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Process Description

Each box of Pizzatellaria is made through an amazing production process combining baking

method and ingredients. Below is a thorough pizzatellaria baking method.

The following are the ingredients needed for making 15-17 pizzas, but since there are only three

oven layers available, the measurements below are for three pizzas.

 All purpose flour 6 cups (3 dough)

 Baking powder

 Cornmeal

 Water 2 ½ cup

 Yeast 2 ¼ tsp

 Olive oil

 Banana 2 pieces

 Strawberry 3 pieces

 Nutella

 Graham powder

 Powdered sugar

Preparation Time: 1 - 2 hours

Cooking Time: 15 - 20 minutes


1 Put a 1 cup of all purpose flour into a bowl

with 1 tbs of baking powder, cornmeal and a

pinch of salt and mix them all together

2 After mixing, get another bowl for the

mixture of water and yeast after mixing add

to the mixture of the all-purpose flour little

by little while mixing the flour for 8 – 10

minutes until you reach the dough texture.

Knead the dough for 5 minutes until the

dough become smooth and elastic

3 After that apply and rub a little bit of olive

oil in the bowl, this is to prevent the dough

for sticking in to the bowl and let the dough

rest for an hour or two until the dough

double its size.

4 While the dough is resting cut all the

ingredients such as fruit that will be needed

for the toppings

5 After resting the dough cut it into a size that

will be needed for a one dough of pizza and

form a circle from it using a rolling pin and

size. Roll out the pizza dough on a floured

surface to your desired shape and thickness.

6 Put the dough in a flat sheet and pre-heat the

oven to 450°F for 2 minutes.

7 Bake the pizza for about 5-7 minutes.

Remove the pizza from the oven and spread

the Nutella over the partially cooked crust,

leaving a 1-inch border around the edges.

8 Return the pizza to the oven and bake for an

additional 5-7 minutes or until the crust is

golden brown and the Nutella is melted.

9 Remove from the oven and arrange the

sliced banana and strawberry and sprinkle

the powdered sugar and graham powder.

10 Let the pizza cool for a few minutes, then

slice and serve.

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