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Year (Islami) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 Monthly Division training Session

َّ َ ‫ہّٰلل ِم‬
‫الَ ْی ٰن ِ ال َّر ِی ْیط ب بِ ْس ِط اہّٰللِ ال َّر ْم ٰم ِ ال َّرم ِْیط ب‬ ِ ‫الس ََل ُم َعلٰی َس ِّیدِ ال ُْمرْ َسلِی ْن اَ َّما َب ْع ُد َف َاعُ ْوذُ بِا‬
َّ ‫اَ ْل َح َم ُد ِہّٰلِل َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی ْن َوالصَّ لٰوۃُ َو‬ S. Page Total
Which level of responsible
No. points with Record Papers No. Pages
Islamic sister it should be

CONTENTS given to
Responsible Islamic sister
of monthly division
Which level of responsible
S. Page Total Campaign for Nafl Fasts 28 1
madani Session (Division
No. points with Record Papers No. Pages
Islamic sister it should be
given to level)
Responsible Islamic sister Responsible Islamic sister
points for monthly division 1-9 9
of monthly division
Topics of Motivational 29-31 3
of monthly division
madani Session madani Session (Division Speeches madani Session (Division
to world level) level)
Responsible Islamic sister List for “reading the madani Responsible Islamic sister
points about Selection of Place of monthly division of monthly division
(monthly division madani session)
10-11 2
madani Session (Division
G pearls of Ameer e Ahle 32-34 3
madani Session (Division
level) Sunnat” level)
Report form for Responsible Responsible Islamic sister Responsible Islamic sister
of monthly division of monthly division
3 Islamic Sister of monthly 12-15 4
madani Session (Division
H Correct pronounciation 35-38 4
madani Session (Division
division madani Session level) level)
Responsible Islamic sister Responsible Islamic sister
of monthly division What to Say and Write with of monthly division
A Permission Slips 16-21 6
madani Session (Division
I 39 1
madani Session (Division
Which Blessed Names
level) level)
Responsible Islamic sister Responsible Islamic sister
of monthly division of monthly division
B Initial Words 22 1
madani Session (Division
J Words to be used for calling 40 1
madani Session (Division
level) level)
Schedule for the monthly Responsible Islamic sister Responsible Islamic sister
of monthly division of monthly division
C division madani session (for 23 1
madani Session (Division
K Announcements 41-59 19
madani Session (Division
overseas) level) level)
Responsible Islamic sister Responsible Islamic sister
Chart for missed prayer (12 24 1
of monthly division
List for Obligatory 60 1
of monthly division
months) madani Session (Division Knowledge madani Session (Division
level) level)
Responsible Islamic sister Report form for Al Madinah Responsible Islamic sister
List of the topics for Madani of monthly division of monthly division
E 25-27 3
madani Session (Division
4 Library (monthly division 61 1
madani Session (Division
level) madani Session) level)
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [1/61] Monthly Division training Session

َّ ‫الس ََل ُم َعلی َس ِّیدِ ال ُْمرْ َسلِی ْن َا َّما َب ْع ْد َف َا ُع ْوذُبِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬

‫الَّ ْی ٰٰ ِن ال َّر ِِ ْی بِ ْس ِ اہّٰللِ ال َّر ْْ ٰم ِن ال َّرْ ِْی ط‬ َّ ‫اَ ْل َح ْمدُِہّٰلِل َربِّ ا ْل ٰع َلمِی ْن َوالصَّ ٰلوۃُ َو‬ bath (Ghusl), ablution (Wudu), Salah, Sunnahs, supplications
moreover Shar’i rulings related to women, and correct
18 points regarding Monthly pronunciation. Moreover, get learnt the Litanies (Auraad and
Wazayif) of Shajara-e-Attariyah, and give the mindset of
division madani Session increasing Madani activities through individual efforts. By
explaining the Madani activity, assign any responsibility.
﴾World level Majlis (Dawat-e-Islami)﴿ Moreover, train the Islamic sisters according to the "Madani
Pearls" given by Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫ دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬and the
﴾1﴿ Shaykh-e-Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫ دامت برکاتھم العالیہ‬has the Markazi Majlis-e- Shura.
Target (participants of Monthly division madani Session) = 7 Islamic sisters
desire that the people who are part of Dawat-e-Islami and conduct
per Zeli Halqa
its Madani activities should be well trained. The “Monthly
Target (Training Session) = 1 in Division (monthly)
division madani Session” which is held every month at division
level is an essential and a great source of training for Responsible ‫ ٭‬In overseas, Monthly division madani Session and Weekly
Islamic sisters. Sunnah-inspiring Congregation should be held on a separate day
so that the individual efforts and other Madani activities could be
Therefore, the Responsible Islamic sisters of every level, fulfilling
done easily after Sunnah-inspiring Congregation.
the desire of Shaykh-e-Tareeqat Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat should
‫ ٭‬In overseas countries where number of Responsible Islamic sisters
attend the Monthly division madani Session regularly. And not
are less than 12, then Monthly division madani session will not be
only become fragrant with the fragrance of Madani pearls
held there. Instead prepare new preacher islami sisters by holding
received there but also try to spread it to other Islamic sisters.
weekly halqa of Dars & Speech. When number of Responsible
Come! Let’s intend that:
Islamic sisters would become 12 then Monthly division madani
For the pleasure of ‫ اہّٰلل عزَّ َو َِ َّل‬and His Beloved Rasool َّ ‫صلَّی اہّٰلل تعالی علیہ وٰالہ‬
‫وسل‬ ٰ session should be arranged.
and abiding by the rules of the Madani Centre, we will get the ‫ ٭‬In overseas countries where the 2 hours 30 mins schedule is
privilege of attending the Monthly division madani Session with difficult to conduct, then conduct a monthly division madani
punctuality every month. ‫اِن َشا َءاہّٰلل عزوِل‬ session for approximately 1 hour 30 mins
﴾2﴿ On the third week of every month, Fix one day and hold Monthly ‫ ٭‬The Monthly division madani Session cannot be held through
division madani Session At division level (Maximum duration should skype. The way of conducting it can be explained by Responsible
be 2 hours 26 mins) The day and time should be fixed. According to Islamic sister of countries through Skype but it cannot be
the method given by the Madani Centre, teach the rulings of ritual demonstrated practically.
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [2/61] Monthly Division training Session
‫ ٭‬The practical method of conducting Monthly division madani Country Islamic sister will supervise
6 Countries this work
Session is taught in 3/12 days Madani Activity Course so the
7 World
Responsible Islamic sisters who want betterment in their Monthly
division madani Session should attend the 3/12 days Madani ‫ ٭‬Responsible Islamic sisters of monthly division madani session of
Activity Course. (The 3 days Madani Activity Course is only for overseas each level should be talented, confident, punctual, devotee of
countries) Madani muzkaras, involved in Madani activities, extremely
﴾3﴿ Appointing responsible Islamic sisters: The appointment of responsible, obedient, sociable, loyal, having an exemplary
a responsible Islamic sister for monthly division madani session is character, patient, well-mannered, sensible, sober, following
from division to zone level according to the organizational Shar’i Pardah, avoiding personal friendships, practicing Madani
structure of Pakistan. In’amaat, reflecting the Madani rules of Dawat-e-Islami, be
‫ ٭‬In india The appointment of a responsible Islamic sister for punctual in attending Madani Mashwarahs. In short, she
monthly division madani session is from division to zone level should be a role model for others by practically being involved in
according to the organizational structure of India. the Madani activities.
‫ ٭‬However, in overseas countries, Nigran of Division to global level ‫ ٭‬An Islamic sister should not be appointed in any department at
Mjlis would conduct this Madani activity. any level solely because her Mahram/ husband is a responsible
S. level Islamic brother of that department. Her capabilities for that
Responsible Islamic sister particular Madani activity should be considered instead. The
No. Pakistan Overseas
1 Division Responsible Islamic sister following Madani pearl was mentioned in the Madani Mashwarah
for monthly division madani of Nigran-e-Shura on the 11th May, 2009: ‘Responsibility of
Nigran of Madani activities should be assigned to the capable person
session (Division level)
Division to possessing a Madani mind-set.”
Kabina Responsible Islamic sister
global level ﴾4﴿ It is better if the monthly division madani session is held in a
for monthly division madani
Mjlis would jamiatul madina or madarastul madina in the division, if its not
session (kabina level)
conduct this possible then The place for the " Monthly division madani Session
Zone Responsible Islamic sister
Madani " should be selected according to the “Madani Pearls regarding
for monthly division madani
activity selection of the place (Monthly division madani Session)”. (This paper is
session (zone level)
enclosed in the record file)
4 Region Region to world level head
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [3/61] Monthly Division training Session

﴾5﴿ Responsible Islamic sister for monthly division madani session submitted as the day of qufle Madina performance report to the
(Division level) should hold Madani session according to "Report responsible Islamic sister of Madani Inamaat
form for Monthly division madani Session with Permission Monthly target
slips", "Initial words", "Terms" (These papers are enclosed in record
file), "Congregational self accountability", "Pamphlet of Qufl-
A target is given every month to the responsible Islamic sister. the
e-Madinah Day"(These papers are enclosed in Madani Pearls regarding responsible Islamic sister (division to zone/region level) should try her
Madani In’amaat), "6 Madani Rules", "19 points for the Volunteer best wholeheartedly to fulfill this target
Islamic Sisters along with Card", "Addresses and Contact ﴾8﴿ For strengthening of arrangement of “Monthly division madani
Numbers of Dar-ul-Ifta Ahl-e-Sunnat"(These papers are enclosed in Session”, the Nigran of division level Majlis should perform
Madani Pearls regarding Weekly Sunnah-inspiring Congregation) "12 month
individual efforts on her subordinate Islamic sisters every week to
chart for missed Salah", "List of topics for Segments",
"Topics of Speeches for persuasion"(These papers are enclosed in attend Monthly division madani Session punctually and also keep
record file), "Excuses for not attending Congregation and their following up.
If on the pre-fix day of Monthly division madani session, there is
answers"(This paper is enclosed in points regarding Call to Righteousness),
“Correction of pronunciation” "What to say and write with strike or National holidays, (and it is difficult for the responsible Islamic
which blessed names", "Schedule for Training Session", sisters to leave the house) then with the permission of the responsible
"Announcements for Training Session", "Madani Parable islamic sister of the monthly division madani session (zone level)
form" (These papers are enclosed in the record file) “Madani Pearls
the day can be changed otherwise do not arrange Training session
for Volunteer of Majlis security” (This paper is enclosed in points
regarding Majlis security), “Report form for Al-Madinah Library
monthly division madani session on that day.
(Monthly division madani Session)”, “Points for Islamic sister ﴾9﴿ If the number of attendees is large and it is difficult to listen by
who places stall of Maktaba-tul-Madinah (Lil-banat)” (This paper everyone, or limits of a division is so wide that the attendees have
is enclosed in Points regarding Maktaba-tul-Madinah (Lil-banat)). to travel a Sharie distance, then monthly division madani session
﴾6﴿ In monthly division madani session held in month of Jumdi-ul-
could be divided into 2 places.
Ukhra, in the place of the naat shareef, read the kalam of ameer e
ahle sunnah “Aamal ka ho jazba ata Ya Ilahi”. In the place of the ‫ ٭‬Monthly division madani session is held at division level. If the
speech, read the booklet “the silent prince” completely along with boundaries of the division are spread widely, the areas are far
narrating the pamphlet of “Qufl-e-Madina Day”. Persuade Islamic apart but it is not a distance of Sharie travel then conveyance
sister to talk in writing or through gestures in consideration of should be arranged so that Islamic sisters can reach to Madani
celebrating day of Qufle Madina. The number of Islamic sisters session conveniently.
attending the monthly division madani session should be ‫ ٭‬If the number of attendees of the Monthly division madani Session
reached to 63, then volunteer Islamic sister of security should be
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [4/61] Monthly Division training Session

arranged. Give the " points for Volunteer of Security " and explain to session of nearest Division which is comparatively more strong in
her. madani work for 6 months to strengthen the madani work with the
﴾10﴿ The stall of Maktaba-tul-Madinah (Lil-banat) should be arranged in permission of the responsible Islamic sister of zone.
the Monthly division madani Session according to the “Madani ‫ ٭‬If anybody asks Shara’i ruling, then follow the points given below.
pearls regarding Islamic sister who places stall of Maktaba-tul- In the book “questions and answers of Kafriya kalimaat” on page
Madinah (Lil-banat)”. 66, Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khaan has stated, “For a non-scholar (of
﴾11﴿An Al-Madinah Library should be organized in Madani Halqa of religious knowledge), it is strictly forbidden to narrate solution
every division and for this appoint an Islamic sister who is regarding Shara’i rulings.” Seeking guidance from Muftis
sensible, punctual, educated, honest, having sense of (Religious scholars) about shara’I ruling related to Islamic sisters
responsibility, keen in reading books and having interest in is not against modesty”.
literature. (It is better to assign this responsibility to Nigran Islamic sister of
‫ ٭‬Give mindset to seek guidance either herself taking help from
Area level Majlis if she has these qualities)
“phone numbers and addresses of Dar-ul-Ifta Dawat-e-Islamis
‫ ٭‬Give the “Report form for Al-Madinah Library” to relevant 2019” or convey her after asking solution yourself.
Responsible Islamic sister after explaining her well.
‫ ٭‬Introduce the application “Dar-ul-ifta Ahl-e-Sunnat” provided by
﴾12﴿ To strengthen and remove weaknesses of the Monthly division
I.T. department of Dawat-e-Islami, in which topic wise video clips
madani Session, the Responsible Islamic Sisters of Monthly
of different muftis are available regarding different aspects of life.
division madani Session (Kabina & Zone) should attend Monthly
division madani Session of all divisions turn wise and should ‫ ٭‬Help can be taken through sending voice message on whasapp
observe the matters according to the "Report form for number )03000220115( of Dar-ul-Ifta Ahl-e-Sunnat from overseas
Responsible Islamic Sister of Monthly division madani only. Introduce this as well.
Session". If the performance is better, she should encourage the
‫ ٭‬Publicize this email Id of Dar-ul-Ifta Ahl-e-Sunnat
responsible Islamic Sister and if there are weaknesses, she should
rectify in a polite way. Rectification slips should also be given on
mistakes of Islamic sisters who have got privilege of participating ‫ ٭‬At the end of session, conduct Madani meeting for 26 minutes of
in recitation till Salaat-o-Salam. Responsible Islamic sisters who taught segment in monthly
division madani session. If there is any weakness in teaching any
‫ ٭‬If there is a division in a zone where madani work is weak or
segment then rectify the relevant Responsible Islamic sister in a
Responsible Islamic sisters are few, then these Responsible
polite manner.
Islamic sister would have to attend monthly Division madani
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [5/61] Monthly Division training Session

‫ ٭‬Whichever monthly division madani session the Nigran Islamic Points for Monthly and Quarterly meetings:
sister of Division to world level Majlis is to attend, she should Dates of Who will conduct
Madani Level Participants Madani pearls
make arrangements for the motivational speeches from the the Meetings Madani meeting
book published by maktabatul madina “Islah kay Madani phool”, Responsible Nigran Talk about points for the
monthly division madani
she should ask before-hand that which of these topics is needed Islamic sisters Islamic sisters session Individual
for the training of Responsible Islamic sisters: Salah, backbiting, 6 of monthly Divisio of Area level performance details,
division madani n Majlis schedule beforehand,
concealing faults, sense of responsibility, obedience (contacting evaluation of progress and
halqa (division regress, targets of the next
according to the organizational procedures), Bad-suspicion, level) month etc.
steadfastness, jealousy, sincerity, importance of humbleness and Responsible Talk about points for the
condemnation of pride, condemnation of malice and hatred, Islamic sisters monthly division madani
Islamic sisters session Individual
excellences of forgiving and tolerance, unity, destruction of of monthly
of monthly performance details,
personal friendships, condemnation of anger and importance of 7 Kabina division schedule beforehand,
division madani
patience, lying and false exaggeration, importance of reading, madani halqa evaluation of progress and
halqa (Kabina
(Division regress, targets of the next
importance of time and schedule (doing Madani work whilst fulfilling rights level) month etc.
of people), false accusation, preparing substitute, demands of Responsible Talk about points for the
distributing responsibility, pleasing and consoling on the Responsible monthly division madani
Islamic sisters session Individual
Islamic sisters
occasions of happiness and grief etc. then make arrangement of of monthly performance details,
8 of monthly Zone schedule beforehand,
training through speech accordingly. division
division madani evaluation of progress and
﴾13﴿ The Responsible Islamic Sister of monthly division madani madani halqa regress, targets of the next
halqa (Zone level) (Kabina level) month etc.
session (kabina level) every month, and Responsible Islamic sister Talk about points for the
Responsible Responsible
of monthly division madani session (zone level) in every three monthly division madani
Islamic sisters Islamic sisters session Individual
months (January, April, July, October) collect the monthly of monthly of monthly performance details,
9 Region
performance report of Monthly division madani session division madani division schedule beforehand,
evaluation of progress and
(Responsible Islamic Sister of Monthly division madani session)” If report halqa (Region madani halqa regress, targets of the next
shows improvement, make appreciation and in case of weaknesses level) (Zone level) month etc.
make rectification in a polite manner. Countr Responsible Talk about points for the
Head Islamic y/ Islamic sisters monthly division madani
session Individual
rly) sisters countri of monthly performance details,
es division schedule beforehand,
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [6/61] Monthly Division training Session

madani halqa evaluation of progress and Islamic sister, the more you will become stable (in the Madani
(Region/ zone regress, targets of the next environment) َّ‫اِنْ شَآء اللّٰہ عزَّوَجَل‬
month etc.
level) ‫ ٭‬Responsible Islamic sisters of monthly division madani session
(division to World level) should present Madani gifts (books, booklets,
Responsible Talk about points for the DVDs, etc.) in monthly Meeting to their subordinate responsible
Islamic sisters monthly division madani Islamic sisters to provide them with encouragement on their good
Head of the session Individual
11 of monthly performance details, performance like attending Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’ and Madani
(Quarte world majlis World division schedule beforehand, Mashwarah regularly, increase in the number of participant of
rly) mushwarat madani halqa evaluation of progress and Madani session and submitting the performance details every
(Region/ zone regress, targets of the next month on the specified date. (Remember! It is not permitted to present
level) month etc.
gifts from Madani donations).
‫ ٭‬When necessary, the date of the madani meetings can be changed ‫ ٭‬The Islamic sister presented with a gift in the form of a
by mutual consultation. book/ DVD should be asked to make intentions to read, listen or
‫ ٭‬It is necessary to seek permission from the Nigran Islamic watch it within the specified number of days.
sister of the Majlis Mushawarat to conduct a meeting of any level, ‫ ٭‬If a Responsible Islamic sister is not appointed yet then the Nigran
other than the levels specified to avoid excessive meetings. Islamic sister of that level should conduct this Madani activity.
‫ ٭‬When Nigran Islamic sister conducts the meeting of responsible ‫ ٭‬If any new Nigran Islamic sister of Division is appointed then
Islamic sisters, then Responsible Islamic sister of department Responsible Islamic sisters of monthly division madani session
should not hold meeting separately in that month. (kabina level) should give and explain her these points.
﴾15﴿ Responsible Islamic sisters should try to practice the following
﴾14﴿ The responsible Islamic sister on every level should refer to the
“Job description” before setting their schedules for madani points for the betterment of their world and hereafter:
activities in her department. By the 2nd of ever solar month, The ‫ ٭‬Keep on making efforts to seek Fard ‘Uloom. Study the books of
responsible islamic sisters on every level should fill the Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, Bahar-e-Shari’at, Fatawa
“performance schedule report” for the previous month and submit Razawiyyah, Ihya-ul-‘Uloom, etc. regularly to acquire Fard
it to the department responsible islamic sister. (“Job description” and ‘Uloom. Study especially Kitab-ul-‘Aqaaid (published by Maktaba-
schedule (division to world level) are given in “points for the Nigran Islamic tul-Madinah) authored by Mufti Sayyid Muhammad Na’eem-ud-
sisters”) Din Muradabadi related to the Islamic beliefs, part 1 of
‫ ٭‬Responsible Islamic sisters of monthly division madani session Bahar-e-Shari’at and Kufriyah Kalimat kay baaray mayn Suwal
should stay in contact with their responsible Islamic sister. Keep Jawab. To learn Islamic rulings, study selected chapters and
her informed about your performance details and seek her advice parts of Bahar-e-Shari’at and all the books and booklets authored
regularly. The more you stay in contact with your responsible by Ameer-e-Ahl-e- sunnat. To learn about good and bad manners,
study those books (published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah) to attain
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [7/61] Monthly Division training Session

salvation that contain information about spiritual diseases and the ‫ ٭‬Study the Madani pearls yourself, received from Madani
methods to have good manners. Allocate some specific time for Mashwarahs of Markazi Majlis-e-Shura, Kabinah and your
studying (for example, 19 minutes in the morning) for studying the department, and have these Madani pearls delivered on time to
books and booklets of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat and likewise some all the concerned responsible Islamic sisters.
time for studying other books (for example, 19 minutes after Salat-ul-
Maghrib and before having dinner). ‫ ٭‬Remember! Islamic sister are bound to perform all madani
‫ ٭‬on social media, never join any unknown or unauthentic group for
activities during day time only and they should reach at their
homes till Maghrib Salah.
seeking religious knowledge or gaining update information. It is
‫ ٭‬Continue making efforts while meeting the Islamic sisters and
recommended for safety of your Imaan and peace of mind.
carry out Madani activities to make them a Mureed (disciple)
‫ ٭‬Observe Shara’i veil and avoid wearing attractive ones. (wearing /Taalib in the ‘Aaliyyah, Qadiriyyah, Razawiyyah, ‘Attariyyah
Madani burqa is better way for practicing sharie veil) order through Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, the founder of Dawat-e-
‫ ٭‬Participate practically in Madani activities. Spend at least two Islami, ‘Allamah Maulana Abu Bilal Muhammad Ilyas ‘Attar
hours daily in carrying out Madani activities. For example, Qaadiri. Grant those Islamic sisters who become Mureed/Taalib, a
attend weekly Ijtima’ and Tarbiyyati Halqah from the beginning certificate (Maktoob) from Majlis Maktubat-o-Ta’wizat-e-
until the end, etc. ‘Attariyyah. Also encourage them to purchase Shajarah
‫ ٭‬Act upon Madani In’amaat, carry out Fikr-e-Madinah daily and Qadiriyyah Razawiyyah Ziyaiyyah ‘Attariyyah and persuade them
submit the Madani In’amaat booklet to your responsible into reading it daily.
Islamic sister every month in order to strive to reform your own ‫ ٭‬Act upon Madani In’aam no. 21 and 24 to carry out Madani
self. In order to strive to reform people of the entire world, activities with steadfastness.
keep on persuading your Maharim (Plural of ‘Mahram’- One with whom Madani In’aam no. 21: Today, did you abide by the Markazi
marriage is Haraam forever.) to travel with the Madani Majlis-e-Shura, Kabinat, Mushawarats and various Majalis you
Qafilah in accordance with the given schedule for 12 consecutive are subordinate of (within the limits set by Shari’ah)?
months once in a lifetime, one month every 12 months and at
Madani In’aam no. 24: If some responsible sister (or any
least 3 days every 30 days.
common Islamic sister) committed a wrongdoing that needed to be
‫ ٭‬Keep striving to become an ‘Ajmayri’, ‘Baghdadi’, ‘Makki’ and
rectified, did you attempt to rectify her (in a polite manner) either in
‘Madani’ daughter of ‘Attar by carrying out Madani activities to
please Allah. writing or by meeting her in person or you committed grave sin of
backbiting by revealing it to others without any Shar’i reason?
‫ ٭‬Moreover, speak less, using minimum words and converse
through writing and sign language. Also try to keep your gaze ﴾16﴿ Follow up
lowered. It is the saying of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫دامت برکاتہ العالیہ‬:
Follow-up is the essence of Madani activities.’
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [8/61] Monthly Division training Session
(Booklet: Madani kamon ki taqseem kay taqazay)
‫ ٭‬Responsible Islamic sisters of Monthly division madani session"
(from Division to Aalami level) should note the Madani activities
mentioned in “Points for Monthly division madani session" in
their diaries or display them at a noticeable place so that they can
act upon a points on time.
‫ ٭‬Responsible Islamic sisters of Monthly division madani session"
should follow-up in monthly meeting as well as to what extent
have those Madani pearls been acted upon.
‫ ٭‬If there are any weaknesses, inform the concerned responsible
Islamic sisters accordingly and prepare a plan for the future.
‫ ٭‬If you have any Madani Mashwarah for “Points for Monthly
division madani session", convey it to your responsible Islamic
sister according to the established organizational procedure.
‫ ٭‬If you face any issue related to “Points for Monthly division
madani session", convey it to your responsible Islamic sister
according to the established organizational procedure.
‫ ٭‬Responsible Islamic sister of Monthly division madani session"
(Kabinah/ Zone/ Region level) who is a Shar’i traveller can explain a
Points through telephonic Mashwarah as well, if necessary.
‫ ٭‬Amendments may be made in these Points according to the
situations and conditions that prevail in a particular country after
seeking permission from the Nigran of that country’s Kabinah or
countries level responsible Islamic sister.
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [10/61] Monthly Division training Session

