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A Thesis paper presented to the

Faculty Members of the Senior High School Department

Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc.



Baquillos, John Michael C.

Taguiam, Gabriel A.

Rodelas, Renz Dave M.

Borinaga, Luigi

Domingo, John Edward

October 2023



This chapter introduces the study to be conducted by the researchers entitled ''The

correlation between the budget allocation and savings of Senior High School Maritime

students at DYCI.


With the higher education scene always changing, students' financial security has grown

to be a major worry. In particular, maritime education necessitates extensive financial

commitment and demanding training. Students who aspire to work in the maritime

industry frequently have to make difficult financial decisions. Their budget allocation

and, more crucially, the effect these decisions have on their capacity to save for the

future are critical components of their financial journey. The purpose of this study is to

investigate the relationship between savings and budgeting among students studying

maritime. Not only is it academically fascinating to comprehend the financial decisions

and habits of this particular group of students, but it also has real-world repercussions

for their financial security. We hope to offer important insights into the financial

literacy, decision-making, and, ultimately, financial stability of maritime students by

examining how they manage their financial resources and if their budget allocation

techniques impact their savings. The marine sector is well-known for its distinct

financial difficulties, which include long periods of time spent away from home, the

expense of specialized education and training, and variable job prospects. The financial

decisions made by marine students are especially important because of these variables.

In addition to providing insight into each participant's unique financial circumstances,

this research will advance the discussion on financial literacy and resolve the results of

this study may aid financial counselors, legislators, and maritime institutions in better

customizing their advice and services to the unique requirements of maritime students.

We can enable these students to make better financial decisions and, in the end, provide

a more promising financial future when they embark on their careers in the marine

industry by investigating the connection between savings and budget allocation. for

students pursuing specialized careers.

Background of the Study

A background study on the correlation between budget allocation and savings of

maritime students involves exploring the factors that influence how maritime students

manage their finances and save money. Here's a brief background study:

Introduction: Maritime education and training programs are often resource-intensive,

requiring students to allocate their budgets wisely. Understanding the correlation

between budget allocation and savings among maritime students is crucial for financial

planning and student success. This study aims to investigate this correlation and shed

light on the financial behaviors of maritime students.


Factors Affecting Budget Allocation:

Tuition and Fees: Maritime education often comes with substantial tuition and fees,

which can consume a significant portion of a student's budget.

Living Expenses: Accommodation, food, transportation, and other daily expenses can

vary depending on a student's location, affecting budget allocation.

Educational Materials: Maritime students may need specialized equipment and books,

adding to their expenses.

Extra Curricular Activities: Participation in maritime-related activities or clubs may

require additional funds.

Income Source: Students may have income sources like part-time jobs, scholarships, or

financial support from family, affecting their ability to save.

Financial Behavior: is a degree to which a person or family can plan to make money

and manage their financial resources.

Financial Goals: Individual goals and priorities may motivate students to save or


Research Methodology: This study will employ surveys and interviews to collect data

from maritime students. It will investigate how students allocate their budgets and the

factors influencing their saving behaviors. Data will be analyzed to determine if there is

a statistically significant correlation between budget allocation and savings.

Significance of the Study: Understanding the relationship between budget allocation

and savings of maritime students can have practical implications for both students and

institutions. It can inform financial planning, promote responsible financial behavior,

and help students achieve their educational and career goals.

Conclusion: This background study provides an overview of the correlation between

budget allocation and savings among maritime students. The subsequent research will

delve deeper into the subject, offering valuable insights into the financial behaviors of

this student demographic


The impact that maritime learning activities have on students' competency

development. Rusman Rusman, Dinn Wahyudin, and Ishak Abdulhak have all put forth

this view. This study is a pioneering attempt to examine the effects of curriculum

development, government support, and educational and training maritime learning

activities at two levels: first, directly through involvement of school administration and

business actors; second, indirectly through students' participation. proficiency. A

nautical curriculum in schools helps pupils develop their understanding, awareness, and

enjoyment of the ocean.


Figure 1: The conceptual Framework

The researchers aim to know how they use their daily allotment and whether

senior high school maritime students have any money saved up on a weekly basis. This

study will investigate the topic and determine whether the senior high school maritime

students attending Dr Yanga's College Incorporated are able to save any money from

their weekly allowances on a daily basis.



This research aims to determine the correlation between the budget allocation and

savings of Senior High school Maritime students at Dr Yanga's Colleges inc.

1.if there's a correlation between the savings and budget allocation of SHS maritime

students at DYCI.

2. How much is your daily allowance? much is the budget allocation of Senior High School maritime students in terms


A. School supplies B. food C. fare/transportation D. savings


Null Hypothesis- There is no significant correlation between the budget allocation and

savings of the Senior High School maritime students at DYCI.

