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**Business Plan: Port Loko District DJ's Competition**

**1. Executive Summary:**

The Port Loko District DJ's Competition, organized by the Entertainment Department of Aljaziks Hotel
& Resort, is a groundbreaking event aiming to showcase and elevate the DJ profession within the Port
Loko District of Sierra Leone. With carefully selected DJs from cities, towns, and villages competing,
the competition not only offers a platform for talent but also addresses societal issues. The event will
be entertaining and educational, promoting show business and entertainment in the District.

**2. Aims and Objectives:**

- **Promote DJing as a Tool Against Depression:** The competition seeks to highlight the therapeutic
and mood-enhancing effects of music, emphasizing the role of DJs in providing joy and combating
depression through their craft.

- **Educate on the Acceptance of DJing as a Profession:** By showcasing the skill and artistry
involved in DJing, the competition aims to educate the public on why DJing should be recognized as a
legitimate and respected profession within society.

- **Promote Show Business and Entertainment:** The event intends to stimulate the entertainment
industry in the Port Loko District, fostering a vibrant cultural scene and attracting attention to the
region's talents.

**3. Ticket Sales and Competition Format:**

- Contestants will be responsible for selling entry tickets in their respective areas.
- A voting chart, starting upon the event launch until 24 hours before the competition, will contribute
50% to the final decision.
- The remaining 50% will be based on judges' decisions, evaluating contestants' performances.

**4. Prize Package:**

- The winner receives a scholarship for professional DJ courses at D.J. Mose Academy, including start-
up tools (computer, software, and DJ player).
- A 12-month internship at Aljaziks Hotel & Resort for practical experience.

**5. DJ Mose Academy Partnership:**

DJ Mose Academy, located at Murry Town Barracks, is a premier institution for DJ education. The
academy partners with Aljaziks due to shared goals in promoting and nurturing DJ talent. DJ Mose,
the academy owner, recognizes the potential in the Port Loko District and aims to contribute to its
cultural development.

**6. Judges:**

- **Music Producer:** A seasoned producer brings expertise in music creation, ensuring contestants'
technical skills and creativity are evaluated.

- **Musician:** An accomplished musician adds a musical perspective to the judging panel, focusing
on the DJs' ability to connect with diverse audiences.

- **Experienced DJ:** A respected local DJ within the district or country provides insights into the
practical aspects of DJing and the ability to entertain a live audience.

**7. Event Entertainment:**

The competition will be a dynamic and visually appealing show featuring live performances, light
displays, and interactive elements, creating an unforgettable experience for attendees.

**8. Venue and Date:**

- **Venue:** Aljaziks Hotel & Resort Poolside Arena, Port Loko District, Sierra Leone.
- **Date:** April 26, 2024 (Eve of Sierra Leonean Independence Day).

The Port Loko District DJ's Competition promises to be an electrifying event, contributing to the
cultural enrichment and entertainment promotion within the region.

**Business Plan: Port Loko District DJ's Competition**

**1. Executive Summary:**

The Port Loko District DJ's Competition, organized by the Entertainments Department of Aljaziks Hotel
& Resort, is a transformative event aimed at promoting the art of DJing, fostering mental well-being,
and elevating entertainment within the Port Loko District of Sierra Leone. The competition will engage
DJs from various locations within the district, emphasizing their role in combating depression,
advocating for the recognition of DJing as a profession, and boosting the local entertainment scene.

**2. Aims and Objectives:**

- **Promote DJing as a Therapeutic Instrument:** DJing, with its rhythm and beats, has the power to
uplift spirits and provide a positive outlet for emotions. The competition aims to highlight how music,
curated by skilled DJs, can play a vital role in alleviating depression and promoting mental well-being.

- **Educate on the Acceptance of DJing as a Profession:** The event seeks to educate the public
about the technical skill, creativity, and cultural significance involved in DJing. DJing should be
acknowledged as a respected profession contributing to the cultural fabric of society.

- **Promote Show Business and Entertainments:** By bringing together DJs from diverse areas within
the Port Loko District, the competition aims to showcase the richness of local talent, promoting the
entertainment industry and fostering a sense of community.

**3. Ticket Sales and Competition Format:**

- Contestants will drive ticket sales in their respective regions.

- A unique blend of sales and online voting will contribute to determining the winner.
- 50% weight will be given to ticket sales and online votes, while the other 50% will be decided by a
panel of expert judges evaluating the contestants' performances.

**4. Prize Package:**

- The winner receives a scholarship for a professional DJ course at DJ Mose Academy in Murry Town
- Upon completion of the course, the winner will be equipped with essential tools, including a
computer, software, and a DJ player.
- The winning DJ secures a 12-month internship at Aljaziks Hotel & Resort, gaining hands-on
experience in a professional entertainment environment.

**5. Introduction of DJ Mose Academy:**

DJ Mose Academy, situated at Murry Town Barracks, is a renowned institution dedicated to imparting
comprehensive DJing skills. The academy, founded by DJ Mose, recognizes the potential in fostering
local talent and has partnered with Aljaziks to contribute to this transformative event.

**6. Judges:**

- **Music Producer:** A seasoned producer with a keen understanding of music production,

providing valuable insights into technical proficiency and artistic creativity.

- **Musician:** An accomplished musician with a broad musical perspective, assessing DJs on their
ability to connect with diverse audiences and showcase versatility.

- **Seasoned DJ:** A well-respected local or national DJ brings practical experience and an

understanding of the local scene, evaluating contestants based on their performance and
entertainment value.

**7. Event Entertainment:**

The competition promises to be an electrifying spectacle with a dynamic blend of music, visual effects,
and engaging audience interactions, creating an unforgettable experience for attendees.

**8. Venue and Date:**

- **Venue:** Pool Side arena of Aljaziks Hotel & Resort, Port Loko District, Sierra Leone.
- **Date:** April 26, 2024 (Night of Sierra Leonean Independence Day Eve).

The Port Loko District DJ's Competition endeavors to inspire, entertain, and promote positive change
within the community, making it a cultural and entertainment highlight in the region.

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