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ARJ. Hasan
1. Explore the different types of computer viruses, their characteristics, and the potential
impact on individuals and organizations And discuss the methods to prevent and mitigate
virus infections.
Computer viruses come in various forms, each with distinct characteristics and potential impacts
on individuals and organizations. Some common types include file infector viruses, macro
viruses, and polymorphic viruses. They can compromise data integrity, disrupt system
functionality, and even lead to financial losses.
To prevent and mitigate virus infections, organizations and individuals can employ robust
antivirus software, regularly update their systems, and educate users about safe computing
practices. Implementing firewalls, conducting regular system scans, and avoiding suspicious
email attachments are additional preventive measures.
Types of Computer Viruses
Worms: Self-replicating programs that spread across networks.
Trojans: Malicious software disguised as legitimate programs.
Ransomware: Encrypts files and demands payment for decryption.
Stealthiness, destructive payloads, and ability to spread rapidly.
Prevention and Mitigation
Regular system updates and patching.
User education on safe online practices.
Behavior-based antivirus software.
2. Differentiate between various internet crimes, such as identity theft, cyberbullying,
and online fraud And discuss the motivations behind these crimes, the impact on victims,
and strategies for prevention and awareness.

Various internet crimes, including identity theft, cyberbullying, and online fraud, differ in nature
and impact. Identity theft involves stealing personal information for malicious purposes,
cyberbullying is the use of digital platforms to harass individuals, and online fraud encompasses
deceptive practices for financial gain.

Motivations behind these crimes range from financial gain to personal vendettas. The impact on
victims is substantial, leading to emotional distress, financial losses, and reputational damage.
Prevention and awareness strategies involve educating users on online safety, implementing
strong authentication measures, and promoting responsible digital behavior.

Identity Theft: Financial gain, impersonation, or illegal activities.

Cyberbullying: Personal vendettas, power dynamics, or revenge.

Online Fraud: Financial scams, phishing, or deceptive schemes.

Impact on Victims
Emotional distress, financial losses, and reputational damage.

Prevention and Awareness

Multi-factor authentication and secure online practices.
Educational campaigns on recognizing and reporting cybercrimes.
3. Discuss an ethical dilemma associated with the collection and use of personal data in
online services And explore the implications for individuals and society and propose
strategies to address such ethical concerns.
One ethical dilemma in the collection and use of personal data in online services revolves around
the balance between user privacy and service customization. While collecting personal data
enables tailored user experiences, it raises concerns about consent, transparency, and potential
This dilemma has profound implications for individuals and society, including the erosion of
privacy, the risk of data breaches, and the emergence of surveillance capitalism. To address these
concerns, strategies should prioritize clear privacy policies, user consent frameworks, and robust
data protection laws. Implementing privacy by design principles and fostering public awareness
are crucial steps toward ethical data practices.
Ethical Dilemma
Balancing personalization benefits with privacy concerns.

Erosion of privacy, surveillance concerns, and potential discrimination.

Strategies to Address Concerns

Clear and transparent privacy policies.
Privacy by design principles in system development.
Advocacy for strong data protection regulations.

Smith, R (2007) Understanding Computer Viruses: What They Can Do, Why People Write
Them and How to Defend Against Them.

Finklea, K. M (2014) Cybercrime: Conceptual Issues for Congress and U.S. Law Enforcement.
Congressional Research Service.

Floridi, L (2014) The Fourth Revolution: How the Infosphere is Reshaping Human Reality.
Oxford University Press.

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