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Name Class Date

Vocabulary 4 Look at the pictures and write the rules. Use must
or mustn’t and a verb.
1 Circle the correct words.
1 There are no clean plates. I must load / do the
2 Ivan has to empty / vacuum his bedroom floor.
3 I must tidy up / wash up my room. There are clothes 1 2
4 We have to go to the supermarket to do the
ironing / shopping.
5 Mobile phones are a great inventor / invention.
3 4

2 Match the words and the pictures. Use one word
from each list.
remote | MP3 | hair | coffee | games
dryer | machine | console | player | control
5 Match the rules in Exercise 4 with the places.
a swimming pool d exam
b forest e library
1 2
c school bus

6 Put the words in order to make sentences.
1 waste / shouldn’t / water / we
3 4

2 mustn’t / the / cross / road / you / here

3 her / Helen / room / up / has / tidy / to

4 every / face / I / must / wash / my / morning
5 computer / James / buy / a / new / should
3 Complete the description with the correct form 10

of have to and the verbs in the list.
not do | play | look after | work | not work TOTAL SCORE 50
I am working as an au pair in York. In my job,
I1 the children and I2
with them. I 3 from Monday to Friday,
but I 4 at the weekend.
I’m lucky because I 5 any housework.


Level 1 Unit 7 Extension Test PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2022

Name Class Date

1 Read the article. Match the parts of the sentences.
A group of young people were doing a class project at Harvard University when they thought about inventing
something to create cheap, clean electricity for poor children around the world.
There are many parts of the world where people live without electricity. Around 1.3 billion people haven’t got light
when it gets dark. Many of these people are in South Asian and African countries. In some parts of Africa, 70%
of people haven’t got electricity. They have to use oil or wood to make light, and this isn’t always cheap or easy.
Otherwise, everything has to stop when it gets dark. This is a problem because, for example, children can’t study,
read or write with no light.
The students at Harvard started thinking. They wanted to make something to help young children living in parts of the
world where people haven’t got electricity. They thought some more. What do children like doing? They had a great
idea – a football!
The students invented a special type of football that can make electricity. Inside the ball, they put a small machine.
While the ball is moving, the machine inside creates electricity and keeps it in a battery. People have to play with the
ball for 30 minutes. Then, it has enough electricity to power a lamp or torch for three hours.
The football is a great idea because children can carry it everywhere, and they can have a happy time playing.
In the future, there might be many other clever inventions like this to create electricity. And more and more young
inventors will find ways to solve the world’s problems

0 The students were doing the class project c a special football.

1 Many people in the world live b three hours.
2 In many places, people use oil or wood c at Harvard University.
3 Without light, d play with the football.
4 The students invented a e will solve the world’s problems.
5 To make electricity, people have to f without electricity.
6 The ball can power a lamp or torch for g children can’t study.
7 The writer thinks that more young inventors h to make light.

2 Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 7

0 The inventors of the electricity-making football were students. T
1 They wanted to help footballers.
2 In some parts of Africa, 70% of people haven’t got.electricity.
3 They use oil or wood to make electricity.
4 You must play with the ball for three hours.
5 The football gives electricity to power small things.
6 The children can take the ball with them when they leave the house.
7 The writer knows about different inventions which can make electricity.

Level 1 Skills Test 7 Basic PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2021

3 Listen to two people. Tick [P] the things they talk about.

0 going to the park P

1 feeling ill

2 losing a laptop

3 doing sports

4 using a phone as a camera

5 using a phone as a torch

6 taking photos with a phone

7 watching videos on a phone

8 going to sleep with a phone


4 Listen again and match the parts of the sentences. There is one extra part.

0 Mark doesn’t want to go to the a check messages.

park because c
b on a games console.
1 Instead of going to the park, he wants to
c his eyes hurt.
2 Mark doesn’t do much sport, but he likes
d he doesn’t have time.
to play
e uses phones too much.
3 He doesn’t do a lot of sport because
f watch films at home.
4 Mark takes his phone everywhere because
he likes to g watches his phone.
5 Before he goes to sleep, Mark h his phone makes a noise.
6 He wakes up because i go to the park.
7 Bea thinks that Mark j sleeps
8 She says that he should 8

Level 1 Skills Test 7 Basic PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2021

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