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Gracella Syalomita



What is scanning?
Scanning is a type of high-speed reading that you conduct while you are looking for a specific
piece of information. When you scan, you do so with a specific question in mind. You scan for
the relevant terms that will help you find the answer you need. You can improve your reading
speed by learning to scan a text instead of reading every word.
In this lesson, you will learn how to scan a wide variety of materials. Each activity should be
completed as rapidly as possible.

How do we scan?
▪ Know what you're looking for.
▪ Read each question completely before starting to scan. Choose your keywords from the
question itself.
▪ Look for only one keyword at a time. If you use multiple keywords, do multiple scans.
▪ Let your eyes float rapidly down the page until you find the word or phrase you want.
▪ When your eye catches one of your keywords, read the surrounding material carefully.

A. Scan the menu and answer the following questions. Do it quickly.

1. How many sandwiches are on the menu? Four
2. How much is the breakfast burrito? $3,95
3. How many different beverages are on the menu? six
4. How much is iced tea? $2,49
5. What is the most expensive thing on the menu? HAM or Turkey Sandwich
6. How many appetizers are on the menu? Four

B. Write three more questions about this menu. Then ask another student to scan the
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________

C. Talk with another student. Ask and answer these questions.

1. Did you find some new words on the menu? What are they?
2. Would you like to eat at that restaurant?
3. Do you like everything on the menu? If not, what don’t you like?
4. Which appetizers on the menu do you like most?
Here is the Table of Contents for the book Medical-Surgical Nursing. What can you learn from
this book?

A. Scan the table of contents and answer the questions. Do it quickly.

1. How many sections are there? Seven section
2. Which section is about Palliative Care? Section 1
3. Which section is about Heart Failure? Section 7
4. On what page does the unit about Ventilation begin? page 475
5. Which units are about nursing management? Perioperative care, problems related to
altered sensory input, ventilation, transport, perfusion
6. On what page does the unit about Perioperative care begin? Page 317

B. Write three more questions about the table of contents. Then ask another student to
scan the answers.
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
Read each question and underline the keywords. Then scan the following hospital ads to find
the correct questions. Do it quickly.

1. How many check-up packages

are advertised? 2 packages

2. Who is this package specifically

intended for? For young adult (25-34
YO) to monitoring services for their
active and dynamic lifestyle

3. What is the name of the

hospital? Health Serv

4. What is the price of basic

package? 7,500.00

5. What tests are included in

Pulmonary Function Test? CBC, ECG,
Physical exam

6.What benefits do the customers get

if taking the packages offered? Gets light breakfast and executive lounge

7. Where should customers

call if 7. they want to take the
package offered? Landline or mobile

You found a newspaper article on the internet. Read each question and then scan the article
on the next page to find the correct answers. Do it quickly.

1. Which continent has the most air pollution? Asia and Africa
2. Which countries, according to AQLI, have highly polluted air? Bangladesh, India,
Pakistan, China, Nigeria and Indonesia
3. By what percentage has air pollution decreased in China since 2013? More than 40 %
4. How many years has life expectancy decreased in all Southeast Asia’s countries now? 2-3
5. What is the name of hazardous airborne particle which triggers pollution? PM 2.5
6. In total, how many years saved if PM 2.5 were brought down to levels recommended by
the World Health Organization? 2,3 years
7. What causes pollution levels in central and western Africa to increase? Growing energy
8. What is the name of AQLI’s director? Christa Hasenkopf