َّ َ ‫الس ََل ُم َعلٰی َس ِّیدِ ال ُْم ْر َسلِی ْن اَ َّما َب ْع ُد َف َاعُ ْوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم‬
‫الَ ْی ٰن ِ ال َّر ِی ْیط ب بِ ْس ِط اہّٰللِ ال َّر ْم ٰم ِ ال َّرم ِْیط ب‬ َّ ‫اَ ْل َح َم ُد ِہّٰلِل َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی ْن َوالصَّ لٰوۃُ َو‬ ﴾8﴿ If it could not be arranged in Madrasa -tul-Madinah (adult) then
contact with such concerned people (not related to any other
organization, not having any complain regarding ethical matters of any
Points for selection of place family member of that house for example having immoral character, any
quarrels with neighbors etc. and where other activities for example such a
﴾Monthly division madani session﴿ tuition center with co-education and beauty parlor etc. are not held) and
who are willing to give a part of their home/ school/ organization
Following points should be kept in view while selecting place for for monthly division madani session for 3 hours once in a month,
monthly division madani session. (it is better if this is held in a jamiatul where monthly division session can be arranged.
madina or madrasatul madina, otherwise can be held at anybody’s residence
also) If, according to the above mentioned points, which place is acquired, that
is residence/ school/ organization etc. then explain her following points
﴾1﴿ Venue should be in center of Division. The place must be neat
instead of giving them in written form.
and clean so that Islamic sisters would not feel bad.
‫ ٭‬Your residential address will be announced in our monthly
﴾2﴿ The place must be bright and airy so that in case of load shedding
training session would not be disturbed. (prefer that place where division madani session so please don’t bother it.
facility of U.P.S or generator is available)
‫ ٭‬There must not be any communication of family members in that
﴾3﴿ Veil should be well managed. room during monthly division madani session moreover male
members should not be present in other rooms as there will be
﴾4﴿ There must be facility of drinking water. chance of unveiling of voice.
﴾5﴿ There must be availability of ablution area and washroom. ‫ ٭‬During training session, neither music should be played nor Television.

﴾6﴿ There should be wide entrance area due to security issues and it ‫ ٭‬Your cooperation would be required in occasions of pleasant and
is better to have two entrances. unpleasant incidents, so that monthly division madani session
﴾7﴿ Monthly division madani session should be arranged in Madrasa- should not be affected.
tul-Madinah (adult) preferably. (if their study schedule would not be ‫ ٭‬It will be not allowed to announce invitation of your personal
events such as for Quran reciting etc. or any other announcement
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [11/61] Monthly Division training Session

regarding your organization in monthly division madani session ‫ ٭‬If you want to finish the arrangement of monthly division madani
individually or collectively. session from your home then you must inform about it at least 3
months before so that it can be arranged at another place.
‫ ٭‬Madni donations collected in our monthly division madani session
will be only used in Madani works of Dawat-e-Islami and we are
responsible for submitting to our responsible Islamic sister.

‫ ٭‬Presence of at least one Islamic sister from family members is

highly recommended during monthly division madani session and
it is madani request to all members of house/ school/ institution to
attend training session form start to end.

‫ ٭‬If monthly division madani session is held at residence of any

Islamic sister and she performs any segment of monthly division
madani session then she should be inclined to wear gown or at
least large shawl while performing any part of training session.

‫ ٭‬During monthly division madani session, attending phone or other

household works should be avoided as it disturbs the monthly
division madani session.

‫ ٭‬For arranging monthly division madani session according to

schedule form Recitation to Salat-o-Salam your cooperation will be
highly required.

‫ ٭‬At the end of monthly division madani session, refreshments are

not allowed. Booklets can be distributed.

‫ ٭‬If required, monthly division madani session can be shifted to

another place.
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [12/61] Monthly Division training Session

َ َّ ‫المَعلٰیَس َّیدَِال ُْمرسل ِینَا َّماَبعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہللَِ ِمن‬

‫َالش ْی ٰط ِنَالرََّ ِج ْی ِمَطَبِ ْس ِمَاہللَِال َّر ْح ٰم ِنَالرَّح ِْی ِمَط‬ ُ َّ‫اَلْح ْمدَُہللَِر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِینَوالصلٰوۃَُوالس‬ blessed names", “Calling Words”, "Repeating
Report form for Responsible Islamic Sister what has been taught for one month", "Cassette
Congregation", were they given the relevant
of Monthly division madani session "Permission Slip" one month before? (All of these papers
are enclosed in the record file)
Responsible Islamic sister of Month/ Year (Madani (Solar)
‫٭‬ Was such an Islamic Sister chosen for the segment of
Monthly division madani session
(Umme/ Binte) ___________ Division "Repeating what has been taught for the previous
month" who attends the monthly division madani
﴾1﴿ Was complete arrangement of Monthly division madani session from start to end, and who has the ability to
session made according to the “Monthly division prepare question and answers?
madani session”? (This paper is enclosed in the record file) ‫٭‬ After teaching the segment of "Who persuaded how
﴾2 ﴿ Whoever is assigned to perform Recitation, Na'at Shareef many Islamic Sisters to perform Madani activities
and Salaat o Salaam should be given the "Permission through Individual Efforts last month?” were the
Slip" (after filling all the columns) one month before. Was this Responsible Islamic Sisters of Area asked the following
acted upon and were the Madani Pearls stated in the month about whether follow up has taken place in their
"Permission Slips" explained well to the Islamic Sister? Halqa, of newly encouraged Islamic Sisters?
(Permission slip is enclosed in the record file)
‫٭‬ Were the record papers of files if delivered to any
‫٭‬ Was a reminder sent through a message one week before? Islamic sister for taking help, received back from
Preacher islamic sisters after they had completed
‫٭‬ With the help of "Fiqh with Chart of Missed Salah for their turn?
12 months", "Blessings of Sunnah", “Shajra Shareef/ ﴾3 ﴿ the monthly division Session started at almost:
Seerha of Attar”, "Madani In’amaat", and
and finished at almost?
"Motivational Speech", were they given topics
accordingly?? ("Excuses for not attending Weekly congregation and
their replies" are in “Madani pearls regarding Call to righteousness” and
remaining papers are enclosed in the record file)

‫٭‬ Whoever was assigned segment of "Seerah of Attarَ

‫"دامت َبرکاتُ ُھ ُم َالْعالیہ‬, "What to say and write with which
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [13/61] Monthly Division training Session

Reason why the Reason why the

These Islamic These fortunate Islamic Sister who These Islamic These fortunate
S. No. Segment Sisters were given Islamic Sisters
S. No. Segment Sisters were given Islamic Sisters
Islamic Sister who
was given opportunity was given opportunity
opportunity got privilege opportunity got privilege
did not fulfil her turn did not fulfil her turn
"Repeating what has
1 Recitation
10 been taught for
previous month"
2 Na’at Shareef

Responsible Islamic 11 Blessings of Sunnah

Initial Words Sister of
3 (This paper is enclosed in monthly division
record file)
madani Session
Congregational 12 Madani In’amaat
Responsible Islamic
4 self-accountability Sister of
Announcements with
(This paper is enclosed in monthly division
Madani pearls regarding
Madani In’amaat)
madani Session
13 revision of madani
Who prepared how many muzakara (4 Weeks)
(are enclosed in record file)
Islamic Sisters for Madani
work through individual
14 Motivational Speech
effort last month
Shajrah Shareef/ Seerah of
15 Du’a
7 Fiqh

Madani perals of Ameer e

16 Salaat o Salaam
8 Ahle Sunnat “OR”
Correction of
pronunciation Du’a to be recited Responsible Islamic
"What to say and write Sister of
1 7 at end of monthly division
9 with which blessed
names and for calling” congregation madani Session
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [14/61] Monthly Division training Session

4 Before performing any segment from Recitation till Salat ‫ ٭‬Nigran of Division Majlis should check the filled madani
o Salaam, was a little introduction presented and were Bahar forms and submit to Nigran of Kabina Majlis, so
the attendees of the Monthly division madani Session that she could mail to ID of Majlis madani baharain
persuaded to listen with full concentration?
8 If possible, were the attendees of the Monthly division
5 According to the schedule of the Monthly division madani madani Session seated facing towards the Qiblah?
Session, certain preacher islamic sister's should be fixed for
segments and these fixed islamic sisters should teach the ‫ ٭‬Islamic sisters should be made to sit according to their
area. There should be a banner for every area, and every
same segment every time. Was this acted upon?
area should a specific place to sit so that during the
‫ ٭‬An urgent preacher islamic sister should be arranged for speech/ while teaching a department the intentions of the
every segment, but this should not be made apparent to Islamic sisters can be noted and followed up
the fixed preacher islamic sister of that segment. Was
this acted upon? 9 Did you note the durations of all segments from Recitation till
Salaat o Salaam? A little while before the time of each segment
6 Were "Announcements of Monthly division madani Session was to finish, did you give a note to the preacher islamic sister
and revision of the madani muzakira” conducted according to
to inform her of how much time is left?
given instructions in it?
10 If any mistakes were made in any segment from
‫ ٭‬In "Announcements for Monthly division madani Session " Recitation till Salaat o Salaam, did you prepare
were Islamic Sisters persuaded to celebrate the Day of
Qufl-e-Madinah on the first Monday of the islamic "Rectification Slip" with the help of the "Permission
Month with the help of "Day of Qufl e Madinah” Slip"? Did you get this rectification slip checked from
pamphlet? (This paper is enclosed in points regarding Madani In’amaat) the Nigran of Division Majlis and distribute to relevant
preacher islamic sister in a respectable manner?
‫ ٭‬Was “Announcement” made by Responsible Islamic 11 The Islamic Sister who prepared and performed her
sisrer of Division? (If she is absent then Responsible Islamic
sister of Division Madani session should perform this segment.) "segment" well, was she appreciated at the end?
7 Have you kept a few extra "Madani Bahar forms” with you? 12 Did the “Volunteer Islamic sister” perform her duty
So that if any Islamic Sister wants to submit a Madani Parable properly in the Monthly division madani Session?
after hearing the announcement about Madani Parables, she
‫ ٭‬In case of the absence of the Volunteer Islamic Sister,
could be fill "Madani Bahar Form" according to the Madani any suitable Islamic Sister appointed as Volunteer
Pearls mentioned on the form? (This paper is enclosed in points regarding Islamic Sister immediately?
Madani Baharain)
‫ ٭‬If needed, persuasion was made to keep silence by
‫ ٭‬Did you submit the filled Madani Parable forms with the showing "Volunteer Card"? (This paper is enclosed in Madani
pearls regarding Sunnah-inspiring congregation)
performance report to the Nigran of Division Majlis?
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [15/61] Monthly Division training Session

should preferably assigned this responsibility)

‫ ٭‬If needed, did the Volunteer Islamic Sister arrange chairs?
18 What was the total number of attendees of the Monthly
‫ ٭‬This month, has the Volunteer Islamic Sister read the division madani Session this month?
"19 Madani Pearls for the Volunteer Islamic , this month were the names of Responsible Islamic Sister
Sisters"? (This paper is enclosed in Madani pearls regarding 19 of Zeli Halqa and Halqa level Majlis who were not
Sunnah-inspiring congregation)
present in the Monthly division madani Session given to
13 Were at least 2 Volunteers for Safety Issues arranged in Nigran of Division Majlis so that she can contact them?
the Monthly division madani Session?
20 If books and booklets not published by Maktaba tul
‫ ٭‬Did the Volunteer for safety issues read " Points for Madinah were being distributed in the Training Session,
Volunteer of safety issues"? (This paper is enclosed in Points
regarding Safety issues) (When number of attendees reaches 63 or more, only then was this stopped in a polite manner?
Volunteers for Safety Issues should be arranged through Nigran of Division Majlis 21 If any Islamic Sister asks about Shar'i rulings, interpretation
of dreams and Istikhara, were they given the relevant
14 Was the stall of Maktaba tul Madinah (Lilbanaat) placed in contact numbers with the help of "Addresses and Contact
the Monthly division madani Session? Numbers of Dar-ul-Ifta Ahl-e-Sunnat 2019"? (This paper is
15 With the help of "List for obligatory Knowledge, were enclosed in Madani pearls regarding Sunnah-inspiring congregation)
all attendees given one topic and persuaded to listen to 22 Today, before leaving Training Session, did you get
the topic before next month? This should be done permission from Nigran of Division Majlis?
through Islamic sister who will make announcement. 24 Did you submit "Report form for Responsible Islamic Sister
‫ ٭‬The following month, were attendees asked about who of Monthly division madani Session " to Responsible
has listened to the topic? Islamic Sister of Area level Majlis in first week of
‫ ٭‬Were the Islamic Sisters who have listened to the topic Madani month?
appreciated by presenting a Madani gift (book/ booklet/ VCD 25 Any problem?
etc.) to them? 26 Any suggestion?
16 Have you organized an Al-Madinah Library in the
Monthly division madani Session?
‫ ٭‬Was the Al-Madinah Library organized according to
"Report form for Al-Madinah Library (Monthly division
madani session)"? (This paper is enclosed in record file)?
17 Did you choose such an Islamic Sister to be responsible
for the Al-Madinah Library who has a sense of
responsibility, punctual, has a wide range of knowledge
and interested in books and booklets? (If these qualities are
found in any Nigran Islamic Sister of Halqa level Majlis, she
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [16/61] Monthly Division training Session
َّ ‫اَ ْل َحم ُد ِہّٰلِل َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی ْن َوالصَّ ل ٰوۃُ َوالسَّ ََل ُم َعلٰی َس ِّی ِد ال ُْم ْر َسلِی ْن اَ َّما بَ ْع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن الرَّ ِج ْیم ط ِب ْس ِم اہّٰللِ الرَّ ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرحِ ْیم ط‬ َ Na’at Shareef (Permission slip)
Date__________________ Recitation Qariyah____________
(1) Be punctual and try to reach before the assigned time.
(2) “Do not make changings in the Kalam of poet” (Madani Muzakarah 1033)
‫ ٭‬Before reciting Na’at its better to clarify that “Because changings should not be made in
Time ________to________ (Permission slip) Kalam of poet so I will recite masculine words in Kalam”. But words can be changed in
feminine where needed.
( 1) Be punctual and try to reach before the assigned time. (4) Those stanzas which are particularly for the Islamic brothers, Islamic sisters should not recite
them, for example:
( 2) Before recitation, do intentions like this and make others do as well . Main puhnchoon koay Jaanaan mei gareebaan chaak seena chaak

‫الس ََل ُم َعلٰی َس ِّی ِد ال ُْمرْ َسلِی ْن ط‬

َّ ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ِہّٰلِل َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی ْ َن َو الصَّ لٰوۃُ َو‬
Gira de kaash mujh ko shoq tarrpa kr Madinay mei (Wasa’il-e-Bakhshish Pg. 280)
‫ ٭‬Saying of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬: The Kalam of A’ala Hazrat ‫ رحمۃ اہّٰلل تعا ٰلی علیہ‬is of high
The Beloved Rasool ‫ صلی اہّٰلل تعالی علیہ والہ وسلم‬has stated: ‫ن ِّی ُۃ ال ُْم ْو ِم ِن َخی ِّْرم ْن َع َملِہ‬ standards so whenever Kalam of A’ala Hazrat is recited then do not include other stanzas in it and if
you want to mix then clarify that this is not Kalam of A’ala Hazrat . (Madani Muzakara 962)
“The intention of a Muslim is better than his act.” (5) Before reciting Na’at, incline Islamic sisters not to recite in chorus and keep your voice low as well.
(6) Before reciting Na’at whilst standing make intentions like this and make others do as well.
Dear Islamic sisters! For righteous and permissible work the more ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ِہّٰلِل َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی ْ َن َو الصَّ لٰوۃُ َوالسَّ ََل ُم َعلٰی َس ِّی ِد ال ُْم ْر َسلِی ْن ط‬
has stated: ‫ن ِّی ُۃ ال ُْم ْو ِم ِن َخی ْرمِّ ْن َع َمل ِہ‬
‫صلی اہّٰلل تعالی علیہ والہ وسلم‬
we make good intentions, the more we gain reward. therefore I intend The Beloved Rasool
“The intention of a Muslim is better than his act.”
that I will recite obeying ‫ اہّٰلل و رسول عزوجل وصلی اہّٰلل تعالی علیہ والہ وسلم‬for earning Dear islamic sisters! For righteous and permissible work the more we make good
intentions, the more we gain reward. Therefore, I intend that In order to please Allah‫!عزوجل‬
reward. All of you intend that for the reverence of the Holy Qur’an, and His Beloved Prophet I will recite for earning reward. All of you intend that as long as
lowering your gaze, sit in Tashahhud position as long as you can. possible with my eyes closed, head lowered, imagining the Gumbad-e-Khazrā and the
Also make intention that for the pleasure of ‫ اہّٰلل عز ّ َو َج ّل‬acting upon the Beloved and Blessed Prophet, with full attention and, if possible and if I feel sincerity in my heart
then I will cry in the love of Rasool whilst reciting Na’at Shareef in resemblance of those who cry
commandment of the Holy Qur’an, I will listen attentively and if with sincerity.
ّ ‫لی‬ٰ ‫َص ُّل ْو ا َعل َی ا ْل َحبِیب! َصل ّی اہّٰلل ت َعا ٰلی َع‬
possible and if I feel sincerity in my heart then acting upon the
commands of Hadith, I will cry whilst listening to the recitation. (7) If you cannot reach on time due to valid reason, then inform Responsible Islamic

ّ ‫لی‬ َ !‫َص ُّل ْو ا َعل َی ا ْل َحبِیب‬
ٰ ‫َصل ّی اہّٰلل ت َعا ٰلی َع‬
sister of monthly division madani session in advance. Responsibility of reciting Naat
cannot be assigned to any other Islamic sister on your own.
Madani Pearl: In overseas, this “permission slip” could be delivered in form of image by Whatsapp.
َّ ‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما َب َع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن الرَّ ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن الرَّح ِْیمِط‬
( 3) If you cannot reach on time due to any valid reason, then inform َ ‫لی س َّیدِ ال ُْم‬
ٰ ‫َلم َع‬ ٰ ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ہّٰللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َو‬
ُ َّ‫الصلوۃُ َوالس‬
Responsible Islamic sister in advance. Responsibility of recitation Date:___________ Muballigha:______________ Time:________to_____

cannot be assigned to any other Islamic sister on your own. Who prepared Islamic sister for Madani activities
through individual efforts last month?”
Madani Pearl: In overseas, this “permission slip” could be delivered in form of (Permission Slip)
image through Whatsapp. ﴾1﴿ Be punctual and try to reach before the assigned time.
َّ ‫اَ ْل َحم ُد ِہّٰلِل َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی ْن َوالصَّ ل ٰوۃُ َوالسَّ ََل ُم َعلٰی َس ِّی ِد ال ُْمرْ َسلِی ْن اَ َّما بَ ْع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن الرَّ ِج ْیم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ الرَّ ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرحِ ْیم ط‬ َ
Date__________ Na’at Khuwan_____________________________ Time ______ to ______
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [17/61] Monthly Division training Session

﴾2﴿ Narrate firstly the favors that Dawat-e- Islami has upon us, then Shajarah Shareef/ Seerah of Attar (Permission Slip)
give the mindset for preparation of life hereafter, or give the
mindset to follow the path of earning ongoing reward or tell the
﴾1﴿ Be punctual and try to reach before the assigned time.
importance of time, and if needed explain the way of individual
efforts at the end. ﴾2﴿ The sequence should be like this: First mention some excellences
﴾3﴿ Then, to increase the passion of Madani activities in Islamic and blessings of reciting the Shajarah, then sequence wise mention
sisters, get to know that "In last month who has prepared Islamic any one of the stanza of Shajara with explanation, or tell any
Sisters for Madani activity and how many Islamic Sisters were invocation (wird) or spiritual cure and in the end according to the
prepared?" situation, mention a Madani Parable of reciting the Shajarah or
give the mindset to become a disciple. For this, one can get help
﴾4﴿ Whichever Islamic Sister has prepared anyone to perform Madani from "Aadaab e Murshid Kaamil" (book) and "Sharh-e-Shajarah
activity, make appreciation for her and after writing the name and Qadria" accordingly. Along with this, one can get help from
details of the prepared Islamic sister, give these details to the Madani Muzakara Number 1,3,4,11,15, 18, 35, 42, 44, 66.
concerned Responsible Islamic Sister of Zeli Halqa level Majlis so
﴾3﴿ Narrate with correct pronunciation.
that she can assign her other Madani activities as well.
﴾4﴿ In this segment, include persuasion for reciting Shajrah Shareef. Also narrate
﴾5﴿ If from the attendees none of the Islamic Sisters have succeeded to
the favors, miraculous wonders, the precautions regarding rights of humans,
prepare anyone for Madani activity, then persuade them to make practiced by Ameer e ahle Sunnah and some important aspects of Seerah of
intention to do so in the following month. Ameer e ahle sunnah (i.e. simplicity, respectfulness and humility, Fear of Allah
and the love of the Prophet)
﴾6﴿ If,because of some reason, you cannot reach the monthly division
madani session on time, then let the Responsible Islamic Sister of ﴾5﴿ Read thoroughly at least three times before.
the monthly division madani session know beforehand. ﴾6﴿ If you cannot reach on time due to any severe valid reason, then
Responsibility of teaching cannot be assigned to any other Islamic inform Responsible Islamic sister of monthly division madani session
sister on your own. before. Responsibility of teaching cannot be assigned to any other
Madani Pearl: In overseas, this “permission slip” could be delivered in form of
image through Whatsapp. Islamic sister on your own.
َّ ‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن الرَّ ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن الرَّح ِْی ِم ط‬ َ ‫لی س َّیدِ ال ُْم‬
ٰ ‫َلم َع‬ ٰ ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ہّٰللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َو‬
ُ َّ‫الصلوۃُ َوالس‬ Madani Pearl: In overseas, this “permission slip” could be delivered in form of image by Whatsapp.
Date:________________ Muballigha:_______________
Time:________to______ Topic:___________________
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [18/61] Monthly Division training Session
َّ ‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن الرَّ ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن الرَّح ِْی ِم ط‬ ٰ ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ہّٰللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َو‬ َّ ‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن الرَّ ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ الرَّ ْح ٰم ِن الرَّح ِْی ِم ط‬
َ ‫لی س َّیدِ ال ُْم‬ ُ َّ‫الصلوۃُ َوالس‬
ٰ ‫َلم َع‬ َ ‫لی س َّی ِد ال ُْم‬
ٰ ‫َلم َع‬
ُ ‫الس‬ ٰ ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ہّٰللِ َربِّ ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َو‬
َّ ‫الصلوۃُ َو‬

Date:_______ Muballigha:_________ Time:____to_____ Topic:___________ Date:________________ Muballigha:_______________

Time:________to______ Topic:___________________
Fiqh (Permission Slip)
﴾1﴿ Be punctual and try to reach before the assigned time. Narrating Madani pearls of Ameer e Ahle sunnat
﴾2﴿ Prepare Fiqh very well and in this regard help should be taken
from the books of authentic Sunni scholars and the books and (Permission Slip)
booklets of Ameer- e-AhleSunnat ‫دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬. ﴾1﴿ Be punctual and try to reach before the assigned time.

