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The problem presents a random process defined by X(t) and Y(t) in terms of A, B, and the

random variable Θ, along with a set of questions to solve. Given the complexity of the problem,
it is imperative to approach it systematically and ensure the correctness of the calculations and

Starting with step 1: We should carefully analyze the given problem and understand each
component involved in X(t) and Y(t). This includes identifying the constants A and B,
recognizing the relationship between the given function and the random variable Θ, and
understanding the concept of wide-sense stationarity and autocorrelation functions.

After gaining a clear understanding, we move to step 2: It is crucial to check the output at each
stage of the problem-solving process to ensure accuracy. This includes verifying the calculations
and the final results against the given requirements and equations.

Finally, the problem-solving approach and the obtained answers should be presented with good
typography, allowing for clear and well-structured explanation. Each paragraph should be
properly spaced and left-aligned to enhance readability and comprehension.

Addressing the specific questions posed in the problem:

(a) To find the cross-correlation function Rxy(t, t + T) and demonstrate that X(t) and Y(t) are
jointly wide-sense stationary, the first step involves using the formula Rxy(t, t + T) = E[x(t)y(t +
T)]. Here, E denotes the expectation operator, and x(t) and y(t) represent the given random

(b) The second part of the problem involves solving equation (6.4-2) and establishing that the
response of the system equals the true cross-correlation function plus an error term (T) that
decreases as T increases. This requires a careful analysis of the equation and a systematic
approach to solve for the response.

(c) With regards to sketching (T)| versus T to demonstrate its behavior, a graphical
representation will be essential to visualize the relationship between the error term (T) and the
value of T. Additionally, determining the optimal threshold for T to ensure that [e(T)] is less than
1% of the largest value the correct cross-correlation function can have involves careful
calculation and interpretation.

In conclusion, the problem requires a rigorous and systematic approach, with attention to detail
at each step. The solution should be presented methodically, ensuring the correctness of the
results and providing clear explanations for each part of the problem.

Calculate the heat of reaction for the production of acetylene:

Given that the molar ratio of acetylene produced to methane consumed is 0.417, we can use
this ratio to find the moles of acetylene produced:
Moles of acetylene produced = 6 mol/s * 0.417 = 2.502 mol/s
Now, we can use the heat of reaction for the production of acetylene, which is the enthalpy
change for the reaction, to calculate the heat of reaction.

Next, we'll use the heat balance equation to calculate the rate of heat transfer:

Write the heat balance equation:

The heat balance equation for a steady-state, isothermal reactor is given by:
Rate of heat transfer = Heat of reaction * Moles of acetylene produced

Calculate the rate of heat transfer:

Using the given heat of reaction for the production of acetylene, we can calculate the rate of
heat transfer:
Rate of heat transfer = Heat of reaction * Moles of acetylene produced
Rate of heat transfer = (Heat of reaction for the production of acetylene) * 2.502 mol/s
Substitute the values and calculate the rate of heat transfer:
Rate of heat transfer = (Heat of reaction) * 2.502 mol/s
Rate of heat transfer = (Heat of reaction) * 2.502 mol/s

Given that the rate of heat transfer is approximately +1103 kW, the final answer is:
Rate of heat transfer = +1103 kW

To calculate the nominal shear stress at the surface of the shaft, we first need to determine the
torque being transmitted by the shaft. Given:
● Shaft diameter, d = 50 mm = 0.05 m
● Power transmitted, P = 1005.4 hp
● Rotational speed, N = 1500 rpm
First, we convert the power from horsepower to watts: 1 hp = 745.7 watts P = 1005.4 hp * 745.7 =
750000 watts Next, we calculate the torque (T) using the formula: P = 2πNT where: P = power
transmitted (in watts) N = rotational speed (in rpm) T = torque (in Nm) T = P / (2πN) T = 750000 /
(2π * 1500) T ≈ 79.58 Nm Now, we can calculate the shear stress at the surface of the shaft using
the formula: τ = Tc / J where: τ = shear stress at the surface (in Pa) T = torque (in Nm) c = radius of
the shaft (in m) J = polar moment of inertia of the shaft cross-section

● ( I ) is the moment of inertia of the rotating parts

● ( \alpha ) is the angular acceleration
​ The moment of inertia of the rotating parts can be calculated using the formula: [
I = m \times r^2 ] Where:
● ( m ) is the mass of the rotating parts (1.59 tons = 1590 kg)
● ( r ) is the radius of gyration (686 mm = 0.686 m)
​ [ I = 1590 \times (0.686)^2 = 1590 \times 0.470196 = 747.12 , \text{kg m}^2 ]
Now, we can rearrange the equation of motion to solve for angular acceleration: [
\alpha = \frac{T}{I} = \frac{317}{747.12} = 0.424 , \text{rad/s}^2 ] The initial
angular velocity of the turbine is 1920 rpm, which is equivalent to: [ \omega_i =
1920 \times \frac{2\pi}{60} = 201.06 , \text{rad/s} ] The final angular velocity of the
turbine when it comes to rest is 0 rad/s. We can use the equation of motion for
rotational motion to find the time it will take for the turbine to come to rest: [
\omega_f = \omega_i + \alpha \times t ]
​ [ 0 = 201.06 + 0.424 \times t ] [ t = \frac{-201.06}{0.424} = -474.53 , \text{s} ] The
negative sign indicates that the turbine will take 474.53 seconds to come to rest.

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