Asia, Africa bear brunt of pollution PM2.5 in South Asia has risen by nearly 10
health burden: research percent since 2013, she said, cutting
average life expectancy in the region by
Reuters around five years. Growing energy
consumption in central and western Africa
Singapore ● Tue, August 29, 2023
was also turning particulate pollution into a
growing health threat on par with HIV/AIDS
Despite improvements in China, air and malaria.
pollution across the globe continues to pose Virtually all of Southeast Asia is also now
the greatest external risk to human health, considered to have "unsafe levels of
with countries in Asia and Africa suffering pollution", with average life expectancy cut
most of the impact, new research showed by 2-3 years. China’s average PM2.5
on Tuesday. Around three quarters of the concentrations stood at 29 micrograms per
adverse health effects of air pollution is cubic meter in 2022, but it still remains
concentrated in just six countries - significantly higher than the WHO
Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, China, Nigeria recommendation of 5 micrograms. While
and Indonesia, the University of Chicago's improvements in China have helped raise
Energy Policy Institute (EPIC) said in its average life expectancy by 2.2 years since
annual Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) report. If 2013, it could rise by another 2.5 years if
hazardous airborne particles known as the country were to meet the WHO
PM2.5 were brought down to levels standard. "We haven't turned the corner
recommended by the World Health on air pollution yet, though China's
Organization (WHO), average life example shows us that the issue is a
expectancy would rise by 2.3 years tractable one," Hasenkopf said.
worldwide, saving a combined 17.8 billion
life years, the report estimated.
While average world pollution levels have
fallen slightly over the past decade, almost
all the improvement has been driven by
China, where a 10-year "war on pollution"
has seen PM2.5 fall by more than 40
percent since 2013. "While China has had
remarkable success in its war against air
pollution, the trend in other parts of the
world is going in the opposite direction,"
said Christa Hasenkopf, AQLI's director.
An index is typically found at the back of a book. It alphabetically outlines all the subjects in the
book. An index can help you find information fast. The index on the following page is from the
Nursing book.

A. Now read the index on the next page to find the page numbers for the topic below. (If
many page numbers are listed, write down the first two or three page numbers and
then write “and many more”). Work fast!


1. Social and environmental support ________________________

2. Private Duty Nursing ________________________
3. Outpatient ________________________
4. Personal care in Metro health care ________________________
5. Transportation Services ________________________
6. Medical Equipment ________________________
7. Hearing Aids ________________________

B. Write three more topics from this index!




C. Ask other students to scan the index for the topics you wrote.

What is skimming?
Skimming is a type of fast reading that can help you save time and go through a lot of content
quickly. It differs from other types of fast reading, such as previewing and scanning. Skimming is
used to acquire an overall feel of a section or book rather than detailed details. When you skim,
you have a broad query regarding the entire book, such as "Will this passage be useful to me?"
or "What is this writer's opinion?" or "What is the writer's purpose?".

How do you skim?

▪ Read the subtitle and subheadings to find out what the text is about.
▪ Look at the illustrations to give you more information about the topic.
▪ Read the first and the last sentence of each paragraph.
▪ Read the first and the last paragraph of the text.
▪ Don’t read every word of every sentence. Let your eyes skim over the text and look out
for key words.
▪ Continue to think about the meaning of the text.

Skim the text below. Read it quickly. Do not use a dictionary. Then, answer the following

How did Kerry feel about the book?

Answer: He felt puzzled as to why the book was so popular, even though it was so boring. He
felt that the writer lacked something original, he could not establish himself as a character
in the character
Here is a review of a book titled Go Ask Alice. Read these questions and then skim the review
for the answers. Work as quickly as you can – no more than one minute for skimming.
Compare your answers with those of another student.
1. Is this book serious or funny? serious
2. Is it a good book to give to a fourteen-year-old girl? Why or why not? It's a good book to

give to 14-year-olds. Because there are many messages that can be taken in it,

especially children of that age are teenagers who can be said to be still unstable in

making life choices so that they can read books as a reference

Here is a review of a book
titled Ice Bound. Read these
questions and then skim the
review for the answers. Work
as quickly as you can – no
more than one minute for
skimming. Compare your
answers with those of another

1. Is this a good book for

someone interested in
geography and
adventure? Why or why

2. Why did Jerri Nielsen go

to a South Pole research
3. Would you like to read this book? Why or why not? Yes, because it really gives a message

ACTIVITY 3 student.

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