﴾3﴿ The sequence of speech should be like this, first explain the ﴾2﴿ Choose a Madani pearls according to the Madani month; before
importance of seeking obligatory knowledge. Then, explain the
shara’i rulings in an easy and simple to understand way. doing so, consider whether it will be better to read this pamphlet
﴾4﴿ Explain in teaching manner. While teaching “Method of missed in the current month or not.
Salah” tell that “Chart for Missed Salah of 12 months” will be
﴾3﴿ Before reading out the Madani pearls, narrate the importance of
distributed at end, all Islamic sisters should take quietly, and if
you don’t understand then ask it from any one Islamic sister don’t knowing the sayings of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-sunnat ‫ دامت برکاتھم العالیہ‬or the
mention that you have missed Salah as disclosing committed sins
is also sin itself. (this paper is enclosed in record file) sayings of the Markazi Majlis-e-Shura.
﴾5﴿ The translation of the Holy Quran should be mentioned only from
Kanz-ul-Imaan. (Do not read the Arabic, only read the translation) ﴾4﴿ If possible, depending on the topic of the Madani pearls,
﴾6﴿ Must read it thoroughly at least three times before. encourage attendees to make good intentions.
﴾7﴿ Repeat the rulings again and again so that Islamic Sisters get it
learnt. ﴾5﴿ If you cannot reach on time due to severe valid reason then inform
﴾8﴿ Then also ask questions from Islamic sisters in a polite and a nice your Responsible Islamic sister of Training Session before.
way but do not ridicule or scold at anyone at all.
﴾9﴿ If you cannot reach on time due to any severe valid reason, then
Responsibility of teaching cannot be assigned to any other islamic
inform Responsible Islamic sister of your Halqa before. sister on your own.
Responsibility of teaching cannot be assigned to any other Islamic
Madani Pearl: In overseas, this “permission slip” could be delivered in form of
sister on your own.
image through Whatsapp.
Madani Pearl: In overseas, this “permission slip” could be delivered in form of
image through Whatsapp.
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [19/61] Monthly Division training Session

َّ ‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬

‫الش ْی ٰط ِن الرَّ ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ الرَّ ْح ٰم ِن الرَّح ِْی ِم ط‬ َّ ‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬
َ ‫لی س َّی ِد ال ُْم‬
ٰ ‫َلم َع‬
ُ ‫الس‬ ٰ ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ہّٰللِ َربِّ ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َو‬
َّ ‫الصلوۃُ َو‬ ‫الش ْی ٰط ِن الرَّ ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن الرَّح ِْی ِم ط‬ َ ‫لی س َّیدِ ال ُْم‬
ٰ ‫َلم َع‬ ٰ ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ہّٰللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َو‬
ُ َّ‫الصلوۃُ َوالس‬

Date:_____________________ Muballigha:________________________ Date:________________ Muballigha:_______________

Time:____________________ to______________
What to say and write with which blessed
Repeating what has been taught last month
names and Titles (Permission Slip) (Permission Slip)

﴾1﴿ Be punctual and try to reach before the assigned time. ﴾1﴿ Be punctual and try to reach before the assigned time.
﴾2﴿ Prepare some short questions about whatever has been taught last
﴾2﴿ First of all must tell about importance of your segment.
﴾3﴿ Explain in teaching manner. ﴾3﴿ Ask oral questions from attendee Islamic Sisters politely, if the
right answer is given, then make appreciation, if wrong answer is
﴾4﴿ Repeat it again and again. Then ask questions from islamic given then do not make fun of or scold anyone at all.
sisters but never ridicule at anybody at all. ﴾4﴿ At the end, share the importance of seeking knowledge of Islam,
and make sure to inform the Islamic Sisters that in next Islamic
﴾5﴿ If you cannot reach on time due to any severe valid reason month, questions will be asked about what has been taught today,
then inform your Responsible Islamic sister of monthly so please attend with punctuality and also note down important
division madani session before. Responsibility of teaching Madani Pearls.
﴾5﴿ If you cannot reach on time due to severe valid reason then inform
cannot be assigned to any other islamic sister on your
your Responsible Islamic sister of monthly division madani
session before. Responsibility of teaching cannot be assigned to
any other islamic sister on your own.
Madani Pearl: In overseas, this “permission slip” could be delivered in form of
Madani Pearl: In overseas, this “permission slip” could be also
image through Whatsapp.
arranged in form of image by Whatsapp.
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [20/61] Monthly Division training Session
َّ ‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬ َّ ‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن الرَّ ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ الرَّ ْح ٰم ِن الرَّح ِْی ِم ط‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن الرَّ ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن الرَّح ِْی ِم ط‬ َ ‫لی س َّیدِ ال ُْم‬
ٰ ‫َلم َع‬ ٰ ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ہّٰللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َو‬
ُ َّ‫الصلوۃُ َوالس‬ َ ‫لی س َّی ِد ال ُْم‬
ٰ ‫َلم َع‬
ُ ‫الس‬ ٰ ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ہّٰللِ َربِّ ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َو‬
َّ ‫الصلوۃُ َو‬
Date:________________ Muballigha:_______________ Date:___________ Muballigha:_______________ Time:________to_____
Time:________to______ Topic:___________________ Blessings of Sunnah (Permission Slip)
﴾1﴿ Be punctual and try to reach before the assigned time.
Madani In’amat (Permission Slip) ﴾2﴿ Prepare the "Blessings of Sunnah" very well and for this get help from the
books of authentic Sunni Scholars and from the books and booklets of
﴾1﴿ Be punctual and try to reach before the assigned time. Ameer-e-Ahlesunnat ‫ َدامت بَ َرکَاتُ ُھم ا َلعال ِیہ‬and from the following Madani Muzakaras:
4, 5, 6, 7, 37, 27.
﴾2﴿ First of all tell about the importance of Madani In’amat or the ﴾3﴿ Everything mentioned in the speech should be with reference.
sayings of Shaykh-e-Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahlesunnat ‫دامت برکاتھم العالیہ‬ ﴾4﴿ Be very careful about the correct pronunciation.
﴾5﴿ The translation of the Holy Quran should be mentioned only from Kanz-ul-
regarding Madani In’amaat. For this help can be taken from Imaan. (Do not read the Arabic, only read the translation)
Madani Muzakara No. 83. ﴾6﴿ The order should be as follows: First, tell the worldly or medical and
hereafter benefits of acting upon Sunnahs. Then share some narrations
﴾3﴿ Whichever Madani In’am is explained, make others intended to of the love that the Blessed Companions had for the Holy Prophet or
act upon it. share narrations of the enthusiasm that the Blessed Companions had
for acting upon the Sunnahs. Then in the end give the mindset of
﴾4﴿ It should be prepared very well and must read it at least “3” times acting upon any one Sunnah.
before. ﴾7﴿ Must read it thoroughly at least three times before.
﴾8﴿ Deliver the speech whilst standing, but in case of severe excuse,
﴾5﴿ If you cannot reach on time due to severe valid reason then inform speech can also be delivered while sitting.
﴾9﴿ Deliver the speech by reading only. 'It is Haraam to prove things using
your Responsible Islamic sister of monthly division madani session
Quranic verses in light of your personal opinion and to explain Ahadith
before. Responsibility of teaching cannot be assigned to any other
using your own understanding, even though your personal interpretation
islamic sister on your own. may be correct.' (Questions and Answers about Veil, Page 169)
﴾10﴿ Explain in a teaching manner.
﴾11﴿ If you cannot reach on time due to severe valid reason then
Madani Pearl: In overseas, this “permission slip” could be delivered in form of inform your Responsible Islamic sister of monthly division madani
image through Whatsapp. session before. Responsibility of teaching cannot be assigned to
any other islamic sister on your own.

Madani Pearl: In overseas, this “permission slip” could be also arranged in

form of image by Whatsapp
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [21/61] Monthly Division training Session
َّ ‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن الرَّ ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن الرَّح ِْی ِم ط‬ َ ‫لی س َّیدِ ال ُْم‬
ٰ ‫َلم َع‬ ٰ ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ہّٰللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َو‬
ُ َّ‫الصلوۃُ َوالس‬ Madani Pearl: In overseas, this “permission slip” could be also arranged in
Date:________ Naát Khuwan:_________ Time:____to____ form of image by Whatsapp.
Salat-o-Salam (Permission slip)
﴾1﴿ Be punctual and try to reach before the assigned time.
﴾2﴿ “Do not make changings in the Kalam of poet” (Madani Muzakarah
‫ ٭‬Before reciting Na’at its better to clarify that “Because changings should not
be made in Kalam of poet so I will recite masculine words in Kalam”. But
words can be changed in feminine where needed.
‫ ٭‬Those stanzas which are particularly for the Islamic brothers, Islamic sisters
should not recite them, for example:
Main puhnchoon koay Jaanaan mei gareebaan chaak seena chaak
Gira de kaash mujh ko shoq tarrpa kr Madinay mei (Wasa’il-e-Bakhshish Pg. 280)

‫ ٭‬Saying of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬: The Kalam of A’ala Hazrat ‫رحمۃ اہّٰلل تعا ٰلی‬

‫ علیہ‬is of high standards so whenever Kalam of A’ala Hazrat is recited then do not

include other stanzas in it and if you want to mix then clarify that this is not Kalam of
A’ala Hazrat. (Madani Muzakara 962)

﴾3﴿ Recite Salat o Salam whilst facing Qibla.

﴾4﴿ If you cannot reach on time due to severe valid reason then inform
Responsible Islamic sister of monthly division madani session before.
Responsibility of reciting Salat-o-Salam cannot be assigned to any
other islamic sister on your own.
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [22/61] Monthly Division training Session

َّ ‫ا ْل َح ْمدُِہّٰلِل َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی ْن َوالصَّ لٰو ُۃ َوالسَّ ال َُم َعلٰی َس ِّیدِال ُْم ْر َسلِی ْن اَ َّمابَ ْع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُبِاہّٰلل ِم َن‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن الرَّ ِج ْیم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ الرَّ ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْیم ط‬ must implement these 6 Madani Rules upon myself: Offer the
five times Salah punctually observing its obligations and
Initial Words 1. Spend at least 2 hours daily in performing Madani activities.
2. Take part in the Area visit to Call towards righteousness at
least once a week.
‫السال َُم َعلٰی َس ِّیدِال ُْم ْر َسلِی ْن‬ َّ ‫ا ْل َح ْمدُِہّٰلِل َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی ْن َوالصَّ لٰوۃُ َو‬ 3. Attend the Weekly Sunnah-inspiring Congregation from start
َّ ‫اَ َّما َب ْع ُد َف َا ُع ْوذُبِاہّٰلل ِم َن‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن ال َّر ِج ْیم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْیم‬
to end. At the end of the Congregation, I will perform
individual efforts on new Islamic Sisters.
Dear Islamic Sisters! 4. Fill out 63 Madani In’amat booklet everyday performing self-
Now few Quranic verses which have the meaning of supplication accountability and submit to Responsible Islamic Sister every
will be recited with the intention of supplication. Come, let's recite month.
some supplications for gaining blessings. May ‫ اہّٰلل عزوجل‬open the 5. Listen to the Madani Muzakara or "Sunnah inspiring
Speech" daily.
twist of our tongue with the blessings of it. ‫اٰنیم‬
‫ک َیا َحب ِ ّی َب اللّہ‬ َ ِ ‫َو َعلٰی ٰال‬
َ ِ ‫ک َواَ ْص ٰحب‬ ‫ک َیا َر ُس ْو ُل اہّٰلل‬ َّ ‫اَلصَّ لٰوۃُ َو‬
َ ‫الس َال ُم َعل َْی‬
I intend to act upon these Madani activities; you also make the
intention and say: ‫( ان شاء اہّٰلل عزوجل‬from Madani Muzakara No. 66 with additions)
‫بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْیم‬
ۚ‫ِّسلِی َا ْمر ِ ْیۚ َوا ْحلُ ْل ُع ْق َد ًۃ ِّم ْن لِّ َسانِیۚ َی ْف َق ُھ ْوا ق َْول ِ ْی‬
ْ ِّ ‫اْش ْح ل ِ ْی َص ْدر ِْیۚ َو َی‬
َ ْ ‫﴾ َر ِّب‬1﴿ َّ ‫اَلصَّ لٰوۃُ َو‬
‫ک َیا َحب ِ ّی َب اللّہ‬ َ ِ ‫َو َعلٰی ٰال‬
َ ِ ‫ک َواَ ْص ٰحب‬ ‫ک َیا َر ُس ْو ُل اہّٰلل‬
َ ‫الس َال ُم َعل َْی‬
)28‫ تا‬25 ‫ سورۃ ٰط ٰہ آیت‬16‫(پارہ‬

)114 ‫ سورۃ ٰط ٰہ آیت‬16‫(پارہ‬ ۚ‫﴾ َر ِّب زِ ْدن ِ ْی عِلْم ًا‬2﴿

َ ْ ‫ک َیا ذَاا ْل َج َال ِل َو ْاْل‬

‫ِْکام۔‬ َ ‫ُش َع َلیْ َنا َر َح َم َت‬ َ ‫﴾ اَل ّٰل ُھ َّم ا ْف َتحْ َع َل ْی َنا حِکْ َم َت‬3﴿
ْ ُ ْ‫ک َوان‬

"I must strive to reform myself and the people of entire

world". ‫ان شآء اہّٰلل عزوجل‬
For rectification of myself, I have to act upon the Madani In’amat
and for striving to rectify the people of entire world, I will
persuade the Maharim (non-marriageable men) of my home to travel
in Madani Qafilas. To become habitual of both of these things, I
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [23/61] Monthly Division training Session

َّ ‫اَ ْل َح ْمدُِہّٰلِل َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی ْن َوالصَّ لوۃُ َوالسَّ ََل ُم َعلی َس ِّیدِال ُْمرْ َسلِی ْن اَ َّمابَ ْع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُبِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن ال َّر ِج ْیم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ الرَّ ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْیم‬ ٰ ٰ

Segment Duration Which fortunate ones will get this privilege?
Responsible Islamic sister of monthly division madani
1 Recitation 2 Mins session (division level) will assign to Islamic sister who has
correct pronunciation.
Responsible Islamic sister monthly division madani session
2 Na'at Shareef 3 Mins
(division level) will assign to different area’s Islamic sister
Responsible Islamic Sister of monthly division madani
3 Initial Words 3 Mins
session (division level)
Responsible Islamic Sister of monthly division madani
4 Congregational self-accountability 3 Mins
session (division level)
One Islamic Sister should be appointed from Nigran Islamic sister
5 Who prepared how many Islamic Sisters for Madani 5 Mins of Division Majlis or Co-Responsible Islamic sister of department
work through individual effort last month?
(Division Level) for it.
Shajra Shareef or Seerah of Attar “OR”
Sayings of Attar “OR”
Reading the madani perals of Ameer e Ahle Sunnat
6 7 mins One Islamic Sister should be appointed from Division Majlis for it.
“OR” Correction of pronunciation
“Terms” or “What to say and write with which
blessed names”, “Words used for calling”
Repeating What has been Taught for One Any Islamic Sister from division mushawarat whose pronunciation is
7 7 mins
Month correct should be fixed for this segment.
Blessings of Sunnah “OR” One Islamic Sister should be appointed from Division Majlis for it.
8 10 Mins
Madani In’amat The responsible Islamic sister of madani inmaat (division level)
Announcements with revision of madani 5 mins
9 Division to world level responsible Islamic sisters
muzakara (4 Weeks) 6 mins
10 Motivational Speech or 19 Mins Division to world level responsible Islamic sisters
؎۱ An Islamic Sister from Division/ Kabina Majlis (its better if
11 Fiqh 12 Mins
Madniyah) should be fixed for this segment.
Responsible Islamic sister of monthly division madani
12 Dua 4 mins
session (division level) will assign to any islamic sister.
Responsible Islamic sister of monthly division madani
13 Salaat o Salaam 3 Mins
session (division level) will assign to any islamic sister
Dua to be recited at the end of Responsible Islamic sister monthly division madani session (division
congregation” 2 Mins
level) will assign to Islamic sister who has correct pronunciation.
Total time 92 mins ﴾1 hour 32 mins﴿
(1) "Initial Words", “Segment of "Fiqh", "Correction of Pronunciation", "Pamphlet", “List of Madani pearls”, "
What to Say or Write with Which Blessed Names", "Words used for calling", "Blessings of Sunnah", "Segment
of Madani In’amat", " Segment of Dua",
"Topics of Motivational Speech", “Announcements” these papers are
enclosed in the record file. (Paper of “Congregational Fikre Madinah is present in Madani pearls of Madani Inamaat)
(2) If the attendees of the division madani session are of Shafa’e school of fiqh, then the segment of Fiqh cannot be
taught in Hanafi discipline. However, if there is an Islamic sister who has madani appearance and she can teach the
fiqh of the shafa’i school of thought, she can conduct this segment. All the other Madani activities of Dawat-e-
Islamis must be taught by Hanafi Islamic sisters (preachers of Dawat-e-Isalmi.
(3) In the month of Jumdi-ul-Ukhra in the monthly division madani session, in the place of the naat shareef, read
the kalam of Ameer-e-Ahle sunnah “’amal ka ho jazba ata ya Ilahi”. In the place of the speach, read the
booklet “the silent prince” completely and at the end, read the “Qufle Madina Day” (pamphlet).
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [24/61] Monthly Division training Session

‫سم اہلل الرَّ ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِیم‬ َّ ‫رسل ِین اَ َّما بَعد َفاَعُوذُبِاہللِ ِم َن‬
ِ ِ‫الش ْی ٰط ِن الرَّ ِجیم ب‬ ُ ‫اَل َحم ُدہللِ َر ِّب ال ٰع َلمِین َوالصَّ لٰوۃُ َوالسَّ الَ ُم َعلٰی َس ِّید‬
َ ‫ِالم‬
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210

Chart for Missed Salah Fajr

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Fajr Asr
211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Zuhr
Fajr Asr
Zuhr Maghrib
Asr Isha
Isha 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Zuhr
Fajr Asr
Zuhr Maghrib
Asr Isha
Isha 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Fajr
Fajr Zuhr
Zuhr Asr
331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Fajr
Fajr Zuhr
Zuhr Asr
Asr M agh r i b
M agh r i b Isha
151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 17 5 176 177 17 8 179 180
3 6 1 362 363 364 365 361 362 363 364 365 361 362 363 364 365 361 362 363 364 365 361 362 363 364 365
Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Asr Madani Pearl: This paper is sufficient for “12 months”.
M agh r i b
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [25/61] Monthly Division training Session

‫الر ْم ٰم ِن لرَّم ِْی‬ َّ ‫الم ْر َسلِی ْن اَ َّما بع ُد َفاَعُوذُبِاہللِ ِم َن‬

ْ ِ‫الش ْی ِٰ ِِن الرَّ ِی ْی ِ بِ ْس ِ اہلل‬ ُ ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُدہللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی ْن َوالصَّ لٰوۃُ َوالسَّ ََل ُم َعلٰی َس ِّی ِد‬
S. Topics of segment Relevant Madani In’amat
No. "Madani In’amat"
List of Topics for segments of 5 Excellences of Madani In’am of reciting Tasbih-e-Fatimah ‫ہلل َت َعالٰی عنہ‬ ُ ‫; َرض َِی ا‬

Training Session
Zikr of Allah Madani In’am of reciting ‫ َما َشا َء اہلل عزویل‬، ‫ ا ِ ْن َشا َء اہلل عزویل‬and ‫اَ ْل َحم ُد ہلل عزویل‬,
Madani In’am of reciting some Awrad from Shajarah; Madani
Topics of segment Relevant Madani In’amat In’am of reciting ‫ استغفار‬in case of uttering needless words،
"Madani In’amat" Madani In’am of reciting zikr and durood during the days of
1 Excellence of Madani In’am of performing good intentions. menses;
Intentions Madani In’am of memorizing 6 Kalimahs, Imaan-e-Mufassal,
2 Blessings of Madani In’am of conversing courteously with Imaan-e-Mujmal, Takbeer-e-Tashreeq and Talbiyah (‫;)لبیک‬
Respect everyone, Madani In’am of keeping the face Madani In’am of memorizing Azaan and the Dua after Azaan,
towards the Qiblah while sitting and standing Dua-e-Qunoot and Attahiyyaat.
3 Excellences of Madani In’am of reciting Salat-Alan-Nabi at least 6 Excellences of Madani In’am of offering Tahajjud, Ishraaq,
Salat-Alan-Nabi 313 times; Madani In’am of reciting Salat-Alan- Tahajjud, Ishraaq Chaasht and Awwaabeen
Nabi in case of uttering needless words; Madani and Chaasht
In’am of memorizing Durood-e-Ibrahimi with 7 What is Khushu Madani In’am of making an effort to observe
correct pronunciation. and Khudu? fearfulness in body and heart from Allah
4 Excellence of Madani In’am of reciting Ayat-ul-Kursi, (Fearfullness of Allah
(Khushu’ & Khudu’) whilst
offering Salah and
in body and heart)
Recitation of Surah Ikhlas and Surah Mulk;
making Dua.
the Holy Quran Madani In’am of reciting at least 3 verses
with translation and commentary from Kanz-
8 Condemnation Madani In’am of refraining from borrowing and
ul- Imaan; of Borrowing using other people’s belongings.
Madani In’am of teaching or learning in 9 Destructions of Madani In’am of refraining from backbiting.
Madrasa-tul-Madinah (for adults); Backbiting
Madani In’am of completing the recitation of 10 Qufl-e- Madani In’am of observing ‘Qufl-e-Madinah of
the entire Quran at least once with correct
Madinah of the Stomach’; Madani In’am of observing Fast
pronunciation and repeating it once a year;
Madani In’am of memorizing the last 10 Stomach on every Monday moreover give mindset of
Surahs of the Holy Quran and Dua-e- participating in Madani Campaign of Nafl fasts
Masurah with correct pronunciation. 11 Speech about Madani In’am of refraining from revealing
trustworthiness somebody’s secrets.
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [26/61] Monthly Division training Session

S. Topics of segment
Relevant Madani In’amat
S. Topics of segment Relevant Madani In’amat
No. No.
"Madani In’amat" "Madani In’amat"
12 Qufl-e- Madani In’am of refraining from useless talks; 21 Speech about Madani In’am of refraining from slander.
Madinah of Madani In’am of communicating through slander
Tongue gestures and writing.
13 Speech about Madani In’am of refraining from hurting other’s
22 Speech about Madani In’am of invoking ‫ الحمد اہلل علی کل مال‬instead
hurting others feelings. of moaning when asked about your health
feelings 23 Condemnation of Madani In’am of refraining from laughing
14 Qufl-e- Madani In’am of observing ‘Qufl-e-Madinah’ of the
laughing out loudly aloud.
Madinah of eyes whilst walking, travelling and conversing; Madani
24 Destructions of Madani In’am of refraining from listening to
In’am of refraining from peeping inside other’s homes
Eyes Music music.
through the doors;
Madani In’am of abstaining from watching movies, Notes: (i) The Madani In’amaat which are related to Sunnahs are included in
dramas, and keeping eyes close for at least 12 minutes. the topics of "Blessings of Sunnah" E.g. Sunnahs and Manners of sneezing etc.
15 Breaking Madani In’am of refraining from breaking (ii) The Madani In’amaat related to Motivational Speeches have been included
in the "Topics of Motivational Speeches. e.g. Excellences of gatherings of
Promises promises Religious Knowledge (Attending weekly congregation), Listening to Cassette
16 Excellences of Madani In’am of observing fast on every Monday; Madani Speech, Individual Efforts, self-accountability etc. (iii) There are some topics of
Fasting In’am of observing missed fasts of Ramadan due to menses. which there is no need to mention within the monthly division madani session
Moreover, also read out the pamphlet “Madani Campaign of for responsible Islamic Sisters e.g. Giving loan. This Madani In’am has not
Nafl fasts” (this paper is enclosed in record file) been added; this topic is usually added in the Sunnah Inspired Congregation.
17 Rulings of Madani In’am of removing pictures of living (iv) "Importance of Shajarah Shareef" are separate segments so they have not
Pictures creatures form house been added to the Madani In’amat segment. (v) "Destructions of unveiling" -
the Nigran Islamic Sister of Area level Majlis delivers a special motivational
18 Someone in the Madani In’am of remaining in the state of Wudu speech on this topic in the month of Rabi ul Awwal so it has not been added in
state of Wudu is
[Ritual Ablution] for most part of the day. the Madani In’amat segment. (vi) The Division level Majlis will be delivering
Satan's enemy
speeches in monthly division madani session on the following topics so they
19 Rulings of Madani In’am of replying to the Azan; Madani In’am
have not been added to Madani In’amat segment: 1) Importance of Studying 2)
Azan of memorizing the Azaan and Dua after Azaan. Dangers of Personal Friendships 3) Salah 4) Condemnation of Lying 5)
20 Excellences of Madani In’am of repenting from all sins after Torment of Slander 6) Cure for Anger 7) Blessings of Obedience (abiding) 8)
Repentance offering Salat-tut-Taubah moreover in case of Jealousy 9) Arrogance and Humility 10) Hiding Faults 11) Sincerity 12)
committing a sin, repenting instantly; Madani In’am Excellence of Forgiving and Tolerance.
of repenting upon talking uselessly.
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [27/61] Monthly Division training Session

Topics for “Fiqh” in Monthly division session S.

