Passive Voice Personal Impersonal Matura Exe Paraphrasing

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1. Police have reported that it was Peter who caused the accident.

a) It
b) Peter
2. Everybody thinks that she sings beautifully.
a) It
b) She
3. The children reported that their friends were swimming when they disappeared.
a) It
b) The children’s friends
4. People believed that they had killed the animals during the night.
a) It
b) They
5. Experts consider that drugs are very dangerous.
a) It
b) Drugs
6. People consider that the team will be classified for the final.
a) It
b) The team
7. Citizens presume that the government is responsible for the accident.
a) The government
b) It
8. The newspapers are reporting that the most outstanding athletes represent their
a) It
b) The most outstanding athletes
9. People think that money is the most important thing in life.
a. Money
b. It
10. Specialists say that the business was not good.
a. It
b. The business
11. Astronauts confirm that the rocket was broken.
a. It
b. The rocket
12. Some people believe that the prisoner has had second chances.
a. It
b. The prisoner
13. My boss expects that the job will be done soon.
a. It
b. The job
14. Many people generally think that women are not as strong as men.
a. It
b. Women
15. People say that Mr Ross is a millionaire.
a. It
b. Mr Ross
16. They suppose that the two prisoners escaped.
a. It
b. The two prisoners
17. Journalists reported that seven people had been injured in the fire.
a. Seven people
b. It
18. It’s claimed that he is living in Brazil.
a. He
19. People expect that the President will resign.
The President
20. Everybody knows that sugar is devastating for our bodies.
a. Sugar
21. People generally think that learning a foreign language will enhance your skills.
a. It
b. Learning a foreign language
22. People believe that small things such as watching less TV and reducing fast food in
your diet can help save the planet.
a. It
b. Small things such as watching less TV and reducing fast food in your diet
23. Most people know that consumption of ultra-processed food and bottled water has
brought both positive and negative effects.
a. It
b. Consumption of ultra-processed food and bottled water

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