame your parents when you go to jail. Don't tell them you never cared --- because THEY
DID! They gave you a home, A LIFE! They lectured you because they cared.
BUT YOU! You wouldn't listen. Instead, you worship maleficent things! Dangerous activities! You
come home late at night, stop going to school. You don't listen. You don't care.
Well, that's your problem! I know my parents are proud of me. ME! Because I am a straight-A
student with a dream to become what I want to be. I could be a lawyer, a doctor, a fashion
designer or even a dancer.
Since I listened to my parents, I never had trouble with school. My friends could hate me. So
what? They want to go out clubbing.
I am too young for that. And you know what? I am proud of saying I'm still a kid because my
family is so proud of me. Of what I am. How they trust me.
After all, I'm still a kid. A kid with a future.

(I should have listened to you)

I should have listened to you. You were always there for me. You told me that he will hurt me.
But I ignored your warning and still ran away with him. Now I live in the streets with nothing to
eat. My clothes are dirty. My skin unclean.
Oh, if only I could turn back time...
Brother, I am sorry. You were right and I was wrong. I know you'll never forgive me for leaving
I once saw you. Boy, you grew! I used to tease you about how you'll Never have a future if you're
as short as a dwarf.
BUT NOW... now you've GROWN! And you're a... a lawyer, just like you wanted! I'm so proud of
You have two little girls I believe I heard you call them Lucy and Wendy. And your wife... aww!
She's a beauty.
I know you'll never forgive me and I'm sorry!
*gasp* HE SAW ME! MY BROTHER! He... saw... me? Uh... oh how do I look? Pathetic. Stinky.
Gross. Ugh!
You said Hi. Uh... Hi... oh, brother! I am sorry! I should have listened to you. I...
You cut me off and pulled me into a hug. I missed you, brother said. And now he's asking me if I
want to move in with him. REALLY?
He beamed at me and I... I... I cried! Brother wants me back? He forgives me? He FORGIVES me!
Oh brother, I should have listened to you.

(You broke your promise)

You broke your promise! I trusted you! But did you keep them?
You told everyone! You told them about what I did! I changed! I am different now! But you! You...
You swore you'd keep my secrets safe! Yet did you?
I was a girl. I found it hard not to steal. A thief I was? Yes. I was a thief. I stole almost anything
and everything. My room was filled with stolen things... things that people living in poverty
couldn't afford!
But I was a thief. WAS.
I stopped and took therapy classes, which helped me be a better person. Then, three years later,
I had a job. A very good one. I became a photographer. An incredible one.
Then I met you. I fell in love. We had our fun dates and our romance was strong and firm.
That's why I couldn't believe YOU told everyone about me! Why? Why me?
Am I a bad person? You... YOU! I fell in love with you and told you all my secrets! But what
happened? You lied. You broke your promise.

Forever and always

She used to braid my hair anyway I want.

"What do you want, sweetie? French? Fishtail? Waterfall?"
"Fishtail, mommy. Please?"
She would teach me how to bake anything and everything from red velvet cupcakes to blueberry
cheesecake to chocolate chip cookies and even raspberry pies.
She used to watch princess movies with me. She'd be my fairy godmother and I'd be Cinderella.
I'd play Snow White and she'd play the Evil Stepmother.
But she's not evil. She's a very nice woman. She would always be present in all my games and
the events I was invited to participate in. I watched her as she'd watch me.
She'd be taking pictures of us. I'd draw things for her. Although it was all epic, she'd tell me,
"You're going to be an artist someday."
Will I? I believe I might because my mother tells me everyday and everyday she'd cook me
breakfast and everyday she'd ask me how my day was. I would respond, "Everything is perfect
because you're here with me."
But now she's not with me. She's old. She's aged. I'm staring at her graveyard. My mother, the
woman who was with me, the woman who has seen me in tears, the woman who raised me
without a father because he left us for a model, the woman who fought for me, the woman who
told me never to mourn about men who don't want me, died. I'm left with no one to watch out for
me. I'm left with a career - I'm an artist. And I'm left with a daughter in my womb. I plan to name
her after my mother.
One day, I will tell my princess about a queen who was both beautiful and talented. She's smart.
Have a forgot to mention that she's a lawyer? She's also a singer - MY singer - which is why I
love to sing.
She's a dancer, a straight-A student, a friend to everyone and a cheerleader to her only daughter,
the only person she called her own. And that person is me.
I miss my mom but I'll always have her. She passed away a week ago and I'm still trying to find a
way to move on because I know that's what my mother would want me to do.
I'm going to be a mom and I'm going to do everything my mother used to do for me. Mom, thank
you for all the sacrifices you did to take care of me. I miss you. I'll always love you. Forever and
Lance Montiano
Is it worth it