Topics of the segment
"Blessings of Sunnah"
Topics of the segment
"Blessings of Sunnah"
(Hanafi) Sunnahs and Manners of Sunnahs and Manners of
Sr. Sr. 1 10
Topics of the segment “Fiqh” No.
Topics of the segment “Fiqh” Sleeping and awakening Sneezing
Islamic rulings regarding Wudu Sunnahs and Manners of Sunnahs and Manners of
1 12 Speech about Salah of sick person
2 11
Clothing Combing Hair
with practical method
Faraiz, Wajibaat, Sunnan and
Sunnahs and Manners of Wearing
3 Sunnahs and Manners of Eating 12
2 13 Speech about traveler’s Salah Shoes
Islamic rulings of Salah
What acts invalidate Salah,
Sunnahs and Manners of
4 13 Speech of Istinja
3 14 Speech about Shar'i Mazoor Applying Kohl
Makruh acts of Salah
Sunnahs and Manners of Sunnahs and Manners of Cutting
Fard and Sunnan of Ritual bath 5 14
4 15 Speech about Fidyah Adornment Nails
(Ghusl) with practical method
Sunnahs and Manners of Sunnahs and Manners of Shaking
Islamic rulings regarding Speech about Reciting and 6 15
5 16 Applying Oil Hands
Menstruation Touching the Holy Quran
Sunnahs and Manners of
Speech about Divorce, Khula, 7 Condemnation of Yawning 16
6 Method of Purifying Clothes 17 Drinking Water
Iddat, Mourning, Zihaar
Sunnahs and Manners of
Rulings of Inheritance and Rulings 8 17 Sunnahs and Manners of Walking
7 Rulings of Purity and Impurity 18 Entering and Leaving the House
of making a Will (Part 1,2)
Sunnahs and Manners of Getting
Method of Missed Salah ("12 9 Sunnahs and Manners of Salaam 18
up and Sitting Down
8 months chart for missed Salah" is 19 Speech about Apostate
Madani Pearls: (i) Only those topics of “Blessings of Sunnah” have been
enclosed in record file)
included in the schedule of monthly division session which are practiced in everyday
When Sajda Sahw is to be routine, but because of negligence and laziness, responsible Islamic Sisters do not
9 20 Islamic rulings regarding luqta
done and its method get steadfastness in acting upon these Sunnahs. Other than this, other Sunnahs are
included in the segment of "Madani In’amat".
10 Rulings of Istihaza 21 Islamic rulings regarding Waqf
The topics for the segment “Shajra Shareef/
11 Method of Tayammum 22 Speech about Oath Seerah of Attar
Notes (i) The topics, Wudu, Salah, Fasting, Recitation etc are also included 1. The favors of Ameer e Ahle sunnah
2. The miraculous wonders of Ameer e ahle sunnah
in the segment of "Madani In’amat" but in the segment of Fiqh these topics 3. Sacrifices of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnah
are included so that specific rulings regarding them should be taught. (ii) Do 4. Some important aspects of Seerah of Ameer e ahle sunnah (i.e. simplicity,
not teach any of these topics for more than two weeks. respectfulness and humility, Fear of Allah and the love of the Prophet)
5. The precautions regarding rights of humans, practiced by Ameer e ahle
[28/61] Monthly Division training Session
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [29/61] Monthly Division training Session
َّ ‫اَ ْل َح ْمدُِہّٰلِل َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی ْن َوالصَّ لوۃُ َوالسَّ ََل ُم َعلی َس ِّیدِال ُْمرْ َسلِی ْن اَ َّمابَ ْع ُد َفاَعُ ْوذُبِاہّٰللِ ِم َن‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن ال َّر ِج ْیم ط بِ ْس ِم اہّٰللِ الرَّ ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْیم‬ S.
ٰ ٰ No.
Topic Other Details Helpful Material
Importance Narrate importance of 3
Topics of Motivational Speeches and Blessings Madani Muzakaras and Take help from
Topic Other Details
Helpful of Madani Madani parables. We have to “Madani pearls
Material Muzakara listen it ourselves and regarding Madani
* Importance of Individual Efforts, excellences, prepare others as well to Muzakara”
blessings, Individual Efforts of pious people and 'Jannati Mahal', listen, tell the method of it.
why individual effort is necessary, also tell that 'Dil Joi k 4 To prepare Tell about the importance, 'Tilawat ka Maqsad', '4
while doing individual efforts persuade to Fazail' (Speeches for reciting excellences and blessings of Madani Phool'
distribute books, booklets, VCD's etc. published of Ameer e (Speeches of Ameer e Ahl-
Ahlesunnat) and teaching reciting the Holy Quran; e-sunnat)
by Maktaba- tul-Madinah. ‫ ٭‬persuade to make Madani Holy Quran
Explain the importance of
Tajweed, also tell the harms Madani Muzakara 86,
individual efforts on Maharim for participating Muzakara: 14, 21, 104, 115
27, 32, 34, 63, 75, of reciting without Tajweed,
Individual in Madani activities. ‫ ٭‬Persuade to make 79, 85, 88, 94, those who have recited with Books and Booklets:
Effort Individual Efforts on those Islamic Sisters who 103, 114, 116, Tajweed persuade them for 'Wonders and Marvels
were used to take part in Madani activities but 145, 141, 159. teaching others. of the Holy Quran',
Books and 'Excellence of Reciting
not participating now, convince them to become Booklets:
associated with Madani Environment once the Holy Quran'.
'Blessings of ‫ مسباہلل‬5 Explain excellences, 'Dil ki Chot', 'Ijtima ki
again. Explain blessings of Madani To Bring
', 'Infiradi importance, blessings of Barakatein', 'Mujhe
Environment, disadvantages of being away from Koshish', Others to
Madani Environment, and by telling that what 'Heeroinchi ki Sunnah “religious knowledge. Give Dawat e Islami se Pyar
you have liked for yourself, like for others as Tauba' examples of the enthusiasm Hai', (Speeches of Ameer
Inspiring e Ahlesunnat)
well, explain way of doing Individual Effort. that the pious people had for
Congregation seeking of Islamic knowledge. Madani Muzakara 35,
Lambi Umr Paane
With the help of "Madani Pearls for ka Nuskha' (Speech Excellences of Call Towards 104.
responsible Islamic sisters": of Ameer e Ahlesunnat) Righteousness, Rectification Books and Booklets:
(a) Explain the importance of Home Madani Muzakara: 9, of Society, Harms of Leaving 'Dawat e Islami ki
Home Dars, method and Madani Parables. 10, 14, 159. Books & Call Towards Righteousness. Madani Baharein (Jild
Dars (b) Also tell the “Madani Pearls of Home Booklets: 'Dawat-e- Awwal)', Questions and
Islami ki Madani
Dars from Faizan e Sunnat (New) (c) Answers about Veil'.
Baharein (Part 1)',
Making Madani Environment at home.
(iv) Excellences of Religious knowledge 'Khush Naseeb
Miyan Biwi'.
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [30/61] Monthly Division training Session
S. S.
Topic Other Details Helpful Material No.
Topic Other Details Helpful Material
6 Area Visit 8 Madani Importance and blessings of Madani Jannat k talabgaron
Importance, blessings, manners, 'Aag se Bacho aur
for Call method of Calling towards Bachao', 'Muashrey In’amat In’amat, Importance of self- k ye Madani
towards Righteousness, the practices of our ki Islah'; (Speeches of accountability. What is Fikr e Guldasta, Fikre
Ameer e Ahlesunnat) Madinah? Method of self- Madinah, Jannat ki
Righteousn pious people for Calling towards Call to
ess Righteousness, and why it is needed accountability. Give mindset of tyyari, Mehboob e
“Where Dawat-e-Islami is not (chapter of Faizane trying to become the Ajmeri, Attar ki 122
Sunnat) Baghdadi, Makki and Madani hikayaat
present?” should also be briefly
Madani Muzakara Daughters of Attar, and give the
mentioned. To give new Islamic 3, 9, 22, 53, 58, 63,
Sisters the mindset to take part in Call 65, 66, 74, 85, 88. mindset to perform self-
towards Righteousness, one can get Books and accountability. daily and to prepare
help from “Excuses of not attending Booklets: Nisaab e others to fill out Madani In’amat
congregation and their answers” (this Madani Qafilah. booklet and explain how to do this.
paper is present in Madani pearls for call to Persuade to receive booklet from
righteousness) other Islamic Sisters at end of each
7 Monthly Give mindset to attend the monthly Priceless Islamic Month. Along with this, take
division division madani session regularly diamonds, Ilm o help from 'Confusions about Madani
madani every week, with punctuality and hikmat k 125 In’amat and Permanent Qufl e
Madani phool, Madinah' to help increase their
session give mindset of bringing new
Neki ki Dawat k
Islamic Sisters to the division faza’il enthusiasm. (This paper is included in the
madani session. Explain the Madani Pearls for Madani In’amat)
importance of the division madani 9 Madani Importance and blessings of Madani Hazrat Umer bin
Meeting. Explain why Madani Meetings
session (A chance to seek obligatory Meeting Abdul Aziz ki 425
are important? And give the mindset to
knowledge, to rectify our inner and outer attend Madani Meetings. hikayaat, Madani
self, for becoming better Disciple and kamon ki taseem k
pious etc). taqazay
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [31/61] Monthly Division training Session
S. S. Helpful
Topic Other Details Helpful Material No.
Topic Other Details
10 Importanc Material
* Explain the importance of ---------
submitting monthly performance 14 Importance Narrate introduction of Majlis Kafan & dafan Book:
e of of Tajheez-o- (shrouding and burial). Narrate importance of this Tajheez-o-
report. Moreover, also tell the
submitting Madani ways of submitting Takfeen Department. Give mindset to all responsible Islamic Takfeen ka
Report Performance report on time. sisters to cooperate in this department. When tareeqa
form Encourage Islamic Sisters to make introducing this department, tell these points as well :
good intentions to submit monthly the Islamic sister who did not pass the Kafan Dafan test
performance report on time. are not allowed to perform bathing and shrouding the
*Explain Madani Pearls mentioned deceased. Those who have passed the test with a good
in "Performance report for Zeli rank may give bath to deceased, and those who passed
Halqa" in easier words. with excellent rack can teach method of bathing and
11 Madani *Explain method of meeting and Get help from “Madani shrouding as well.
activities in making individual efforts on pearls of Majlis 15 Need and Make persuasion for seeking Religious knowledge.
institutes of personalities *Prepare preachers for Rabita”, “Madani importance if Persuade to attend the courses hold by Majlis Short
Majlis delivering speech in institutes. *Train pearls of Shoba e seeking Courses and residential courses hold in Dar-us-Sunnah,
Rabita and about how should be the speech in Taleem”, “Madani Religious for taking admission in shari’at course and Dars-e-
Shoba e educational institutes. * Note down pearls of Rabiul knowledge Nizami form Jami’a-tul-Madina. Also persuade to
taleem names of Preacher Islamic sisters who Awwal”. Infiradi
present themselves, and make their attend course through Madrasa-tul-Madina Online.
koshish (book),
arrangement for Dars or speech in Notes:
institutes. ‫ ٭‬in the monthly division madani sessions, every month the speech
12 Madani Method of doing the speech, method ofThe speech of ameer e should be on one topic
pearls for reading couplet, method of persuasion, ahle sunnah “how ‫ ٭‬the responsible Islamic sisters for the division to world level
speeches method of narrating torments, methodshould a preacher be” should deliver these speeches. The responsible Islamic sister of
of narrating blessed news should behelp can be taken from madani inamat and the responsible Islamic sister for call to
taught the madani pearls for righteousness should to speech in their respective segments.
the preachers ‫ ٭‬There are 15 topics, the points relevant to weaknesses found in
13 Madani How to keep the importance of sunnah Take help from the Responsible Islamic sisters, should be told in speech in a polite
pearls for and manners in the dua of the sunnah book “Manners of manner. Keeping assigned time in view, speech should be done in
Dua inspired congregation. The person Dua”, “Madani such a way that within 30 mins, topic could be narrated
doing the dua should know which dua treasures of blessings” completely. The same topic could be narrated in 2 months if
cannot be done, do dua for the public
needed. Madani meeting’s speeches received from Pak intizami
and include the scholars in the dua etc.
kabina could also be considered for narrating.
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [32/61] Monthly Division training Session

‫َّمم ِن الرَّم ِی‬ َّ ‫رسل ِین اَ َّما بَع ُد َفاَعُوذُبِاہلل مِ َن‬

ٰ ‫الشی ٰط ِن الرَِِّی بِس ِ اہلل الر‬ َ ُ‫اَل َحم ُدہللِ َر ِّب ال ٰعلَمِین َوالصَّ لٰوۃُ َوالسَّ ال َ ُم عَلٰی َس ِّیدِالم‬ NO Topics Reference
13 Hand shaking 14 Madni pearls 101 Madani Pearls page 5

Madani Pearls 14
Zimmidaran kay liye 19 Madani Madani kammon ki
List for Narrating Pearls taqseem page 24
15 9 madani pearls about replying to Azan Laws of Salah page 84
provided by Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫دامت برکاتھ العالیہ‬ 16
Putting on the Kohl 1 Madani
101 Madani Pearls page
13 Madani pearls to sit facing
NO Topics Reference 17 King of jinns page 14
I Farooqi string of 7 Madnai pearls Silent Prince page 19 Mutala’ krny kay Shouq e ilm e deen
4 madani pearls pertaining to Maners of eating page 18
2 18 Madani Pearls page 27
healthy teeth 119 12 Madni pearls of celebrating
22 Madani pearls of giving Dars Gheebat ki tabah kariyan 19 Dawn of blessing page 20
3 Milad
from faizan e sunnat page 451 20 7 madani pearls of sila-rahmi Neki ki dawat page 156
Call to righteousness 21 15 madani pearl about oath Neki ki dawat page 175
4 7 Madani pearls of wearing shoes
page 89 22 madani pearls about Zulf and 163 Madani Pearls page
Excellence of reciting 22
5 8 misellenious Madani pearls hairs etc 15
Holy Quran page 31 Rafeeq ul harmain page
20 Madani pearls regarding 23 16 madani pearls fo hujjaj
6 Silent Prince page 48 22
Miswak 9 madani pearl regardign Haj-e- Rafeeq ul harmain page
2 Madani pearls for burial/ Excellence of reciting 24
7 badl 149
submergence of Quranic pages Holy Quran page 30 6 madani pearls of offering Salah Rafeeq ul harmain page
9 Madani pearls regards to Excellence of reciting 25
8 during journey 36
touching the holy Quran Holy Quran page 24 26 9 madani pearls of Labbaik Rafeeq ul harmain page 63
14 madani pearls regarding Sajda e Excellence of reciting 27 8 madani pearls of Rami Rafeeq ul harmain page 148
tilawat Holy Quran page 18 Main sudharna chahta hun
4 Madani Pearls regarding Excellence of reciting 28 4 Madani pearls of putting kohl
10 page 38
translation of Holy Quran Holy Quran page 28 29 13 Madani pearls of kaffara of oath Neki ki dawat page 186
21 Madani Pearls regarding Excellence of reciting Rafeeq ul harmain page
recitation of Holy Quran Holy Quran page 9 30 12 Madani Pearls
19 Madani pearls for establishing 5 Madani pearls of precaution Rafeeq ul haramain page
12 Madnai environment in the house Silent Prince page 39 31
about Rami 126
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [33/61] Monthly Division training Session

NO Topics Reference
‫ بسم اہلل‬kay 29 Madani Pearls Faizan e ‫ بسم اہلل‬page 90
NO Topics Reference
12 Madani Pearls of cassette
15 Madani Pearls of waking up 101 Madani Pearls 49 Madani guldasta page 443
33 ijtima
and sleeping page 25 12 Madani Pearls to control Abuses of People of Lut page
Naik bunnay aur banany 50
34 Infiradi koshish kay Madani Pearls sensual desires 23
kay tareeqy page 137 Halal tareeqy say kamany kay Halal tareeqy say kamany kay 50
Naik bunnay aur banany 51
35 Madani Pearls of Muballigh 50 Madani Pearls Madani Pearls page 4 ta 12
kay tareeqy page 137 18 Madani Pearls about naming Abuses of People of Lut page
Naik bunnay aur banany 52
36 15 Madani Pearls of walking the children 41
kay tareeqy page 633 19 Madani Pearls of oiling and
12 Madani Pearls of Aadab e 53 Ashkon ki barsat page 31
37 Madina diary page 12 combing hairs
murshid kamil 8 Madani Pearls of Dawat e
19 Madani Pearls of madani 54 Madina diary page 5
38 Madina diary page 16 islami
meeting Madani kamon ki taqseem
19 Madani Pearls of madani 55 19 Madani Pearls of success
39 Madina diary page 13 kay taqazay page 61
meeting 17 Madani Pearls of making
40 12 Madani Pearls of talking 101 Madani Pearls page 8 56 Manners of Eating page 142
41 14 Madani Pearls of dress Madiny ki machli page 39 7 Madani Pearls of ritual Rafeeq ul harmain
Madany qaida, madani 57
42 Madani pearls of drinking water sacrifice of Hajj page 130
nisaab page 41 10 Madani Pearls of Tawaf-uz- Rafeeq ul harmain
Madaniqaida,madani 58
43 Madani pearls of eating ziyarah page 136
nisaab page 42 19 Madani Pearls of tawaf-ur- Rafeeq ul harmain
101 Madani Pearls 59
44 17 Madani Pearls of sneezing Rukhsat page 142
page 11 60 4 Madani Pearls about Sa’i Rafeeq ul mo’tamareen page 205
Madani qida, madani 61 18 Madani Pearls of sitting Bhayanat aunt page 90
45 Jamahi kay Madani Pearls
nisaab page 43 14 Madani Pearls of avoiding
101 Madani Pearls 62 Method of wudu page 35
46 9 Madani Pearls of clipping nails wasting water
page 15 11 Madani Pearls of greeting
12 Madani Pearls of Qufl-e- 63 101 Madani Pearls page 2
47 Madani guldasta page 438 Muslim
Madina of tongue 64 41 Madani Pearls about diets Kbab samosy k nuqsanat page 9
12 Madani Pearls of Qufl-e- 65 7 Madani Pearls about worship Asan neikiyan page 131
48 Madani guldasta page 440
Madina of eyes
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Solar) 2019 [34/61] Monthly Division training Session

NO Topics Reference NO Topics Reference

Important Madani Pearls about Love 130 parables of devotees Madani treasure of blessings
66 83 12 Madani Pearls of Nafli fasts
for self-respect of Rasool page 94 to 98 page 306
67 25 Madani pearls regarding Aqeeqa Heedlessness page 20 18 Madani Pearls of donating Madani treasure of blessings
Adaab e murshid kamil Sawab page 387
68 4 Madani Pearls of shajra
page 139 49 extremely useful Madani Madani treasure of blessings
69 9 Madani Pearls of marriage Sunnat e nikah page 69 Pearls page 307
70 10 Madani Pearls of Walima Sunnat e nikah page 27 16 Domestic cures and useful Madani treasure of blessings
71 12 Madani Pearls of Bint-e-Attar Sunnat e nikah page 48 Madani Pearls page 357
19 Madani Pearls for married islamic 50 Madani Pearls of
72 Sunnat e nikah page 79 87 50 Madani Pearls of Fenugreek
sisters Fenugreek page 1
73 Kalonji kay 19 Madani Pearls Ghareelu elaj page 109 88 Madani pearls about worship Asaan nekiyan page 131
74 Injeer kay 33 Madani Pearls Ghareelo ilaj page 111
28 Madani Pearls regarding Bijli kay Madani Pearls
illuminating appliances page 9
Bijli kay Madani Pearls
76 14 Madani Pearls of electric appliances
page 16
13 Madani Pearls of fridge and deep Bijli kay Madani Pearls
freezer page 19
Bijli kay Madani Pearls
78 8 Madani Pearls of Air conditioner
page 9
79 16 Madani Pearls for children Tarbiyat e aulaad page 89
Madani treasure of
80 25 Madani Pearls regarding Dates
blessings page 343
30 Madani Pearls regarding Salat- Madani treasure of
‘Alan-Nabi blessings page 159
Madani treasure of
82 8 Madani Pearls regarding Salat-ul-Taj
blessings page 171
‫‪Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019‬‬ ‫]‪[35/61‬‬ ‫‪Monthly Division training Session‬‬

‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َف َاعُ ْوذُ بِاہللِ ِم َن َّ‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن ال َّر ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْی ِم‬ ‫الم َعلٰی س َّی ِد ال ُْم َ‬ ‫ا ْل َح ْم ُد ہللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َوالصلٰوۃُ َو َّ‬
‫الس ُ‬ ‫ط‬
‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َف َاعُ ْوذُ بِاہللِ ِم َن َّ‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن ال َّر ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْی ِم‬ ‫الم َعلٰی س َّی ِد ال ُْم َ‬ ‫ا ْل َح ْم ُد ہللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َوالصلٰوۃُ َو َّ‬
‫الس ُ‬

‫‪Correct pronunciation‬‬ ‫‪Correct pronunciation‬‬

‫‪S no‬‬
‫‪Pronounce‬‬ ‫‪S no‬‬
‫‪Pronounce‬‬ ‫‪S no‬‬
‫‪S.‬‬ ‫‪Pronounce‬‬ ‫‪Pronounce‬‬ ‫‪Pronounce like‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬
‫‪S. n‬‬ ‫‪S no‬‬ ‫ََ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬
‫‪no‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪this‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫برکت‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫ِقیامت‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫عمل‬
‫َْْ‬ ‫َْْ‬ ‫ُ َ َ َ ُ َ‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫قبر‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫نذر‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫دہ)‬ ‫عا۔ہ‬ ‫معاھدہ (م‬ ‫َ َ َ ْ‬ ‫َُُ ْ‬ ‫َْ ْ‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫عظمت‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫ن ب وت‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫عقل‬
‫َ ْ ْ‬ ‫ُ َ ََ‬ ‫ُ َ ََ‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫حشر‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫مطالعہ‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫مشاھرہ‬ ‫َ ْ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ ْ‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫مغ ِفرت‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫ِاطاعت‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫نسل‬
‫َ ْْ‬ ‫ُ َ ََ‬ ‫ُ ْ َْ‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫صبر‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫مصافحہ‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫مع ِجزہ‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ َ ْ‬ ‫ََ ْ‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫ع ِافیت‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫مشقت‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫اٹل‬
‫َ ْ ْ‬ ‫ُ َ ََ‬ ‫َ َ‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫عصر‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫معاملہ‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ب ِق‬ ‫ت‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ َ ْ‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫(یشم۔ی)‬
‫َ‬ ‫م ِشیت‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫م ِالیت‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫سعادت‬
‫ْ ْ‬ ‫ُ َ َ َ‬ ‫ُ ُ َ‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫ِعطر‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫مَلحظہ‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫جمعہ‬ ‫ََْ ْ‬ ‫ََ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬
‫‪6‬‬ ‫ب ی عت‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫ندامت‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫ِحکایت‬
‫ُ ْْ‬ ‫ُ َ ََ‬ ‫ُ َ ََ‬
‫‪6‬‬ ‫شکر‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫مذاکرہ‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ر‬ ‫مظاھ‬ ‫َْ َ َ‬ ‫ََ َ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ َ ْ‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫تر جمہ‬ ‫نجاست‬ ‫رغ بت‬
‫ُ ْ ْ‬ ‫ُ َ ََ‬ ‫َ ْ َ‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫عمر (ینعمباسل)‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫مطالبہ‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫مسئلہ‬
‫َ َ‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬
‫َْْ‬ ‫ُ َ َ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ َ‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫خ ِاتمہ‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫ِاقامت‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫ِعیادت‬
‫‪8‬‬ ‫امر‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫مشاھدہ‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫غسالہ‬
‫َ َ‬ ‫ََ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬
‫ْْ‬ ‫َ َ‬ ‫َْ ْ‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫اصلہ‬ ‫ف ِ‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫کفالت‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫ِقیادت‬
‫‪9‬‬ ‫ِوتر‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫ک ِلمہ‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫ل‬ ‫قب‬
‫َ َ َ َ‬ ‫َ ْ‬ ‫ُ ُْ َ ْ‬
‫ََْ‬ ‫ََ َ َ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ ْ‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫مدنی ق ِافلہ‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫آخرت‬‫ِ‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫حکومت‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫نھر‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫تنازعہ‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫اصل‬
‫َ ََ‬ ‫َ ْ ََ‬ ‫ََ َ ْ‬ ‫ُ َ ََ ْ‬
‫ْْ‬ ‫َْ ْ‬ ‫وسوسہ‬ ‫مَلزمت‬
‫‪11‬‬ ‫ِستر‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫محلہ‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫قتل‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫حرکت‬ ‫‪11‬‬

‫َْْ‬ ‫ُ َ َ َ‬ ‫ُ ْ ْ‬ ‫َْ َْ‬ ‫َ ْ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ َ ْ‬

‫‪12‬‬ ‫اجر‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫معاشرہ‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫غسل‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫تذ ِکرہ‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫رحمت‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫شفاعت‬

‫‪Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019‬‬ ‫]‪[36/61‬‬ ‫‪Monthly Division training Session‬‬

‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َف َاعُ ْوذُ بِاہللِ ِم َن َّ‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن ال َّر ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْی ِم‬ ‫الم َعلٰی س َّی ِد ال ُْم َ‬ ‫ا ْل َح ْم ُد ہللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َوالصلٰوۃُ َو َّ‬
‫الس ُ‬ ‫ط‬
‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َف َاعُ ْوذُ بِاہللِ ِم َن َّ‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن ال َّر ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْی ِم‬ ‫الم َعلٰی س َّی ِد ال ُْم َ‬ ‫ا ْل َح ْم ُد ہللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َوالصلٰوۃُ َو َّ‬
‫الس ُ‬

‫‪Correct pronunciation‬‬ ‫‪Correct pronunciation‬‬

‫‪Pronounce it‬‬ ‫‪Pronounce it‬‬ ‫‪Pronounce it‬‬ ‫‪S no‬‬
‫‪Pronounce it‬‬ ‫‪Pronounce it‬‬ ‫‪Pronounce it‬‬
‫‪S no‬‬ ‫‪S no‬‬ ‫‪S no‬‬ ‫‪S no‬‬ ‫‪S no‬‬
‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬
‫َ َ‬ ‫ََ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َْ ْ‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫ح ِافظہ‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫عر ِبی‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫ِعیاں‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫فضا‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫ِرک ِابی‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫ِافطار‬
‫ََ ْ َ‬ ‫َْ‬ ‫َُ ْ‬ ‫ْ َ‬ ‫َْ َ ْ‬ ‫َ ُْ ْ‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫۔رہ۔ہن)‬
‫(ب َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫برھ‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫شر ِعی‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫فَلں‬ ‫ِان ِتھا‬ ‫سرک ِشی‬ ‫محبوب‬
‫َْ َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ ْ‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫ِشکستہ‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫آد ِمی‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫س ِید‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ََ ْ‬ ‫ُ ُْ ْ‬
‫َ ْ َ‬ ‫َْ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ َ ت‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫ِشفاء‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫نب ِوی‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫حروف‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫ن ِوشتہ‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫گرم‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫۔ی)‬ ‫م ِیت ْ‬
‫(َم ِ‬
‫َُ ْ َ‬ ‫ْ ْ َ‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬ ‫ُ ُْ ْ‬
‫َْْ‬ ‫ُُْ ْ‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫ِاس ِتنجاء‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫سح ِری‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫غروب‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫گزشتہ‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫شرم‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫نزول‬
‫ُُ‬ ‫َُْ ْ‬ ‫َْ ْ‬ ‫ُ ُ ْ ْ‬ ‫َ َ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫َ َ‬ ‫َ‬
‫قبول اور قبول‬ ‫نرم‬ ‫حصول‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫ا ِطبا‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫خَل ِصی‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫ِرضا‬
‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫ََ ْ‬ ‫ْ َ ْ‬ ‫َْ‬
‫دوونںدرتسںیہ‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫بھن‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫ِان ِتقال‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫ِبغیر‬
‫ُ ُ ْْ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ َ‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫قصور(ینعمبرجم)‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫عزم‪.‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫ِان شآءالل ‪؎۱‬‬ ‫َْ ْ‬ ‫ُ َ ْ‬ ‫ََُْ‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫وزن‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫سوال‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫تعوذ‬
‫ُ ُْ‬ ‫ُُ ْ‬ ‫َ َ َ‬
‫‪8‬‬ ‫ظھور‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫دوم‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫ماشآءالل‬ ‫َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ‬ ‫َُ َ ْ‬
‫ُ ُ ْْ‬ ‫ُْ‬ ‫َ َ َ‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫ٹھن‬ ‫ک ِ‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫خیال‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫مبار ک‬
‫‪9‬‬ ‫حضور‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫ِسوم‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫بارک الل‬
‫َ ُ ْْ‬ ‫ْ ْ‬ ‫َْ َ ْ ُ‬ ‫ُ ْْ‬ ‫ُ ََْ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫کھجور‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫ِجسم‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫الحمد ِلل‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫رکن‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫پراسرار‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫ِنکات‬
‫ُ ُْْ‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬ ‫َُ َ‬ ‫َْْ‬ ‫ََْْ ْ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬
‫‪11‬‬ ‫سجود‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫عد م‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫علماء‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫دفن‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫پروردگار‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫واپس‬
‫َ َ‬ ‫ْ ْ َ ْ‬ ‫َْ َ‬
‫‪12‬‬ ‫مد ِنی‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫ِاس ِتفسا ر‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫او ِلیاء‬ ‫َ ُْ‬ ‫ُ َ ْ‬ ‫َ ََ ْ‬
‫‪11‬‬ ‫ضرو ِری‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫سوار‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫محبت‬
‫‪ at‬ان شآءاہلل عزوجل ‪۱ Ameer e ahle sunnah has stated in the madani Muzakira that in‬‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ْ َ ْ‬ ‫ُ ُ‬
‫‪ there two letters‬ع ‪ there is a‬عزوجل‪ and at the start of‬ہ ‪ there is a‬ان شآءاہلل ‪the end of‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫اض ِری‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ح‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫ِاق ِتدار‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫رجوع‬
‫ان شآء اہلل ‪are of the Huroof e Halqi. If it difficult to pronounce these letters then read‬‬
‫ان شاء اہلل العزیز ‪ or‬الرحمن‬

‫‪Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019‬‬ ‫]‪[37/61‬‬ ‫‪Monthly Division training Session‬‬

‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َف َاعُ ْوذُ بِاہللِ ِم َن َّ‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن ال َّر ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْی ِم‬ ‫الم َعلٰی س َّی ِد ال ُْم َ‬ ‫ا ْل َح ْم ُد ہللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َوالصلٰوۃُ َو َّ‬
‫الس ُ‬ ‫ط‬
‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َف َاعُ ْوذُ بِاہللِ ِم َن َّ‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن ال َّر ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْی ِم‬ ‫الم َعلٰی س َّی ِد ال ُْم َ‬ ‫ا ْل َح ْم ُد ہللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َوالصلٰوۃُ َو َّ‬
‫الس ُ‬

‫‪Correct pronunciation‬‬ ‫‪Correct pronunciation‬‬

‫‪Pronounce it‬‬ ‫‪Pronounce it S no Pronounce it‬‬
‫‪S no‬‬
‫‪like this‬‬
‫‪S no‬‬
‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪Pronounce it‬‬ ‫‪Pronounce it‬‬ ‫‪Pronounce it‬‬
‫‪S no‬‬ ‫‪S no‬‬ ‫‪S no‬‬
‫َ ْ َ ْ‬ ‫ُُْ ْ‬ ‫ْ ْ‬ ‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫محشر‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫درود‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫ِب ِھشت‬
‫َ ً َ ْْ‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫ُ ْ ََ َ‬
‫ْ َ َْ‬
‫َ ْ‬ ‫َْ َ َ ْ‬ ‫ِکراما ک ِات ِبین‬ ‫مسکرانا‬ ‫ِاس ِتفادہ‬
‫ز ِر یعے‬ ‫ض‬ ‫الغر‬ ‫ُْ ْ‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫جرأت (رُجْءت)‬ ‫َْ َ‬ ‫ُْ ُ ْ‬ ‫ََ‬ ‫ُ ُْْ‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫قدموں‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫س عنص ِری‬ ‫ق ِ‬
‫ف‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫ھجوم ( ُہ۔وُجم)‬
‫َ َ ْ‬ ‫َ ُ َْ‬ ‫َْ َ ْ‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫حتی ِاْلمکان‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫ر‬ ‫د‬ ‫ن‬ ‫م‬ ‫س‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫ق‬ ‫اخَل‬ ‫ْ َ َ ْ‬ ‫َُ َ ْ‬
‫ََ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ ْ‬ ‫ُْ ْ‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫ِم ِٹی‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫ِاس ِتقامت‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫مناجات‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫اہم‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫سمت‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫کفر‬ ‫َ َ ْ ْْ َ ْ‬ ‫ُ ُ ْ ً‬ ‫َْ َ ْ‬
‫َْ َْ‬ ‫َُ ْ‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫س ِر تس ِلیم خم‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫عموما‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫اسَلف‬
‫ت‬ ‫بھ‬ ‫َُ ْ‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫اش اش‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫متأ ِثر (اتم۔ءث۔رث) ‪5‬‬ ‫ُ ْ‬ ‫ََْ‬ ‫ََ َ ْ‬
‫ُُ ْ ْ‬ ‫ََُ َ ْ‬ ‫ََ ْ‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫م ِضر‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫لحد‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫جو ِاھرات‬
‫‪6‬‬ ‫درست‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫د‬ ‫د‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ت‬ ‫م‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫ان‬ ‫بی‬
‫َ ْ َ‬ ‫ََ َ‬ ‫َ َ ً‬ ‫َ ْ ُْ َْ‬
‫دھناہظفلدقمیےہدجدیلمعتسمظفل‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫درجہ‬ ‫‪ 6‬مثَل (سجرطح‪/‬وگای) ‪6‬‬ ‫بحرو بر‬
‫ُ َ ْ‬ ‫ْ ُْ‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫افلےکاسھت(داانھ)ےہ‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫چنان ِچہ‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫ِف ِرشتوں‬ ‫َْ ْ‬ ‫ُ ُ ْ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َْ‬
‫َ َْ‬ ‫ُ َ ْ‬ ‫ْ َ ْ‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫حلق‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫شمو ِلیت‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫چ‬
‫اگ ِ‬
‫‪8‬‬ ‫باھر‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫معاف‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫ِاخ ِتَلف‬
‫َ ْ ُ ْ ْ‬ ‫ُ ُْ ْ‬ ‫َْ ْ‬
‫‪8‬‬ ‫محسوس‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫سکوت‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫مو ِسم‬
‫ُ ْ َْ َ ْ‬ ‫ََ ْ‬ ‫ُ ْْ‬
‫‪9‬‬ ‫منکر ن ِکیر‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫رواج‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫حکم‬ ‫ََ ْ‬ ‫ََ ُ‬ ‫ََ َ ْ‬
‫َ َ َ‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫مرض‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫توجہ‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫رمضان‬
‫صدقہ(ریخات)‬ ‫َُْ ْ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫َ ْ َ‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫پھنچ‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫۔ی)‬‫َ‬ ‫ی‬
‫ْ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ذ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ا‬ ‫(‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ا ِذی‬ ‫َ َ ْ َ‬ ‫ََ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َْ ْْ‬
‫صدقہ(دبوتل‪/‬وہلیس)‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫وابستہ‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫بھیانک‬ ‫ِخر ِاج تح ِسین ‪10‬‬
‫ُْ َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ َ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫َْ َ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ ْ‬ ‫َ ََ ْ‬
‫پر ِفتن‬ ‫عَلقہ‬ ‫صاحب‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫احسن‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫ِنشست‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫ات‬ ‫سکر‬
‫‪11‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫ِ‬
‫َ َ‬ ‫ََْ َ‬ ‫َ ُ ْ‬ ‫ْ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ‬ ‫ُ ْ ْ ُ‬
‫‪12‬‬ ‫پنج تن‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫اخراجات‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫وض و‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫ِصرف‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫ِمنٹ‬ ‫(ع ْض ْ۔و) ‪12‬‬ ‫عضو‬
‫‪Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019‬‬ ‫]‪[38/61‬‬ ‫‪Monthly Division training Session‬‬

‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َف َاعُ ْوذُ بِاہللِ ِم َن َّ‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن ال َّر ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْی ِم‬ ‫الم َعلٰی س َّی ِد ال ُْم َ‬ ‫ا ْل َح ْم ُد ہللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َوالصلٰوۃُ َو َّ‬
‫الس ُ‬ ‫ط‬
‫رسل ِی َن ا َّما بَ َع ُد َف َاعُ ْوذُ بِاہللِ ِم َن َّ‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِن ال َّر ِج ْی ِم ط بِ ْس ِم اہللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْی ِم‬ ‫الم َعلٰی س َّی ِد ال ُْم َ‬ ‫ا ْل َح ْم ُد ہللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی َن َوالصلٰوۃُ َو َّ‬
‫الس ُ‬

‫‪Correct pronunciation‬‬ ‫‪Correct pronunciation‬‬

‫‪S no‬‬
‫‪Pronounce it‬‬ ‫‪S no‬‬
‫‪Pronounce it S no Pronounce it like‬‬ ‫‪S no‬‬ ‫‪Pronounce it like this‬‬ ‫‪S no‬‬ ‫‪Pronounce it like this‬‬
‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪like this‬‬ ‫‪this‬‬ ‫َُ َ‬ ‫ََ َ ُ‬
‫ََ ُ ْ‬ ‫ََ‬ ‫َُْ ْ‬ ‫کشادگی‬ ‫برکاتہ‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫توکل‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫تلف‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫منع ِقد‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫ََ ْ‬ ‫َْ ْ‬ ‫ُ ُ ْْ‬ ‫َ َ َْ‬ ‫ََ‬

‫نجات‬ ‫فرش‬ ‫ط‬ ‫خطو‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫سرکنا‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫اثرات‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫َْ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ ْ ْْ‬ ‫َ ْ‬ ‫َ َ‬
‫ِاسراف‬ ‫م سح‬ ‫ر‬ ‫دست ِگی‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫ِجھاد‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫سترہ‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫َ ْ ْْ‬ ‫ُ َ ََ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ ْ‬ ‫ْ ْْ‬
‫تح ِقیر‬ ‫ممانعت‬ ‫ل‬ ‫مح ِف‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫ِان ِجیر‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫داروغہ جنت‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫ََ َْ ْ‬ ‫ْ َْ‬
‫َ ْ ْ‬ ‫َ َ ُْ‬ ‫ُْ ُ ُْ‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫اما بعد‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫ِاس ِتغفار‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫ضرب (بمعنی مار)‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫تجاوز‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫و‬ ‫گفتگ‬
‫ََ‬ ‫َُ َ ْ‬
‫ْ َ ْ‬ ‫ُ َْ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫تعالی‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫خرافات‬
‫‪6‬‬ ‫آشکار‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫مرت ِکب‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫ِنفاس‬
‫َ َ ْْ‬ ‫َ َ َ َ‬
‫َْ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ْ ْ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ہم ِشیر‬ ‫ٹھھر ٹھھر‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫ِشک ِم مادر‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫ِمرچ‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ِف‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫(‪)for both brother and sister‬‬
‫ََْ ْ ْ‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫َ َ‬
‫ََُ ْ‬ ‫ُ َ‬
‫پ ی و ست‬ ‫ِعَلوہ‬ ‫تیمم‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫اذان (خبر کرنا)‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫عمر فاروقرضی الل تعالی عنہ ‪؎۱‬‬
‫َْ ْ ْ‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫َْ َ ْ‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫َْ ْ‬ ‫ُ ُْ‬ ‫َ‬
‫تح ِر یک‬ ‫اطراف‬ ‫گرد (مٹی)‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫بزرگ‬ ‫ا ِئمہ‬
‫ََ‬ ‫َ ْ‬
‫ُ ْ َ َ ْ‬ ‫َ ْْ‬ ‫ن ِجس اور نجس‬ ‫ْ ْ‬ ‫َُ‬
‫مستحب‬ ‫مغ ز‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫ِاث ِمد‬ ‫ِقیم ِتی‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫(‪10 )both of these are in use‬‬
‫ََ ْ ْ‬
‫َ ْ‬ ‫ْ َ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ ََ‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫فر ِامین‬
‫‪11‬‬ ‫ِا ِتباع‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫ِان ِکشاف‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫آتش زد ِگی‬ ‫َ َ َْ ُْ‬
‫ُ ََ ْ‬ ‫وعلیکم‬
‫ََ ْ‬ ‫ُْ َ‬ ‫مرتب‬ ‫‪12‬‬

‫عرق‬ ‫‪12‬‬
‫آلود ِگی‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫( ‪the person who is‬‬ ‫‪Madani pearl: further help can be taken from “Naam rakhnay‬‬
‫‪)being addressed‬‬ ‫‪ in Omar, it is wrong‬را ‪kay Ahkaam” People read with zair (ِ) under the‬‬

Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [39/61] Monthly Division training Session
ْ َٰ ‫ْ ہٰ َٰ ْ ہ‬ ْ َٰ ‫ْ َ ْ ُ ٰہ َ ٰ ْ ہ َ ْ َ َٰ ہ ُ َ َٰ َ ُ َ ہ َ ٰ ْ ُ ْ َ ْ َ َٰ َ ْ ُ َ َ ُ ْ ُ ٰہ َ َٰ ْ ہ‬
‫الِل الرحمن الر ّحیمط‬
ّ ‫وۃوالسالم علی س ّی ّدالمرس ّلین امابعدفاعوذ ّبالِل ّمن الشیط ّن الر ّجیم ط ّبس ّم‬
ُ ‫لِل ر ّب العل ّمین والصل‬
ّ ّ ‫الحمد‬