Alternative Hypothesis- There's a significant correlation between the budget allocation

and savings of Senior High School Maritime students at DYCI.


This study covers the correlation between the budget allocation and the savings of

Senior High school Maritime students of Dr. Yanga's Colleges inc.This budget

allocation is focus on everyday expenses of a Senior High School Maritime students

when they are on the school just like the fare they spend going to school and their food

expenses .the researchers will make a survey and distribute it to each of the senior high

school maritime students to collect data and information from the participants that were

subjected on our research.


This study could have benefits and impact on the following:

Students because here they will know what they have spent and how much they are

spending here and they will know their expenses . And this study will also be beneficial

to the Parents who give allowance to their children,they will know what their children's

expenses are and they will be able to budget the allowance they should give to their



Budget Allocation -its describes how much money is spent on each line item .

- a blueprint of how much you can spend on a program,event,person or product

within an organization.

Savings -this is the amount of money that is not used for ongoing is funds

designated for future utilization rather than being spent right away.

- the students monetary allowance.


Financial Literacy-Knowledge of budgeting and saving can influence a student's

financial behaviors.

- the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including

personal financial management, budgeting, and investing .

Peer Influence-The spending habits of peers can affect how students manage their


- is when you choose to do something you wouldn’t otherwise do, because you

want to feel accepted and value by your friends

Maritime students a course that emphasizes literature, science, history,and policy

concerns related to the ocean.


● According to Karen Dominique B Brillantes (2019) in order to ascertain the level of

SHS program implementation and to pinpoint best practices, problems, and

opportunities for improvement, this study conducts a process review. It examines three

main areas: program organization, service delivery and utilization, and program theory.

A random selection of 25 schools was made based on factors such as size, available

tracks, and area categorization in order to collect a broader range of school context and

experiences pertaining to the SHS program's implementation. In the selected schools,

focus groups (FGDs) and key informant interviews (KIIs) with program implementers

and beneficiaries were held. Senior DepEd officials and policy leaders from the past

and present were also interviewed. This study is concentrating on budget allocation in

maritime for the grade 11 and grade 12 students at Dr Yanga's Colleges inc

● The implementation of Senior High School program in the Philippine educational

system requires the national government to provide funding to public high schools to

address students’ different needs because of different demands required by the different

academic tracks offered such as General Academic Strand (GAS), Humanities

andSocial Sciences (HUMSS), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

(STEM), and Accountancy and Business Management (ABM). However, there are no

standardized budget allocation guidelines being followed by the implementing public

high schools. The lack of a defined and standardized budget allocation process poses a

threat on mismanagement of the available budget. Through the defined factors and

quantifying the prioritization of the different learning outcomes of the academic

programs into priority weights, this paper intends to develop a budget allocation model

using Goal Programming. The budget allocation model was developed using the data of

different public schools in Cavite. The results showed an improvement on the

achievement of priority weights by an average of 24.76%. The budget allocation model

was also translated into a system to allow the public schools to generate the satisficing

results on any given year and interpret results with the aid of analytics on the

formulated budget. Estember, Rene D., and Chrystalline Gale Y. Calvez. "Budget

Allocation Model for Public Senior High School Academic Programs."


● Measuring the advances performed in the 2030 Agenda and the contribution of public

policies remains a key issue. Budgets are acknowledged as one of the most powerful

tools made available to administrations to push forward this contribution, and so several

initiatives have risen to align budget items and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)

performance at all levels. The aim of this paper is to go beyond simple alignment and

statistically analyze the interlinkages between budget and SDG achievement data. We

have used the Spanish local administrations budget, together with indicators used to

measure the 2030 Agenda goals at the same level, and computed a correlation test in

order to find where budget allocation has an impact. We have then looked further into

the relevant impacts to split them into direct and indirect. The research found ca. 25%

of the budget items with relevant statistical links to the SDGs, with the SDGs 11 and 15

being the least impacted and SDGs 1, 4, 7, 8 and 16 the most connected ones. This

research aims to set the bases of an evidence-based decision-support tool for a more

efficient and sustainable policy design. Etzion, D. Management for sustainability. Nat.

Sustain. 2018, 1, 744–749. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Casingal C. Ancho I. (2022)

The collected data analyzed the financial understanding of the public-school teachers.

● It particularly revolved around the financial literacy status of public-school teachers.

There are two major concerns that public school teachers face about their current

financial status and challenges First, they are not satisfied with their current financial

income and most of them are struggling financially. They are looking forward to a

higher salary increase. Second, there is too much on their plate with regards to their

financial responsibilities and this basically implies that there are many expenses. Most

of the teachers are heads or breadwinners of the family and a huge challenge exists

especially on the allocation of budget. This study is concentrating on budget allocation.