Is it worth it? Is it? Is it really worth it?

Yes, it is because I spent years yearning for the love of a man I prayed would stay by my side
until the very end. He's a man I can call my own, someone I can love, someone I can count on.
At first, I considered him a friend but now I see him as something more than that. He's... he's a
good guy. He's the best. And I'm very thankful because I was able to meet him.
He's tall, he's smart, he's funny and he's humble. Although he's not interested in getting a
girlfriend, that's fine. But I spent more than five years waiting for a man like him. It's him. It has
always been him. So is it worth it? Yes, it's worth it.
It's worth it because I get to see him everyday, knowing that he's single and but isn't that
available, considering he's too school-minded to have the urge to court a girl.
I tried making my presence felt by simply writing him a letter. "Dear Jack..." And when he
finished reading the letter, he didn't throw it away. Instead, he accepted it and thought... well...
he thought it was sweet. But he only saw me as a friend...
I will wait for him. I will do that. I will wait for the day when I get to tell him what I really feel
about him. My heart only beats for one guy. Yes, I've had a couple of heartaches but no matter
how many men I've encountered who I shed tears for I could say that Jack has always been on
my mind.
So is love worth it? Yes, it's worth it. I love being in love. It's the best feeling in the world.
I'm mostly in love with a guy who's kindness is true and his words are wise. You don't see that in
a man, which is why I will push myself to wait for him. If it's for someone you know you have a
chance with - just a teenie tiny chance with - then love is definitely worth the wait.

Penoy, Balot. . .Penoy, Balot.

Yes Penoy, Balot has been my means of livelihood.

I am Martin. Please listen to my story. Like you we may be both victims of circumstances. I was
born out a wedlock to a young colegiala who swayed off her feet when she became madly in love
with a young man of the flickerville.

Bastard, bastard, that's hoe they called me. Society condemned me for a crime not of my own
making but just a mistake by destiny. I have never felt what a father's love was and worst of
them too much misery drove my mother out of her sanity. I was oftentimes beaten mercilessly for
every little misdeed.
One evening I got home late. Right at the door mother was there with her long stick. Without a
word she hit me mercilessly.

"Please, mother, stop it. I beg you." I was alt\ready bleeding until I could no longer take it. Before
I knew it, I felt blood oozing on my forehead. Crimson Blood!

"Mother, why do you do this to me."

But that didn't stop her. She got the bolo and was about to strike me that I ran as fast as I could
to save my life. All i know was a speeding car went between us. . .SHHHHH

When I turned my back I saw Inay lay helplessly.

"Inay", all I could say. I ran back to embrace the lifeless body of Inay.

"Good lord! Why did you permit this- You are my mother. Inay, I love you inspite of what has
Rhain Mandia


Bread. Bread. . .spare me a piece of bread. Believe me, I don't want to society but fate dooms me
to this deplorable situation.

We used to be a happy family. Dad was a good provider until that pitiful day in May. All I could
remember was Mom crying over the sad news of Dad's untimely death. He died in an airplane
crush and his remains was nowhere to be found.

Mom gallantly took her responsibility as our guide and provider. Benjo, Mom and I made up the
happy family we were once.