What to Say and Write with which What to say or write with the names ََْ ‫َ ْ َ ُ ََ ہ‬
13 ‫الِل تعالی علی ّہما‬
ّ ‫ر ح مۃ‬
Blessed Names of two pious males
May Allah ‫عزوجل‬have mercy on His beloved people and may He forgive us What to say or write with the names ‫َ َ ُ ُ ََُ ہ‬ ََْ ‫َ ْ َ ُ ََ ہ‬
َ ‫ہ‬ 14 ‫ ر ّحمھم الِل تعالی‬or ‫الِل تعالی علی ّہم‬
ّ ‫ر حم ۃ‬
for their sake. ﴾‫تعالی علیہ و ہا ّلہوسلم‬
‫﴿امین ّبج ّاہ النبی االمینصلی الِل‬ of more than two pious males
No Blessed Names What to Write or Say What to say or write with the name of ََْ ‫َ ْ َ ُ ََ ہ‬
15 ‫الِل تعالی علی ّہا‬
ّ ‫ر ح مۃ‬
one pious female
‫اہلل پاک‬
What to say or write with the pure
1 What to say or write with the names ََْ ‫َ ْ َ ُ ََ ہ‬
name of ‫اہلل‬ ‫الِل تعالی علی ّہما‬
16 ّ ‫ر ح مۃ‬
What to say or write with the Blessed ْ َٰ َ َ ‫ُ َ َ ہ َ َ ْ َ ہ‬ َٰ َ of two pious females
2 ‫صلی الِل تعالی علی ّہ وا ّلہ وسل ُم‬ َ ََْ ‫َ ْ َ ُ ََ ہ‬
ُ‫الِل تعالی علی ّہ ٰن‬
name of the Beloved Rasool What to say or write with the names
َ َٰ َ ُ ‫َ َ ْ َ َٰ ہ‬ َ َٰ ْ َ َ 17 ّ ‫ر ح مۃ‬
of more than two pious females
What to say or write with the name or ‫ علیہ الصلوۃ والسالم‬or ‫علی ّہ السالم‬ َ َ ْ ُ ُ ُ َ ََ ْ َ َ
3 َ َٰ ُ ‫َ ہ َ ٰ َ َ َ َ ْ َٰ ہ‬ ‫دامت برکاتھم الع ّالیہ‬
‫والسالم‬ ‫علی ن ّب ّینا وعلی ّہ الصلوۃ‬ What to say or write with the names
of one Messenger or Prophet 18 َ ُ ُٰ َٰ ُ
َ َٰ َ ْ َ َ of apparently alive pious people ‫ مد ّظلہ الع ّالی‬or
or ‫السالم‬ ‫علیھما‬
َ َٰ ُ ‫َ َ ْ ّ َ َٰ ہ‬
What to say or write with the names
4 What to say or write with the name of َ َٰ ْ َ َ
of two Messengers or Prophets ‫علی ّھما الصلوۃ والسالم‬ 19 ‫السالم‬ ‫علی ّہ‬
َ َٰ ُ ْ َ َ one angel
What to say or write with the names of or ‫السالم‬ ‫علی ّھم‬ َ َٰ ََْ
5 َ َٰ ُ ‫َ َ ْ ُ َٰ ہ‬ 20
What to say or write with the names ‫السالم‬ ‫علی ّہما‬
more than two Messengers or Prophets ‫علی ّھم الصلوۃ والسالم‬ of two angels
What to say or write with the name ُْ َ ‫َ َ ََُ ہ‬ What to say or write with the names َ َٰ ُ ْ َ َ
6 ‫ر ّضی الِل تعالی عن ُہ‬ 21 ‫السالم‬ ‫علی ّہم‬
of one Companion of more than two angels
What to say or write with the name ُ ْ َ ‫َ َ ََُ ہ‬ What to say or write with Masjid e َ َٰ َ ُ ‫َ َٰ ہ‬ َ ‫َہ‬
7 ‫ر ّضی الِل تعالی عنہما‬ 22 ‫السالم‬ ‫اح ّبھا الصلوۃ و‬
ّ ‫علی ص‬
of two Companions Nabawi
ُْ ْ َ ‫َ َ ََُ ہ‬
ُ ‫مدینہ پاک‬
What to say or write with the names
8 ‫ر ّضی الِل تعالی عنہ ُم‬ What to say or write with Makka tul
of more than two Companions 23 Mukarramah and Madinah tul
What to say or write with the name ُ ْ َ ‫َ َ ََُ ہ‬
‫ر ّضی الِل تعالی عنہا‬ Munawwarah ‫مکہ پاک‬
of one female Companion
ُ ْ َ ‫َ َ ََُ ہ‬ What to say or write with the names ‫َ َٰ َ ُ ُ ُ َ َ ہ‬
What to say or write with the names ‫ر ّضی الِل تعالی عنہما‬ 24 ‫دامت برکاتھم العالیہ کثرھم الِل تعالی‬
10 of scholars and mufti
of two female Companions
َُ ْ َ ‫َ َ ََُ ہ‬ In madani muzakira number 1329 it was stated by ameer e ahle
What to say or write with the names ُ ٰ ‫ر ّضی الِل تعالی عنہ‬
‫ن‬ sunnah: use easy words, that is with the name of Allah instead of
of more than two female companions
What to say or write with the name ََْ ‫َ ْ َ ُ ََ ہ‬ using ‫ عزوجل‬write ‫ اہلل پاک‬and with the blessed name of the
12 ‫الِل تعالی علی ُّہ‬ ّ ‫رحم ُۃ‬ Prophet, instead of ‫شاف ِع یوم النشور‬write ‫رسولِ اکرم‬
of one pious male
‫‪Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019‬‬ ‫]‪[40/61‬‬ ‫‪Monthly Division training Session‬‬

‫ْ ٰہ َٰ ْ ہ َٰ ْ‬ ‫ْ َ ْ ُ ٰہ َ ٰ ْ ہ َ ْ َ َٰ ہ ُ َ َٰ َ ُ َ ہ َ ٰ ْ ُ ْ َ ْ َ َٰ َ ْ ُ َ َ ُ ْ ُ ٰہ َ َٰ ْ ہ َٰ ْ‬
‫ط‬ ‫الر ّحیم‬ ‫الِل الرحم ّن‬
‫وۃوالسالم علی س ّی ّدالمرس ّلین امابعدفاعوذ ّبالِل ّمن الشیط ّن الر ّجیم ط ّبس ّم ّ‬
‫لِل ر ّب العل ّمین والصل ُ‬
‫الحمد ّ ّ‬

‫‪Words to be used for calling‬‬

‫‪S.No‬‬ ‫‪Without‬یا‪it would be said like this‬‬ ‫‪With‬یا‪it would be said like this‬‬
‫َ َٰ َ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫َ ْ َ ُ َٰ‬ ‫َ ََ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫َ َ ْ َ َ َٰ‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫عزوجل‬ ‫الر ّاح ّمین‬ ‫ُار حم‬ ‫اح ّمینُع ٰزوجل ُ‬
‫یاُار حم الر ّ‬
‫َ ُ ہَ ْ‬ ‫ہَ ْ‬ ‫َ َ َٰ‬
‫َ َٰ َ‬
‫ُعزوجل‬ ‫ر ٰب العل ّمین‬ ‫َ ََ‬
‫یارب العل ّمین ع ٰزوجل ُ‬

‫َ َٰ َ‬ ‫ہُ ہَ ْ‬ ‫َ ََ‬ ‫َ ہَ ہَ ْ‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫ُعزوجل‬ ‫ّالہ العل ّمین‬ ‫ی ّاالہ العل ّمینُع ٰزوجل ُ‬

‫َ ََ‬ ‫َ ْ َْ‬ ‫ُ ََْ‬ ‫َ ََ‬ ‫َ ْ َْ‬ ‫َ َ ََْ‬

‫‪4‬‬ ‫االکرام ع ٰزوجل ُ‬
‫ذو الجال ّل و ّ‬ ‫االکرام ع ٰزوجل ُ‬
‫یاذ الجال ّل و ّ‬
‫ُ َ َ ہ َ َ ْ َ ہ َ َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َ َ ْٰ ہَ ْ‬ ‫َ َ ْ َ ہ َ َ َٰ‬ ‫ََُ ہ‬ ‫َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َ َ َ ْٰ ہَ ْ‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫صلی الِل تعالی علی ُّہ و ا ّلہ وسلم‬ ‫رحمۃٌُ ُّللعل ّمینُ‬ ‫یارحمۃُ ّل ُلعل ّمینُصلی الِل تعالی علی ُّہ و ا ّلہ وسلم ُ‬

‫ُ َ َ ہ َ َ ْ َ ہ َ َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َٰ‬ ‫َ ُ ْ ُ‬ ‫ُ َ َ ہ َ َ ْ َ ہ َ َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َ ُ ْ َ‬

‫‪6‬‬ ‫صلی الِل تعالی علی ُّہ و ا ّلہ وسلم‬ ‫رسول الِل‬ ‫صلی الِل تعالی علی ُّہ و ا ّلہ وسلم‬ ‫یارسول الِل‬
‫َ ُ‬ ‫َ َ َ‬
‫ن ّب ٰی الِل‬ ‫یان ّب ٰی الِل‬
‫ُ َ َ ہ َ َ ْ َ ہ َ َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َٰ‬ ‫ُ َ َ ہ َ َ ْ َ ہ َ َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َٰ‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫ُصلی الِل تعالی علی ُّہ و ا ّلہ وسلم‬ ‫سل م‬‫صلی الِل تعالی علی ُّہ و ا ّلہ و ُ‬

‫ُ َ َ ہ َ َ ْ َ ہ َ َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َٰ‬ ‫َ ْ ُ‬ ‫ُ َ َ ہ َ َ ْ َ ہ َ َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َ ْ َ‬

‫‪8‬‬ ‫ُصلی الِل تعالی علی ُّہ و ا ّلہ وسلم‬ ‫ح ّبیب الِل‬ ‫صلی الِل تعالی علی ُّہ و ا ّلہ وسلم‬ ‫یاح ّبیب الِل‬
‫ُ َ َ ہ َ َ ْ َ ہ َ َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َٰ‬ ‫ُُْ‬ ‫ُ َ َ ہ َ َ ْ َ ہ َ َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َُْ‬
‫‪9‬‬ ‫صلی الِل تعالی علی ُّہ و ا ّلہ وسلم‬ ‫نور الِل‬ ‫صلی الِل تعالی علی ُّہ و ا ّلہ وسلم‬ ‫یانورالِل‬
‫ُ َ َ ہ َ َ ْ َ ہ َ َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َٰ‬ ‫َ ُ ْ َْ‬ ‫ُ َ َ ہ َ َ ْ َ ہ َ َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َٰ‬ ‫َ َ َ ْ َْ‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫صلی الِل تعالی علی ُّہ و ا ّلہ وسلم‬ ‫ّامام االن ّبیاء‬ ‫صلی الِل تعالی علی ُّہ و ا ّلہ وسلم‬ ‫ی ّاامام االن ّبیاء‬
‫َ ْ ُ َٰ َ َ ْ‬ ‫ٰ َ َ ْ َ َ ُ‬
‫َ َْ َ َ‬
‫‪11‬‬ ‫الِل َت َع ہالی َع ْن ُُہ ُ‬
‫َ َ ُ‬
‫غوث الثقلین ر ّضی‬
‫ّ‬ ‫الِل َت َع ہالی َع ْن ُُہ ُ‬ ‫یاغوث الثقلین ر ّضی‬

Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [41/61] Monthly Division training Session
َّ ‫اَلْحم ُدَِہّٰلِلَر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِیْنَوالصَّ َل ٰوۃَُوالسَّ َل ُمَعلٰیَس ِّی ِدَال ُْم ْرسلِیْنَا َّماَب ْعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہّٰللَِ ِمن‬
‫َالش ْی ٰط ِنَالرَّ ِج ْیمَطَ ِب ْس ِمَاہّٰللَِالرَّ ْح ٰم ِنَال َّرحِ ْیمَط‬ The entire life of Hakeem-ul-Ummah, Hazrat Mufti Ahmad Yar
Announcements to be made every Khan Na'eemi ‫ رحمۃ اہلل القوی‬is well known regarding punctuality of time
and steadfastness. He ‫ رحمۃ اہلل تعالیٰ علیہ‬advised everyone to realize the
week of every month importance of time. Whether the work was short or long, if he
started it once, completed it with steadfastness at the fixed time. To
Announcement for 12 months are presented here: stay committed to this, he ‫ رحمۃ اہلل تعالیٰ علیہ‬would keep more than one
watch, one on his wrist and other in his pocket. Sometimes, he
Guidance for Islamic Sisters delivering announcements: would even have two watches in his pocket.
‫ ٭‬The Islamic Sister, who will make announcements should read ‫ !سبحان َاہّٰلل َعزوجل‬The glory of the Friends of Allah is very high and
the relevant month’s announcement beforehand.
distinctive. Their ways are different from common people. (Faizan e
‫ ٭‬If any book/ booklet/ memory card is published by Maktaba-tul-
Mufti Ahmad Yar Khaan Na'eemi ‫)علیہَالرحمہ‬
Madina, then introduce it through announcement. Also show it to
participants, if possible and persuade to purchase and distribute Today, we can see this practice, the same thinking and reflection in
it, also narrate the price. Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat's ‫ دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬blessed character. In a very
‫ ٭‬No additional announcement should be made without the
short time, our Shaykh-e-Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, the
permission of the Majlis. founder of Dawat-e-Islami ‫ دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬has been blessed with great
success and his religious services has been well known till the four
﴾1﴿ Dear Islamic sisters! The schedule of the Monthly Division corners of the world. One of the major reasons is the value of time.
Madani Session consists of different segments, and every (May ‫ اہلل عزوجل‬have mercy upon him and forgive us for his sake)
segment has its own importance for example Fiqh, Shajarah
Come! Let's make the intention that we will attend the Monthly
Shareef, Blessings of Sunnah, Blessings of Madani In’am etc.
Division Madani Session from start to end with punctuality of time.
‫ !الحمدہلل عزوجل‬The Monthly Division Madani Session starts at_____;
‫ان شآءاہلل عزوجل‬
the fortunate Islamic sisters who attend with punctuality, get the
privilege of obtaining religious as well as organizational ﴾2﴿ Dear Islamic sisters! It is necessary for everyone to be
knowledge and also receive the Madani pearls of training, but punctual, whether it is a worldly matter, household or
those Islamic sisters who arrive late are left deprived of these. organizational. Whoever is punctual will be succeeded. But it is
extremely important for an organizational responsible to be
Our pious predecessors valued the time very much and were so
punctual to complete Madani activities, whether it is a Madani
punctual of time that we can get an idea of it as:
Meeting or Monthly Division Madani Session or attending the
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [42/61] Monthly Division training Session

Sunnah-inspiring Congregation, the punctuality of time is Come let's make the intention that we will perform Madani
extremely important everywhere. A Madani pearl of Madani activities according to it. ‫ان شآءاہلل عزوجل‬
meeting of Shoora-o-Kabina held on 2nd, 3rd March 2010, is : "It (Point no 1 and 2 should be narrated one by one in alternate months.
is very important for everyone to be punctual". Among the harms Do not read out both points together)
of not being punctual, some of them are as follows:
﴾3﴿ According to the "Schedule of Monthly Division Madani
1. Madani activities (such as Madani Meeting, Monthly Division Session ", whatever segments will be taught next month,
Madani Session and Sunnah Inspired Congregations) will start late and mention them and persuade to attend. For example, Dear Islamic
finish late.
sisters! Next month ‫ ان شآءاہلل عزوجل‬, ‫ ٭‬Shajarah Shareef, ‫٭‬
2. One’s own time and others time is wasted.
Blessings of Sunnah and ‫ ٭‬Fiqh will be taught. It is a Madani
3. The common Islamic sisters become victim of doubts and request to you to attend with punctuality of time.
move away from Madani activities.
﴾4﴿ Appreciating those Responsible Islamic sister of Zeli Halqa/
4. To put own dignity/status in danger as it is said, "Punctuality is Halqa Level Majlis who are present with all their co-responsible
the beauty of a personality." Islamic sister (mashawarat), make a short supplication for them.
5. To become embarrassed in front of others. ﴾5﴿ If a target has been assigned to read a book/booklet, then
6. To excuse or to face hardship of giving explanations. explaining the importance of studying in few words, remind to
read it.
May ‫ اہلل عزوجل‬shower millions and millions of mercy on the blessed
grave of Mufti-e-Dawat-e-Islami, Farooq Attari ‫ رحمۃ اہلل تعالیٰ علیہ‬as he was ﴾6﴿ With the help of the list for Farz uloom course (Memory Card/
his own example in his time keeping, it was as if looking at him was DVD), telling one topic from the list, persuade for listening it
looking at ones watch…whatever time he was given for a Madani before next month.
activity, he would reach there on time or a few minutes before. He ‫ ٭‬Then, the following month, ask who has listened to it? Whoever
had such a value for the time that in a short time period, he has listened to it, appreciate them by presenting book/ booklet/
performed so much that he became a successful disciple, a VCD as a gift.
successful Islamic brother, a successful Mufti of Dawat-e-Islami, a ﴾7﴿ Announcement for writing a column in the monthly magazine
successful preacher and a successful teacher. faizan e madina:
(May ‫ اہلل عزوجل‬have mercy on him and forgive us for his sake) A good news for those islamic sisters who are capable and enjoy
writing columns!
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [43/61] Monthly Division training Session

َ‫ !الْح ْم ُد َہّٰلل َعزَّوج َّل‬In the monthly magazine Faizan-e-Madina of Dear Islamic sisters! We will do “Revision of the madani
muzakara for the previous month”. All Islamic sisters please pay
Dawateislami, published exclusively for Islamic sisters,
patronymic name of those Islamic sisters who can write a
The concerned responsible Islamic sister should make
column will be included ‫انَشآءاہّٰللَعزوجل‬ arrangements for this with help from “the persuasive words to be
Those Islamic sisters who are capable of writing religious said before doing the revision of the madani muzakara
columns, should write about “biography of Sahaabiyaat” everytime” and “madani pearls regarding the revision of the
“biography of pious women” “islam and women” “what did madani muzakara” in “announcements with revision of madani
islam gave to a woman” etc. Content should be in easy words, muzakara (permission slip)”
free from grammatical errors, have complete reference, every
statements should have reference, taken from authentic book, َّ ‫اَلْحم ُدَِہّٰلِلَر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِیْنَوالصَّ َل ٰوۃَُوالسَّ َل ُمَعلٰیَس ِّی ِدَال ُْمرْسلِیْنَا َّماَب ْعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہّٰللَِ ِمن‬
‫َالش ْی ٰط ِنَالرَّ ِج ْیمَطَبِ ْس ِمَاہّٰللَِالرَّ ْح ٰم ِنَال َّرح ِْیمَط‬
comprising short sentences, without exaggeration, filled with
examples of pious individuals, stories and authentic parables and Announcements for
have necessary explanation of conflicting statement. submit your
column to the Responsible Islamic sister of monthly magazine of Muharram-ul-Haram
your country/city within the first 10 days of the isalmic month. ﴾1﴿ Make arrangement of announcements according to the
(the Islamic sister who is announcing should find out the name of "Announcements to be made every Month".
Responsible Islamic sister of monthly magazine of your country/ city before
hand and include this in the announcement) ﴾2﴿ Dear Islamic sisters! Dawat-e-Islami is such a sweet Madani
﴾2﴿ Dear Islamic sisters! Which fortunate Islamic sisters have taken movement which not only teaches us how to perform Madani
part in the Area Visit for Call towards Righteousness and got the activities, rather it gives us the understanding that at home and
privilege of watching the Madani Muzakara in past four weeks? outside, everywhere, our character should be so perfect and full
Raise your hands?? ‫ !ماشآء َاہّٰلل َعزوجل‬Come! With the intention of of wisdom that along with gaining success in Madani activities,
we also gain success within our family members. Being
gaining reward, let's make a congregational supplication for
successful at the home is something of high importance, every
these fortunate ones: "O ‫ اہلل عزوجل‬bless these Islamic sisters
one of us should fulfill the rights of people and household
who called towards Righteousness and watched/ listened to
responsibilities effectively so that every work could be done
the live Madani Muzakara, with the safety of faith,
effectively on time and no rights should be violated, family
martyrdom in Madinah, burial in Baqi-e-Paak, easiness in
members remain pleased and no conflicts take place. With the
the grave and hereafter, forgiveness and entry into Heaven
intention of gaining the pleasure of ‫اہلل عزوجل‬, our every work
without accountability, success in the world and hereafter
and steadfastness in Dawat-e-Islami." should be completed keeping the family members pleased and
with a sense of responsibility. Therefore, every Responsible
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [44/61] Monthly Division training Session

Islamic sister should make sure to divide her time in an ﴾4﴿ Dear Islamic sisters! In Para 4, Surah Aal-e-Imraan, Verse 104, it
appropriate way, and along with fulfilling our responsibilities of is said:Translation from Kanz ul Imaan:
Madani activities, we should be extremely careful about our “And there should be a group among you that invites to
domestic responsibilities. ‫ انَشآءاہّٰللَعزوجل‬with the blessings of it, our goodness, and enjoins good deeds and forbids immorality; it is
they who are the successful.”
individual efforts in home will become effective and it will pave
the ways for doing Madani activities. Keep in mind that "The A companion of the Beloved Rasool, Sayyiduna Abi Bakrah َ‫رضیَاہّٰلل‬
words of the one who is practicing are more effective and the call ‫ تعالی َعنہ‬once said, “I prefer my death to that of any other living
towards righteousness is proved to be more effective from being.” Listening to this, people, confused and worried, asked,
character than from words." If the strictness of veil and good “But why?” He replied, “I fear living in such an age when I am
manners are only kept limited to the Madani environment and for unable to convey the call to righteousness and to prevent people
Madani activities, then it can cause severe damage to the Madani from evils. There isn’t any good in that age.” (Call To Righteousness,
activities of Dawat-e-Islami. Page 180)
Allah iss se pehle Imaan pe mout de de Dear Islamic sisters! From this blessed verse and blessed Hadith,
Nuqsaan mere sabab se ho Sunnat-e-Nabi ka we can get an idea of the importance of call towards
(Wasa’il-e-Bakhsish) righteousness. To serve the Sunnah, to spread call towards
﴾3﴿ Dawat-e-Islami is a movement, its Madani activities such as the righteousness, to deliver the Dars or speech is not only honor but
Weekly Sunnah-inspiring Congregation, Area Visit for Call it is need of the time also. Therefore, whenever we are told to go
towards Righteousness, Congregation of Zikr and Na'at, Bathing
to the Congregation of Zikr and Na’at, Madani Visit for Call
of deceased etc., are performed free of cost for the pleasure of َ‫اہّٰلل‬ towards Righteousness or to deliver Dars or speech in institutes,
‫عزوجل‬. It is not allowed to receive money for any activity. whether we are a preacher or a Mu'allimah or in the Zeli Halqa
Therefore, whenever you get the privilege of attending Mehfil e Majlis Mushawarat, never refuse to get this privilege because
naat or bathing the deceased, and if the family members present every one of us needs reward. So if there is no restriction from
money, then refuse them wisely and do not take the amount, home and schedule is not affected then we should never refuse
persuade them to distribute booklets, VCDs etc. published by for performing these activities. These are the source of great
Maktaba tul Madinah for conveying reward to the deceased. May
rewards and also benefit of our most beloved movement, Dawat-
‫ اہّٰللَعزوجل‬bless us with sincerity in every act. e-Islami. Come! Let's make the intention that we will provide our
Mera har amal bs Tere wasitey ho
services willingly. ‫انَشآءاہّٰللَعزوجل‬
kar lkhlas aisa ata ya ilahi
Mujhe shoq-e-deen shab o roz day
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [45/61] Monthly Division training Session

yehi walwala yehi soz day Saying of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬: "Work is done
Teri sunnatain karun aam main with passion not by wealth.
kay isi main teri khushi rahi If responsibility has been given to you then make this mindset that
(Wasa’il-e-Bakhish) “I have to bring some change in the society.”Willpower is essential
It is a Madani request to all the Responsible Islamic Sisters that after for this.
Salat-o-Salaam, before leaving take permission from your Develop a spirit for reformation of yourself as well as others.
Responsible Islamic Sister so that if she has any work with you then The extreme love for their mission is equally prominent in all
there would not any difficulty. successful people.
َّ ‫اَلْحم ُدَِہّٰلِلَر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِیْنَوالصَّ َل ٰوۃَُوالسَّ َل ُمَعلٰیَس ِّی ِدَال ُْمرْسلِیْنَا َّماَب ْعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہّٰللَِ ِمن‬
‫َالش ْی ٰط ِنَالرَّ ِج ْیمَطَبِ ْس ِمَاہّٰللَِالرَّ ْح ٰم ِنَال َّرح ِْیمَط‬ Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫ دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬states that:
"When madani activities started under the name of Dawat-e-
Announcements for Islami in (Karachi), 1401 Hijri, there was no big Masjid at a
Safar-ul-Muzaffar suitable place where the Sunnah-inspiring Congregation could
be hold. Those days, I would go to the court of the Ulama and
﴾1﴿ Make arrangement of announcements according to the Mashaykh-e-Ahl-e-Sunnah and request them to cooperate with
"Announcements to be made every Month". Dawat-e-Islami. I had the passion and determination for doing
﴾2﴿ Dear Islamic sisters! The religion Islam has given the lesson of Madani activities widely for the protection of Muslims’ creed
having sense of responsibility to its every believer. Being an and reformation of their deeds and practices. My passion can be
organizational Responsible, the responsibility which we are expressed in these words: "I must strive to reform myself and
assigned, we should also fulfill its requirements. It is narrated in the people of entire world." (Madani Meeting of Shura and Kabina, 2nd March
the book "Sayyiduna Umar bin Abdul Aziz ki 425 Hikayaat "that 2014)
when Hazrat Hammad bin Jabbar ‫ رحمۃ اہلل تعالیٰ علیہ‬was appointed as So we should ponder upon and make intention that since I have
the Caliph, he began to cry, when I asked him the reason of been given this responsibility, I must be determined to take this
crying, he said, "Hammad, I am very fearful of this Madani activity up to the peak point. I will spare no efforts to
responsibility." I asked, how much love do you have in your perform this Madani activity with its full obligations.
heart, for the wealth and money? He replied, "Not at all" Then I Come! Let's make the intention that along with performing
said, "Then, you should not be fearful, ‫ اہلل عزوجل‬will help you". Madani activities according to the schedule, we will also attend
‫صلیَاہّٰللَتعا ٰلیَعلیہَوالہَوسلم‬ the Madani Meetings with punctuality and we will submit our
Mera dil paak ho Sarkar dunya ki mahabbat se Report form along with reasons of increase and decrease on time
Mujhe ho jaye nafrat kaash Aaqa maal o dolat se to our Responsible without being asked for it every month.
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [46/61] Monthly Division training Session

