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The learners should be able to:
a. define setting as an element of a story
b. identify the setting of a story
c. explain why setting is important in a story

II. Subject Matter

 Title – Elements of a story
 Materials – Manila paper, pictures, chalkboard
 References – Grade 10 textbooks
 Values integration – Cooperation

III. Learning task ( Procedure)

1. Elicitation - The teacher will ask the last topic tackled.

2. Engagement - The teacher will divide the students into 3 groups. The
teacher will give each group different pictures. The students will
describe what’s the picture is.

GROUP 1 Group 2

3.Exploration – The teacher will going to read few questions about setting and let the
students answer it. The teacher will going to distribute a copy of activity to identify what is
setting as an element of a story.

4.Explanation – The teacher will discuss what is setting as an element of a story.

 Setting the place time weather condition social condition and

mood or atmosphere of a story.
- It tells the readers where place and when time weather
condition the story happen
- Setting allows the reader to picture the characters daily
life social condition the readers feelings mood or
atmosphere felt as they read the story are also part of the
5. Elaboration - The teacher will discuss what is setting as an element of a story and give
example. So that, the students can explain why setting is important in a story. The teacher
also give copy and task to the students about the story of “The aged Mother”

6. Evaluation – The teacher will give a multiple choice test to the students.

7. Extend – The will provide pictures to the students and ask the following questions.

1. Can you tell when each of this picture was taken?

2. Where do you think the were captured?
3. Can you tell what is going on?

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