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1. What has been your greatest accomplishment as a member of your family?

2. If you are going to brag something about your friends, what would it be and why?
3. Among those that surround you, to whom are you most thankful for?
4. One of your classmates asked about the essence of having a performance task like
this. Being one of the presenters, what do you think is the essence of an impromptu
5. What is the one encounter in your high school years that shaped you to who you are
6. What advice could you give to 10th graders who are still struggling in choosing the
best strand for them?
7. As a senior, what advice could you give to your juniors (Grade 9) before they get to
be seniors next school year?
8. If you are allowed to be out of school for a day, what would you do and why?
9. What do you think is the most difficult birth order? Being the oldest, middle child, or
youngest? Why do you say so?
10. As a Grade 10 student, how do you usually handle stress and pressure?
11. Acknowledging beforehand that you are to present in front of your classmates, what
are the things you are most doubtful about? Why?
12. What do you think makes people cool?
13. What do you want to be in the future?
14. If you got a chance to choose between being born as a boy or a girl, which one do you
15. Is it necessary to make plans before doing something?
16. What is the most embarrassing moment that you have experienced?
17. What is that “Grade 10 moment” you are most proud about?
18. Which for you is more important: skill or intelligence?
19. Do you believe in the line, “If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.”? Justify your
20. How important is communication for you?
21. What do you think will be the greatest challenge you’ll encounter shifting from junior
high school to senior high school?
22. Is it really great to be young?
23. Do you believe that change always starts within one’s self?
24. Why do people care to much about what other people think about them?
25. What is the hardest decision you’ve ever made so far?
26. What is your biggest fear?
27. What should older people know about the thoughts of a children/teens in your age?
28. What is your idea about a perfect day?
29. Can you imagine if there’s only good people in this world?
30. How do you manage your time as a student?
31. How can habits or routines lead to boredom?
32. What do your dreams mean to you?
33. How does society affect your character?
34. Do you only define leaders as someone who spearheads a group or a cause?
35. In what situation is lying somehow a good idea?

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