It is mentioned in the Madani Pearls of Shura and Kabina of 2nd, harm." Come! Let's make the intention that we will try our best
3rd March 2010: "The Report form (along with Comparative analysis) to not receive or accept a gift/special invitation from our
and Reports of other departments should be submitted to the subordinates.
Responsible without being asked." Come, let's make the
َّ ‫اَلْحم ُدَِہّٰلِلَر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِیْنَوالصَّ َل ٰوۃَُوالسَّ َل ُمَعلٰیَس ِّی ِدَال ُْم ْرسلِیْنَا َّماَب ْعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہّٰللَِ ِمن‬
‫َالش ْی ٰط ِنَالرَّ ِج ْیمَطَ ِب ْس ِمَاہّٰللَِالرَّ ْح ٰم ِنَال َّرح ِْیمَط‬
intention that we will act according to it. ‫انَشآءاہّٰللَعزوجل‬
﴾3﴿ Dear Islamic sisters! If you get autjentic information about any
Announcements for
Responsible Islamic sister having wrong/ bad character or makes
groups, then only inform the relevant Responsible Islamic sister
so she can rectify her. Come! Let's make the intention that we ﴾1﴿ Make arrangement of announcements according to the
will act according to it. ‫انَشآءاہّٰللَعزوجل‬ "Announcements to be made every Month".
﴾2﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! Never do such acts which may cause harm
﴾4﴿ Dear Islamic sisters! In the Madani Pearls of Shura and Kabina to our sweet Madani movement, Dawat-e-Islami. For example,
3 to 7th March 2011, it is stated that "The Responsibles of all
issues of sinful gazing, making relationships, taking photos,
organizational departments are not permitted to accept gifts and movies, setting eyebrows, growing the nails, interfering in
special invitations from their subordinates. A subordinate others’ personal matters such as divorce, conflicts etc. asking for
Responsible can accept from her Responsible Islamic sister. For debt, personal friendships, making groups, special invitations,
exchanging gifts etc. should be avoided, avoided and certainly be
example, a member of the Markazi Majlis-e-Shura can accept a
gift from Nigran e Shura, but cannot accept gifts from other If any Islamic Sister is found involved in any such matters then
members of Dawat-e-Islami and Nigran e Shura cannot accept only inform the relevant Responsible Islamic Sister, do not
any gifts from his subordinate members of Dawat-e-Islami. (For mention it to someone else. It is a sin to share the flaws of
more details, read Faizan e Sunnat Vol 1, Page 542 to 544)
Dear Islamic Sisters! Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫ دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬was anyone to someone else withoutshara’i exemptions.
asked in Madani Muzakara 72: If the Nigran/ Responsible went ‫ اہّٰللَعزوجل‬says in Part 26, Surah Hujraat, Verse 2: ‫وَلَتجَ َّسَ ُسَ ْوَا‬
to his subordinate’s house himself and the subordinate had not Sadrul Afaazil, Sayyiduna Muhammad Na'eem ud Deen Muraad
invited him, now will it be also bribe if he presents tea or water Aabaadi ‫ علیہ َالرحمۃ َاہّٰلل َالوالی‬states in Khazain ul Irfaan regarding this
to him? Upon this, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫ دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬guided: verse: "Do not look for flaws of people and do not be anxious for
“No, rather, this is the respect of a Mulsim, whoever comes to
knowing about their hidden matters which ‫ اہّٰللَعزوجل‬has hid with his
one’s house, it is common practice to present him tea or water. If
food was ready and he is presented meal, even then it has no ‫س ّتاری‬."
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [47/61] Monthly Division training Session

It is a Madani Pearl of Madani meeting of Shura and Kabina that, Come; let’s make intention that we will fulfill requirement of our
"In the case of secret matters, become like a wall, we have heard responsibility with all its obligations. (‫)انَشآءاہّٰللَعزوجل‬
this quote that a wall has ears, but we have never heard that a
wall also has a tongue. This is why a responsible should never َّ ‫اَلْحم ُدَِہّٰلِلَر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِیْنَوالصَّ َل ٰوۃَُوالسَّ َل ُمَعلٰیَس ِّی ِدَال ُْمرْسلِیْنَا َّماَب ْعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہّٰللَِ ِمن‬
‫َالش ْی ٰط ِنَالرَّ ِج ْیمَطَبِ ْس ِمَاہّٰللَِالرَّ ْح ٰم ِنَال َّرح ِْیمَط‬
disclose others’ secrets. Remember! that trust is like a mirror. If
it is broken, then it always have cracks or flaws ever after Announcements for
patching it together. (Madani Meeting of Shurah and Kabina, 20 to 26 August
It is an Arabic proverb that " َ‫رسار‬ ُ ُ‫ " ُقل‬means, “Hearts of
ْ ‫وب َْاَلبْرارَِ ُقبُ ْو ُر َْاَل‬ ﴾1﴿ Make arrangement of announcements according to the
pious people are grave of others secrets.” "Announcements to be made every Month".
Come let's make the intention that we will try our best to act ﴾2﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! Whenever we get the chance to listen to
upon this Madani Pearl (‫)ان شآءاہلل عزوجل‬. Dars or Speeches, whether in the Weekly Sunnah Inspired
﴾3﴿ Ameer e ahle sunnah stated in madani muzakira 1340: The Congregations, Monthly division madani session, Congregations
Islamic sisters are not allowed to visit sacred shrines. of Zikr and Na'at, we should try to listen to the Dars and Speech
﴾4﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! There are three requirements of a
with full concentration with our gaze lowered, and we should keep
responsibility. Firstly, to work in an organized manner, secondly, our phone turned off for as long as possible. Completely avoid
to give the monthly Report on time, thirdly, to attend the Madani checking your phone/sending SMS during the speech. As through
Meeting with punctuality. Given “Monthly Schedules” are best this the attention is diverted and it does not leave a good
for performing Madani Activities in an organized way. It is impression on the attendees. Also remember that musical tunes
included in our responsibility to act upon it, fill it and submit to should not be set in our mobile phone. Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫دامت‬
‫ برکاتہم العالیہ‬has stated in the booklet named "The Fear of the Bridge
our Responsible along with the monthly Report form.
By doing the work in an organized manner, our every Madani of Sirat":” To save yourself from listening to music which is an act
activity will be completed on time and in a good way. Our leading to hell, delete these damned melodious ringtones from
schedule should be in accordance to the betterment of Dawat-e- your mobiles."
Islami, not according to our own choice or facility. Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫ دامت َبرکاتہم َالعالیہ‬has stated in Madani
One secret behind the progress of Dawat-e-Islami is that our Muzakara number 15: "Free your mobile phones of musical
Shaykh has distributed time according to the schedule, and then tunes. Keep a simple ringtone which has no type of musical tune
having steadfastness on it, is a specialty of only his.
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [48/61] Monthly Division training Session

within it." Let’s make the intention that we will finish all musical in organizational rulings, however, it is not allowed to oppose in
tunes from our mobile phones. ‫انَشآءاہّٰللَعزوجل‬ Dawat-e-Islami, until Shari’ah does not make it necessary."
(Madani Muzakara 90)
﴾3﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! Whilst making individual efforts on new If our mind is not satisfied with any procedures or principles, we
Islamic sisters, attach them to the Madani environment. By should approach our Responsible Islamic Sister and present our
narrating them about the blessings of the Madani environment, opinions. This is called 'difference of opinion', and difference of
persuade them to make intentions to take part in Madani opinion is not forbidden. However, opposition i.e. saying others
activities. If anybody becomes ready, note down their names, that, Did you see what decision was made! They took
contact number and address etc. so they can be contacted if responsibility away from her and assigned it to so and so; I was
needed and individual efforts can be made continue on them. doing this job so well, but they changed my responsibility for no
"The more the Responsibles we will prepare the stronger will be reason etc. it is opposition and causes harm to the Madani
our roots." (20th August 2016, Madani Meeting of Shura) activities. Let’s make the intention that if we ever have a
﴾2﴿ Dear Islamic sisters! Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫ دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬has disagreement with a Responsible Islamic sister, we will rectify
said in Madani Muzakara 170: "Never raise your finger at the her according to the Madani In’am - we will rectify her in person
Responsibles of Dawat e Islami, never oppose them if you are or will let the concerned Responsible Islamic Sister know about
mine. If Shari’ah has made it Wajib for you, and if you see
the problem and will observe Qufl-e-Madinah of the tongue. َ ‫ان‬
anything wrong even in me, then take a breath later, first oppose
me. If Shari’ah does not make it Wajib for you, then never ‫شآءاہّٰللَعزوجل‬
oppose even a minor Muballigh of Dawat-e-Islami. If you adopt Sada Peer o Murshid rahein mujh se raazi
this Madani Pearl, then my Dawat-e-Islami will never be prone Kabhi bhi na hon ye khafa ya Ilahi
to breakage. Because no organization is ever damaged from Bana de mujhy aik dar ka bana de
people who are not members of it - the people belonging to it Main har dam rahun ba wafa ya Ilahi
cause the harm. Keep this Madani pearl safe, place it in the
Madani vase of your heart that "We will never cause any harm to
Dawat-e-Islami in any case, neither with our tongue, with pen,
nor with our character ‫" انَشآءاہّٰللَعزوجل‬.
﴾3﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! Listen to the saying of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-
Sunnat ‫دامتَبرکاتہمَالعالیہ‬: "It is possible to have a difference of opinion
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [49/61] Monthly Division training Session
َّ َ‫اَلْحم ُدَِہّٰلِلَر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِیْنَوالصَّ َل ٰوۃَُوالسَّ َل ُمَعلٰیَس ِّی ِدَال ُْم ْرسلِیْنَا َّماَب ْعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہّٰللَِ ِمن‬
‫الش ْی ٰط ِنَالرَّ ِج ْیمَطَ ِب ْس ِمَاہّٰللَِالرَّ ْح ٰم ِنَال َّرحِ ْیمَط‬ taught the Holy Quran, and acted upon whatever is in the Holy
Announcements for Quran; the Quran will intercede for him and take him into
Paradise.” (Excellence of Reciting the Holy Quran, Page 4)
Jamadi-ul-awwal Ata ho shoq Mawla madrasay mei anay jaany ka
Khudaya zoq de Qur’aan prhny ka prrhaany ka
﴾1﴿ Make arrangement of announcements according to the Dear Islamic Sisters! ‫ !سبحان اہلل عزوجل‬What a sweet blessed Hadith we
"Announcements to be made every Month”. have heard about teaching and learning the Holy Quran,
‫الحمدہّٰلل َعزوجل‬, one department of Dawat-e-Islami is Madrasa-tul-Madinah
﴾2﴿ The Responsible Islamic Sister of every level should neither
gather Islamic Sisters around herself nor let them. Rather, they (Adults) which is an important Madani activity amongst the eight
should be fed the love of Dawat-e-Islami and the love of the Madani activities.
Founder of Dawat-e-Islami, Hazrat Allama Maulana
Muhammad Ilyas Attar Quadiri Razawi Ziayee ‫دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬ Saying of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫دامتَبرکاتہمَالعالیہ‬: "Madrasa-tul-Madinah
and give them the mindset to stay attached with the Madani Baalighaan and Baalighaat (Adult) are the soul of Dawat-e-Islami"
environment of Dawat-e-Islami and to continue doing Madani (Madani Muzakara of 20th Muharram ul Haraam, Silsila 1157) ‫!الحمدہلل عزوجل‬
activities till death. The benefit of this is that after you leave Through this Madani activity, preacher Islamic sisters and
the area/ world, those Islamic Sisters will still continue to
Mu’allimaat are prepared, the members are increased and Madani
perform Madani activities because of the love of Dawat-e-
activities are enhanced. Those Islamic Sisters amongst you who
Islami and love of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat َ‫ َانَشآءاہّٰلل‬.‫دامتَبرکاتہمَالعالیہ‬ know how to recite the Holy Quran correctly should present
‫عزوجل‬ themselves to teach Madrasa-tul-Madinah (Adults), and those Islamic
Therefore! We should perform Madani activities of Dawat-e- Sisters who do not know how to recite with correct Tajweed make
Islami for the pleasure of ‫ اہلل عزوجل‬and His Beloved Rasool َ‫صلی َاہّٰلل‬ the intention to take admission in Madrasa-tul-Madinah. It is stated
on page 16 of the booklet Excellence of Reciting the Holy Quran,
‫تعالیَعلیہَوالہَوسلم‬. To perform Madani activities for gaining a status or
The leader of the Ahl-e-Sunnat, Sayyidi A'la Hazrat ‫ رحمۃَاہّٰللَتعالىَعلیه‬has
fame is against sincerity.
Mera har amal bus tere wasitey ho stated, “Without doubt, to learn that much Tajweed by which one is
Kar ikhlas aisa ata ya Ilahi able to correctly pronounce every letter and could save himself from
(Wasa’il-e-Bakhshish) mistakes in recitation is Farz-e-Ayn [compulsory for every individual].”
﴾3﴿ Itis narrated by Hazrat Sayyiduna Anas ‫ رضی َاہّٰلل َتعا ٰلی َعنہ‬that the (Fatawa Razawiyyah - referenced, vol. 6, pp. 343) Come! Let's make the intention

Beloved Rasool ‫ صلی َاہّٰلل َتعالی َعلیہ َوالہ َوسلم‬stated, “Whoever learnt and that if we do not know how to recite the Holy Quran, we will take
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [50/61] Monthly Division training Session

admission in Madrasa-tul-Madinah (Adults) and if we know how to َّ ‫اَلْحم ُدَِہّٰلِلَر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِیْنَوالصَّ َل ٰوۃَُوالسَّ َل ُمَعلٰیَس ِّی ِدَال ُْم ْرسلِیْنَا َّماَب ْعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہّٰللَِ ِمن‬
‫َالش ْی ٰط ِنَالرَّ ِج ْیمَطَ ِب ْس ِمَاہّٰللَِالرَّ ْح ٰم ِنَال َّرحِ ْیمَط‬

recite, we will begin to teach in Madrasa-tul-Madinah (Adults) Announcements for

﴾4﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! Listen to some important Madani Pearls:

‫ ٭‬If any blessed item is received from the Daughter of Attar, then it Jamadi-ul-aakhir
can be given to the mahrams of house by saying "It is a Tabarruk ﴾1﴿ Make arrangement of announcements according to the
from the home of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫ دامت َبرکاتہم َالعالیہ‬Do not say "Announcements to be made every Month".
﴾2﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! In case of dispute between two Islamic
that it is a tabarruk of Daughter of Attar.
Sisters, any one of them brings this problem, sometimes her
‫ ٭‬In Jamadiul Ula give persuasion that in the upcoming month, we way of speaking is so sorrowful that it seems whatever she is
will try to congregationally celebrate the day of Qufle Madina, saying is absolutely correct and there is no one more sorrowful
therefore, all Islamic sisters from every level and department and victimized than her. But in reality, purpose was to gaining
should be present and attendance should be 100%. your favor by mentioning fawls of other person. At such times,
if listener islamic sister shows astonishing expression, agrees
‫ ٭‬Other than giving invitation for attending the Weekly Sunnah with her by nodding head in yes, to decide her opinion about
inspiring congregations held under Dawat-e-Islami and the other person (such as: yes she is like this, to say in a surprised
participating in other Madani activities, do not invite to attend manner: "Did she say that?", I have received other complaints about her as
anywhere else. well etc.), this causes harm to Madani activities. It is a Madani
pearl of madani meeting of Shura and Kabinah of 2nd, 3rd
‫ ٭‬In case of travelling in a taxi, stay away from sitting on the seat March 2010: "Before listening to the opinion of both sides,
beside the driver, in the same way, do not sit on a motorbike etc. never make a decision neither tell your decision.".
with non-mehram members of the family such as brother in law A Responsible should be such that all of her subordinate
etc. even in severe compulsion. Responsible could get her protection as similarly as every child is
dear to the "mother". The child who is complaining is also dear,
َ ‫َصلیَاہّٰللَتعا ٰلیَعلیَمحمد‬ َ !َ‫صلوَعلیَالحبیب‬ and whose complain is mentioned, that child is dear even more
than life. A mother does not take the side of one son and speak
against the other. The decision of a mother will never be one sided!
The style of a Responsible should be in the same affectionate way
to her subordinates, therefore, whenever such cases arise, then with
patience, both sides should be sat separately and both sides should
be listened to, and during this, do not present your opinion in front
of them and neither inform them of your decision. Otherwise, there
is a chance of problems and tribulations, malice and enmity will be
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [51/61] Monthly Division training Session

created in the area. In the booklet published by Maktaba-tul- brings such words to the tongue that causes problems and
Madinah named "Faisla Karne ke Madani Phool", Shaykh e arguments in the area; for example, saying "When I was assigned
Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫ دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬has given Madani this responsibility, the work was completely damaged, the
Pearls regarding this from which a few are present. Responsible had become dormant and sat at home, the condition
1. Whoever is capable should make the decision. 2. Listen to the was so bad that there was even no one to deliver the speech in
opinion of each side with attention. 3. Do not rush in making the the congregation. There was no arrangement of Madani visits! I
decision. 4. Make the decision after pondering a lot. 5. Treat all came and saved everything, I gathered the responsible...I started
sides equally. 6. Do not validate right of any side. 7. Reconcile the Madani activity again from the start." So such words and
both of them. thinking should not be for the performance of the previous
Along with this, it will be beneficial to study the booklets of Responsible Islamic sisters. We should always have good
Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫ دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬named “Cure for Conflicts” opinions that she must have done Madani activity according to her
and Excellences of Forgiving and Tolerance and listening to the way and have tried at her level best. We should never criticize the
speech of Nigran-e-Shura named “Sulh ke Fazail”. performances of our previous Responsible Islamic sisters.
﴾3﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! ‫!الحمد ہلل عزوجل‬, in the Monthly division It is in the Madani Pearls of madani meeting of Shura and
madani session, there is arrangement of "Al-Madinah Library" Kabina of 2, 3rd March 2010: "The new Responsible should not
from which Responsible Islamic sisters would have been gaining speak against the performance of the previous Responsible, as
benefit. Listen to the Islamic Ruling regarding this: the Madani Activities for which we are struggling to bring
To start the Al-Madinah Library or to increase it, when you talk forward, the past Responsibles made the base for them."
to well-off Islamic Sisters, use these cautious words: The Madani Activities which we are working to increase, it's
Rulings: Clearly explain the Islamic sister from whom you are base and beginning, was done by our past responsible. And this
receiving money that from your money, books will be bought style of ours can lead us to many big sins such as self-praising,
and given to people to read. If needed, these would also be given pride, backbiting, slander, hurting feelings, exaggeration,
in someone’s ownership; these could also be placed in any other showing off and who knows how many other big sins we would
library... or say this “Give the money to Dawat-e-Islami. have done. Even if it is like we are saying, we should apply Qufl-
Responsible Islamic sisters of Dawat-e-Islami can use it to e-Madinah and continue with Madani Activities for the pleasure
distribute, to give to someone to read, to send to another city etc., of ‫اہلل عزوجل‬. Who knows whose attempts, whose sincerity, whose
whatever will be considered to be correct, will be acted upon. work is accepted in the court of ‫ !!اہلل عزوجل‬None of us knows,
You give permission for all alterations. (Darul Ifta Ahlesunnat) therefore, we should remain fearful of the hidden plan of ‫اہلل‬
‫ ٭‬With this permission, if any Islamic Sister wants to give after ‫عزوجل‬.
buying or already baught books she has, she can donate. Come! Let's make the intention that we will act according to it.
‫ان شآءاہلل عزوجل‬
﴾4﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! Sometimes, when a new Responsible is
assigned a new responsibility, then often the accursed satan َ ‫َصلیَاہّٰللَتعا ٰلیَعلیَمحمد‬ َ !َ‫صلوَعلیَالحبیب‬
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [52/61] Monthly Division training Session
َّ ‫اَلْحم ُدَِہّٰلِلَر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِیْنَوالصَّ َل ٰوۃَُوالسَّ َل ُمَعلٰیَس ِّی ِدَال ُْم ْرسلِیْنَا َّماَب ْعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہّٰللَِ ِمن‬
‫َالش ْی ٰط ِنَالرَّ ِج ْیمَطَ ِب ْس ِمَاہّٰللَِالرَّ ْح ٰم ِنَال َّرحِ ْیمَط‬ covers her body properly with Shawl, Chadar etc., and she is not
Announcements for unveiled to non-Mahrams, it is the Shar’i and genuine Pardah as
per commanded by Shari’ah . ‫٭‬Madani activities are not the
Rajab-ul-Murajjab name of merely following one or two or few things strictly,
﴾3﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! Shaykh-e-Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat rather our job is try to seek the pleasure of ‫اہّٰلل َعزوجل‬ by striving
‫ دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬says: ‫ ٭‬Like Islamic brothers, sometimes, Islamic contineously according to our capacity and ability.
sisters are also emotional and they presume wearing Madani (Madani Meeting of Shura. 6 to 9 August 2016)
Burqa’ to be the only Madani activity as it is regarded that
making someone wearing Burqa’ is as if equipped him with all
the sainthood stages. ‫٭‬New Islamic sisters should, initially, be
encouraged to offer Salah and when they become regular and
punctual in offering Salah then encourage them to do further
Madani activities which are usually easy to practice such as
obeying parents, and if they are married, they should be
encouraged to obey their husbands, thus, strive to make them
practicing of Shari’ah and Sunnah gradually. ‫٭‬Adopting wise
strategy and gentleness, encourage the new Islamic sisters to act
upon easy tasks, plus emphasize the importance of Shari’ah and
Sunnah because when they will be able to observe the
importance of Shari’ah and Sunnah, they will begin to observe
Pardah themselves. ‫٭‬Remember! Madani Burqa’ is not Fard and
Wajib, but Shar’I Pardah is Fard. If any sister wears Pardah
(veil) for showing off only and does not refrain from unvailing in
front of non-Mahrams and her body parts are visible despite
wearing Madani Burqa’ then it will not be called Shar’i Pardah;
on contrary, if any sister does not wear Madani Burqa’, but
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [53/61] Monthly Division training Session
َّ ‫اَلْحم ُدَِہّٰلِلَر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِیْنَوالصَّ َل ٰوۃَُوالسَّ َل ُمَعلٰیَس ِّی ِدَال ُْم ْرسلِیْنَا َّماَب ْعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہّٰللَِ ِمن‬
‫َالش ْی ٰط ِنَالرَّ ِج ْیمَطَ ِب ْس ِمَاہّٰللَِالرَّ ْح ٰم ِنَال َّرحِ ْیمَط‬ organizational downfall when she does not stay in contact with
Announcements for her Responsible and subordinates.
For accomplishing responsibilities in a good way along with
Shaban-ul-Muazzam being active in Madani activities, staying in contact is the basic
thing. So, stay in contact with the Responsibles and follow up, ‫ان‬
﴾1﴿ Make arrangement of announcements according to the ‫ شآءاہلل عزوجل‬it will be a cause of progress in Madani activities.
"Announcements to be made every Month". Following Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬, make your habit
﴾2﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! If any new Islamic Sister directly asks of replying immediately and gain the reward of pleasing others.
preacher Islamic Sister to attend Congregation for Zikr and Na'at It is said, "Pull the ropes, the tent will become resilient."
in their Halqa, in such case preacher Islamic Sister should It is harmful to assign a task to the Responsible and forget about
apologize and should not go. But she should note down that it. For making the system efficient, it is important to assign
Islamic Sister’s name, contact number and give it to relevant responsibility then make them able. The more the Responsible is
Responsible Islamic sister. This is because Responsible Islamic capable, the more she would be punctual of her schedule. To
Sister of Zeli Majlis arranges who has to go where for increase Madani activities, persuade, set targets and then keep
Congregation of Zikr and Na'at. So, wherever and whenever the follow up.
Responsible Islamic Sister of Zeli level Majlis sends preacher Whatever target you are assigned, take it as a challenge. You will
Islamic Sister for Congregation of Zikr and Na'at, we should say have to struggle hard for achieving it. Whoever tries, ‫اہلل عزوجل‬
‫ لبیک‬and attend Congregation for Zikr and Na'at. Let’s make the makes her accomplish it.
Come! Let's make the intention that for the progress and stability
intention that we will act according to it. If we follow this of our Madani movement, and to fulfill the requirements of our
method, ‫ ان شآءاہلل عزوجل‬we will see blessings and Madani benefits responsibilities, we will act according to it. ‫ان شآءاہلل عزوجل‬
of attending Congregation for Zikr and Na'at and Madani ﴾4﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! Whenever you leave the house for
activities will increase in our Area. ‫ان شآءاہلل عزوجل‬ Madani activities, always have these booklets in your bag (i) 40
﴾3﴿ Rapid communication is the reason of progress of the country Spiritual Cures (ii) Daughter Thrown Alive Into Well (iii) Ailing
and nation. If communication among us is quick, then madani Worshipper (iv) Sparrow and Blind Snake (v) Gharelu Ilaaj (vi)
Scorpion on Frog so that if any Islamic Sister narrates you about
work of departments and Dawat-e-Islami will progress ‫ان شآءاہلل‬
her illness or difficulties etc., then spiritual cures can be told by
‫عزوجل‬. To pending the progressive activities and lack of reading out from the abovementioned booklets. These should not
communication causes severe damage. The Responsible Islamic be told from one’s own assumption.
sister performing Madani activity faces failure or she faces !َ‫صلوَعلیَالحبیب‬ ‫صلیَاہّٰللَتعا ٰلیَعلیَمحمد‬
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [54/61] Monthly Division training Session
َّ ‫اَلْحم ُدَِہّٰلِلَر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِیْنَوالصَّ َل ٰوۃَُوالسَّ َل ُمَعلٰیَس ِّی ِدَال ُْم ْرسلِیْنَا َّماَب ْعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہّٰللَِ ِمن‬
‫َالش ْی ٰط ِنَالرَّ ِج ْیمَطَ ِب ْس ِمَاہّٰللَِالرَّ ْح ٰم ِنَال َّرحِ ْیمَط‬ according to it - all of these are part of our responsibility. Come, let's
Announcements for make the intention that we will act according to it. ‫انَشآءاہّٰللَعزوجل‬

