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I flililil ltfil il flilt tilil ilil rfl NP - 167

I Semester B.A. Examination, March/April2A23
(F+ R)(N E Pl eA21 -22 and Onwards)
DSC 2 : Changing Social lnstitutions in lndia

Time :2Yz Hours Max. Marks: 60

lnstructions : i) Read instructions carefully.

ii) A,l Parts are eompulsory.
iii) Answers should be written completely either in Kannada
or in English.

zpail-a 9-\ \J
l. Answer any five of the following questions in 20 words each. (2x5=10)
* *+n; rh{;r;;-r ecd) r,qn+n
=.dvq e.iDsoi,,.

1) What is Joint Family ?

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2) What is Gender stratification ?

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nU:J.$n c.JOOOII&
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3) Define Marriage.
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w:Jgcr)UJ rJu- d*r. avf-^U9.
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4') What do you mean by decrease in the number of children ?

i:si"3$9d dJ&g ic6osii: ?

5) Define Education.
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cll, C^Je"dJ^ a!'f U9.
a.. J .)

6) What is Technology ?
gc935:i *caoeC.) ?

Np - 167 lllllllllllllllllillllilililllllll

ll. Answer any four of the following in 80 words each. (4x5=20)
g{ iigr\- slEd.Ddo'
-*oq5_.n9ri 80 i6dqo_g"Jsbir.
7) Give reasons for the decrease in the size of the family.
d\r )\^o./
eJe.,\Jvw(, nJ rr{r
r lu{r, uv(
5 r\-<,dd E?uC?ilgit l. lGO.
Y;*W t o.

8) Write a note on household.

de uri *rsd udc;0.
9) What is care giving ? What are its two types ?
icqBetme ra$d aoade.t ? edd cdd: iraidfrqDdd ?

10) Mention the imporlant rituals of Hindu Marriage.

I a*r ' :! o rfjarFt.:Jr{ -? {rra1. ?n-ii:r-<\ q.n:
UUvr-J_s i^Jiuc.r(I) c!\,I Ue-(^,uitrJ Cv1 CJ!+J -vU.^JcLrI l:/a,\-l.r g\/.v.

1 1) Explain the cultural diversity of lndia.

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12) Explain the meaning of Political System.

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a-I\ ;J;JQ?€ ivi0i.

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lll. Answer any 3 of the following questions in 200 words each. (3x10=30)
d#nd CxdeadCa dlro& €,d{iled 200 idddO*ercdotu.

13) What is the meaning of care giving of the elderly ? What steps should be
taken in that regard ?
d,Cd;:o€pedm 6e$c .rcCded: ? s e;d dddd,t$ejeacd d,#.:frsrd;t -,

14) What is child rnarriage ? Explain the reasons for child marriage.
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GJU!)-. Q^l*)uq) },vLJ\Ja3J\i a7(/J\J a,drid+d) tae&l.Jo.
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15) 'Unity in Diversity' -- ls the important feature of lndian Culture. Explain.

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wu./q)9rvUrc^i0g ^6.--r ".DdgscJ.:
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{:ir_q_, . e;dsasRC. ifiO:,.
16) Explain the concept of Gender stratification.
C:ilga-ir J A
n .t ,5b:J.

17) What is Social Welfare ? Explain the functions of Social Welfare.

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? IdEx dc;f.r3- to.riq:'J idoi,.

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