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Friday 27th January

Should we have zoos?


We should still have zoos because I still think some people will still enjoy just watching the
animals. Even though there might still be arguments it is still important because over half of
the extinct animals lived longer in zoos. But if we wish to keep any real measure of
biodiversity we may lean on zoos.

We should not have zoos why because if we were to let a tiger for example (the largest cat)
go without a clue what to do it would be up for grabs by poachers. Humans should not have
the right to confine such majestic creatures like flamingos. Plus they can force a creature like
a tiger to breed with a different gender they do not no.


Zoos have a type of breeding programme which helps endangered

Species like pandas, tigers and eagles. You can see exotic animals without the need of
travelling and raises awareness on environmental problems.


The first reason why zoos should be banned because is that zoos do not offer sufficient spaces
for large animals like elephants. Unless you give it a reasonable amount of space and food
they can take care of themselves.


Friday 27th January

Should we have zoos?


. Zoos are made to resemble their natural habitat

. Zoos encourage some animals to breed

. Some animals live longer in zoos

. Zoos take endangered animals to let them to breed

. Zoos educate everyone about the animals that live there

. Zoos are protective over endangered animals


. Animals are taken from their homes

. Many zoos fail to take care of some animals

. Some animals are forced to do tricks

. The animal may not have enough room

. They are forced into cages which will feel unnatural

. Animals may not be given suitable living conditions


Friday 27th January

Should we have zoos?


Zoos shouldn't be banned because we need to keep fatal animals like tigers, gorillas and lions
in a cage because if we don't, they could go rouge and go on a rampage. If we don't have
zoos, people who work for them won't get paid and eventually become homeless. Animals
like tigers could breed more in zoos since they are extremely close to extinction, even the
same for kakapos, there are only 252 left In the world and there population in actually
increasing because of where they are (zoos).


Zoos should be banned because animals aren't supposed to be kept in captivity, they shouldn't
be captured and be Locked in a cage but instead be free into the wild where they belong,
animals like tigers can get distressed from being away from there natural habitat, some
animals can even die from being stressed which isn't increasing the animal population but
actually could be decreasing it.


Friday 27th January 2023

Should we have Zoos?

 Some would believe that zoos protect endangered animals from becoming more

 Zoos should not be banned because they educate people about animals while seeing
them in real life rather than on television.

 Zoos are apart of Animal Conservations as they help animals.

 Zoos encourage animals to breed as they provide food and zoos also help them live

 They are a good way of educating people about environmental issues.


 After staying in the wild, a animal can not be able to stay in its natural habitat
because it does not know how to fend for itself.

 Zoos should be banned as the provide a lack of space for animals.

 Zoos can cause depression for animals and cause stress for them.

 Zoos sometimes use there animals for shows and train them for the purpose of
entertainment and no choice.

 Zoos can make animals vulnerable to poachers as animals will lose there natural fear
of humans.


Friday 27th January

Should we have zoos?


- Zoos can help endangered animals like tigers

- Some animals live longer in zoos

- It will help animals from being poached

- zoos help animals from habitat loss and being killed

-Zoos help animals who are almost extinct


- After staying in zoos they would not be able to stay in there habitat because they don't know
how to hunt because they were in zoos for a long time and they were in cages do nothing.

-Zoos should be banned because there is not that much space in the world and there are
eight-billion people in the world

- THERES are lack of space in zoos.

- Zoos are not keeping the public update about the animals

- Sometimes zoos can't help animals with there physical health

- Not breeding as much as suppose to in zoos

-Not having much space


Friday 27th January



- they can protect injured animals

- they can protect endangered species

- they can be used for education trips

- protecting animal from getting extinct

- found research about animals

- some zoo keepers relay on there wage from the zoo

- some animals are put in zoo so they can breed and increased the numbers of that animal

The main points of a zoo is for research, education and recreation. breeding animals in
captivity so they don't become extinct. Zoos also work out in the wild conserving animals in
their natural habitats.


- the animals lose there natural instincts

- zoos can teach the baby animals the wrong lessons

- zoos don't replicate animals' natural habitat

- Monkeys can live up to 40 years in the wild, but in zoos they live 25-30 years in zoo

- between 2,800 and 4,000 animals have passed away in zoos

- lack of space I zoos

- don't have freedom

Animals are slowly haunting us and are taking over our habitat

- some animals like Wales are used to having all the sea to swim in but in zoos the only have
a minimum amount of space

- it has Been shown that polar bear suffer the most in zoos


Friday 27th January

Should we have zoos?


Zoos provide animals with food and a habitat that resembles their natural habitat. It
encourages them to breed due to the amount of food they have.

Also, most zoos have educational programmes that teach children how to identify them.
Zoos help fight extinction and they protect animals from leaving the Earth forever.
Zoos preserve biodiversity (genetic and species) that might be threatened or at times
even 'extinct in the wild'.

Even when animals are never introduced to the wild, putting them under human care
can help them live longer lives then their wild counterparts.


Animals suffer in captivity due to the fact that they are away for their family, alone with
no company and treated with no care. All the cages in the world can't stop an animal
from going extinct because we need to take care of it, not store it in a zoo.

Keeping them in zoos doesn't help because even if they are healthy, they still die because
of depression. This is because they are forced to do gruesome tricks to impress the
public, but it isn't good for the animals mental wellbeing. Carnivores like polar bears,
lions, cheetahs didn't cope well with captivity because they were too used to the wild
and hunting for itself. In the zoo, the food was given to them, no hard work required.
According to researchers, the more time an animal spent in the wild, the worse it fares
in captivity. When animals are never introduced to the wild, they don't survive due to
the fact that they have never been in the wild and are soft compared to the others.

The animals in zoos suffer, they get depressed, psychologically disturbed, frustrated,
they fight and go hungry.