﴾3﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! It is good to make good intentions for any
Madani Activity, but it is not enough to intend with the tongue
alone. Rather, success is to practically act upon it. Sometimes,
﴾1﴿ Make arrangement of announcements according to the
we make a lot of good intentions for good deeds, for example, I
"Announcements to be made every Month".
will submit my Report to my responsible on time, I will act upon
﴾2﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! we are bound to follow the principles laid
the Madani In’amaat etc. but to act upon these, we do not do
by Dawat-e-Islami. Every message, every Madani Pearl is a trust
anything practically... this is bad habit and can cause harm in life
given to us. It is our responsibility to send these Madani Pearls to
hereafter. Besides of showing intentions with our words, we
every level and to implement it accordingly.
should also reform our character.
It is said in the Madani Pearls of madnai meeting of Shura and
A Madani Pearl of madani meeting of Shura and Kabina on 2,3rd
Kabina: It is our organizational responsibility to provide
March 2010 that: "Work is not completed just by debating, it is
resources for completing Madani tasks given by the Nigran and
completed by practically doing it.”
to complete it according to principles laid by Madani markaz."
It is seen that the reply of SMS is not given by some Responsible What a blessed character is of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat َ ‫دامت َبرکاتہم‬

Islamic sister. It is clear that from this, the relevant responsible ‫ !العالیہ‬that whatever he intends to do, with the Mercy of ‫اہلل عزوجل‬,
will probably face difficulty. Remember! It is part of our
responsibility to reply to the SMS of our responsible Islamic sister he practically acts upon it. May ‫ اہّٰلل َعزوجل‬give us the passion to

on time, and if this is done with good intentions, it will be a way perform practically.
of gaining reward. To give reply to the messages received daily,
to forward them to subordinates, to ask about it and to act
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [55/61] Monthly Division training Session

Come! Let's make the intention that we will act according to it َ‫ان‬ that people will have hate for Dawat-e-Islami and damage will
be caused to that Madani activities. Come! Let's make the
intention that without permission of Shari’ah, we will not tell
﴾4﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! Shaykh-e-Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat others about faults of a Responsible Islamic Sister. instead, in a

‫ دامتَبرکاتہمَالعالیہ‬trained us regarding "Rectification according to the good manner, we will rectify by informing the relevant

responsible Islamic Sister through writing ‫ان شآءاہللزعولج‬

organizational procedure." In Madani Muzakara 90, he says:
"Whenever any organizational problem occurs, then firstly, َ ‫َصلیَاہّٰللَتعال ٰیَعلیَمحمد‬ َ !َ‫صلوَعلیَالحبیب‬
directly rectify to concerned responsible separately in polite
manner. If it is not resolved, then bring to Responsible Islamic
Sister of Halqa Majlis and then help should be gained from the
Responsible Islamic Sister of Area Majlis to solve the problem.
Without valid reason stipulated by sharia’h, to mention to even
only single irrelevant Islamic sister, is sinful and lead to hell. If
you disclose this to others and due to this countless backbiting,
slander and bad-suspicions caused, and if problems arise in
Madani Activities, then the punishment will be on your neck and
it's condemnation is mentioned in Qur’aan and Hadith. None of
us is free from mistakes, anyone can make a mistake, if you see
any Responsible Islamic Sister making a mistake, then rectify
her according to the organizational method, if we mention the
mistakes of Responsible amongst the public, then there is fear
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [56/61] Monthly Division training Session
َّ ‫اَلْحم ُدَِہّٰلِلَر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِیْنَوالصَّ َل ٰوۃَُوالسَّ َل ُمَعلٰیَس ِّی ِدَال ُْم ْرسلِیْنَا َّماَب ْعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہّٰللَِ ِمن‬
‫َالش ْی ٰط ِنَالرَّ ِج ْیمَطَ ِب ْس ِمَاہّٰللَِالرَّ ْح ٰم ِنَال َّرحِ ْیمَط‬ َّ ‫اَلْحم ُدَِہّٰلِلَر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِیْنَوالصَّ َل ٰوۃَُوالسَّ َل ُمَعلٰیَس ِّی ِدَال ُْم ْرسلِیْنَا َّماَب ْعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہّٰللَِ ِمن‬
‫َالش ْی ٰط ِنَالرَّ ِج ْیمَطَ ِب ْس ِمَاہّٰللَِالرَّ ْح ٰم ِنَال َّرحِ ْیمَط‬

Announcements for Announcements for

Shawwal-ul-Mukarram Zul Qa'da-til-Haram
﴾1﴿ Make arrangement of announcements according to the
"Announcements to be made every Month".
﴾1﴿ Make arrangement of announcements according to the ﴾2﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! Whenever a Congregation for Zikr and
"Announcements to be made every Month". Na'at is organised, apart from the muballigha, all other
﴾2﴿ Dear Islamic Sisters! Listen to the fragrant Madani Pearls of Responsible Islamic Sisters who are attending the congregation
Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫داتمرباکمہتااعلہیل‬:
of Zikr and Na'at should sit at the back, behind the attendees so
‫ ٭‬Along with performing Madani activities, make a habit of that they can easily make individual efforts at the end. Because
offering individual worship such as recitation of the Holy the output of the Congregation of Zikr and Na'at is the individual
Qur’an, offering Nafl Salah, Zikr and Azkaar, incantations given
efforts made on the attendees at the end. Therefore, as soon as
by your Sheikh as there are many blessings of them.
the Congregation for Zikr and Na'at finishes, the Responsible
‫ ٭‬Alas! Month of Ramazan has been finished. Try to keep fasts in
practice. As you performed recitation of Quran and other Islamic Sisters sat at the back should spread and make individual
incantations, make intention to keep them continue for whole efforts. Shaykh e Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬
year. Whenever possible and if there is no shar’i obstacle, then has explained the method of making individual efforts in Madani
keep Nafl fasts as well. Remember that Islamic Sisters cannot Muzakara number 28: "Companionably is the soul of individual
keep Nafl fasts without the permission of their children's father. efforts." Therefore, you also become affable. Present Salam first
‫ ٭‬Give the mindset to attend the Sunnah Inspired Congregations and shake hands with affection, present a gift, have a smile on
and to travel in Madani Qafilas along with devotees of the your face, pat them on back, console them if they are sad. If we
Rasool. You will only be successful in this purpose if your will do individual effort in such a friendly way, then it would
character is correct within the home and if your family members
have a great impact. Remember! “Hearts are not won with
are impressed by you. May ‫ اہلل عزوجل‬make all of our characters
clean and give us the privilege to perform Madani activities with swords but with good manners only”. Therefore, the more the
sincerity. (Madani Meeting of Shura and Kabina, 6 to 8 August 2016) Madani sweetness you brought to your tongue, the more
﴾3﴿Read out the pamphlet "Qufl-e-Madinah Day" if the next week is successful you will be. ‫ ِانْ شَآءاہلل عَزَّ َوجَل‬It was humbly asked in
expected to be the first Monday of the Madani month. the court of Beloved Rasool ‫صلَّی اہلل تعالیٰ علیہ واٰلہ وسلَّم‬, "Ya Rasoolallah ‫صلَّی‬
‫ !اہلل تعالیٰ علیہ واٰلہ وسلَّم‬Who is the most beloved of ‫ اہلل عزوجل‬among

people?" The reply was given, "Who have best manners".
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [57/61] Monthly Division training Session

To spread Call towards Righteousness, read about the character of If this method is followed, then she will become habitual of
the Beloved Rasool ‫صلَّی اہلل تعالیٰ علیہ واٰلہ وسلَّم‬, as although he was Da’im-ul- attending every Madani Meeting.
fikr (always concerned) he would smile. ‫ ٭‬Conduct the Madani Meeting with good prior preparation.
Jis ki taskeen se rotay huw0e hans parrain
‫ ٭‬At the start of the Madani Meeting, collect Madani Pearls from
Uss tabassum ki aadat pe laakhon salaam
the attendees, then arrange the rest of the Madani Meeting
So in the same way that our Beloved Aaqa ‫صلی اہلل تعالی علیہ والہ وسلم‬ according to it.
performed this work with his character and wisdom, we should also ‫ ٭‬Make appreciation in case of better individual and
follow it. For example: Being affable, consoling, courteous, smiling, Congregational reports and in case of weaknesses rectify in a
showing affection and love etc., then ‫ان شآءاہلل عزوجل‬, we will be polite manner. For the betterment of Madani activities, submit
successful. Come, let's make the intention that in the way that our the monthly Report to the responsible every month on time.
Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ‫ دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬has guided us regarding Never show laziness, frustration or tiredness for the Madani
individual efforts, we will make individual efforts according to it. activities assigned to you, instead keep trying every moment for
Akhlaaq hon ache, mera kirdar ho suthra the progress of Madani activities.
Mahboob ka sadqa Tu mujhe naik bana de َ ‫َصلیَاہّٰللَتعا ٰلیَعلیَمحمد‬ َ !َ‫صلوَعلیَالحبیب‬
﴾3﴿Allamah Raaghib ‫ ہیلع ارلہمح‬writes regarding the research of Surah
Shura (Part 25, Verse 38)
"To make a decision after exchanging thoughts and after debating
and discussion is called a Madani Meeting."
Madani activity increases in result of Madani Meetings and
solutions of problems arise. Madani Meetings are held for the
progress and stability of Madani activities of Dawat-e-Islami.
Therefore, all Responsible Islamic sisters should definitely attend
Madani Meetings.
‫ ٭‬To make sure your attendance in Madani Meetings, inform
earlier and whoever is usually not present, give special attention
and affection to them, if they are still not present, then get
information after the Madani Meeting that what was the reason?
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [58/61] Monthly Division training Session
َّ ‫اَلْحم ُدَِہّٰلِلَر ِّبَا ْل ٰعلمِیْنَوالصَّ َل ٰوۃَُوالسَّ َل ُمَعلٰیَس ِّی ِدَال ُْم ْرسلِیْنَا َّماَب ْعدَُفاعُ ْوذَُبِاہّٰللَِ ِمن‬
‫َالش ْی ٰط ِنَالرَّ ِج ْیمَطَ ِب ْس ِمَاہّٰللَِالرَّ ْح ٰم ِنَال َّرحِ ْیمَط‬ patience, tolerance and forgiveness upon anything which is contrary
to your nature, a Responsible should try to obtain reward.
Announcements for
‫ ٭‬Come! Let's make the intention that we will act according to it.
Zul-Hijja-til-Haram ‫ان شآءاہلل عزوجل‬

﴾1﴿ Make arrangement of announcements according to the Dear Islamic sisters!Being careless in fulfilling the requirements of
"Announcements to be made every Month". one’s responsibility or designation, could be harmful for the life
﴾2﴿ Dear Islamic sisters! Listen to the fragrant Madani pearls of
Shaykh-e-Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, the founder of In Madani pearls of Shura and Kabina 14th to 21st December, 2011 it
Dawat-e-Islami ‫دامت برکاتہم العالیہ‬. He says: is mentioned: Hazrat Sayyiduna Imaam Qurtubi ‫ رحمۃ اہلل تعالیٰ علیہ‬says,
If sub-ordinate Islamic sister does any work her own without "Whoever becomes respectable in his tribe or nation, if he is
consent of her Responsible Islamic sister, then Responsible Islamic careless about his designation, then it is suitable for him to be
sisters have common habit to become angry and ask annoyingly: severely punished, and he should be held accountable in such
“Who ask you to do that and that thing?” In such situation, instead matters in which others will not be held accountable." (Al Zawaajir, Vol 1,
Page 398)
of getting angry, Responsible Islamic sister should rectify her in a How much honor Madani environment of Dawat-e-Islami has given
graceful and gentle manner and explain the prescribed method of to us... Then after gaining a responsibility, people give respect to us,
Madani Markaz and Madani pearls. Some Islamic sisters mostly and consider us respectable, then if the person who has gained honor
the elderly ones are likely to become angry oftenly. Remember! among people, begins to become lazy and neglectful in his
Those Islamic brothers and Islamic sisters, get angry too much at designation, so on the Day of Judgment, he will gain punishment.
trivial matters, can never become successful in conducting Madani Alas! We are weak and vulnerable, neither capable of the test of the
activities as per its requirement. world nor the hereafter...then, such a person will be questioned
Some Preacher Islamic brothers or sisters are proficient in making about such things on the Day of judgment which other people will
individual efforts that they succeed in gathering large number of not be questioned about---!!
Islamic brothers and Islamic sisters around there, but due to being The severity of accountability will be according to designation. As
angry over a little anomaly, they spoil the whole show and thus the designation so the accountability!!!
Islamic brothers and Islamic sisters get away from him or her by Be sbab bakhsh na pooch amal Naam Ghaffar hai tera Ya Rab ‫عزوجل‬
losing trust. The similitude of it is of that person who serves his May ‫ اہلل عزوجل‬give us ability to perform Madani activities sincerely
guest with an excellent food and upon any little thing opposing the by completing our responsibilities according to their requirements.
host; he throws the same plate of food at the guest. By keeping ‫َعلیَمحمد‬
ٰ ‫صلوَعلیَالحبیب! َ َ َصلیَاہّٰللَتعالی‬
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [60/61] Monthly Division training Session
ْ ٰ ‫ْ ٰہ ٰ ْ ہ‬ ْ ٰ ‫ٰ ْہ‬ ‫ٰ ْ ُ ْ ْ ٰ ْ ُ ُ ْ ُ ٰہ‬ ‫ٰ ہ ُ ٰ ُ ہ‬ ْ ‫ْ ُ ٰہ ٰ ْ ہ‬
‫الر ّحیم ط‬ ‫الِل الرحم ّن‬
ّ ‫الِل ّمن الشیط ّن الر ّجیم ط ّبس ّم‬
ّ ‫لِل ر ّب العل ّمین والص َلوۃ والسَلم علی س ّی ّد المرس ّلین اما بعد فاعوذ ّب‬
ّ ّ ‫اَلحمد‬ S. No Topics
"List for Obligatory Knowledge Course Part 4: Ziya-e-Shari’at
To be done by islamic sister who make “Announcements”
1 Rulings of Zakaat
S.No. Topics
2 Method of Hajj and Umrah
Part 1: Kanz ul Aqaid 3 Rulings of Inheritance and Will
1 Beliefs about ‫ٰالِل عزوجل‬ 4 Rulings of Fasting
Beliefs about Prophets ‫الـسـَلم‬ ٰ ‫علیھم‬ 5 Bathing of Deceased, Shroud and Burial
6 Important Rulings regarding Waqf
Beliefs about the rewards and punishments of Grave and
3 7 Rulings of Donations
4 Beliefs about Angels, Jinns and the Day of Judgement. Part 5: Ziya-e-Shariat, Causes of Destruction and its Solutions
5 Beliefs about Revealed Books and Destiny
6 Bid'at and it's types, Ilm-e-Ghayb of Mustafa ‫والہ وسلم‬ٖ ‫صلی الِل تعالی علیہ‬ 1 Intentions for Religious Knowledge and it's Importance
Beliefs that Muslims have about the Beloved Rasool ‫صلی الِل تعالی‬ 2 Vow, oath and it's atonement
7 ‫والہ وسلم‬
ٖ ‫علیہ‬ 3 Lying, Toriya and Breaking promise
Beliefs about Blessed Companions of prophet and Friends of 4 Backbiting, slander, Jealousy
8 Allah ‫عزوجل‬ 5 Showing Off
Part 2: Laws of Salah 6 Deadly Sins and Cures
1 Tayammum, Azan, Rulings of Azaan 7 Pride
2 Conditions and obligatory acts of Salah Part 6: Rulings of Relationships
3 Makruhaat, Mufsidaat of Salah
4 Travellers Salah and Missed Salah 1 Nikah and Related Rulings
5 Laws of Salah 2 Divorce
6 Wudu and Ghusl 3 Eela, Zihaar, Expenses and Iddat
Part 3: Laws of Salah 4 Rulings of Veil
1 Speech about Timings of Salah 5 Aqeeqa, Conveying Reward
2 Calling Towards Righteousness and Stopping from Evil 6 Beliefs regarding Faith and Disbelief
Year (Madani) 1441 Hijri (Eesvi) 2019 [61/61] Monthly Division training Session

‫َّٰم ِ الرَّ ٰ ِْیب‬ َّ َ ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ِہّٰلِل َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِی ْ َن َوالصَّ لٰو ُۃ َوالسَّ ََل ُم َعلٰی َس ِّی ِد ال ُْم ْر َسلِی ْ َن اَ َّمابَ ْع ُد َفاَ عُوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم‬
ٰ ‫الَ ْی ٰن ِ الرَّ ِی ْیب بِ ْس ِب اہّٰللِ الر‬ 3 Are only books, booklets, cassettes and VCDs published by
Maktaba tul Madinah kept in your Al Madinah Library?
Report form for Al Madinah Library * Have you prepared a full list of books, booklets, cassettes and
﴾ Monthly division madani Session﴿ VCDs which are kept in the Al- Madinah Library in the Al-
Area: ______________Division: ___________ Madinah Library register? So that details of all the literature
would be in knowledge?
S. If it was acted upon, place
No. Madani Work a and if it wasn't * Was the new literature published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah
acted upon place a * added to the list?
1 Did you reach the place for the monthly division madani 4 The Responsible Islamic Sisters who issued book, booklets,
session 26 minutes before starting time and open the Al VCDs, if they were unable to give the books back within the
Madinah Library? given duration, were they contacted and rectified to give back
* Did you review the Al Madinah Library and place the on time? (Ameer-e-Ahlesunnat ‫ داتم رباکمہت ااعلہیل‬has said in Madani Muzakara number
books, booklets, cassettes etc in the correct order? 695: "Whoever is assigned the responsibility of library is responsible for the safety of
* Did you note the names of the books, booklets, cassettes, the books. If because of his negligence a book is wasted, then he will need to pay
compensation and will need to repent as well. Usually, the names, phone numbers,
VCDs that were not present, in the Al Madinah Library dates are noted in the library. If the book is not received on the fixed date, then the
Register so they can be followed up? responsible of the library should contact and get the book back.”)
2 Did you make a chart of who has given or taken books, 5 To strengthen the Al-Madinah Library in your monthly
booklets, cassettes VCDs according to the "Information division madani Session, did you try to make the mindset of
about Entry of Books and Booklets"? Take a look at Islamic Sisters in a polite way that by spending their wealth
specimen of the "Information about Entry of Books and in the way of Allah ‫ ّزعولج‬and to earn continuous reward, place
Booklets": books, booklets, Madani Muzakaras, in the Al Madinah Library
* Were the books, booklets, handed out according to the according to their ability with these words “I am giving this
decided duration? amount to buy book or books with complete authority. In case
Duration of Days: thick books – one month of loss of book, compensation is not required. If library would
ْ َٰ ‫َ ْ َ ْ ُ ٰہ َ ٰ ْ ہ َ ْ َ َ َٰ ہ ُ َ َٰ َ ُ َ ہ َ ٰ ْ ُ ْ َ ْ َ َ َٰ َ ْ ُ َ َ ُ ُ ٰہ َ َٰ ْ ہ َٰ ْ ْ ٰہ َٰ ہ‬
‫الر ّحیم‬ ‫الِل الرحم ّن‬
ّ ‫الِل ّمن الشیط ّن الر ّجیم ّبس ّم‬
ّ ‫لِل ر ّب العل ّمین والصلوۃوالسَلم علی س ّی ّد المرس ّلین امابعد فا عوذ ّب‬
ّ ّ ‫الحمد‬ become close then book could be given to anybody as needed
“Information about the Entry of Books and Booklets" and could also be dispose off if condition of books are not
Month/Year (Madani) __________(Solar) ___________ usable.
S. Name of Name and Name of Contact Number and Date of Date of Sign. 6 Did you submit this Report form to the head Islamic Sister of
No. Book or organizational Halqa and Full Address Giving Book Receiving Book Division level at the end?
Booklet Responsibility Zeli Halqa or Booklet or Booklet 7 Any problems?
8 Any Madani suggestion for betterment?

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