● This paper presents a novel unified framework for marketing budget allocation,

leveraging abundant data to overcome challenges in online business. The approach uses

a semi-black-box model to forecast market response and an efficient optimization

method to solve the complex allocation task. The response model reveals the

relationship between sales and marketing cost. Budget allocation is formulated as an

optimization problem, and efficient algorithms are designed to solve it in both

continuous and discrete settings. The framework is easy to implement and readily

handles large-scale problems, and has been successfully applied to many scenarios in

Alibaba Group. The study also proposes an analytical model for budget allocation in

risk prevention and protection, consisting of three modules for mitigating project risks.

The paper examines the trade-off between project budgets and critical risks, focusing on

the need for project managers to balance cash flows and risks. Using a risk-based

project value (RPV) metric, the authors find an optimal solution that maximizes

expected project value. The study suggests an integrated process for budget

optimization and risk management. Xin Guan, Tom Servanckx, Mario Vanhoucke

Computer and Industrial Engineering 161,107657, 2021.


All literature review has their main topic is The correlation between budget allocation

and savings of maritime students at DYCI in order to ensure that the conversation or

relationship here is good, a sufficient budget is needed to continue their studies, each

student needs to have savings if there is any immediate payment, the amount each

student must pay to Dr. Yanga's Colleges inc. can be deducted from the savings. This is

necessary because not everyone who studies in this school has enough budget to

continue their studies, If there is not enough budget the student cannot finish his




In this chapter , We are going to present our research design , our respondents or

participants and the locale of our study , the instrument that we will use on our data

collection and the ethical considerations

Research Design

This study used correlation as research design to examine the relationship between

budget allocation and savings. The data will show how the two variables are related

using survey-questionnaire as an instrument.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Dr. Yanga’s colleges inc. , we chose this school

because the school of Dr. Yanga’s colleges inc. is one of the schools in bulacan that has

a maritime strand.

Research Respondents

The respondents of our study are the senior high school students of Dr. Yanga’s

Colleges who enrolled at the strand of maritime , these are our chosen participants

because they are in line with our study. And we chose to use the quota sampling.

Research Instrument

1. How much is your weekly allowance as a student?

2. How much do you aim to save weekly?

3. What are your primary weekly expenses as a student?

Data Gathering Procedure

Figure 2: The Data Gathering Procedure


Statistical Treatment: Pearson-r

In this study we will use Pearson-r as our statistical treatment for our research to

analyze the data that we collected from the SHS Maritime students of DR. Yanga's

Colleges Inc. , and this measure will help to define the relationship of savings and

budget allocation to our respondents.

Ethical Consideration

Respect - In the context of allocating maritime budgets ethically, respect entails

recognizing and valuing the diverse perspectives of stakeholders.

Consent - Obtaining informed consent is crucial in maritime budget allocation. This

means transparently communicating budgetary choices and their potential impacts to all

relevant parties .

Confidentiality - Maintaining confidentiality is vital when handling sensitive financial

information in the maritime sector. Protecting the privacy of individuals and

organizations involved in budget discussions is essential for building trust.



Galvez, Chrystalline gale y. (2019, March 5). Budget allocation model for public senior

high school academic programs.

Financial Literacy Status of Public-School Teachers: The Case of the Philippines, Cyrus

Casingal, Inero Ancho

Casingal C., Ancho I. (2022).

Financial Literacy Status of Public-School

Teachers: The Case of the Philippines,

Journal of Management, Economics, and

Industrial Organization, 6(1), 63-80.

Status of Senior High School Implementation: A Process EvaluationKaren Dominique

B. Brillantes, Aniceto C. Orbeta Jr.,Kris A. Francisco-Abrigo, Erlinda M. Capones,and

Justine Beatrice B. Jovellanos.

Brillantes, K. D. B. (2019). Status of senior high school implementation: A process


Sisto, R., López, J., Quintanilla, A., De Juanes, L., Mendoza, D., Lumbreras, J., &

Mataix, C. (2020, December 17). Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Public Policies

on the Sustainable Development Goals through Budget Allocation and Indicators.




Content of this chapter may differ depending on the Research Design.

Formatting for tables should be the same as the example below.

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents according to Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 25 50%

Female 25 50%

n=50 100%



Summary of Findings




This part should be alphabetically arranged and should follow the APA format

7th edition.

Last Name, A.B. & Last name, C.D. (2023). This is how you cite your sources. APA


Last Name, A.B. (2023). Research Format. SAGE Publication.

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