A day before New Year, we took the LRT to evade the heavy traffic. I was in pink dress, matched
with a pink ribbon. As I mused with towering edifice on our way to lola, a great Commotion
ensued. Mom embraced me tightly to shield me from apparent danger. Everything went fast.

"Roy, take care," she said and finally loosened her hold on me. Her look was gloomy and slowly
she closed her eyes as she gave forth her last.

"Mom." I cried out loud as I struggled to get out from the broken seat. As I looked at the crowd, I
saw everything in disorder; people in commotion and crimson blood oozed from my Mom's
"Mom," I cried bitterly embracing her lifeless body. Everything went dark, darker until I found
myself in a hospital. Worst, Benjo was nowhere to be found.

What awaits a small, incapable girl like me. Nothing but a the bare truth of misfortune-darker
than the hundred nights. . . uncertain than a thousand blank reality.

Bread, bread. . . give me a piece of bread.

James Madrino

Agony isn't just a word. It's not just a noun. It's not just something you check in the dictionary
or something you hear about.

It involves pain.
It's suffering.
It leaves you drain.
It's hurting.
It's agony. Agony. AGONY!

Agony kills. Agony surrenders. Agony haunts. Agony. Agony. AGONY!

It demotivates you. It's a feeling. It's a weakness. It's a drug that controls you. It lives in your
dreams. It scares you and yells at you and makes you wonder, "Do I deserve this life?"

It answers, "No. You don't. You're weak and helpless and lonely and embarrassing."

It insults you and harasses you.

It makes you vomit.
It makes you sick.
Agony. Agony. AGONY!

It comes and goes.

It pretends to be your friend then betrays you from behind.
It smiles at you then rolls its eyes.
It's agony. It's an agony. It's THE agony. IT'S AGONY!

So agony, go away! Just go! Your presence weakens me but I want to be strong.

I want to be brave.
I don't want to kneel anymore.
I want to breathe.
I want to live.
I do not want to be in agony. I can't. I will not. I will never.
Charice Marang
(You're never going to understand)

You're never going to understand. I mean, why would you understand? I'm the one who instantly
replies to your messages even if I'm tired. I'm the one who says, "I love you", "good bye", "I miss
you" and "I want to see you" all the time.
All the time!
I'm not asking for much. But you see, you don't understand. I am here and I want to be noticed.
I am here but it is I who you can't see, who you can't make eye contact, who you can't be honest
with and who you can't say I love you to. It's sad to hear that you take time to like other people's
posts but not mine. It's sad to hear that you're always busy but I asked around. That's how I
knew you were lying!
I'm not desperate but why can't you notice me? I'm very keen. I'm sharp. I spot things quicker
than expected and I can tell you're not interested in me at all.
Well, why should you be? Look at me! I'm not appealing. I don't have the charms. I'm more of an
introvert than an extrovert. I don't like parties. I like being at home and watching movies.
So you basically think I'm boring. Is... is that it? Is that why you don't care about me? Is that
why you won't answer my phone calls? Is that why you're too busy for me?
You don't understand and you're never going to understand how awfully frustrating it is to be in
my shoes. I only want your attention. Even just half of it. But, as far as I am concerned, I am not
that interesting to you.
So why are you still here? Why do you suddenly disappear and out of the blue reappear in front
of me, in front of my face, in front of my boring, ugly face, acting like nothing happened?
Gosh. I've never felt this way about anyone before. You said you care about me but you don't.
Who cuts someone off when you know that I needed you to listen? Who gets mad quickly at
every little thing I do? And it seems that every little thing I do is wrong and pathetic and useless.
It is pointless to matter since you don't care at all.
You don't want me. You don't need me. But when you want to talk to me, I still manage to reply.
I still manage to listen. You, on the other hand, you're different.
There's no equalization here. I'm always there for you. I support your decisions. I didn't whine
but now I am whining and I have every right to complain.
I feel as though you've used me and to think that you promised to love me. But now? Ha! I doubt
You're never going to understand because you don't want to understand. You don't care, nor will
you ever care.
Do you hear me?
You're never going to understand!

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