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The Khilafat Movement

- Muslim fears about anti-Muslim British policy
- Demolition of the eastern part of a mosque in Kanpur despite repeated
requests by the Muslims to the British government
- British were supporting the Balken states against the Muslim Turkish Empire
- Fears about the breakup of Turkish Empire
- Indian Muslims supported the British in WW1 against Germany including
- Khalifa of Turkey was the spiritual head of Muslims
- As the WW1 ended in British favor, they began to punish Germanys allies by
various treated e.g., treaty of Sevres, Versailles
- Muslims were alarmed and organized the Khilafat Movement
- Main leaders; Muhammad Ali Jauhar, Shukat Ali Jauhar, Ghandi would soon
- First Khilafat Conference was held in January 1920
- Two more were held in 1921
- In January 1920, a delegation met the Viceroy to convince his about the fair
treatment of Turkey but there was no success
- In February 1920 another Khilafat deputation called on the Prime Minister
George to convince him for the justice of Turkey but again no success
- Ghandi started his ‘non-cooperation movement’ which greatly strengthened
the Khilafat Movement
- In August 1920 the Hijrat Movement began as India began to be considered as
a place under non-Muslim rule
- Around 18,000-20,000 Muslims migrated to Afghanistan in batches
- They were sent back because they had not informed or asked permission from
any Afghanistan official about their migration
- In consequence, many lost their lives in the long journey, and many lost their
wealth, jobs and house
- Ghandi joined in condition of keeping the movement non-violent but after the
Chaura Chauri incident where 22 policemen were burnt alive, he withdrew
from the movement
- Main Leaders were arrested after the third conference
- In 1924 the Khilafat was abolished by Kamal Ataturk who sent the last Khalifa
Sultan Muhammad into exile and himself became ruler of modern Turkey

The Khilafat Movement

Causes of Failure:
- Poor Leadership; leaders of the Khilafat movement were more concerned
about the fate of Turkey and Khilafat then helping them, Kamal Ataturk
abolished the Khilafat and thus they had no reason to continue the movement
- Failure of Hijrat movement; thousands of Muslims suffered miserably during
and after the migration
- Ghandis withdrawal; he joined the movement under the condition of keeping
the movement non-violent but after events such as Chauri Chaura incident he
withdrew at a critical time
- The Moplah uprising 1921; enthusiastic religious Muslims destroyed a local
police station and damaged the Hindu property; targeted both the Hindus
landlords and the British, this damaged the Hindu-Muslim unity greatly
Positive Effects:
- Muslims realized the importance of their political power
- The Hindu-Muslim unity proved possibility of self-rule in future as both joint
hands in non-cooperation movement
Negative Effects:
- Hindu-Muslim unity was short lived as there were essential differences
between the two communities
- Hijrat movement had drastic effects on the thousands of innocent Muslims
- British-Muslim relation was damaged
- The main objective in saving the Khilafat was not achieved
Q: What was the All-India Khilafat Conference? [4]
Q: What was the Khilafat Movement? [4]
Q: What was the Moplah uprising? [4]
Q: What was the Hijrat Movement? [4]
Q: Who was Sultan Muhammad? [4]
Q: What was the Chauri Chaura incident? [4]
Q: What was the non-cooperation movement? [4]
Q: Why was the Khilafat Movement founded? [7]
Q: Why did the Khilafat Movement fail by 1924? [7]

The Khilafat Movement

Q: The Khilafat Movement was founded mainly due to the deep-seated fears
among the Muslims about the anti-Muslim British policies. Explain why you might
agree or disagree? [14]
Q: The Khilafat Movement failed because Gandhi withdrew his support. Do you
agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
Q: The Khilafat Movement did not achieve any major objective. Do you agree? Give
reasons for your answer. [10/14]


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