Friday 27 January
Should we have zoos?


- they can protect endangered animals

- protecting animal from getting extinct

- it can teach other kids about animals

- they can live more

Zoos have helped remove animals from the endangered species list and have saved many
from extinction.

Why zoos are bad for animals:

Animals are removed from their natural habitats.

Zoos teach children the wrong lessons

Animals Are Trained to Perform Tricks

All the Cages in the World Won't Stop Animals From Going Extinct

Between 3,000 and 5,000 healthy animals are killed across

European zoos Animals suffer in zoos


Friday 27th January

Should zoos be banned?


- Animals need to cope with the wild environment

- Zoos do not actually educate people as much

- Animals are usually depressed in zoos

- Zoos do not do good jobs to encourage animals to breed

- Certain animals (tigers) will die after released to the wild because of zoos
Zoos should be banned since animals cannot rely on zoos to escape starvation, habitat loss
and predators. Instead, animals should be in the wild, where they can cope with
their suitable environment. Also, zoos do not actually educate people that much, and the
human interaction is causing them to be depressed, making it difficult to breed. Lastly, when
certain animals (like tigers) were released into the wild, they quickly die due to its loss of
survival instinct.


- Safe from poachers

- Very slowly populating endangered species

- 80% mammals live longer in zoos

- Zoos entertain people and let people see animals before they are gone

- Helps with researching

Zoos should not be banned since animals needed a place safe from poachers. Zoos also,
although very slowly, help recover population decrease of certain animals. Simultaneously,
80% of mammals live longer in zoos, and zoos also let people see exquisite animals that may
be gone forever. And finally, zoos help researchers find ways to help the animals. All
reasons explained why zoos should not be banned.


Friday 27th January 2023

I think most of the zoo keepers had look after the animals.

Most of the animals are live in the cage.

They eat some healthy food.

Some of are having a cub with baby cub on it with some percent.

Most of the animals are teaching the cubs that how to be a real hunters.

Most of the animals were always be on there side together.

Some of the zoo keepers were taking care of animals.

Some them were team work.

And were Abel to look after there things in rountie of there animals.


Friday 27 January

Should Zoos be banned?


 Confinement in zoos is mentally damaging animals.

 Some animals (such as the orca) live shorter lives in captivity.
 Many animals die if they are left in the wild because they do not know how to feed or
defend themselves.
 The animals are not treated fairly in zoos.
 Even though zoos extend an animal's life, they change the animal's behaviour.
 Many zoos are struggling financially, which means they can't take care of the
 Zoos may set an improper standard for future generations because children might
think that it is a good thing to keep animals in captivity.
 Zoos entertain humans at the expense of animals.
 Lack of control and regulations in zoos.
 Breeding programmes don't guarantee species survival.
 Captive offspring are often dependant on zoos

 Zoos are an educational source.

 Zoos help protect Earth's endangered species
 Zoo keepers are trained with specialized knowledge about the animals they look
 Zoos prevent the risk of extinction.
 Veterinary care is given in zoos.
 Zoos conduct valuable research.
 Zoos are economic resources for communities.
 Global cooperation is encouraged.


Friday 27th January 2023

Should we have zoos?

We should have zoos:

- Zoos can help save endangered species by keeping them in a safe environment.

- Zoos keep animals away from poachers, habitat loss and predators.

- Zoos are helping to fight animal extinction.

- Zoos are educating the public.

We shouldn't have zoos:

- There is a lack of space in zoos.

- They don't have any freedom.

- Zoos should be banned because there is not enough space in this world for animals to be
living in.

- Most of the time, animals in zoos lead very unhappy lives. This is because they are taken to
small and limited spaces to live in.

- They are often forced to perform tricks or entertain visitors.

-Zookeepers also often may forget or will not care about their healthcare needs.

- As a result, many animals at zoos may die from stress or illness.

- Animals suffer permanent frustration because they have no freedom or choice for
themselves and cannot behave as they would do in their natural environment.


Friday 27th January

Should we have zoos?


- Some Tigers can die from being over dosed with gas/ being tranquilized / drugs.

- an Orca can live up to a 100 years old in the wild but when in captivity they live around 30
to 20 years old.

- The oldest Orca was around 105 years old.

- Female Orcas live up to 50 and 100 years old.

- The oldest Orca in captivity was around 100 years old.

Friday 27 January 2023



We should have zoos because they have been helping the animals

It helps little kids to learn new animals

Their really help full when comes to taking care of animals close to extinction!


Zoos are conducting valuable research.

Zoos entertain humans at the expense of animals

Holding animals in captivity has questionable ethics.


Zoos are miserable places for animals

They are kept in a cage

Animals are still taken from the wild.

Some animals live in the while longer than in zoos

There is more space in the wild than in a zoo.

Some animals for the ocean are used to the huge ocean

Between 2,800 and 4,000 animals have died in the zoos

Tigers and lions have around 18,000 times less space in zoos than they would in the wild.
Polar bears have one million times less space


Friday 27th January

Should we have zoos?

For: We should have zoos because the people who works there take care of the animals. We
should have zoos because people help them breed so their not endangered. We should have
zoos because zoo keepers are helping them from extinction. We should not ban zoos because
animals are in good care in zoos. We should not ban animals because children need to learn
more about these mysterious creatures. If there was no zoos animals would
be endangered from earth.

Against: We shouldn't have zoos because if animals are kept in zoos they might not know
how to take care of themselves if they get kicked out of the zoo. If animals are kept in zoos it
might be harmful because they might get kicked and don't know what to do because of being
kept in zoos. Zoos should be banned because animals might break out of there cage and kill
people. They might escape and cause a terrible disaster in the country. We shouldn't have
zoos because animals suffer in zoos.


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