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1. Write the meanings each of the following. (4)

(a) safe – __________ (b) fluttering – __________

(c) naughty – __________ (d) asleep–__________

2. Frame sentences using the following words. (4)

(a) fed – __________ (b) beak –__________

(c) friends – __________ (d) village – __________

3. Write T for true and F for false for the following statements. (4)

(a) Caesar was a naughty crow.

(b) A lot of animals lived in the zoo.

(c) Two snakes came and carried Mowgli away.

(d) Mowgli was sad in the jungle.

4. Who said the following words ? (3)

(a) “Do not worry friends ! I’ ve got a good idea. Hide !”

(b) “Oh! He is hurt and hungry!”

(c) “But he got very angry.”

5. Unjumble the letters to form meaningful words. (5)

(a) KABE – _____

(b) OADR – ______

(c) PEILCN – _____

(d) COWR – ______

(e) WDINWO – _____

6. Tick (√) the correct answers. (5)

(a) What was Caesar especially fond of?

(i) Toothbrushes (ii) Pens

(b) The narrator’s grandfather fed Caesar_____ from a dropper.

(i) water (ii) milk

(c) ____ was the name of the baby.

(i) Mowgli (ii) Baloo

(d) Mowgli learned how to _____ a tree.

(i) climb (ii) step

(e) He would empty a _____ .

(i) matchbox (ii) garden

7. (a) Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (4)

( free, gloom, grass, sky, fun )

(i) The flowers bloom, And lift up all _________.

(ii) We play under a tree, Happy and _________.

(iii) Beautiful birds fly. In the ________________.

(iv) Under the Sun, have great __________ .

(b) Match the following with the sounds they made.

(i) tigers – chatter

(ii) birds – hiss

(iii) snakes – chirp

(iv) monkeys – roar

8. Circle the correct words. (5)

(a) Mowgli learned how to. (climb/step) a tree.

(b) I am ( joy/happy) to see you!

(c) The narrator’s grandfather opened his beak with a (pencil/stick).

(d) The bear’s name was (Shere Khan/Baloo).

(e) “He is such a (naughty/kind) fellow! ” said grandmother.

9. Write special names for these nouns. (5)

(a) day – ______

(b) river – ______

(c) festival – ______

(d) school – ______

(e) girl –______

10. (a) Add s or es to make words more. (5)

(i) glass – (ii) cat – (iii) brush – (iv) table – (v) fox _

(b) Write the feminine genders of these nouns. (6)

(i) prince – (ii) husband – (iii) peacock – (iv) lion –

(v) father – (vi) boy

11. Add ing to these words. (4)

(a) sip – (b) give – (c) sleep – (d) clap –

12. Fill in the blanks with has/have. (4)

(a) A tree ____ many branches.

(b) I _____ a new bicycle.

(c) Roses ____ a sweet smell.

(d) This park ____ many swings.

13. Write the yesterday words. (4)

(a) swim–

(b) sing–

(c) visit–

(d) touch–

14. Fill in the blanks with a / an / the. (4)

(a) ___ Earth goes round ____ Sun.

(b) Simon is ___ pilot.

(c) Meera flies ____ aeroplane.

(d) I want to eat ____ orange.

15. Match the following. (3)

(a) I mend shoes. I am a –- stable

(b) I grow crops. I am a –- gardener

(c) Birds live in a –- cobbler

(d) Horses live in a –- nest

(e) Ducks live in a –- pond

(f) I look after plants. I am a –- farmer

16. Answer the following questions. (4)

(a) Why did the narrator’s grandfather feed the crow?

(b) Why was Caesar angry?
(c) What are the eatables that the poet mentions in the poem “Food so Precious”
(d) Why did the grandmother say that Caesar should be in a cage?
17. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. (5)

My friends and I went to the park. The park had a lake. We saw a little orange fish. It had gotten out of
the water. My friends and I helped put the fish back in the water.
(a) Answer the following questions.
(i) Where did the friends go?_____
(ii) What colour was the fish? _____
(b) Fill in the blanks.

(i) My friends and I went to the _____

(ii) The park had a _____.

(iii) My friend and I put the fish back into the______.

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